我一直以為LV餐廳係食六個鐘嘅法國菜,比咁貴食前面幾度菜唔比餐具要用手食,餐與餐之間仲要瀬嘢「Lick IT UP」,好彩全餐廳啲食客都一齊要瀨碟,否則超驚恐,有潔癖嘅我睇完你條片真係好糾結,就算我預訂到我都無福消受,謝謝你無私的犧牲,Salute to you Roger,你今次瀨嘢冇人鬧你,嘻嘻~~~
Honestly the food looks weird rather than elegant. Plus licking off the plate is totally disgusting and in my fine dining experience i never encountered such a thing. Using hands too?? At this price point i can easily enjoy a fantastic meal in any 5 stars hotel in BKK rather than licking and using hands in a so called branded joint. Thanks for a comical experience