関西の実力校、箕面自由学園、流石に演奏上手いですね。顧問の福里先生が声楽のご出身だけあって、コーラスもキレイで感心します。真島俊夫さんアレンジのシャンソンメドレーは、コンテストで箕面自さんの定番ですが、いつ聴いても素晴らしい。チェイスのGet it On、ブラス・ロックの切れの良さは秀逸。精華女子とのコラボ、全く違うカラーの両校の交流、見ているだけで和みますね💙❤️ 小雨🌂の天候だったようですが、撮影📹本当にお疲れさまでした🥀
Thanks for posting this quality video. However there appear to be two bands performing here, but you only mention Minoh Jiyu Gakuen High School Brass Band Club. So who are the others? Edit: Viewing a little further I can see it is the wonderful *Seika Girls' High School Band!*
@invotta10 күн бұрын
The other school is Seika Girls' High School Brass Band. It's my favorite band.
@gagatube10 күн бұрын
@@invotta Thank you for the reply. I have not viewed many videos of Seika, but what I have seen have been excellent!