Mn ada yg bs jatuhin/ nyakitin Charlotte .. geng rainbow smua jgain Dy .& Bnyak bgt yg syg SM mommy charlot Smga Daddy trs setia dan ingat janjinya yg akn sllu Sling ada dan Sling mnjga Love englot
@Sartika_Channel2 жыл бұрын
Astaga Charlotte, cantik bnget sih 😍
@nanis60192 жыл бұрын
Chart itu orang tenang dan sabar,kalem.ditanyangan ini keliatannya chart kurang sehat.saya sampai meneteskan air mata .chart begitu tenang dalam menyikapi semua masalah.makanya orang2 mgt sangat sayang banget sama chart.chart sepertinya orang yg bijak.kudoakan semoga chart sukses di segala bidang yg sedang chart geluti saat ini.walaupun kita beda negara ,tidak ada salahnya kalau kita jalin tali silahturahmi .semoga chart dan f'pa sukses.apa yg FC inginkan yaitu kebahagian englot untuk bersama menjadi kenyataan.😍
@ulins22012 жыл бұрын
Sama karena ketenanganya itulah yg membuat fans marah siapapun yang menyakitinya
@muhammadyahya75662 жыл бұрын
Aamiin semoga hubungan Englot bener" jdi nyata Krn Englot bentar lgi akan tinggal serumah
@yuliazyn07922 жыл бұрын
Itulah knp aq sngt mnyayangi mommy char Krn kpribadian Dy ... Aq sllu yakin englot akn brsama slmnya Aq sngat knl karakter Daddy dan smpai skrg Dy ttp hnya cnt k mommy char saja
@muhammadyahya75662 жыл бұрын
@@yuliazyn0792 semoga ajah cintanya Daddy Engfa hanya buat mommy char seorang
@yuliazyn07922 жыл бұрын
@@muhammadyahya7566 iy smga ttp hny untuk mommy char
@maharani18042 жыл бұрын
Jiwa bisnisnya char sngat bagus , dr char meracik minuman dan penyajian top spt bartender. Good job char. ❤️❤️❤️❤️U and englot🐰🐶🌻🌻👍✌️✌️🙏
@Lizs1162 жыл бұрын
Si ulat bulu sllu pingin nempel trs sm fha, pdhl dia tw fha lg deket sm char, ekh dia coba untuk ttp mendekati fha tp fha malah mencuekin ulat bulu... Ialah di cuekin krn di samping fha ada pujaan hatinya, yaitu char 🤭🤭
@syahriafitri3092 жыл бұрын
I love you charlot😇🥰❤
@anianggraeni14052 жыл бұрын
Semangat terus yah Charl biar tambah sukses dan bahagia selalu dan tersenyum manis yah 🥰☺️
@merlynplantar10872 жыл бұрын
Wow.... Charlotte... Very Helpfulness...❤👏👏👏🐰🐰🐰
@dreamgaming6202 жыл бұрын
Charlotte the best luar dalam cantiiik❤️❤️❤️❤️🎁
@fadilbudiyanto4002 жыл бұрын
Teemen2 MGT sebenr nyaa sangat...sangaat kasihaan sma Charlotte.. mereka tdk bisa berbuat apa2 krn mereka tau bahwa Miscam ingin berusaha apa gituuu... kelihatan banget yaa di balik kacamata nya Miscam Dia tdk suka sma Charlotee... Temen2 MGT di larang oleh Pfah untuk menjauhi Micam krn Pfah tau temen2 nya MGT sangat fahaaam dgn Charlotte... namun Charlotte tenang Tenang, Damai dan jg Kaleeemm... Dia ga mauu FC saling ribut kembali... So hanyaaa Temen2 MGT yg Fahaaam dan mengerti tentang Hubungan Pfah dan Charlotte... Lihat deh Tweet nya Marimaaa...
@martinifitri99782 жыл бұрын
kalau engfa gak dijaga char, maka miscam bakalan nempel terus dan buat FC gaduh lagi....itu yang dijaga char..karena char gak mau ada ribut2, char bisa aja tinggalkan engfa jika memang dia gak mau lagi sama char...char banyak juga sayang dan cinta dia..orangnya lembut , sopan dan cute..
@kholbiati432 жыл бұрын
Bnr tmn 👍
@sitimaryati17162 жыл бұрын
Maaf,tweetnya marima so apa ya?so aku ngx main tweeter..
@fadilbudiyanto4002 жыл бұрын
BetuuL banget Mba Martini... krn di sini Char bener2 sangat peduli banget sma Pfah.... Heeemmm Miscaam Nih ada2 ajaa... Charlotte juga sudah menganggap Pfah bener2 Sister.. Krn kan ada Video nya Charlotte yg waktu itu sma Cowo yg ketahuaaan sma papa nawat.... Nah di sini sya baru faham bahwa Charlotee bener2 menjaga Pfah.... Charlotte suka mendadak Berdoa Ya krn mngkinn Dia ingin membuaaaang aura2 Negatif.... Charlotte tiada Dua nyaaa... Cantik,, imuuut dan Luhu
@merlynplantar10872 жыл бұрын
True... I like the behavior of Charlotte 🐰🐰🐰🐶🐶🐶❤❤❤
@tunipadilah2582 жыл бұрын
subhanallah Charlotte Austin beautiful girls ILOVE YOU CHARLOTTE
@gladissam1322 жыл бұрын
Charlotte is so pretty 🌻🤗
@vandetran15822 жыл бұрын
Love inglot ,,,charlotte
@YEUBIEN5892 жыл бұрын
Love Charlotte 💗😻 love englot 😘💕😘
@rikaarihtra56282 жыл бұрын
Semoga hubungan englot bahagia sampai kematian yg memisahkan mereka berdua, i love you englot
@meyskesachoy49382 жыл бұрын
Mommy char ❤
@indanahalwa84292 жыл бұрын
cantik luar dalam semoga menemukan cinta yg bagus hatinya juga,beruntung orang yg mendapatkan charlot.
@henisulastri20892 жыл бұрын
Doa terbaik ku buat Englott...smg sehat, tmbh sukses tetap semangat slalu saling menjaga satu sm lain dlm hal apa pun i ❤️❤️❤️ Englott.thank you Mimin🙏
Fokus ma yg d DPN, n the gang rainbow i love it 😍❤️❤️❤️
@vtecro15602 жыл бұрын
@ulins22012 жыл бұрын
Biar saja engfa dekat sama phicy toh seleksi alam akan berbicara dan semenjak hubungan englot agak merenggang aura kebintangan charlotte makin bersinar itu artinya tuduhan bahwa charlotte memanfaatkan engfa tidak terbukti sama sekali
@szuratan39632 жыл бұрын
Bnar biar pra toxic gk nganggp char bodoh. Pdahl char lbih pintar dri yg bodoh. Bos nawat j syg bget m char.. msih byak ceo" yg syg m char . Sprti ceo pang yg sllu dunkung char.
@ulins22012 жыл бұрын
@@szuratan3963 karena mereka tahu ceritanya seperti apa mereka rata2 mengikuti engfa dari awal
@syahriafitri3092 жыл бұрын
Bner bnget char bkal lbih sukses nntinya biar gk dblng nmpang tnar lgi sm pfa..biar pra toxic pda dukung ulet tuh ujung2nya yg da char yg disalahin..😄😄
@everythingispossible5132 жыл бұрын
Sound check. Thank you
@majesticmagnificfantastic44062 жыл бұрын
Tdk peduli berapa byk Pichy berdandan ..dgn anting2,tumit,make up..ia tdk bisa lbh cantik dr siapa pun di sana,maaf.Belle queen,Chompu dan semua org dtg ke latihan dgn pakaian nyaman dan sepatu datar..Pichy,tu bukan yg diinginkan EF..
@szuratan39632 жыл бұрын
Orang bsa menilai mna yg tlus dn mna yg gk tlus. Thn jga gk tdur. Tp dsni ak lbih ke nong char
@ulins22012 жыл бұрын
Sama kalau dari awal aku ndukung char salut dan impati denga perjalanan hidup dan perjuangan dia mengikuti dari satu ajang ke ajang yang lain dan saya tambah respec ke dia dari awal hingga detik ini tidak ada yang berubah dari dia kalaupun ada lebih ke gaya berpakaian dan mikup dia sudah lebih baik
@ulins22012 жыл бұрын
Dan sadar ngga phicy selalu meniru gaya charlotte dikucir ikut2an dikucir charlotte jualan minuman kayanya dia juga pingin tapi apa daya bos ngajaknya charlotte
@kirstiedevondelarosa17782 жыл бұрын
here are my thoughts on this englot pichy drama. (LONG POST) 1. Back in indonesia, engfa said there were 4 of them who are always together bec they speak thai. and bec engfa does not speak english very well, she has bonded with those girls who she can communicate with. addtionally, remember this was after all the drama with the person she was seeing and went to Singapore with. So, she was really in a vulnerable state. medications were helping her but being in a foreign land with new people, i really couldn't blame her if she bonded with those who she can talk to. 2. after indonesia, only pichy and engfa went back to thailand bec they are MGI top 10. only the 2 of them in the top 10 can speak thai, so pichy is always there to help engfa in communicating with the other top 10. in november, there were a lot of MGI activities so it is understandable that englot couldn't meet and pichy/engfa are always together. charlotte, being used to engfa's attention and working together a lot, naturally would miss engfa. whether or not charlotte has developed feelings for engfa, it is clear that she values engfa and has a special connection with her. 3. i'd like to think that pichy is just very touchy to everyone, bec growing up she lacks the closeness of a family. and she's trying to bond with not only top 10 MGI but also top 10 MGT (maybe bec she sees that engfa also values and misses the rainbow gang? idk). but i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt bec she seems to have insecurities stemming from her background. also, the media/fans seems to be focusing only on the moments when engfa and pichy are touchy with each other. maybe to create tension or what not. but i can see that pichy is also touchy with the others, even to charlotte. i think engfa is also attempting to create a friendship between charlotte and pichy to avoid speculations again. but it would take some time. charlotte is not the kind of person who easily opens up and gets comfortable with others. 4. i really couldn't see engfa treating pichy as more than just a sister. in engfa's recent live in songkhla, she said (pichy was also there) that pichy is a sister to her. and i saw the decisiveness in her eyes when she said so. unlike when she is asked about charlotte, there's always a hint of uncertainty when they say they are just sisters. then continues on to say that the status is not important bec they don't know the future and what matters is that they continue to be together and support/love each other. but going back to engfa's live in songkhla, she further explained that she is the youngest in her family, she does not have younger sisters. so it is natural for her to get close to and take care of those who are younger than her. and engfa is also i think one of the eldest in MGI and MGT. im seeing something close to a chompu vibe with pichy. the difference is, chompu has been with englot ever since. she knows and has seen the englot dynamics so she acts appropriately. 5. about engfa lecturing fans on being respectful, toxicity, being demanding, etc. i think she should just stop that and don't bother responding to those people. what other people say or think is always out of our control. but we can control our own reactions. responding to mean comments or even reading them aloud is like adding fuel to the fire. it would just keep on burning for as long as she continues to pay attention to them. 6. Lastly, i notice that the rainbow gang always give englot their space. even nudee who is higher to charlotte in terms of ranking, defers to charlotte (remember the sia berm moment in chiang mai, or in one of their trips when fans are taking photos of the group). but charlotte refuses or avoids creating englot moments when it is inappropriate. charlotte knows her place and knows how to act accordingly. however, when it's just engfa and charlotte, everyone can see that they have their own world. and the rainbow gang respects that, so they don't bother or tease them. just like what nudee said back in indonesia: if p'char is around, p'fa does not need anyone else. i guess this is what pichy needs to understand regarding englot's dynamics. like in this video yesterday, clearly englot is in their own world again (rehearsing or just enjoying being together after a long time). even tina, nudee, chompu did not dare bother them. but here, pichy can be seen trying to talk to or gain engfa's attention at least 2x, even when charlotte is there. maybe it's just normal for her to approach engfa anytime she wants, idk. but this behavior would really attract negative comments. pichy herself is digging her own grave if she does not learn how to position herself appropriately. in my opinion, she needs to spend more them with the rainbow gang so she can better understand englot and respect their bond. P.S. not hating on anyone. just my honest thoughts.
@vandetran15822 жыл бұрын
@owengbaru87252 жыл бұрын
Ulat keket tuh knpa ya ko mantau p'fa Mulu dari tadi Kesel kn aku
@maharani18042 жыл бұрын
Hahaa jng erosi eh emosi kawan, damai, biar englot bekerja dg baik.🐰🐶🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 ✌️✌️🙏
@syahriafitri3092 жыл бұрын
Kesel bnget ulet pngen dperhatiin jga kyak char..gk mo klah dri char pngen dimnjaiin x sm si fa😄😄biar char prgi dri fa spya ulet bsa dua2an😄
@muhammadyahya75662 жыл бұрын
Di balik kacamatamu ada dusta coooyyy jgn sok baik d depan semua orang padahal dlm hatimu ingin merebut Engfa dri tangannya char tpi kamu jgn berharap akan semua itu hanya membuat hati hancur Krn Englot ga akan ada yg bisa pisahin
@syahriafitri3092 жыл бұрын
S7 tuh kita basmi si cambo😄
@pocarigaming38292 жыл бұрын
Se7 singkir kan tu ulat bulu nya tu biar engfa sama Charlotte bahagia selalu
@syahriafitri3092 жыл бұрын
Kyaknya da yg fans nya engpich blng fa cocok pitchy..krn char dah pnya co ktnya nmnya mark..sya gk ykin char pnya co kan gk dblhkn sm nawat krn kontrak 3 thun blm bleh pcran
@muhammadyahya75662 жыл бұрын
@@syahriafitri309 fanskya pichy itu semua ulat bulu mereka ga mau liat Englot bahagia
@majesticmagnificfantastic44062 жыл бұрын pikir hanya sy satu2nya yg melihat tu...ulat bulu memang tak suka Char.Buat foto dgn video senyum manis2 dgn Char..eeeewww!!!!!
@giyaisyanti65932 жыл бұрын
Si ulet keket lg ngawasin f pa n char trs jeuleos si ulet keket y sm f pa deket2 char...🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
@Sartika_Channel2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha astaga ulet keket gk tuh, mantul emng 😆😂🤣
@fadilbudiyanto4002 жыл бұрын
Padahaal di momen ini Pfah jg ingin lebih dekat lg sma Charlotte... secaraa Charlotte kan lg kurang sehaat jd kemungkinan Pfah ingin mencoba menemani dan menghibur Charlotte.. Pfaah benee2 tdk ingin meninggalkan Charlotte... Pfah pun ingin mencoba membuat Charlotte Tersenyuuum... krn mgkin Pfah tau dr tadi Charlotte menyendiri dan tdk bergabing dgn yg Lain... krn Charlotte merasakn Badan nya kurang sehatt.... namun saluut harus tetap Kuat.. mk dr papa nawat membawa Charlotte u berjualaan agar tdk Jenuh..
@syahriafitri3092 жыл бұрын
😄😄😄siulet pura2 nyanyi biar bisa liat pfa trus..kesel jga liatnya
@syahriafitri3092 жыл бұрын
Siulet knp muncul dbgian englot bkin kesel ja pngen dijambak tuh org😄😄
@yosleobae66532 жыл бұрын
Hati² loh,nanti klo ngomong jelek soal si Piich,trus dia nangis dan ngadu sm Fa...berabe nih 😄😄😄😄 Tenang aja,anggap itu si adik yg lagi cemburu ke kakaknya...mau ditemani jg😊🤟🤟