Wow~ exciting video! 哇~ 你的影片做得真好看! I never had the chance to watch the 媽祖 activities so closely. 我從來沒有機會親身參與Ma1zsu3繞境的活動。 Thank you for taking the time to compile this documentary in 彰化 ^_^ 謝謝你在Zhang1Hua4花時間收集並製作這種紀錄片 ^_^ 米漿 is my sister's favorite Taiwanese drink too :D 我姊到台灣時也最喜歡喝 the peanut-rice milk :D Looks like Boston is helping you with the filming. neat! 看起來波士頓弟弟是你攝影的好幫手呢。超讚的!
小貝的影片實在是太用心了! You've done a great video!! And so much more!! 為了支持你,我會讓影片中途出現的廣告跑完的~~:) I enjoy watching your videos so much!! They are full of enthusiasm and happiness~ 謝謝你~