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Timelapse Trucker

Timelapse Trucker

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Пікірлер: 55
@Steves_3D Ай бұрын
Your boss isn't paying you enough man !!! I'm a mechanic and I wish I had ten of you most guys would have blown something up lol
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
it happens. i still break stuff but not often
@MarkSpalding-qc7ym 12 күн бұрын
Love those 4 speed auxiliary trans. Handy piece of kit
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT 12 күн бұрын
really makes a c5 winch truck
@Jdigger4130 28 күн бұрын
Keeping that "Isspro" gauge right where she's supposed to be Spot. Tickled em w finesse drivvah. The heavy stuff n grades. KWs are MADE for grade and guys like ya! Being a Californian and knowing yer pyro was made in Sacramento brings me joy.
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT 28 күн бұрын
nice, yeah it stays put no matter what. i dont have to watch it at all
@Jdigger4130 28 күн бұрын
@@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Keep er safe and coming Spot! So glad I've watched channel grow! Great soundtracks! Cheers
@devonte3062 Ай бұрын
That split from high to low range had me sweatin
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
the big one...... yeah i think about it every time. still drop to third once or twice during a trip cause i miss.
@leejarabek5510 Ай бұрын
Yep, same here. 5th-3rd. I hate 4th when climbing heavy.
@pathorsman2992 Ай бұрын
Nother great vid, I’m thankful for the ol truckers who taught me and the advice I gained. Best one was how to drop two gears when heavy hill pulls. Thanks for all you do. Be safe
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
thanks, i took me awhile to break that habit too, was half shifting the gear just to drop another immediately
@stevenmacintyre5912 Ай бұрын
That's how it's done son!
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
@paulw3714 Ай бұрын
Quick and smooth shifts!
@davekostyniuk429 Ай бұрын
Nice smooth climb I was wondering how much boost you were making then you magically showed us
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
usually 38-39 psi. cool days i get over 40 just.
@brandonman2020 Ай бұрын
900s the magic number 👌 Makes me miss running 10 axles out here in BC with my cranked up pete
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
its awesome that way, never gets over 925 ish, needle just at the edge of 900. no matter what im doing, shes good at pulling for sure, would love more power but it never breaks so this is good here
@heatherfraserdaley460 Ай бұрын
I was down that road in June, man is it rank. It has to be one of the worst highways right now in Alberta. Hopefully the province gets that fixed up in the next few years. That route sure saves a bunch of time headed to GP.
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
it nice on both ends.... but that middle holy shit does it suck, the c5 front end is firm and really smashes me around in there even at 90 kph. with a coil we always have to go down there. i do like 70kph
@DanielKazlauskas Ай бұрын
I know that highway like the back of my hand. Ran it with a truck and quad wagon for 8 years hauling aggregate from a gravel pit by Entwistle to a concrete plant in Mayerthorpe. 6 trips a day. Knew where every bump was lol. Nice driving for that road
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
worst section i have to deal with multiple times a week. i couldnt imagine 6 trips a day
@scruffy6151 Ай бұрын
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
@pistol05142000 Ай бұрын
Like a Boss! Nice!
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
@ctibpo991 Ай бұрын
Last video I'm wondering why we never see any wildlife. Today 2 moose. Some smooth driving there.
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
ive cut way back on driving footage, there's always deer and the odd mouse, coyotes , fox, skunks, porcupine, that's about the norm, besides deer i don't see much usually
@terencechevalier5756 Ай бұрын
they ever repave from matheythorpe towards entwhistle yet lol that rd sooo bad last summer coming back from rocky i ended up taking 16 to niton junction to whitecourt lol😅
@Unknown_Trucker78 Ай бұрын
It's still crappy
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
no its been shit as long as ive been driving, it needs it so badly. i go out of my way 25 minutes some times to avoid it
@davecollins6113 Ай бұрын
There was a time when Hwy 22 wasn't paved, even more fun back then.
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
dam. that would be a journey, im sure there was some grades too
@leejarabek5510 Ай бұрын
Your steering is nice and centered like mine! hahaha
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
i likes crooked so my hand rest just right and my pointy elbow sits just right on the arm rest. its a whole thing i know
@leejarabek5510 Ай бұрын
@@TimelapseTruckerRTOT ahhh, ok.
@andrewburridge2955 Ай бұрын
Like u said....NICE
@BDOutdoorsCanada Ай бұрын
The Alberta highways are in the worst state of repair that I've ever seen them in, glad I'm not running 44,000 lb rubber block suspension!
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
rubber block and walking beam most bed trucks here, but you have the length, and usually only going 80kph, but theres lots of trucks i drove both spring and rubber over the years, tires off the ground when empty a lot of times thru the day, the roads are horrible. especially the ones we drive every day
@BDOutdoorsCanada Ай бұрын
@ back when I was running rubber blocks, I often pulled a 16 wheel double drop fruehauf with no suspension at all! It wasn’t too bad loaded but empty that thing would just about throw you out of you seat with every little bump!
@ShannonJanzen Ай бұрын
Sounds awesome
@kentallard589 Ай бұрын
@colinkulasik1128 Ай бұрын
What's that green indicator light on your tach that kept coming on and off?
@davekostyniuk429 Ай бұрын
Engine fan kicking on
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
yes fan, pulling inclines, theres a lot of fan
@FlapjackFly Ай бұрын
I had a 535 that would bark when I punished it.
@codyfowler2916 3 күн бұрын
Gotta let er eat like an Ethiopian at the buffet🤙🏻 #cumminslife
@keaton0707 Ай бұрын
@BuckingHorse-Bull Ай бұрын
why does it sound so violent in between shifts.. sounds like it has a blow off valve..you can hear almost everything
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
so much boost it shoots back thru the air cleaners. high boost tune. truck gets 10 more psi over factory, but any truck will do that loaded up full boost lower or higher rpm, we cummins and cat anyways
@scottmagruder9157 Ай бұрын
Cat, Cummins, Detroit?
@ROAMinstuie420 Ай бұрын
Its a weight reduced x15 I believe
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
@TimelapseTruckerRTOT Ай бұрын
no just 550 / 2250
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