@Pug Lin 中华民国也是我曾经的祖国,中国人不会叫我离开,不是中国人的没资格叫我离开,香港也是中国人的香港,你不要模糊,想表达点什么又表达不清楚,无语=_=
@种花家的乖虫子6 жыл бұрын
@@对山流明暗 你懂得什么是终身制?
@FoneJacky6 жыл бұрын
@种花家的乖虫子6 жыл бұрын
@Pug Lin 可以,只要两岸进行和平谈判、政治协商后,青天白日满地红肯定也能像紫荆旗和莲花旗一样在大陆飘扬,元旦中共《告台湾同胞书》就是诚心的呼吁台湾来政治协商,愿不愿意来那要看台湾了!很多人都会疑问一个问题,为什么台湾可以升五星红旗,大陆不可以挂民国国旗?因为大陆政府坚持一个中国从来没有改变过,两岸目前的政治格局还是内战的战争状态,没有签署过任何停战协议,敌军的旗帜当然不能在我方挂起,就像蒋公时代汉贼不两立,当然也绝不允许在台湾挂五星红旗的,后来台湾变了,民国也变了,不再追求统一中国了,而且还搞出很多“说”不是中国的人来想分裂中国,制造一边一国,他们连民国国旗都不想要了呢!但就是不敢不要,因为你要换掉中国人的旗帜,大陆政府会不惜一切代价百分之百的打你,这是毫无悬念的逻辑,因为大陆政府有维持中国不分裂的义务,从最初到今天都没有改变过统一中国的初心,逐步完成着从救中国到强中国的历史使命!
我是英国华裔,祝中华民族万岁!中华民国万岁!都是中国人,都是华人,一起为我们的名族骄傲!消灭台独,港独,藏独!Will always proud to be a chinese by heart ♥️
@SPeilin5 жыл бұрын
英國華裔到底有什麼資格談台獨港獨藏獨?反正要死也不是死你家的人啊,閉嘴去旁邊玩沙 What a joke! Telling people to go against independence in Taiwan, HK, and Tibet. They don't teach you the essence of freedom and human rights in the UK? Ditch your British citizenship and go back to China, then.
@hackashaq85 жыл бұрын
SP it’s exactly people like you who give us chinese a bad reputation abroad with these ridiculous claims. 朋友,你没有在外国长大,在外国社会我们华人长大收到的歧视已经很多了,我们华人(and I mean ethnically chinese, no politics) 还要自己骂互相,要分散,你觉得有必要吗?你知道在大都数外国人眼里不管我们是香港人,上海人,台北人连他们都我们都当”Chinese”,my family是中国人,我当然有作为一个华裔对我的民族的发言权了。Wake up and come out of your well in Taiwan! Taiwan independence is always as ridiculous at Brexit we’re going through at the moment.
@SPeilin5 жыл бұрын
@@hackashaq8 Please also ditch the colonialism mindset you learned from white people. You didn't even grow up in Taiwan, HK, or Tibet. What gives you the entitlement to decide their future?
@SPeilin5 жыл бұрын
@@hackashaq8 Also, stop perpetuating the white ignorance. Not all Asian are Chinese. Not all ethical Chinese are from People's Republic of China. Please be more specific and educate others while being an ethical Chinese in the West.
@hackashaq85 жыл бұрын
SP because firstly unlike your hypocritical independence movement I’m actually proud of my race and culture. Even an idiot knows segmenting China and the fall of China will have no benefit whatsoever on anyone including you living in Taiwan. You speak the same language as my parents, you have the same blood as me, your ancestors probably fought to protect China lol and you claim you’re different to us. Go study some basic economics and learn what happens when a state isolates from their closest affiliated partner both culturally and linguistically which you guys are pushing for. I’m entitled to a fact based statement so don’t give me any shit about not living in Taiwan