I worked at a local golf course through out my high school years and the manager hired her dad to help out he was in his mid 70s and a very wise and cool human being his name was Howard and he took me under his wing and taught me a lot about everything he was a blessing in my life and he had that exact car only his was a really cool blue I forget what it was called but it was a beautiful car and he hired me to keep it shiny and clean and my last year working there he threw me the keys and said enjoy it for the weekend just remember how much I love it that was the coolest car weekend I ever had I took it back just as shiny and clean as I got it and he would let me take it out for him and make sure it was always cleaned out and he just couldn’t figure out why he had to buy a set of new tires at the end of that summer I just couldn’t explain it with anything but a smile and we went and got them together it’s amazing how a car can create an everlasting friendship and bond that lasts forever thanks for the memories