This is no point to blame those firefighters, that is a wood material store, full of flammable material, with that 2-3 small size hose, it is impossible to penetrate deep in to the fire, and radionation heat can cook those fire fighter at long distance 木材倉庫で燃えやすい物質がいっぱい, 消防士たちを責めるのは無意味だ。2~3本の小さなホースでは火の奥深くまで到達できず、輻射熱で遠くにいる消防士たちを焼き尽くしてしまう。
Google mapで見ましたが、長南町には、消防署が2つありますね、団基地も複数ありますが、中央署が遠いですね、広域消防と言うからか、西署、南署にはT車が2台ずつ、水源確保も難しそうですね。、T車は最大3分消火ができますが、6台、18分程しか繋がらなそうですね、中央署から15〜20分で到着できますが、大型水槽車等がない限り、消火は難しいと思います、車両全体も旧車が多く、消火もすぐに終わりませんね。素人が口出ししたんで、間に受けなくていいですよ
These firefighters really needed to be trained better,, many of those standing and watching and with two lines battling this huge flames, you got to be kidding me, you need at least 4 lines to deal with this and look at the left side of the firefighters, all standing there doing missed the chance to control it right at the beginning with only one line working most of the time, dumb........................can't believe this is Japan
@Rangerfan4110 ай бұрын
Every video of fires there is like this. They have no master streams, I have never seen anything other than an 1 3/4 or 1 1/2 size lines out, usually low pressure. No coordination, usually 2 or 3 guys running back and forth looking lost, somehow no ladder ops at all, if there is something like a truck company they have no ladder pipe. I don't understand how such an advanced nation is seemingly so far behind in firefighting.
Is this a Saturday morning cartoon? How many times did the pumps quit? Are these professionals or volunteers? I’ve seen videos of the same actions performed by Tokyo Fire Department members. A major problem seems to be water supply and more people standing around giving direction and taking pictures rather than actually fighting a fire. Sad!
@OldLordSpeedy9 ай бұрын
I am very sorry but all Asian and European firefighters are paid and professional fire fighters! Volunteer fire fighters in Asian and Europe are people how have a regular work and as hobby they fire fighting - but they are professional fire fighter too! In Japann the fire department is historical a part of the military structure. They have overall in Japan a fire fighter department. At every rual island too.