Hope you can upload the same pagent in the year of2008,no platform show it the entire video to watch in plus the extra video of jorney of mcip 2008,it is great impression to me ooh to forever !
1993年1月10日(星期日) Champion First Place: #10 Montreal Christy Chung First Runner-Up Second Place: #9 Hong Kong Emily Lo Second Runner-Up Third Place: #1 Vancouver Elaine Der Miss Friendship: #4 Seattle Stephanie Chang Handsome Looking Award: #10 Montreal Christy Chung 國際華裔小姐5週年 Miss Chinese International 5th Anniversary 盧淑儀: 1992香港小姐競選冠軍,最上鏡小姐,1993國際華裔小姐競選亞軍 Emily Lo: The Champion of 1992 Miss Hong Kong, Miss Photogenic, The First Runner-Up of 1993 Miss Chinese International
@lamsimon8458 Жыл бұрын
@annielam7150 Жыл бұрын
Champion First Place, Handsome Looking Award: #10 Montreal Christy Chung First Runner-Up Second Place: #9 Hong Kong Emily Lo Second Runner-Up Third Place: #1 Vancouver Elaine Der Miss Friendship: #4 Seattle Stephanie Chang
@ameliatravel2440 Жыл бұрын
@petewong2372 Жыл бұрын
@annielam7150 Жыл бұрын
香港,澳門,台灣(台北),馬來西亞(怡保,古晉),新加坡,泰國(曼谷),紐西蘭(奧克蘭,基督城),澳洲(悉尼,墨爾本,布里斯班),菲律賓(馬尼拉),大溪地,南非(約翰內斯堡),汶萊,加拿大(溫哥華,多倫多,蒙特利爾,卡爾加里,維多利亞,埃德蒙頓),美國(紐約,芝加哥,西雅圖,三藩市,洛杉磯) Hong Kong (Emily Lo), Macau (Eighteen), Taiwan (Taipei (Twenty-Five)), Malaysia (Ipoh (Angie Cheong), Kuching (Two)), Singapore (Irene Ang), Thailand (Bangkok (Fourteen)), New Zealand (Auckland (Fifteen), Christchurch (Five)), Australia (Sydney (Twenty-Two), Melbourne (Three), Brisbane (Nineteen)), Philippines (Manila (Eleven)), Tahiti (Twenty-Three), South Africa (Johannesburg (Twelve)), Manloi (Sixteen), Canada (Vancouver (Elaine Der), Toronto (Maggie Wong), Montreal (Christy Chung), Calgary (Thirteen), Victoria (Jennifer Lee), Edmonton (Seventeen)), United States (New York (Seven), Chicago (Twenty-One), Seattle (Stephanie Chang), San Francisco (Eight), Los Angeles (Kathleen Leong))