英國的確重視法治,但佢哋最叻,就係改變遊戲規則,改咗,就唔會犯規啦! 上世紀,60年代以前,香港出世的人可以攞正式英國護照,之後,改為BDTC,冇咗right of abode,最後,改為BNO,乜都唔係! 將來,有可能再改為5+5+1,同現時慣例睇齊,即係合法住滿10年,可以成為永居,1年後,再搵律師搞,成為正式英國公民!
@Jackiegalaxy Жыл бұрын
@johnfu87grits92 Жыл бұрын
依班低汁BNO ers 又貪心又冇錢, 貢獻又冇😅😅😅😅
@francischeng9083 Жыл бұрын
@carolfok1475 Жыл бұрын
我投資移民來到英國11年,近8年來,我付40%入息稅,故仔女交本地生學費是應得的;但不明BNO Visa 的人,剛本到,連PR 都未取得,何來得福利。還記得廿多年前,香港人大大聲喊叫停給中國內地新移民福利,為何今天又雙重標準。他們這種在英國的生活態度,已令很多英國人反感;那又何來有心溶入本地文化及生活?
UK Taxpayers may well feel, and are very justified to feel, resentment towards Hong Kong BNO holders who try to squeeze additional educational benefit from the public system. When BNO holders applied to come to UK, they knew well that their children would have to pay university fees as other international students. Now they are attempting to change it, and, as Mr Ng pointed out , aiming for even better benefits than British citizens. Hong Kong people have a reputation of being sharp and alert, let's hope they do not cross the fine line that divide such qualities from greed.
@alicealsey8530 Жыл бұрын
Yes. I totally agree! Endless and unreasonable demand would result in the resentment and discrimination from the British citizens.
@adachung3567 Жыл бұрын
It’s not a kind of benefits or funds rewards from the application of BNO. It’s NOW we get what we have had the national identity we should have. Don’t forget we born in the colony of British with the Queen Elizabeth destiny. We were educated and trained up by her majesty. THE SOCIAL BENEFITS WERE ACCOMPANIED BY HER HONOURS. Rights and obligations are on the equal balances.
@aprilwoo5073 Жыл бұрын
@@adachung3567Right and obligation? Did we pay tax to the UK Government during the time you mentioned above?
@adachung3567 Жыл бұрын
@@aprilwoo5073 why people should value everything by money? To be moral!
我覺得去爭取可以申請grant and loan 比較理性,20幾年前,本地本科生只比約二千鎊一年,海外生就比9千幾鎊,今天本地生都已經比9千幾,海外比二萬,本地生都係要捱貴學費,做part time , takes gap year。等一下比BNO visa 比local fee ,最後又冇入籍走咗,又會顯生另一問題,算吧啦,攪咁多嘢,中國誠可能更早截你龍…講平權,一班CUKC 在法理上更有資格得到平權,攪咗咁耐都冇香港人份😅
Totally agree with Sam's view point. my parents taught me Rights is something you have to earn, Shame is what you ask for. Also Rights come with obligations, duty and commitments. No matter how bright your children are, sending them to British universities is not the duty of any British citizen. I am sure the same people will object if British military drafted their children for service duty. If you don't want to support your children, should have used two condoms and don't come to England.
When, in common parlance, one refers to funding from the government, it actually means funds from collected taxes. When BNO holders press for benefits at the university level, have they ever reflected that they already benefitted from free state school education pre-university? Have they reflected on how much they actually paid in taxes to the UK?
@clementlo586 Жыл бұрын
Like all typical XXX, all they can think of is 'me, me, me".
@stanley3446 Жыл бұрын
如果收國際學生費,即使你打full time 工都交唔到學費,仲未計生活費。而且交國際學生費的亦不能申請學生貸款。基本上,如果家庭能力不足,係冇辦法讀大學。 森哥建議有點離地。
英國的確重視法治,但佢哋最叻,就係改變遊戲規則,改咗,就唔會犯規啦! 上世紀,60年代以前,香港出世的人可以攞正式英國護照,之後,改為BDTC,冇咗right of abode,最後,改為BNO,乜都唔係! 將來,有可能再改為5+5+1,同現時慣例睇齊,即係合法住滿10年,可以成為永居,1年後,再搵律師搞,成為正式英國公民!
More importantly not all professions require a university degree. There are many high earning jobs that were achieved through apprenticeships or vocational courses. University is not the only option for teenagers in UK and certainly does not guarantee a high paying job.
@@yau7639 not exactly. I’m a chartered surveyor and was a partner of one of the big 4 UK surveying firms before I took a career break. Now an associate in a big 3 global firm. Two colleagues joined our company in recent years as associates when they emigrated to UK with their family under BNO visas. Many of my friends who are of Chinese background are professionals and directors of major UK and global firms including my husband who’s English is only so so. The only problem is that Chinese people here tend to be humble and don’t like to “blow their own trumpet” so to speak. People aren’t looking down in you, seems like you’re the one looking down on yourself ! Your friends probably opt to go back to run their family catering business because they can see the money, instant promotion to a boss, probably hates getting up early in the morning and working in an office environment too. That’s their personal choice, nothing wrong with that either. Some of my friends used to run their family catering business to earn money to build up their property portfolio too. Of course they’re discreet about it and don’t shout it out on KZbin 😂
@@ericchow4959 I am so sorry, you were a British Overseas Territories citizen until 1997, you are NOT British. Please check the U.K. immigration law before you make any ignorant comments.
@完-h8h Жыл бұрын
問題:B N O是什麼國的國民? 當年是什麼人去被選擇了香港人的國家。B N O肯定是英國國民。只是當年被選擇錯誤。只是追回9 7年的歷史。
@AB-rz9qt Жыл бұрын
@44264 Жыл бұрын
@clementlo586 Жыл бұрын
What you said is not totally true. The right way is move to the state first and establish residency for at least one year prior to applying for local Universities. Take UC Berkeley for example, once the student was admitted as out of state students, The first time the student can petition for residency review is after 3 years AND the student has to show proofs that they were totally financial independent for the past three years (no money paid by parents). If you are a policeman or fireman and died on duty, the regents of UC will grant your children a waiver for out of state fees :). I knew this very well, besides I am a Berkeley graduate, both my kids went to Berkeley as out of state students and I paid the $21K out of state fee each year.
@David-w2p5s Жыл бұрын
本土英國人祖父母 為自己國家,打過一次二次世界大戰,佢哋自己子孫去咗外地工作幾年返嚟,喺自己住嘅town, 搵個中小學學位都搵唔到。返嚟見到嘅就係所有新移民去晒所有學校隔離租屋住。原來啲新移民仲有幾棟樓喺手嘅放租。BNO最窮都買到機票一家大細過嚟英國。呢度本地人銀行戶口大部份都少過香港人。見識過有啲揸住兩棟樓嘅香港人不斷話自己係難民。將公司繼續擺喺香港run唔使俾稅. 自己三個小朋友就喺度讀免費中小學。又慳返香港嘅國際學校學費。真係當呢度嘅人唔知?唔好講到大學。唔好成日話英國係咪皇恩浩蕩, 英國本土人真係捱緊苦,你試吓比較吓其他歐洲國家,美國係咪話入就入?到步即刻可以免費教育醫療?知唔知有幾多本地人俾唔起小朋友入大學?知唔知金馬倫做PM之前英國大學學費係3000磅左右(幾多Local因為咁樣俾唔起錢)。如果BNO嘅香港朋友一齊認識吓英國近代史 ,應該可以幫到自己同下一代融入生活。試吓尊重下本地人。佢哋只係暫時唔知,或者忍住唔出嚟聲,到本土人出聲嘅你就返唔到轉頭。BTW, BNO visa 出之前係有香港人比緊千幾2千萬去申請一個英國嘅Passport,仲有之前一兩年嘅Entrepreneur visa. 對佢哋又公平咩?Did BNO HKer really care about what happens in the U.K. ? Or just Costco,Egg tart and Milk tea? Or which supermarket have the best price ?