"You are what you wear!" People often dress according to their mood and demeanour. It reflects people's perception towards you.
@heavymetalsmoker6910 жыл бұрын
man. from what i've seen in this video, we should teach our sons to be better men as well.
@salmayoussef11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this! My dad always tells me "I was a young man once, I know how they think" and I always brushed it off. Now I understand what he's talking about and I'll definitely take this matter far more seriously!
@illybillie99162 жыл бұрын
Even men amongst men it's scary
@Syedafathima7182 Жыл бұрын
May Allah make it easy for you to practice islam better and be better version of yourself and good in the sight of Allah Subhanahuta'aala
@YouCantHandleDisz8 жыл бұрын
As a lady, I agree and I am not offended by anything said in the video! I was brought up with brothers, this man is speaking to protect us women. May Allah reward him for his efforts. This sort of advice is very rare in this society a lot of females want to feel 'offended' and blame men instead of checking themselves by changing their ways this sort of 'change' isnt because we are less than men it is because we are respecting oursleves as well as respecting men too. If a women really respects/loves a man she would never dress in a way to have him lust over her bringing their souls down into a pit and when confronted acts in defense by saying 'why cant men just control themselves' wheres the logic? It isnt about men controlling themselves, its in their dna they cant help it. Think about it! Wallah reading through some of these comments I am honestly ashamed of being part of this gender, they just don't want to hear any of it or they fail to see the sole purpose of this video is to protect you not control you. The status of women in islam, is truely beautiful if only you knew. May Allah guide sisters to the right path, not on to the path of the ignorant 'modern day men and women are equal feminists'. This is coming from a women, who has seen life from both perspectives. I have never felt such peace, tranquility and self respect in being with out a hijab than in one. Alhamdulillah. Save it for your husband, also sisters if you want a rightous husband make sure you're rightous yourself, don't fall into the deception of men who have nothing to offer you. Focus on your studies, improve your mental health and gaurd your chasity wallah you are a dime in a dirt and every man will fall at your feet then you can pick whom is the most deserving. Ameen.
@HG-pr2wn8 жыл бұрын
+Lola Lala JazakAllah khair for being level headed. Alhamdulillah Islam gives men and women equal rights but without turning a blind eye to gender differences (ie. nafs/desires). May Allah reward you
@ivaahmed66998 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah sister, seriously I love you sister it's like you've read my mind....Nowadays I really don't understand why some sisters still thinks like this even after watching this video....It's really disappointing for them for not understanding the situation or doesn't even want to understand. May Allah guide them towards the right path and also grant them great wisdom just like you have Ameen. May Allah bless you sister with more happiness in this world as well as the hereafter.
@YouCantHandleDisz8 жыл бұрын
+Iva Ahmed Ramadan Mubarak! Jazakallah sister, and you too ameen
@ivaahmed66998 жыл бұрын
Ramadan Mubarak to you too sister. Ameen.
@rapidsniper20087 жыл бұрын
+Mars Segev And the respect the women receive in your society is that: More than 50% of children are born to unmarried women 1 out of 3 children are raised up by single mothers Less than half of the intimate relations end up in marriages And more than 50% of those end up in divorce More than 70% of these divorces are filed by women because the men were not interested in the relation anymore Porn that objectifies women as sex objects is legal in Europe and the West And a trillion dollar industry And even your everyday media portrays the women as sex objects There is still under the hood sex slave business in your countries Where naive women from poor countries are lured into rich countries and sold in coffee shops I can go on and on and on but I think this is enough BTW, women in Islam receive half percentage in inheritance to that of a man because she does not have to provide for the family but the man does. She can have her own business from her money and can keep the earnings to herself. While man has to provide for his parents, his siblings if any, his wife and children. Now I want you talk about men's rights in Islam. Women's testimony counts as half in some cases not all. And that's for specific reasons. Women can be emotionally blackmailed or forced by someone to change their testimonies which is very less likely to happen to a man. There is no verse in the Quran that says "BIG BREASTED". You can show me the reference if you claim there is. The ayah only talks of "women at the age of reaching puberty." You cannot beat a women in Islam for no reason. It is only for not being faithful to home and family and even the beating is resembled to like beating with a tooth brush. And since you can beat your children to correct them for their own good. We Muslims believe that women are inherently naive and you can be a little harsh to them to correct them. Its in their own benefit. A man does not own a woman. In fact, woman is a gift from Allaah to the man. And since all other major religions portray women as inferior and even go to the extent to blame that only women was deceived by Satan. Islam rejects this notion and says both men and women were equally deceived. And further says that men are also responsible for the sins committed by women related to them because they did not correct them. Quran is not porn book. If talking about ejaculation is porn then your curriculum contains porn. There is no erection mentioned in the Quran. Some laws in Saudia and Iran are very strict and has nothing to do with Islam. They represent there own man-made laws. Women need acknowledgement from their fathers or husbands when going out. Because look at what is happening in your countries. Guys pretend to be nice, emotionally arouse women, take advantage of them and then dump them. Be it in high schools, colleges or universities. We don't want that to happen to our women. Islam allows polygamy and appreciates marrying divorcees and widows. While, your society promotes taking advantage of women who have just lost their husbands or have been divorced. The first university was established in a Muslim country. And it was named after a woman. And Muslim women are highly educated. Not to mention, Muslim countries much more women in their parliaments than your European and Western countries who only pretend to care about women. Islam says that the best among you in the one best towards their spouse. The Hoors mentioned in Quran and Hadith will be given as a reward to those who have protected themselves from falling into fornication, adultery and other major sins. And those men will be equally given beauty and strength to match the beauty of those Hoors. So, they will be equally attracted to one another. And pious women will be given so much beauty and wealth. And that beauty will keep increasing. They will be much more beautiful than those Hoors. And will enjoy the comforts of the paradise and never get bored. There is no honor killing in Islam. This is a Hindu practice adopted by Muslims living in those regions. Now next time do a little research before boasting against Islam. And better would be if you fix your own problems before raising a finger on others.
@raksabs52410 жыл бұрын
We need men like you to tell us that thank you for watching our back brother.
@MaxCea111 жыл бұрын
why is this video not viral ? i think in this era its so important for females to understand the nature of man !
@AliDawahArabic11 жыл бұрын
by sharing in sha allah it will get viral. : )
@3litepker11 жыл бұрын
Because some girls actually know the reality but they want to avoid it.
@MaxCea111 жыл бұрын
3lite it really upsets me ... I wish I could lecture all these girls ... society and media have really damaged females on a psychological, emotional and physical level and ultimately just ruining their spirituality :(
@3litepker11 жыл бұрын
You're correct, they're giving a negative impact on themselves in the dunya and the hereafter.
@MaxCea111 жыл бұрын
3lite they need more guidance. We need to save them from the box ! Take them out of it so that they can look in and reflect !
@bintmasturah5999 жыл бұрын
And ppl think that we dress modestly for no reason or it's because our husbands will beat us and that's simply stupid. (coming from a Muslim girl herself and that dresses modestly).
@SisterMinnie9 жыл бұрын
This video is very true. It is a shame how some men look at girls as objects. It is both their responsibilities to be modest. For those of you who think it is only the woman who has to be modest so does the man. The man also has to change how he treats a woman. He shouldn't be looking at woman as a peice of meat and don't give him a reason to.
@khadija59979 жыл бұрын
I agree... this is sad. It makes me feel insecure.
@amparo12988 жыл бұрын
its not their fault its how allah created them dont blame them Allah told to wear hijab(veil) for a reason its protects us from men and their desire and their eyes i swear when i used to wear skirts and stuff i used to be so angry cuz i could see guys staring at me its used to piss me off and annoy me also read this that we should tell our wifes/sisters to wear the hijab so that they dont get annoy because it really anoying when they look at use the biggest weaknes of men are women and biggest weakness of women is dunya its true fact men have it in their dna why do u think men dont really care about what the wear where they live because until they want to get married they start to work put on nice clothes to impress the girl which makes girls attracted because we are attracted ro dunya which is true most girls like clothes accesories shoes back nice house all that its obivously we get attracted to men with money i swear when i started put on modest clothes hijab and jibab less men look at me also i think niqab and gloves are protects our beuty because peopld cant jugde us for example someone can loom at ur hands and then ur face and think oh ur pretty or ugly so i believe that their is a reason behind it
@SomEbodyisDERP8 жыл бұрын
lol ok but ?? women attracted to men with money hahah Women are not superWOman people or something, some women feel just as distracted as men feel when they see someone attractive. Some women are rarely distracted and some get easily distracted. Most are just in the middle.
@iwaswithyourmom94107 жыл бұрын
Zainah, You are saying to be TOTAL OPPOSITE of MOHAMMED!
@iwaswithyourmom94107 жыл бұрын
I'm a man and never fucked or even googled a woman wearing a bathing suite. So what's up with my DNA? LOL!
@hijabiiBarbiie10 жыл бұрын
Assalmualaikum Muslim Youth Movement. Please can I just say as a muslim sister living in South London, I can honestly say that Alhamdulillah this series has been extremely beneficial and insightful, and really does reach out to us who are really trying to practice. Some of the comments on here are ridiculous and seem to be very biased. However, please let me assure you that this is only from a very limited amount of viewers. Majority of us appreciate the hard work you all put into the production, editing and filming of these vids. Not to forget the message in the videos themselves. Please keep up the good work inshaaAllah. May Allah swt guide the misguided, ameen. Walaikum Salaam.
@linaabojaradehart9 жыл бұрын
I have no problem with this video... it actually has a good message. But i'm just so sick and tired of young muslim men advising muslim women, and not upholding the same standards to themselves. If you see a girl showing skin or wearing tight? Don't blame the girl, she will be held accountable for her actions, but you will also be held accountable for yours.
@SonnieKa9 жыл бұрын
+lina abojaradeh I understand you but those kind of videos are useful. We need their points of vue. The reality is discusting, sad and scary in general, but in the same time all situations are different al hamduliLah.The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Religion is giving sincere advice.”(www.islamweb.net/en/article/183709/) If they don't uphold the same standards to themselves may Allah guide them, one day they will in sha Allah. But to me it is not a reason to stop giving advice as nasiha is a pillar of our din. Don't be sick and tired for that, it won't change anything unfortunately, as muslims we just have to worship Allah swt sincerely and ask to be guided until our last breath :)
@kashybanter348 жыл бұрын
+Franglish & Spanglish Asalaam brothers and sisters check my out Islamic vids and subscribe please help me grow jazakallahkahiran. May Allah grant us all everything in this life and the next and may Allah allow prophet Muhammad to come on our deathbed to tell the Angel of death that we are his lover AMEEEEEEEEEEEN subhanallah that would be amazing and I pray this dua for us all everyday
@iwaswithyourmom94107 жыл бұрын
Fuck You, Bad!
@gl0boy7647 жыл бұрын
Well guess what? We're Muslim, doesn't matter if the men themselves are doing wrong and correcting girls, the truth is the girls have no power to talk back so making those statements are just pointless. Men and Women in Islam will never be equal, get over it.
@Jalalko7 жыл бұрын
faimzan21 It is a sin for both men and women. It is the cultural conflict which deviates the muslims, if man does a bad deed he should be treated the same as the women who had wronged. The women of the West on the other hand have been exposing their bodies and starving themselves to attain the 'perfect' body. This trend has turnt to something new and different, and now skinny is disgusting. This is what they face. The complete brain rewiring. The Innocence has been taken out of such women.
@zarshyg11 жыл бұрын
thank you brothers who ive never met that have come up with this initiative to inform the sisters of what goes on in a guys head and how we can help each other to be better men and women of islam. may Allah keep us in the right path. May you brothers find good wives for yourselves and good husbands for the sisters. Jazakallah khairan.
@amnasheikh274410 жыл бұрын
Very well said Ali Dawah may Allah protect our sister and make them understand
@hanifahibrahim99198 жыл бұрын
wooow u really doing agreat job masha Allah may Allah reward u
@hamdiaali70877 жыл бұрын
wallahi this video changed my point of view of the modest Muslim women's hijab💯 and not for men but to get the amount of respect I want in this judgey society😌
@kamilyasin96711 жыл бұрын
Now you see it, ladies? I know you gonna say it's your right to wear what ever you wanna wear. But just know this, you're viewed as an object everytime you're in those revealing outfit. Doesnt matter who you really are, what your opinions on something, your likes n dislikes, etc.,you're just an object if you choose to be it. And yeah, no different on what effort took by man who sincerely or just wanna use you. The different lies on next step. You can ask many time, are they really sincere to you...of course liars gonna lie. Make it simple. Sincere? Meet my parents/brothers/uncles/wali THis is Amazing video, brother!
@sareemalam837611 жыл бұрын
There is another simple solution. Do not put sex or even physical intimacy (making out) on the table while dating. Make it clear early on that you do not believe in having sex or getting intimate before marriage. If a guy "truly loves" you, he will wait until you are ready. If he just wants sex, he would pressure you, tease you, may be even harass you. THAT is how you know a lover from a player.
@AhmedIbne11 жыл бұрын
even if she's wearing the proper hijab she will still be viewed as an object and the guy will not give up the chance if he ever gets to take her bed. So moral of the story is regardless of what you wear ladies.....whether its hijab or mini skirt or bikini or whatever...while ur dating make it clear that ur not gunna be physically intimate before marriage....simple as that.
@ella-xf2op4 жыл бұрын
Is this not an issue of how the men think in society as culture? Women don’t go around judging which men are worthy based whether they are choosing to be viewed as an object or dress modestly. If you look at the root of the argument your just justifying double standards and misogyny
@YouTodayKing10 жыл бұрын
So religion teaches us to be judgmental? It teaches us how we should degrade people based solely on dress? How would the interviewer react if people asked "what do you think when you see a woman with a muslim cover on" and they answered "ignorant".
@DEMONACY17710 жыл бұрын
Aren't you now judging religion ? Lol the hippocricsy
@samer34569 жыл бұрын
Hes telling you A and your telling him Z. just be quiet please save the embarrassment
@sareemalam837611 жыл бұрын
I find this to be absolutely sexist how these men are thinking so negatively about women based on how they dress, but seem to not think negatively of "having a good time" with women they find sexy.
@AhmedIbne11 жыл бұрын
LOL these are the men who end up marrying girls that are 'undercovers' basically undercovers are girls who had many boyfriends and had sex with multiple men then when it comes time to get married they start dressing modestly in burkha/hijab and these men being stupid fall for these undercovers looool thinking they are marrying pure 'virgins' while they are actually marrying........lol
@AliDawah11 жыл бұрын
AhmedIbne well brother if they go commit zina of course allah swt will give them such wives. but if they repent and understand their mistake allah swt is the most merciful most just. may allah swt give us all pious wives.
@AhmedIbne10 жыл бұрын
Ali Dawah A girl who has sex with 10 different men but later repents and starts practicing and wearing hijab is also a 'pious' girl in definition.. You really don't wan't that kinda girl do you? So its best not to judge anyone based on their outer appearance.
@romz11khan8 жыл бұрын
You should do a follow up video of this and ask these questions in 2016 in a time where so many things have changed now.
@Dangerous0Fairy10 жыл бұрын
What an amazing message ! Thank you brother
@maryamm566111 жыл бұрын
This was very interesting ma'sha'allah, real eye-opener tbh. May Allah reward you and keep your intentiond sincere, آمبن
@fjsukje89 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. Really usefull video ! Knowing the INTENTION is crucial. May Allah Bless you Ali for your help 💯
@suzannekaid51979 жыл бұрын
Subhanallah wow another amazing video keep up the good work
@salamkala146 жыл бұрын
I’m a Muslim girl I would never want my son to disrespect a woman if she’s not dress modestly it’s his responsibility to teach her and it’s wrong to see any woman as a sexual object in any way if. She modest Manshallah if not encourage them to modesty I’m not even gonna get to how Muslim men abuse women no matter how loyal the woman is no matter how modest no matter how sweet Period but I know that there are some decent Manshallah brothers out there Walahi I’m telling you Manshallah I pray I get one of the Manshallah ones
@sweeetchocolate1009 жыл бұрын
What is dressing 'modestly' though? Does that exclude every girl who doesn't wear a hijab? or a girl who covers her body up? I don't wear a hijab yet but I don't believe that makes me immodest.
@bugbugbunny9 жыл бұрын
Dressing modestly doesn't mean you have to wear a headscarf! Headscarf is like the next level of modesty but just because you dont wear it doesn't mean you're immodest. Modesty shows from your clothing as well as from your attitude and especially how you act around men. I am a hijabi myself but I have seen sooo many women who wear headscarf with skin tight clothing or even transparent clothing lol, I mean I would rather take that scarf off my head and cover my body properly than show half my body and cover the hair just to be called a 'hijabi'
@sweeetchocolate1009 жыл бұрын
+bugbugbunny True, Islam does say you must cover your body first
@sabrinaabdulahi56079 жыл бұрын
modesty is wearing unrevealing clothing's, with hijab or without. I have a friend who don't wear hijab but feels embarrassed and ashamed for wearing revealing clothing's especially infornt of men which is surprising
@nanya79 жыл бұрын
To conclude ! If man really wants a woman a luv her he will marry her and share his life with her Anything else is just 4 desires satisfaction !
@irinagabriels1748 жыл бұрын
This is so true! The real man who really wants to be with you seriously will ask you thousands of questions will responsible with you! Everything they need too be truthful! Sometimes they can takes a years just to know the truth although they really know the truth of you! This kind of man you can have relationships with them! Not the hanky and pinky types of person!
@UmmQariah11 жыл бұрын
Jazakhallah khair brother may Allah reward you for your efforts in trying to open up the eyes of the sisters!
@Bassam-b1d3 жыл бұрын
Jazak Allah khair for the video 🙌🏻👍🏼
@lukehemmings351510 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this video Mash'allah. However could you please make the same type of video but what girls think about how guys who hang around street corners laughing really loudly with their arse showing from the track suits? Thank you
@ozmaaaa111 жыл бұрын
Jazak'Allah for addressing this issue, sisters need to realise what the truth is and that there is more to this life than men. It is all a test. Keep it halal.
@controversyqueen89518 жыл бұрын
How can you fall in love if you're not attracted first? It's the initial stage of falling in love. Okay don't dress like a stripper if you don't want to get used, but at least look good enough not to be forgotten easily, or good enough to make a good impression. I'm afraid hijab seems to make some people look ugly or not as good as their potential which may hinder their chances of finding a spouse that loves them. Whoever said looks doesn't play a part in falling in love is lying.
@muadhe99468 жыл бұрын
So what? If Allah tells us to do something we do it!
@me70588 жыл бұрын
@عبدالله-ق2ف6ج8 жыл бұрын
+Mars Segev which countries?
@muadhe99468 жыл бұрын
عبدالله He cant answer cuz there aren't any counties that do what he just said.
@SomEbodyisDERP8 жыл бұрын
You can't buy back virginity with an operation. I think you're talking about the hymen. The hymen does not actually say much about virginity as many girls lose it while doing sports or whatever, so, really, it's not that they're not virgins. It's a huge misconception. And Islam doesn't ask you to look BAD if you wear hijab. You should of course look presentable but probably not your best. Your best is for your husband to see after marriage, not before.
@shakirahnabukenya78994 жыл бұрын
May Allah protect us frm corrupt and bad men🙏🙏
@zionismisracism50293 жыл бұрын
@peopleofknowledge111 жыл бұрын
also some naseeha to the brother, button up your shirt, men need to cover themselves too, its not a one way street ya akhi.
@AliDawah11 жыл бұрын
firstly salam alaikum, brother i 100% agree men have to cover up aswel but please firstly tell me is my chest my aura?? its not even tho i respect where you coming from and some sisters might see it as fitna but because the camera is close up it looks like my chest is wide open and its not. and sincere advice is done in private bro not on here
@peopleofknowledge111 жыл бұрын
The Da'wow Project wa alaykum asalaam, yes bro, I say this because some sisters think men do not have clothing obligations to Allah, and its unfair blah blah. which is false. Your right, i should have private messaged you. I think you should make videos about the muslim men, and the tight jeans tight shirts they wear which are common in the masjid. BarakAllahu feekum
@AliDawah11 жыл бұрын
Manhaj As-Saheeh in sha allah in my future shows i will brother, thank you for the advice i appreciate it and love you for the sake of allah swt.
@aleeyahussain603010 жыл бұрын
That's cute Ali Dawah... Next time you see a lady revealing too much, tell yourself it is the angle which you are looking from.... #foolishness
@aleeyahussain603010 жыл бұрын
Also... Does that mean your previous replies in a conversation with myself were not sincere....? Being as they were on here...? Not nice is it, when someone questions how you dress... Let that be a lesson to you... :)
@mohamadjan30949 жыл бұрын
Jazakallah u khairan brothers. May Allah swt bless you for the wonderful job you have done. I love your reality shows. They are just wonderful.
@maryflower238810 жыл бұрын
Young muslim girls need to understand this and guys should not take advantage of the girls. I even got directly told that ''If I find a girl attractive, I'll get to know her, butter her up and then try and do certain things and leave her. I'll never marry them though''. And It doesn't even matter how covered or uncovered a young girls is though. I'm a hijabi sister and a guy wanted to commit zinah with me plus he's never even seen me without an abaya. Why do guys have dodgy minds? I'll never understand.
@MrDeSheikh9 жыл бұрын
anon ymous Because we get attracted to any girl regardless of what she is wearing.Obviously the more revealing her clothes are the more lustful thoughts spring up. Just the face is enough. Its an in-built thing. But, Islam has the answer of controlling it. We cant eliminate it.
@ABUS3DON9 жыл бұрын
So, wear neqab for one day.. Then see
@loganrogan6057 жыл бұрын
MrDeSheikh the same is with gays.We have inbuilt desires for men.That is just the way it is.But we can control them.And have to do it for the rest of our lives
@nowshinahmed88518 жыл бұрын
do these types of social experiments more... we Muslim badly need of these to open our eyes. jazakallah khair brother.
@LianMasri10 жыл бұрын
What is the name of the video with the scientific study?
@Yummy_food609 жыл бұрын
will try it in my country
@imanumer65239 жыл бұрын
very educational video jazakellah kair. good to know what is out there.
@sarahf907311 жыл бұрын
good message but you only post footage of people saying what you want them to say. i find it hard to believe you didn't find one man who said that he would treat them both equally. Also what does this say about how we are raising our men?
@AliDawahArabic11 жыл бұрын
salam alaikum, thanks for the feed back. but sister we fear Allah swt, if we was doing that it means we are decieving people, may allah swt protect us from this. This is a sad but true reality.
@DevilzDontCry11 жыл бұрын
The truth is that men generally won't treat them both equally. There may be some exceptions but that's what they are, exceptions. They think of the girls who reveal themselves to be something that they can use and play but they only want to take the "good girl" home.
@sarahf907311 жыл бұрын
What about all the rational muslim men out there. They are not exceptions they are examples.
@DevilzDontCry11 жыл бұрын
Trust me dear, Muslim men are just the same. Do not hold them to higher standards because you will surely be disappointed. Yes, there are ones that are different and do not fall into the norm but they are what we call exceptions.
@sarahf907311 жыл бұрын
Well anyways I hope the moral of the video is that men need to be taught and raised differently, not solely that women should cover up.
@sharifahaliyah10 жыл бұрын
Brilliant video. JazzakAllah khair for addressing this.
@sammy-zx9nf4 жыл бұрын
Who’s the guy at 5:08 can someone tag him ?
@onthenext1089 жыл бұрын
Salam brother thank you so much 4 this useful advised,I'm so glad we hard it from a mans point of view,I really really love the nasheed play in ur vids,what is it called?
@bhalubebo78176 жыл бұрын
very very nice video. may Allah with you brother . can some one tell the song in start whats its called ???
@falaknaz743011 жыл бұрын
2:47 isn't that MC Strive? Nevertheless couldn't agree with him more.
@belieber20099611 жыл бұрын
PLEASE make a video on how to make a man realise that he doesn't really love his girlfriend cuz there are girls who already moved on but their former boyfriends are haunting their lifes, begging them to be theirs again. Stuff like this are so depressing you know.
@AliDawahArabic11 жыл бұрын
salam alaikum will do in sha allah sister. thank you for the feedback.
@yshah494310 жыл бұрын
@ghazali888110 жыл бұрын
Whats this music at the start? Ma'Shaa'Allah is so beautiful
@saralauntner10 жыл бұрын
Farhat al Amr
@ghazali888110 жыл бұрын
Thank you sara merrygold and do you know the other song that plays in hijabi video of ali dawah?
@mrchaar111 жыл бұрын
jazakalla khairan
@djkutah10 жыл бұрын
what the song in the begining?
@marwashishtaoukk335410 жыл бұрын
Very good video mashallah thanks brother
@sitiamirahsaib152611 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the great video. It made a big impact on me on my past relationships. I am now happily single for the past 3 years. Alhamdulillah.
@mahahamalik11 жыл бұрын
Salam, maybe next time you could put their words in text underneath, as the noise made it quite difficult to understand!
@mohammedabdulwadud48249 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah that was so inspirational words of wisdom this is the reality show people wake up so like brother Ali said if there is any problems or issues your going through with your love relation just ask yourself this question sisters doea he reallt love me?
@fatihauddin166810 жыл бұрын
What is the nasheed at the beginning??
6 жыл бұрын
Fatiha Uddin Farhat al amr- Anas Dosari (if you’re still wondering 3 years later hahaha)
@Farouk048397 жыл бұрын
Good men are for good women that's it, stay pure and you'll be rewarded in a way never seen before.
@ShahzoD14411 жыл бұрын
Plz , somebody tell me , Who's singing that Nasheed in the beginning ...#TQ
@AliDawah11 жыл бұрын
farhat al amr
@ShahzoD14411 жыл бұрын
The Da'wow Project Thanks BROTHER.
@ms6yo8 жыл бұрын
8:30 He stated that they crop the head out of the images. This is creating the less of a human being response to the images.
@sareemalam837611 жыл бұрын
Marrying someone based on how they dress is very shallow, I must say. Just because a girl dresses sexy does not mean she will not make a good wife.
@AliAbdulhakimAlAndalusi10 жыл бұрын
Saying that marrying someone based on how they dress is shallow, is much like saying that marrying someone for how they act is shallow. Shallow would be marrying someone based on their natural physical appearance because a person has no choice in that. You don't have to be rich by any means to be modest, so it's a personal choice to dress without modesty. Our choices in life reflect our inner being, since how much a person covers is a personal choice, then it reflects personality. Choosing someone based on personality has never been and is not shallow. BTW, I'm married and part of the reason why I married the lady who is now my wife was because of her modesty. I can tell you straight, I have absolutely no regrets in having made that one of the conditions in my choice of spouse. Assalamu alaykum.
@roses849310 жыл бұрын
Sareem Alam thank you! there's more to girls then just the clothes they wear.
@Riyaanreality10 жыл бұрын
Jesse Brandão exactly, couldn't have said better. Thanks
@angeleyes4444487789 жыл бұрын
This is very nice for you brothers to help out the sisters by showing us the reality
@muslimah_peace19078 жыл бұрын
Jazak Allah Muslim Youth Great Job
@andrewaxle98187 жыл бұрын
Is this a 7th century comedy channel. Its so good.
@roses849310 жыл бұрын
you're saying if a guy likes you he should approach your brother etc, but based on the reality (4) video , there's the double standard most bothers don't even want to hear about potential boyfriends/husbands for their sisters, straight up 'no' because their over protective. You can't win in that situation apart from going against your brothers will because he's thinks he knows 'best'?
@aleeyahussain603010 жыл бұрын
Beautifully said... He was evidently unable to answer... Bless him, the 'righteous' one....... ;)
@safiaqureshi45610 жыл бұрын
Come to newbury park masjid in east london
@AliDawah10 жыл бұрын
salam alaikum for what?
@awsomeness2000200610 жыл бұрын
Ali Dawah For the rishta bruh! haha :p
@sukaipenn88103 жыл бұрын
Freedom peace and Blessings 🧕
@aroosahussain78611 жыл бұрын
Can you maybe do a video on where to start when trying to practice deen? I know a lot of people who want to start including me but not sure where, in sha Allah looking forward to something :) great videos plz keep posting you're benefitting so much people Masha Allah
@dr.mahnoorshahid29758 жыл бұрын
keep on good work brother!
@angelllov465510 жыл бұрын
I really like ur videos it really have good message to the viewer that u trying to help pass the message along which I think is a great thing to do really and I have respect for u a lot brother whereas I see other to KZbinr Muslim making videos just to get at tension and be famous by just saying craps and jokes which is crazy and stupid of them thanks and keep the good work up. Mashuallah stay happy and may Allah bless u will be in my prayers brother tc care live long
@Smiiile35610 жыл бұрын
A big reality, which many girls find it hard to accept. Marriage is the only solution...
@OmgItsTania10 жыл бұрын
What if the marriage ends in divorce?
@QashMaz10 жыл бұрын
OmgItsTania then take that as a learning curve and be wiser in choosing a spouse
@f.m.m67068 жыл бұрын
on point.....
@Bddz0111 жыл бұрын
brilliant msA
@thebluray10 жыл бұрын
Telling people what to think how to dress how to act what to believe who to love is wrong. This is all about control. Free thinkers win. Free thinkers are the most loving happy fun people in the world. Being free is amazing!!
@cassh643010 жыл бұрын
MashaAllah tabarakAllah brothers, May allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept all your efforts allahumma ameen. This is what I tell sisters from day 1, I think i'm that minute proportion that knows better alhamdulillah. You brothers are too real and very explicit (in the literal term) in the way you explain and reach out to the youth of today, especially the urban/road/hood scene. MashaAllah many can benefit from this wallah. Continue inshaAllah khayr 😊
@xxlaaila11 жыл бұрын
Can someone tell me which nasheed is played in the beginning?:)
@ModernSkylight11 жыл бұрын
great video, masha'Allah. learned a lot, keep it up brother . :)
@N24eem10 жыл бұрын
What is the intro nasheed
@sabazayn10 жыл бұрын
i love the song in the beginning can i have the can i have the name of this song ?
@jameshough42386 жыл бұрын
That giant gold statue with wings at 1:00, is like the exact definition of an Idol...crazy
@docfakhra11 жыл бұрын
Im not surprised at the answers...
@enasalamari89539 жыл бұрын
I love islam
@alyshaaryan39916 жыл бұрын
What is that surah called that they played at the beginning? ❤️
@monsurrahman1360 Жыл бұрын
That was a nasheed at the beginning of the video. Search Ali Dawah you will find it.
@MsZzainwk8 жыл бұрын
It would be nice if you asked some people of different ethnicities
@hareemqureshi82210 жыл бұрын
Wut's the nasheed in the beginning
@tk786tk10 жыл бұрын
It's anas dosari feel good
@edgespear10111 жыл бұрын
ok i gotta ask, what's that nasheed at the start called,
@sajadarehman852011 жыл бұрын
For the guy with the explicit language,, talking about girls how they become his f... Buddies, cause that's what they want!!!! Are you for real, no really are you for real??? I think you've missed the mark now that we have established how vile your thinking is,, forget about the girl who were next to nothing because she wanted a f... Under your assumptions,, forget her not wearing the hijab, forget her having shortcomings in observing all the commandments set by the almighty.... The question is how are YOU gonna stand before the almighty with an excuse like that,, rather than you focusing on what they deserve or are indicating,, I'd highly recommend you to look at your actions and your sins, and your shortcomings,, cause the fact off the matter is she will be accountable for her deeds,, but you Mr will also have to answer to your accounts,, so plesseeeeee if not for the girls that deserve to be f......,, do it for yourself and change yourself!!!!
@Fay3-11 жыл бұрын
I dont wanna be rude but whats the nasheed at the beginning
@AliDawahArabic11 жыл бұрын
the nasheed is called Farhat Al amr.
@fallautumn78998 жыл бұрын
What nasheed is playing?
@maliksuhaili6 жыл бұрын
can i know what song in the intro this video
@Thank-u-so-much-for-everything2 жыл бұрын
What makes a man think of a woman? The most important factor that attracts men to women is femininity. Being feminine is all about owning your sexual power. Every guy wants to be with a girl who has that powerful feminine look about her: you know, the look that could stop a train. Can men think about nothing? It appears that men have the ability to think about absolutely nothing, and still breathe. Women can't do it - their mind never stops, and they don't understand the nothing box - it drives them crazy because nothing drives a women more crazy and makes them feel more irritated than to watch a man do nothing. How does a man's thinking differ from that of a woman? Previous studies have found behavioral differences between men and women. For example, women may have better verbal memory and social cognition, whereas men may have better motor and spatial skills, on average.
@salwamuslimah564811 жыл бұрын
Please Sisters Wake up. Respect yourselves.
@loveallah33647 жыл бұрын
Salwa Muslimah and pls brothers wake up too stop telling the muslim women tell the muslim men too I mean more muslim men hade already lost their Virginty soo you guys need to start to focus on muslim men than women.
@okgbp6 жыл бұрын
What is that nasheed
@mjabbar2811 жыл бұрын
Saw you on islam channel!
@FashionAplenty10 жыл бұрын
You put words into their mouth! You assumed too much, to the point where you were talking for them and they were just agreeing with you. What's the point of that?
@AliDawah10 жыл бұрын
the video speaks for itself, i didnt insert no word into no ones mouth. i think you are finding it hard to believe that men actually think like this. but ths is the bitter truth
@samer34569 жыл бұрын
Not really, ur just bein too complex
@sammy-zx9nf4 жыл бұрын
The guy at 5:07 really speaks the truth! Seems like a decent guy :)
@muslim26708 жыл бұрын
110% correct!
@xmrkhn8 жыл бұрын
What is the nasheed in the intro
@خالدخالد-ق6ر4خ6 жыл бұрын
الترجمة يا اخوان جزاكم الله عنا خيرا
@saimmir13976 жыл бұрын
Can u please make a vide on nate the youtuber
@fahdaldam767310 жыл бұрын
Allah bless you akhi
@ShahzoD14411 жыл бұрын
@yasameenm68066 жыл бұрын
very informative hope a lot of females see this video and save themselves from something they'll regret later on
@jijijiji62584 жыл бұрын
so a girl must wait [while knowing and talking to him] in each relation until the men ask her seriously ?