中共個 friend , Elon Musk 都唔 buy : After more than a week of uncharacteristic silence, Elon Musk has finally spoken about DeepSeek, the Chinese AI startup that has been making headlines for its low-cost, high-performance AI model. But instead of praise, Musk has mocked DeepSeek’s claims, casting doubt on its rapid success and suggesting that the company isn’t being entirely transparent about its hardware resources.
@philiptong4978 盡信AI不如無AI,下面係另一測試。 How do you generate your data? Hello! My knowledge is current up until July 2024. For time-sensitive inquiries, I recommend using the internet access feature to obtain the most up-to-date and accurate information.
李嘉誠曾經試過用 AI 提問,香港與新加坡是否競爭對手,AI 回答香港與新加坡喺競爭同合作嘅混合體,咁 AI 又點會淨係畀科技界或工程界用呢! 兼聽則明,偏信則暗。AI 猶如衆多本科技化工具參考書,就算係公認可靠嘅 ChatGPT,亦應對其演算出嘅結果,透過個人對知識嘅理解同運用嘅經驗,加以咀嚼分析,小心判斷當中嘅可信性,先至決定是否接納採用。 始終都仲喺要多讀書,多磨練思考,咁 AI 先至恰當地為人類所應用,而唔喺受 AI 影響個人對事理嘅了解。
@pphomeca23 сағат бұрын
@kwoksangleung91888 сағат бұрын
@andrewcheng303418 сағат бұрын
got to give them a thubs up for copycat "creativeness"
@chankainam4313Күн бұрын
森哥,我唔係IT人,但因為呢件事睇咗啲相關技術文章,關鍵重點唔係DS本身,而係佢將創建ai模型「開源」。令到全球都可以低成本用佢個模型去修改或重建一個新嘅模型,而成本只需幾百萬,未來DS或者會消失,但佢已經將整個模型、算法公開給世人任取任用任改。未來創建ai模型變得更容易、低成本,唔使一定再倚靠大資本。一啲小組織、團體、小國等等,都可以用佢嘅模型為基礎,創造一個新嘅專屬ai模型。成本1000萬美元以下,好多小企業都俾得起。所以DS係從基礎上打破了大資本創建的閉源ai,呢樣先至係DS最偉大嘅地方。重申,呢個唔係中國Deepseek VS 美國openai的決戰,而係開源 VS 閉源的戰爭。
@kowl6708Күн бұрын
成本只需幾百萬 ? 佢話只需幾百萬呀 ! 又老作呀 ! Elon Musk 都唔 buy : After more than a week of uncharacteristic silence, Elon Musk has finally spoken about DeepSeek, the Chinese AI startup that has been making headlines for its low-cost, high-performance AI model. But instead of praise, Musk has mocked DeepSeek’s claims, casting doubt on its rapid success and suggesting that the company isn’t being entirely transparent about its hardware resources.
@@chankainam4313 DeepSeek 硬件需求 ! 沒有人相信包括 中共個 friend , Elon Musk 都唔 buy : After more than a week of uncharacteristic silence, Elon Musk has finally spoken about DeepSeek, the Chinese AI startup that has been making headlines for its low-cost, high-performance AI model. But instead of praise, Musk has mocked DeepSeek’s claims, casting doubt on its rapid success and suggesting that the company isn’t being entirely transparent about its hardware resources.