SSC is a body under art12. It appointed an evaluation body. The very appointment of that body is in question, and their own admission says that , the very appointed body had appointed another body in evaluating process without the approval of SSC . From SSC 's own admission being unware of such fact proves this that there was a breach of confidentiality of examination process. Even if the appointment was correct, the activities of evaluating body had vitiated the entire process.And at the same time SSC had failed to supervise the entire process , which was their primary duty under the circumstance that entire scanning activities were done at the office of SSC . So under the nose of SSC every thing had happened, and SSC was unaware . Leaving all aspects tainted non tainted issue whether these aspects itself has vitiated the entire examination or not is the prime question . In NIIT case there was a leak in one or two exam center . But here everything happened to start at SSC office itself. Did NYSA dispute that they did not engage Data Scantech for the purpose for which they were engaged by SSC ? Answer is No . Therefore , this fact itself is violation of examination confidentiality or not is the first question, if the answer is affirmative , then what is the inference will be told by court . Question of matching ,non matching is next issue . Ex. Suppose board had engaged to print qustion paper to an agency , that agency further engaged another agency without the approval of board ,then can it be said confidentiality maintained lawfully? Simple No. Like this , in case of answer script too. Who knows an unauthorised did what in the process? Board had no knowledge, means no supervisory control over evaluation process under their very nose.
@D.P.19 күн бұрын
Where's chanda chor?😂😂😂😂😂
@Thisisworld8689918 күн бұрын
Is this how you address the Ex-Chief Justice of India, really pathetic. Atleast respect the dignity of the Office of the Chief Justice of India