18 Acres of TENNESSEE Land for Sale with Power • LANDIO

  Рет қаралды 4,575



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Пікірлер: 16
@MrRebar15 2 күн бұрын
*LANDIO* Beautiful pieces of property, thank-you sir for taking the time to show us around. GOD Bless.
@LANDIO 2 күн бұрын
@MrRebar15 You are welcome. We sincerely appreciate your support! God Bless, 🚀 🤠
@LoftisforTreasurer Күн бұрын
Beautiful...a great place to raise a family OR retire. And TN is a tax friendly state!
@LANDIO Күн бұрын
@mountainman4987 AMEN! We sincerely appreciate your continued support Curtis. God Bless, 🚀 🤠
@Erin-Thor 2 күн бұрын
Beautiful! Not sure about the price for me though. But why am I getting a sense of déjà vu? 😊
@LANDIO 2 күн бұрын
@Erin-Thor Good to connect with you again. Nearly 30 Lots in FREEDOM RIDGE have already Sold, that may be where the sense of déjà vu is originating from. Thank You & God Bless, 🚀 🤠
@mountainman4987 Күн бұрын
This world is entirely made for the rich!
@LANDIO Күн бұрын
@mountainman4987 Thank You for Watching & Leaving a Comment. God Bless, 🚀 🤠
@peteaulit 2 күн бұрын
So you’re paying $16k an acre and still have to build a place to live and drive 30-90mn to have access to anything modern life has to offer and if you’re lucky, you’ll make 10% on the sale years down the road… 😒
@LANDIO 2 күн бұрын
@peteaulit Thank You for Watching & Leaving a Comment. God Bless, 🚀 🤠
@LoftisforTreasurer Күн бұрын
Not correct.
@peteaulit Күн бұрын
@ I just love people blurring out stuff with no other words than what sounds like a burp or a hiccup or a spasm of the vocal cords (or fingers in this case) with no other mental ability than the one of making a noise or writing a single word. 🦧
@LoftisforTreasurer 18 сағат бұрын
@@peteaulit There is no wisdom in attempting to persuade a person that his opinion is not expertise and his negativity is not desired. So I simply stated what was obvious to all people of good will...your comment was "not correct." I stand by my brief, but apt comment.
@peteaulit 15 сағат бұрын
@ merry Christmas
@LANDIO 2 күн бұрын
18.3 Acres of Land for Sale in TENNESSEE with Road Access, Mature Trees, Power, High-Speed Fiber Optic Internet & Successful Perc Test. View Details at: FreedomRidge.com This LAND is UnRestricted with NO HOA or COVENANTS Hunt, Camp, Build a Home or Live in an RV as Long as You Like. 30 minutes from Clarksville, TN (population 180,000+) Only 1.5 Hours from Downtown Nashville Tennessee | 18.3 Acres | $289,991 For Questions or To Purchase these Properties, Please Call or Text the FREEDOM RIDGE Team Anytime at: 615-375-0245 You may also contact them by email at: hello@freedomridge.com Please Reference: FREEDOM RIDGE Lots 21, 22 & 23. View Property Images, Maps & Details at the links below. FREEDOM RIDGE Lot 21 www.freedomridge.com/lot-details/tn-stewart-00021 FREEDOM RIDGE Lot 22 www.freedomridge.com/lot-details/tn-stewart-00022 FREEDOM RIDGE Lot 23 www.freedomridge.com/lot-details/tn-stewart-00023 🚀 VIEW BROCHURE: drive.google.com/file/d/1HwLKaDTVy4A1Bh3aDgSwzjDFqXtTBPrl/view?usp=sharing 🤠 SCHEDULE TOUR: tourfreedomridge.rsvpify.com/ Call or Text LANDIO anytime at 866-8-LANDIO (866-852-6346) Property to Sell, Visit: SELLwithLANDIO.com Feature Your Property on LANDIO, Visit: LANDIO.com/feature 🔥 Please Subscribe 👉 kzbin.info
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