不要用自身環境的標準去套用其他國家。雖然歐洲大多數國家大麻仍違法,但吸食大麻卻是很多人民的日常,沒有必要說別人是毒蟲。 要比喻的話,大概就像台灣的盜版。雖然盜版違法,但應該沒有台灣人沒用過盜版的東西。光是 Windows 有用正版的,就已經是鳳毛鱗角了。拍賣網站賣的那種便宜序號也都是盜版的,我有問過台灣微軟,還舉報過好幾個這種賣家。正版 windows 一套 7000, 你用幾百塊買到的都是盜版的。
It's sad how Alesha's father, robert is the one who provide the drugs to the killer. It's a bit strange, in American household, little girl's bedroom is always on the 2nd floor, it will never be the room next to the entrance door. Please lock your door. Never leave the key on the door. I think after this murder case, all households in that small town should learn to lock their door WITHOUT the key on it 100% of the times for one's own safety.