2024 Miami Dolphins - Week 13 vs. Packers Offensive Line Grades

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eric smith.

eric smith.

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@dondajulah4168 9 күн бұрын
I just stumbled on this channel and I am LOVING it. I hope to see it grow really fast as the content is awesome. All the other Dolphin channels that do any film breakdown tend to focus on the passing game. Personally I dont have any expertise other than being a fan that loves to learn about this kind of stuff. I knew there had to be some other explanation for the teams lack of success in the run game other than "poor line play". I know that the oline has some deficiencies but we also had been successful at times earlier in the season and I cant believe that it is all attributable to switching out Jackson for Lamm. I want to see where the RB chose the wrong lane or that the likeliehood for success from the start was low due to positioning of defenders creating challenges
@OLCoachSmith63 9 күн бұрын
@dondajulah4168 thank for watching! Glad you're enjoying it!
@OLCoachSmith63 9 күн бұрын
If you enjoy this stuff, there's a good bit more on Twitter (and some on BlueSky) under the same handle, @OLCoachSmith63
@fernandohawkins960 16 күн бұрын
COACH Smith, Thanks for putting tape together. You put time and effort into your craft. I must confess that I'm sick of Awfulberg. I've seen too much tape of him 1) on the ground 2) looking confused on who to block 3) missing a block 4) getting driven 3 yards back into Tua's lap. Are you not seeing this? I just don't get it. Awfulberg might be the worst right guard statistically. What don't you see?
@OLCoachSmith63 16 күн бұрын
@fernandohawkins960 Well, he was my lowest graded lineman this week - and the lowest on the year. So I think there's a misconception that I think he's great - i don't. But I also don't agree he's the worst in the league. He's someone you can upgrade. He's someone who if he's got worst OL, you're probably OK. The problem is, that with Lamm, he isnt - so things are amplified.
@fernandohawkins960 16 күн бұрын
@OLCoachSmith63 Thanks for response. I'm just frustrated with Grier's inability to upgrade the oline. After last year, I didn't see how Dolphins could have planned to go with Awfulberg at right guard. Unfortunately, age caught up to Lamm. He was better last year as a spot starter. Hopefully, the Phins can use those compensation picks to upgrade Oline.
@OLCoachSmith63 16 күн бұрын
@fernandohawkins960 i think there are layers to that. I do think they upgraded in a sense with Paul. The vision would be him sliding seamlessly into the LT position for Armstead- otherwise that replacement would be on the horizon. Wynn/Williams/Hunt not returning (at least to start the season) meant that they had to do more work than expected and I think they chose continuity.
@ramoncasillas4490 16 күн бұрын
Great video.
@OLCoachSmith63 16 күн бұрын
@ramoncasillas4490 thanks for watching!
@indade 16 күн бұрын
that game is the facepalm emoji. Tyler Booker, Donovan Jackson, Tate Ratledge, Charles Grant, Will Campbell, Jonah Savaiinaea, Tyler Banks, etc.... you get my drift.
@BlackhelmetapparelUS 14 күн бұрын
Great video. And thank you for what you do. This is gonna sound like a joke but I’m not joking…. It’s not just the o-line………. Or how they are coached to understand their blocking assignments…. But also the TE’s and how they are coached to block, how the RBs are coached to read the blocks, the play calls, and the decisions for which personnel to use for the play calls…….. and also the equipment manager or whoever picks the cleats cuz these cats are falling all over the place……. Seriously like all of these things are problems. Are there any videos like this for our defensive backfield and LB play?
@OLCoachSmith63 14 күн бұрын
@BlackhelmetapparelUS i agree completely with everything you said. As far as similar videos? Not specifically focused on those unit - but Kyle Crabbs has an awesome series on SubStack under Touchdown, Miami where he does both an offensive and defensive film breakdowns weekly that is great stuff and touches on more than just the OL like i do.
@OLCoachSmith63 14 күн бұрын
And that is my biggest pushback. Its not that I don't think the OL can't play better or that there's not opportunities to improve personnel - but that's not the biggest issue with this offense, and too many people are focused on that thinking that it's a magic pill
@dougt4652 16 күн бұрын
We started off horrible. Zero focus. I put that on the HC. Achane and Malik owe us a solid game coming up. I am curious how Mostert fell so far out of favor. Their defense was so much more physical than Miami's defense. Ref's were 100% on the packers side.
@SaintLucieSkunkApe 15 күн бұрын
Seems like Mostert fell out of favor because of fumbles and injury.
@MrBryantcm 16 күн бұрын
So what do you think needs to change? Right now ppl are either going after Grier for team building or McDaniel's play calling. Seems to be even split.
@OLCoachSmith63 16 күн бұрын
@MrBryantcm i don't think either are changing. But both have room go improve. I have issues with some of the playcalling & personnel - particularly the TE position.
@fernandohawkins960 16 күн бұрын
@OLCoachSmith63 Coach Smith, You are level headed. Grier will get a another year. Agreed, the Phins need upgrades with Hill and Smythe. They need 2 rookie guards that can be developed as starters. Hopefully, they can draft center of future
@OLCoachSmith63 16 күн бұрын
I still like Hill. 2nd year UDFA who does some stuff in the run game that none of our other TEs can. But he's in over his head right now. So I'd like to see an inline TE1 brought in to slide Julian to a backup role and push Smythe off of the roster. In a few years, Julian could be relaly good. Andrew Meyer looked good in the preseason. I'm happy that our interior OL has stayed relatively healthy and he hasn't been pushed into action - but I think he can be a pretty solid player. And I think the Dolphins feel that way too or would not be occupying a 53 man roster spot with him.
@SaintLucieSkunkApe 15 күн бұрын
@@OLCoachSmith63 I agree. Hill flashes some fantastic blocks but he needs to be more consistent and I would love to see him have more production as a Receiver but obviously there's only 1 football on a team with big time Receiving talent.
@dondajulah4168 9 күн бұрын
@@OLCoachSmith63 Wow, I think we are the only two people outside of the coaches who want to stick with Hill and move on from Smythe. I find it odd that Smythe has stuck on the roster this long when the team moves on from better players in the same pay range after one or two years. I also was scratching my head with that Achane jet sweep where there was zero chance the unblocked defender wasnt going to sniff that out instantly.
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