But, I do hope Chinese migrants who moved to Canada or other western countries obey the rules, respect the local rules too! You can always respect the local rules and maintain your own culture too! Canada is a very friendly country, I am sure they are alright with Chinese words on products, as long as we make it products with 3 languages!!
I am oversea born Chinese, can we people of Chinese descent be united for once?? Stop fighting or jealous!!
@shineeu70733 жыл бұрын
@monsieurshiu3 жыл бұрын
@kv6x8963 жыл бұрын
It's Chinese built-in cells.
@oliviachen6928 жыл бұрын
This is the city ordinance problem. They should put English requirement to put on the signs and flyers. Was there requirement to have French and English on the signs decades ago?
For all those concerned: 歷史學家 William M. Osborn 寫的《荒野邊疆:美國印地安戰爭中自詹姆斯鎮到伤膝河的的暴行》 搜集了從 1511 年兩種族首次接觸到 1890 年西擴終止這段時間内、今日美國本土所有有記錄的歐印暴力衝突,並確認了 7193 人死于白人的暴行,9156 人死于印第安人的暴行。Osborn 定義的 “暴行” 限於謀殺,酷刑,殘害平民、傷者、俘虜的肢體器官。對 “暴行” 的定義不同也會導致統計數量的不同
Gang Du 中國人素質高的還是有,但普遍會認為...這我的地,你管我怎麼蓋! XD 另外崛起不崛起,跟文化素養關係大一些。 並不是富有了就能受能尊重。 反正我也說了,只能檢討自己不要變這樣,期待下個世代,或下下下個世代能變好。
@tlyung8 жыл бұрын
35:26 是罂粟花吗?
@fool11248 жыл бұрын
@李淵明-q8y7 жыл бұрын
@wongwong44798 жыл бұрын
To my Chinese friends, I am oversea born Chinese, I would love it if more Chinese intergrate into each community when they migrate to a new country. Or else this will create misunderstanding easily because u only stick to your own ethnicity and not allow others to understand you.
Zheng Wang, 大陸人移民到了當地,難道就不用"尊重"其他的社區住戶??不管你的鄰居是來自英國,印度,台灣,香港或是來自其他國家的問題。而是你有沒有"尊重"其他跟你一樣住在當地的住戶?難道只因為我錢多我是老大的概念,我就可以為所欲為嗎!?既然身為一名移民者,你到了當地難道不是應該入境隨俗」,尊重當地的法律與規則,努力融入當地的文化嗎?結果你到了加拿大就只吃中國餐,只說中國話,Hand out with chinese friends only那你幹嘛移民到當地去?只為了享受當地人繳稅後的福利資源,而不幫助當地人創造更好的生活環境嗎?這完全說不通!中國人的移民數量與中國商店太過龐大,那商店起碼也要標示中英雙語文吧?這是對不說中文的其他種族移民最起碼的尊重吧?你知道為什麼當地人為什麼會這麼排擠中國人嗎?不是因為中國人有好幾個億,而是尊重不是你幾個億可以買到的。
It may be not only chinese Problem. We recently visited China Restaurant in our town. We seldom visited this Restaurant after the owner changed. Because we found it was no more the same as before. Recently they opened after Holidays and restoration. We decided to try again with our visitors. They have a lot of well-looked buffets. I tried and found all was very salty. I told to the chinese waitress. She said that they themselves did not have very salty tastes, but germen wanted more salty. They could not Change it! I was wondering who was the owner??