可笑,1.为什么机子上产地贴的是Made in Taiwan,伪造的?通关文件也是伪造的,人家被买通了所以不检查?2.机子始终要生产,那么现在的问题是如果金阿波罗只是授权贴牌,那么事实上的做这个厂子在哪?摩萨德自己控制的工厂做的?产线在哪有说吗?3.金阿波罗授权了,为啥授权,有相关的资质评估吗?他们没做实地调查,没去人家的工厂看,直接就授权了?心这么大?(如果去了人家的工厂,现在都曝到这个程度了,不说下)
Why were they printed " Made In Taiwan"? and Mr Wang didn't blame Taiwan company instead giving all the excuses for it. What a shame. Staying away any electronic product that is made in or by Taiwan is the Golden goal for Mainland.
Mr. Wang , I disagree with you! Your description of Mainland China media and Audience are too generalized: my observations throughout years point to different direction, China media in general has the most accurate and objective reporting in comparison in the world...😮