Why PRCs want to emigrate?PRC is the best yao yao ling xian
@jeffhan123910 күн бұрын
@ceciliaxu710 күн бұрын
@@Kola833 because that way we know better about the world. If u disagree, u ca stay put.
@daweima767010 күн бұрын
@ceciliaxu710 күн бұрын
@@daweima7670 嗯肯定是我的錯
@daweima767010 күн бұрын
@ceciliaxu7 🤣
@smjet699810 күн бұрын
@martintsui80199 күн бұрын
China treat people with respect as opposed to US bullying. The belt and road initiative is heaven sent to the developing countries. When infrastructure for transportating goods and services are present, value added products can be produced and transported through out the world. China facilitates this by offering tariff free trade. For the first time in human history, China BRI helps to save lives and brings stability in all the 140 countries that signed the BRI. Chinese built schools providing education and therefore stable job, less worry and better families. The world doesn't need the American extravagant spending that leads to endless destruction of the environment and more greedy needs. Chinese people started assisting African and the third world countries when they were very poor. The West thinks the only way to interact with other people is through territorial conquest, economical exploitation of their human and natural resources for the past 500 years. They see no reason to change no matter that the reality has changed. Their dominance is due to their military might which is now surpassed by the Chinese. The world has changed. China leads the way to the future.
@hollyloo11839 күн бұрын
移居肯定是為了改變下一代人的命運,不然誰愿意千山涉水遷移到他国去?現在再談移民歐美加国家己是不切實際了,現在大把歐美中産都逃离轉移到東南亞安家了。把香港、大馬當“新澳美日歐” 跳板是不錯方法,如果內地生活真有你口中説的這么好,我想你也不用大費周章帶孩子跑到香港去讀書了,所以會走出去就説明沒你講的這般好了。每年多花幾十万人民幣,至到高中畢業前都夠在大馬幾套房了,説白了還不就是為了培育孩子有更寬闊的視野和世界觀。上海人口土地是香港的至少3.5-6倍,就是中国外地白領職業人要在上海安家落戶都不是件容易事了,更別説要移民海外了,所以香港优材就是吸納這些人來填補之前大量逃离香港的中産的。講到底移民就是个燒錢的玩意,沒點經濟實力的可以靠”潤“...不論是短期海外留学或打工都是一种方法,反正只要能走出去就會有希望..。无论局势如何变化,最终每个人都需要找到自己內心的平衡点的。2025年了,川普新官上任三把火,一是要終結很多国家人的美国夢、二是要把多元性別變回只有男人和女人的世界,三是不论是个人或国家, 川普的行动都反映了对权力和财富最大化的追求,这也让世界变得更不可预测。馬照跑,舞照跳...関関難過関関過!要相信明天會更好,happy new year 2025!😅🥰🥰🥰