198/ Resin Dress-Up : Transforming Teddy Into A Lamp

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Epoxy M3 That

Epoxy M3 That

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@VickieB3030 Ай бұрын
She IS a princess! The dress doesn’t look too thin on camera; however, you see things we don’t see. Being a bit transparent means the light shines through nicely. Hope your weekend is going well!
@jeaniebee3657 Ай бұрын
i agree with this comment.
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@VickieB3030 Thanks so much vickie!! I think I will stick with it because the transparent look suits her 😄🥰
@evemomof3 Ай бұрын
Dangle ear rings would be perfect! She’s a beauty!❤
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@evemomof3 thanks for sharing 🥰
@Ali-H3444 Ай бұрын
I think the green dress is precious 😊
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@Ali-H3444 thanks Ali 😊
@Sandi-om2tm Ай бұрын
I like the dress no earrings. She's cute as is
@lynnmorris8578 Ай бұрын
100% make them earrings, she is so adorable. I love how you create, it's refreshing.
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@lynnmorris8578 Thank you lynn 😊 I appreciate it so much my friend 🧡
@cherylburkitt9722 Ай бұрын
Awww.. she's a beautiful princess... ❤😊
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@cherylburkitt9722 thanks cheryl 🥰😍
@robinfachini591 Ай бұрын
Tammy ... No matter what you do it's gonna look awesome you always do a real good job and Vir as the daily earrings I think that would be cool great job girl I love watching you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@lynbit Ай бұрын
I’ll always vote for earrings. Ha! I don’t think you need to redo the dress. What a neat idea on using the plate to start the dress. I can promise you I would never have thought of that no matter how hard I tried.
@KustomKre8ted4UByU Ай бұрын
Tammy, I love this one and you do not need to redo the dress, it is perfect the way that it is!! The dangle earrings would be super cute!! -Beverly
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@KustomKre8ted4UByU thanks Mrs bev 🥰. I think I will leave it be and create some earrings for her 😄
@IrmaBowman-c4m Ай бұрын
She is too cute 😊
@jenreeves7684 Ай бұрын
She is adorable 🥰
@tammytoth5874 Ай бұрын
ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE 🥰 Love Her ❤ Keep the dress. As others have said, the light shines so well through it. Dangle earrings is a big YESSSSS from me. A princess has to have as much bling as possible lol 😆 So HAPPY you received your Happy Mail ❤❤❤❤ can’t wait for you to open them. Have fun my dear friend 😊
@HeartCreationsByRenee2 Ай бұрын
I think she’s adorable!!! And keep what you have! It makes the light better
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@HeartCreationsByRenee2 thanks my friend 🧡 I couldn't decide if I should re-make it or leave it. Th transparent dress does suit her 😍 and I do like how the light shines through on this one.
@resinmeup Ай бұрын
Very cute. It looked out from where I was sitting, not to thin.🥰🤗
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@resinmeup thanks Mary 😊 The transparent dress is growing on me 😆. I think I will leave it be
@cynthiabillington2070 Ай бұрын
Lol 😂 I'm glad you figured out the ziploc baggies use 😂 If I could, I'd give you " Bear hug"😊 you went above on this Bear, OMG, Now we need a Royalty Bear in Cobalt Blue. Minus the "mess up on your desk" You certainly Enjoyed doing this Bear, your excitement, enthusiasm is so infectious 😊 I haven't done my Bear yet but what a wonderful idea😊😊 Thank You Tammy, God Bless, She is Stunning!!😊
@rosanneshale923 Ай бұрын
That is so so pretty 😍 ❤❤❤ it 😊
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@@rosanneshale923 thank you 😊
@Allaboardresincreations Ай бұрын
Beautiful frogies loula 🐸
@HeartCreationsByRenee2 Ай бұрын
I love music too!!!
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@HeartCreationsByRenee2 🥰 I can't sing like Whitney but I try 🤣🤣
@HeartCreationsByRenee2 Ай бұрын
@ in the shower… we all sound like Whitney! Lol 😂
@chloeainsworth4334 Ай бұрын
Oh that’s adorable
@epoxym3that Ай бұрын
@chloeainsworth4334 thank you so much 💓
@genajones2823 Ай бұрын
@HeartCreationsByRenee2 Ай бұрын
Tammi… you will soon get to know when I comment, I comment at the moment I think of something during watching your video… then go back to watching… and I may repeat those steps throughout! lol anyway…. I wanted to say your work are looks so nice! 💜🩵🩷
@AnnaleighShean Ай бұрын
I thank you little dang earrings and as much bling as you know, jewelry that you could put on her would be super kill. I think the dress is super cute, but I think if you're able to do it again, maybe just add thickness if you've messed it because it's super pretty. I would hate it not to come out In a similar way you know? It's so pretty though both of them. Im in love with the purple.
@mattersofthehartbynat8815 Ай бұрын
@jayelleart Ай бұрын
Aww she's so cute! She wanted a sheerer skirt. Don't Remake the dress. It's pretty as is. I love how you cravk up. You make me laugh. Can you please tell me what the diamond things are? Are they for diamond painting? The ones you said on the other video that are from hobby lobby. They're shiny. Thanks in advance Enjoy your weekend ❤️
@AudreyLeBlanc-z5x Ай бұрын
Hi, this is the first of your videos that I have watched and I’m very enchanted with how you were doing this but I’m wondering also can you tell me where the mold came from and also the light I think it’s great just to have one light with the control like that I would appreciate a response thank
@HeartCreationsByRenee2 Ай бұрын
Hey sweet lady… what is that oil you use? I normally spray soapy water in mine.. and it works.. but on occasion the soap as left a residue on my piece… especially if it’s coming right off the warmer
@karenschulte1388 Ай бұрын
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