好勇敢,亦都好多謝你拍片分享呢段經歷🥺 真係冇一個強大嘅心臟都捱唔到過去,尤其是喺香港呢個都仲算保守嘅社會,真係好唔容易!!!而對你惡言相向嘅嗰個女仔,我真心覺得好on*,對同性表達咁大嘅惡意嚟抬高自己真係好無知。已經2022年,我覺得真心唔應該再污名化sex,sex唔係一個問題,佢係愛情入面一個自然亦不可避免嘅經歷,反而係社會應該普及化性教育,要男女雙方都識得保護自己、保護愛嘅對方,而唔係正常同男朋友為愛鼓掌就認定人係slut (I was like WTF?!),喂大佬咁咪係人做人阿媽扑野生仔都係slut?你估你阿媽結婚前就一定冇扑過野架?就算係,又關你咩事呢😂 嘩真係,諗起個女仔都火滾,腦子是個好東西大家記得要用😂 (好啦我鬧完了)
@thereynoldsfamily2 жыл бұрын
@Xingxin_g6792 жыл бұрын
@@thereynoldsfamily 😹
@yuenyanman46352 жыл бұрын
@poyu75602 жыл бұрын
@maryfung7182 жыл бұрын
Maybe cuz that girl could never date somebody as good as Lawrence xd. In many occasions it is from jealousy. This kind of comments would only let people know she’s a bitch 人格好有問題同心地唔好 instead of anything negative to you. At least that’s what I’d think if I’m you two’s common friend. I’d definitely scold her hard as what she said not only affect you, but also the baby inside you.
回望翻以前我意外有大女時22歲,都係好驚,我比你好彩係果時我已經出嚟做嘢,父母知道後好唔開心,我最黃金2x-3x歲都係湊小朋友咁過咗,身邊同齡朋友去玩enjoy life時自己就湊女,但到而家兩個女已上大學,我仲算後生,同年朋友就湊緊小學雞-中學仔女,佢哋都羨慕我而家仲後生大把時間玩,仲可以enjoy my life🤣🤣所以我哋只係先苦後甜,好快甩難,第時你想讀書、學野都仲有時間,同仔仔一齊玩都仲有心有力,所以你努力呀💪🏻
Hi Gladys, 我係最近無意中看到你哋一家移民去咗英國嘅視頻,因為喜歡你開朗又真性情嘅性格,當然都好鐘意兩個仔仔,又好欣賞對你咁好嘅靚仔老公。今日睇你呢條片,我睇到眼濕濕,你屋企人對你嘅愛,尤其媽咪,真係讓我好感動!你同學講咗傷害你嘅說話,你就原諒佢,忘記算了!你𠵱家一家人生活得好開心,唔好再為過去唔開心嘅事而傷心啦!我非常欣賞你為家人和整個家庭努力做好自己,你哋一家人一定會繼續幸福,過自己想過的生活!感恩自己的選擇!💕
@JC-oo1im Жыл бұрын
OMG, I can't believe someone from your school HKU dared to say something like that to you! She has no right to verbally attack you. I can't even imagine how shocked and hurt you were. I'm so glad you have the unconditional love of your parents - that's a huge blessing. You must have come a long way to this stage of life. Treasure what you have and enjoy every moment of your new life in England, especially now that you have your parents around (its great but may pose other challenges - just tackle it one at a time). Good luck and God bless.
Life is complicated! You cannot stop people’s negative comments. The important thing is you know to love, protect, and take good care of yourself. You made a difficult and wise decision when you got pregnant. You have a wonderful family now. Mom and dad will always provide us with unconditional love (in your case especially and not every set of parents will support that). You should be proud of where you are now. Lastly, continue to be a kind and loving person although there will be ups and downs in life; can’t avoid it, that’s life!❤️
@Smilethanks2 жыл бұрын
好有活力及愛的一家 真愛成就大愛 媽媽仍少女味濃 早為人母有苦有甜 稱職父母當之無愧 送上祝福
@iamnotstellawong2 жыл бұрын
It’s very encouraging to see that someone respects a life even its in the womb. Thank you for your amazing testimony in this age of life!
Hi Gladys! KZbin’s algorithm brought me to your videos (this one in particular) and I just want to say I’m so glad it did! Thank you for taking the bravery to share your story on this platform. I could only imagine how much determination and courage it took for you to have made the decision to keep the baby, and your levels of strength, responsibility, resilience and capacity to love are truly inspiring and incredible. (And you were so young!) Also I would like to add that from a Christian’s point of view, it’s very easy for one to stand at the side of judgement and to say what you have done was “wrong” i.e. pre-marital sex, and yet when I finished watching this video, my mind was full of amazement at how a conventionally considered “bad” thing can reap wonderful fruits like this beautiful family of yours. If only the world could have less finger-pointing and people could shift their perceptions toward the same thing, life would be so much better, wouldn’t it? Anyway, do know that your demonstration of great love, perseverance and kindness is phenomenal, and that’s the same for your family members too! May God continue to bless you and your lovely family. Xx
我今年23,我之前有個朋友都係差唔多呢個時間懷孕了。作為朋友知道呢件事一定係覺得好驚訝,但係我同佢講咗一句,每一個決定我都會好支持。因為我知道佢已經好辛苦,如果我再批評或者作出任何意見只會令到佢更加痛苦。我睇完呢條片之後,我覺得你已經經歷咗你人生最大嘅挑戰🙈呢個世界真係咩人都有,睇得出你嗰陣時好Lonely (want to hug you 🫂),好彩而家有一個咁幸福美好嘅家庭,已經係對嗰個bitch最好嘅回應❤️❤️❤️❤️
You were so brave! And the time proves that you're successful as a mom, a wife, a KZbinr and a woman.
@mankitwong41652 жыл бұрын
@Z051v7012 жыл бұрын
So proud of you!👍 相信自己的直覺,不要管別人的眼光和想法。你的選擇決定你的人生。
@agymayachelonia83812 жыл бұрын
Gladys, I stumbled upon your channel after watching a few others about HK families moving to the UK. People will always judge regardless of the choices we make, whether it be marrying or not, having kids or not, quitting a job etc etc. The important thing is having your loved ones support you, and after watching your videos, I can say that you definitely have this. You're a ray of light and lived life with fun n love. Don't let those haters affect you x
Thank you for sharing your story and your feelings. Your parents responses remind me of how to love your children unconditionally, even they have done things which are not according to your plans to them.
@thereynoldsfamily2 жыл бұрын
I love this ❤️ yes they really showed us how to love our children unconditionally too, especially when times are hard it’s when your children need you the most ❤️
Watching your video actually makes me wanna have my own kid earlier. Your family is so cute and authentic. Thank you for sharing your life with us. and You are so brave (y) sending you love & light
@thereynoldsfamily2 жыл бұрын
@estherng8745 Жыл бұрын
Never look back and regret was happened , you now have a loving husband and two darling sons, you still young , your dream with come true when the time is right ❤ 活在當下、珍惜眼前
Feel so proud of you and thanks for sharing all these with us. You let us know it is ok to feel angry and feel emotional and feel shocked when facing unexpected life changing events. But stay faithful and face it bravely and responsibly and positively
@許維珍-t5z2 жыл бұрын
辛苦你了! 希望現在的你可以感受到苦盡甘來~❤️❤️
@Happy-zv9tz2 жыл бұрын
諗返起都幾有趣 😂明明公公婆婆嗰代 十幾二十歲生bb先叫正常 香港短短兩代人已經扭轉曬啲觀念 仲去到接受唔到嘅地步😂 btw加油!!watched all your vids haha❤️
@candyiong9842 жыл бұрын
我覺得你的經歷好似我之前睇過嘅一本書,女主角係一個好努力好勤奮嘅女仔,考咗哈佛嘅碩士,但係因為同一個男仔嘅一夜情唔小心大左肚,佢講佢點樣克服自己由恐懼到坦然接受,相信男主角會帶佢走出佢嘅恐懼、肯同佢一齊去面對將來,都係講一齊去克服大咗肚嘅呢件事我,覺得同你嘅經歷好似,雖然可能背景嗰啲會唔同,但係我覺得兩方一齊比信心大家呢個過程可能係會比較同你嘅經歷相似! The goal-Elle Kennedy
@ymtze53412 жыл бұрын
Hi I’m originally from HK too. Moved to the U.S. 7 years ago and got pregnant last year. Totally feel you there bc I just got accepted to med school that same month when I found out I was pregnant. Super stressed and didn’t know what to do. Both me and my boyfriend instantly agreed to keep the baby tho. But then we lost the baby about a month or two later…… it still hurt when I think of it. I’m so glad you had a successful pregnancy and a healthy boy tho!
You are very brave and gutsy , you deserve to be very happy . Hope that you stay optimistic , and every one the family is healthy and joyful
@JC-tm4oh2 жыл бұрын
So proud of your journey and the decisions you have made. Thanks for sharing it with us ❤❤
@thereynoldsfamily2 жыл бұрын
🥺❤️ thank you
@Wkp101122 жыл бұрын
@queeniewingkwanlau46932 жыл бұрын
@maggieleung31982 жыл бұрын
Really thankful of your sharing (I think I’ve not replied under any videos on youtube these years) just like to say really proud of you and your husband tried hard to make things happen like now! You deserve this sweet sweet home! Look forward to your videos! I really like your true-hearted tone :)