Hello, this is my first time watching ur vid and honestly you deserve to be more known! Im taking a gap year too and sometimes i feel bad for doing it since i live in Asia, people here don't really understand. You made me realise that there's so many things I've learnt during the gap year. Thank you for reminding me that!
@mrperkin09093 ай бұрын
Hello there, thank you for liking the video!! It's true that asian students don't normally take a gap year after graduating from high school, but it's totally fine to have one. Always remember what you meant to be for the year. Don't panic if you are lost sometimes. There are days we all find ourselves lost somehow. Always be genuine and hard working for your own future. Reset, Restart, and Refocus as many times as you need to. You are your own greatest project!! Wish you all the Best! I really appreciate any feed back.
@band1t99993 ай бұрын
Hey mind if i ask did you work part time or how did you get the money to travel abroad during your gap year ? Because coming from a disadvantaged currency country where $1 in my country is the equivalent of 0.23 USD and the minimum wage here is USD 300-400. It would take at least 2 month of wage to book a flight to europe or US. If there is any platform that you used to get remote work and pays in a better currency I would love to know ! Nice vid and love the editing of this video!!! Keep up :>
@mrperkin09093 ай бұрын
Hey, hello there. So excited to see your comment on my video. To be honest, I traveled without much worries becuase my parents help me out on the entire trip. However, being backpackers, my friend and I still scrutinize every budget we spent on the trip. Depends on your need, for us, we have our budget there, and we booked the stays and tickets (flight, visit) in advance. We lived in hostels during most of the time while traveling, in which we met new friends and share experience together which is really cool. But in your case, you need to be able to have the funds to travel. There are a lot of different options out there. Some of them offered job opportunities, and some of them require you to work on something else. Attachments below are some useful sources!! BTW, don't be overwhelmed by the money needed for travel. To be able to travel, you can travel with minimum budget and still enjoy the immersion of the cultural experiences. 1. www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=the-shooting-star.com/how-to-get-paid-to-travel-the-world/&ved=2ahUKEwjO6uKoyr2IAxXjZvUHHW1GDOMQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3zgbwvt-OqBkkPK110Zxvq 2. www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=www.worldpackers.com/articles/get-paid-to-travel&ved=2ahUKEwjO6uKoyr2IAxXjZvUHHW1GDOMQFnoECDEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3RStj41YNO_j0tYjCe5MAF
@band1t99993 ай бұрын
@@mrperkin0909 Appreciate your the reply bro and ill def look into the links. Btw i think it would be helpful to the viewers if you make a video to breakdown on the finance part like how much did you spend and cover cuz i think it would be a really informative info for people that are taking a gap year
@mrperkin09093 ай бұрын
Hey, good suggestion!! I’ll definitely try next time!! I’m back to school soon!!😁😁 Feel free to subscribe and turn on notifications cuz I’m going to make contents about my college life too! I believe it will be absolutely interesting too!!!!
@band1t99993 ай бұрын
@@mrperkin0909 Done !!! Good luck on your future studies !!!
@mrperkin09093 ай бұрын
Thanks you . Best luck to you too
@someone-ht2mb3 ай бұрын
mate are u shadowbanned or sum? Ur videos are actually pretty good
@mrperkin09093 ай бұрын
That’s overrated!!! I’m not actually that good!!! Just passionate about making videos and love to share some interesting contents with my friends!! Thank you for interacting over here!! I really appreciate!!!!