我看星光大道的節目,主持和評審知道龍亭小姐在香港街頭唱歌,他们很欣賞龍亭沒有架子地在街上表演,是欣賞而不是覺得是很低的職業,那女主持還說心痛她耍在街上受寒風或雨臨。這些人真的欣賞從心中,很感動,很好的修養。最後她得冠軍。為香港在星光大道比賽爭光。希望TVB 珍惜龍亭,她有鄈丽君唱聲,是国宝才真。Amazing performance and her Radio interview at Radio HK proves that she is a very gracious person, with very thankful attitude even though she received harsh comments from judges in HK. Wish her a good life and career in singing in Hong Kong. Proud of her.
I'm watching this video from Sth Australia. She has an awesome and soothing voice and she's beautiful. I love the street busking singing and food in Hong Kong. Thank you so much. 😊