Bonjour Roy, This beauty definetely needs a whistle and a pond 😉 Amicalement, Raphaël
@mnewlynАй бұрын
the Opal is my favourite of MHB's boats. That's a work of art.
@DELTA1DSVАй бұрын
Hi Mel, thanks for your post, hope you are well best regards Roy
@RBOJCKАй бұрын
@DELTA1DSVАй бұрын
@@RBOJCK hi great to hear from you, I would like to buy one of your creations, just email me , no rush.
@dfallon5380Ай бұрын
Hello Roy- sent you a message via email about the bayliss launch
@DELTA1DSVАй бұрын
@@dfallon5380 sorry what do you mine, ? I’m not too well ,
@DELTA1DSVАй бұрын
Uk 07482 055557. Email
@DELTA1DSVАй бұрын
Are you interested in buying it ?
@DELTA1DSVАй бұрын
Sorry I’ll pass on this occasion, thanks, with your eBay fees , my offer was the same, any how it’s up to you, I’m very experienced with eBay, and I don’t think you’ll get a buyer at that price your asking, anyhow best of luck, best regards, Roy.