25+ BEGINNER TIPS for Echoes of the Plum Grove 🍇🌱

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@CelesNihility 4 ай бұрын
Another tip: The NPC at the light house sells soaps, which you should stock up on whenever you can. By using a soap from your active tool bar, you will gain a buff that prevents you from CONTACTING or TRANSMITTING a disease for the majority of a day. This will allow you to still go near sick NPCs to do your shopping if you really need it. Or if you are sick, you can use this to avoid infecting all your family members/friends and you can take your time to eat medicine and hopefully heal in a day or two before you run out of soaps.
@lizzsigmon 4 ай бұрын
yo - pro tip!
@no-xz1vw 4 ай бұрын
maybe i'm weird but reading this is so funny to me because even in a game the devs provide you with soap to prevent illness, yet in real life we STILL have to teach grown adults to wash their hands because they don't believe in bacteria, viruses and illnesses. and no i'm not talking about covid only
@sabrinacarter4746 4 ай бұрын
I just want to say, I’ve played a in game month of this and I didn’t know the following : you can get vaccinated, you can get sick from the rain, never thought about befriending the doctor, you had to befriend a child before adopting them and a lot more. THANK YOU!!
@howtobesuitcase2758 4 ай бұрын
Long list with explanations coming up. I have about 30 hours in the game and am in winter rn so I think I have some decent tips! 1. When you get married DONT make your spouse a farm hand, wait until you have kids to have farm hands. Your spouse loses all their money when they become a farmhand, meaning you can't trade with them anymore. Trading with your spouse is super useful because it means you can sell things late at night when no one is out and before they rot. Plus, your partner will earn a daily wage of around 40 coins, but if you make them quit and go back to working they only make 20 a day. Not a big deal but everytime I collect his money it just serves as a reminder of all my past mistakes lol. 2. Don't be picky about who you marry, its more important that you get married soon as so you can get more kids (Send the heir to school but have 2 as farmhands etc). You can't force having a kid, its up to chance each night so you very well could die and lose your progress if you wait too long to get married with no kids. If you really want to be picky and want to date someone who has difficult gifts, I honestly suggest turning aging off until you at least have a date scheduled. And turn aging off for everyone, not just you because otherwise you don't get the same experience and your kids might have difficulty finding someone to date thats in a similar age range. 3. Don't worry about being in a same sex couple. You can still get pregnant or adopt from overseas or an orphan. I was worried about that at first.4. Some careers are better to marry than others. A blacksmith is really good because you don't have to go out of your way to check for steel tools everyday and you can always get nails or iron bars. Carpenters are also good because they also have nails and a rotating furniture stock if you want to make a nice house. They also sell lantern oil. They both also usually have a lot of funds for trading at the end of the day, so you won't be picking and choosing what to sell. As for the worst options, the honey farmers and the fishers are definitely up there. They don't really have stock that youd want to see day in day out, at least not for me. 5. Even if you play with hunger off (I do) don't ignore your cooking skill. A) because there is a cooking competition in summer and you need to know a lot of recipes for that or else you're stuck in the dialog rotating through meals and trying to find one you can make. Reason B I'll mention later. 6. If you're not fussed about the cooking competition, still go because the competition has free ingredients that you can use to make some really good meals that you can eat there to fill up. You can't keep the meals after (I don't think) but it's free food which is crucial early game. 7. Wood is renewable and sells for 10 coins a pop, so it's a very good form of making money early in game. Try to shake as many trees as you can every day. Ironically enough you can avoid the forest if you're just looking for wood because I don't think there are any shakeable trees. Yes wood is important and you need it for crafting and progressing the story, but until you get some steady crops and animals set up, it's a good way to start. It's not like a certain other game where you never sell your wood. 8. Mine every day. Stone is technically renewable but you get far less stone than wood and it's just as important as wood. I find mining to be really annoying just because it takes so long to get there and you have to use your lantern, but still try to do it whenever you can. You'll thank yourself when you need it for 90% of the crafting recipes. 9. Always keep 1 lantern oil on you because not only do you use a lot of it in the mines or while walking towards the... big story goal. But, if you run out during the day and need to walk back at night, its best to use your lantern to stop you from walking slowly and waking up super late when all the shops have closed. Also, lantern oil just has to be one of the things you're ok buying. I don't even know if you can make it to be honest. In general, you have to be ok buying things in this game. It took me until winter to get the smelter recipe (I neglected my crafting skill) and I literally couldn't have gotten anywhere in the game without bars or nails. (Spoilers for the big story goal) 10. Back to tip 5, in Limbo the most difficult pillar by far is the cooking pillar. It requires at least 60 gold star meals to be made (30 donated, 30 gifted to villagers) and to know a ridiculous amount of recipes, which you learn through quests and through levelling up. While, in theory, you *could* cheese the game by buying gold star meals from the tavern or bakery, it's going to take a very long time and need a lot of money. That's not to say don't also buy any gold star meals, cus any progress is good progress, but don't rely on it or you'll be there for literal generations. 11. Still in limbo, fertiliser counts as a crafted good for the crafting pillar, which was such a relief to me because I also neglected my crafting skill (much like my cooking skill) until literally winter. Butter, cheese, lantern oil, nails and bars also count as crafted goods. There are probably more but this is what I had available to me easiest. I wouldn't suggest donating nails or bars, though, because you always need more of those. 12. If you're worrying about where to get lobsters for the fishing pillar, don't worry. They don't become available until autumn in my experience. They are also available in winter. Focus on your other pillars. Some good general advice is to not get tunnel visioned on one pillar at a time. They all take a long time to complete and a lot of skill levelling so play the game how you would if they weren't there and it'll be much quicker. I actually completed the social pillar before I even knew what it wanted from me because I was focused on foraging and farming but I wouldn't suggest doing that for the other ones 13. Getting to limbo is a pain in the ass and it takes forever to walk down the stairs plus you use up your oil if you want to get there in any timely matter. So, as soon as you get the icebox or cellar (whichever comes first), I would suggest using it for your gold star items so you can take them down in big batches instead of having to make trips every couple of days. I think that's all the ones I have for now. Sorry it's such a long post but I felt like I should really explain why its good to do or not do all of these things
@beththedarkmage3359 4 ай бұрын
A couple things I want to add- you can be picky about who you marry. I have easily maxed out friendship with everyone in two months just by talking and giving preserved food. (To be fair I turned off rotting.) I married Rose by giving her high value fish, but you could also gift candied foods, almost any recipe (survival salad I assume would be a bad idea), dried foods, cloth, gold ore (bad idea though), bars (bad idea again) and pieces of furniture that are bigger ticket items. There's more I've likely forgotten, but villagers aren't picky with gifts so long as it is worth 15g or more, I think. It helps to give things related to their hobby in the village menu. You can also go around insulting people to get 'cruel' villagers to like you more, but this should only be done if you want to marry one in my opinion, because it's a bit of a nuclear choice. Secondly, you _can_ force having a child in one of two ways. One, either find an already existing orphan, get them to like you, and buy adoption papers from the mayor, then select the adopt option. You can also create an orphan so to speak with death cake- yeah, kill the parent/s. I did this just in case my biological kids die of illness some day. Or two, save scum. Save the night before you and your partner go to bed, and sleep, then reload until the 'should we have a baby?' option comes up. It's random chance assigned to when you sleep each night, not fixed, so you can easily do this a few times and have a kid night 1 of your marriage. Oh and edit: the places that take long, you can learn potion recipes from certain main story helping npcs to travel there instantly. Finish a quest to go to limbo or the mine with said potion and you won't find it as much of a chore.
@howtobesuitcase2758 4 ай бұрын
@@beththedarkmage3359 Wish I would've thought to save and reload for a kid before my husband became an elder lol. Also I really admire how you talk to the villagers everyday, I get so distracted and I don't really go out of my way to find anyone except the blacksmith lol
@InsideTheBaux 4 ай бұрын
The gift system is based on sell price! I try to gift items worth 30g or more. Doesn't have anything to do with the villager professions, because those can change at anytime.
@mintendogaming 4 ай бұрын
I learned that all villagers apparently like Roses! Which you can find in the mayors yard lol
@maggiegator112 4 ай бұрын
I still live by fast travel. My understanding is that the time that it eats up is time it would have taken you to walk there anyway. So yeah you might be missing a few things in between when you skip around, but I'll still take that over slowly losing sanity by how slowly the character moves. I super agree about creating your own saves, so you can fall back on old saves if something goes wrong. Weeds/trees/rocks do not regenerate on your farm. Be careful how you use the resources you get from these because rocks and wood are actually harder to come by in this game than in most other farming games. The mines don't give that many rocks per day, and you can shake trees for wood but it requires time and traveling around. Take advantage of the ships that come to the docks on the weekends. They sell some fun stuff, including paint which you need for house upgrades. Without spoiling why, try and make sure you have a barn built with free slots before Fall 21. I missed out on some fun stuff, but luckily I think I'll have another chance on Spring 21 (hopefully). But I wish I would have had that barn ready before that first fall. Befriending NPCs is so important. The doctor gives medicines, the mayor gives adoption papers, carpenters will give you furniture, blacksmith will give you tools, and a lot of them give cooked items. I almost never bothered with gifting them. Just talking to them raises the friendship level quite a lot. Stay on top of repairing your tools so they don't break altogether. Get an ice box as soon as possible. They're super helpful. I have two large ones now, one for raw produce/fish/etc. and one for cooked items. You can have two kids living in your house at one time, and once they're adults, you can kick them out and you'll get a notification for having another baby. I haven't played long enough to know if you have to have a grown adult take over once you die, but I timed it so my third and fourth kids should be adults by the time my original character passes. This is a gamble though. I did this because I've had very good luck so far avoiding diseases, so I haven't been worried about my character dying before I have a replacement ready. One random specific thing I wish I would have done differently: saving bronze star fruit to dry out/put in jars. I spent all of fall prepping for winter by storing jarred and dried fruits and veggies because I knew there wouldn't be any crops to grow in winter. And I started only saving gold star produce to use, because I figured it would produce a better product. But it took me way too long to notice that the star quality doesn't affect how many hunger points it gives you. So in the end I wished I would have saved more bronze stuff to convert for my own sustenance and sold all the gold stuff because it's worth more. On the bright side, I over-prepped, so I'll have a lot to sell anyway in the spring.
@jennAKAskuna 4 ай бұрын
Dang!! Prepping for winter!! I almost forgot and I’m in Fall day 18. RIP. Better make more racks and barrels!
@maggiegator112 4 ай бұрын
@@jennAKAskuna There are persimmons that grow in the graveyard during winter and walnuts and chestnuts drop on the ground. You can probably use those to coast by. (: I did prepping in advance because I had no idea what would be around. xD
@queenoffairies08 4 ай бұрын
I'm waiting patiently for the next part in your 100 day series. I bought the game immediately after watching part 1. I love all the things about this game... and to be honest, love that you're experiencing all the learning bits, so I can start with more knowledge.
@hufflepuffler2575 4 ай бұрын
I was surprised by hearing you can get sick from the rain, ive had my character walking in the rain all the time and shes never come out sick from it
@joelbowyer 4 ай бұрын
AAAAH posted as soon as im loading it up for the second time. THANK YOU For diving so deep into this game so quickly🫶 also READY FOR PART 2 OF THE PLAYTHROUGH 😻
@nailsyo1585 4 ай бұрын
Any cooker meal or jam has always worked!! They’re always really happy
@bailey6195 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your tips! You struggling in the game on stream made me want to buy the game. I love the struggle! The saving tip is the best one!! I have SO many saves lol
@tiffanyhilsabeck6521 4 ай бұрын
I felt like the insult quest was definitely a good idea, friendship with temperance is so worth it $$$. It’s not hard to offset the negative reactions from the insulted villagers.
@Marialla. Ай бұрын
Wood is the easiest universally liked gift. Every screen has enough trees to shake that you should have abundant gifts for everyone there, as well as more to keep for yourself!
@michellewachs6829 4 ай бұрын
As a gamer who wants to buy this one potentially, I looved your video, it gave a super good impression of what it is like and what to pay attention to :)
@WishIWasAMermaidx 4 ай бұрын
I killed half the town with the pox 😂 I’ve made my daughter the doctor’s apprentice so we’re doing much better now. My best tip atm is to get 3+ drying racks built asap and dry your cheap fish so you don’t have to buy food and can stock up. Fishing is also the best money maker for me so far. Also, in the settings you can turn off tool decay, food decay and etc if you want a more casual play through.
@chipsfreak5070 4 ай бұрын
Just so people know for sure - you CAN INDEED visit the basement of the Potion House/Witch's place (after unlocking it ofc) of all times of the day
@AngelsCozyTours 4 ай бұрын
Great video, Payton! I'm so excited to get more into Echoes of The Plum Grove. Also, I love the outfit. You are glowing! ❣🐻
@avamae2003 4 ай бұрын
THANK YOU SO MUCH PAYTON!! I’ve been hoping you’d release a video like this! You never disappoint🩷
@willow_song2596 2 ай бұрын
Jack is my bestie and I've never insulted one (except once accidentally) villager. He often has gifted me wallpapers or flooring.
@helenjones1533 4 ай бұрын
Loving all of your content on this game. Can't wait for part 2
@beckymillz Ай бұрын
Really kept my attention! Thank you! Excited to try it😊
@rorybisson756 Ай бұрын
you can also turn off the item decay, the fishing game (which is honestly the best thing in the options), hunger. they gave us all kinds of options.
@Zodia195 4 ай бұрын
You sold me on that last tip hahaha. Because watching this video I was like, "Oh no it's like Oregon's Trail all over again." That was one of the very first computer games I ever played and I died fast in it. I was only in the 2nd grade lol.
@madelinethompson9829 3 ай бұрын
I've just been buying food from the bakery/inn for food. Quests and selling crops are the best way to earn money + relationships. Save money 100%.
@Kingofbling1 Ай бұрын
Wow, thank you for that options tip. I had no idea it was there. 😆
@rjin9468 4 ай бұрын
my whole farm is an orchard so i have constant income it’s a great way to make money! just keep fertilizing your trees until you get high level fruit!
@redleafcrossing 4 ай бұрын
this is going to be so much fun when it comes out to switch can’t wait
@Alexis_Danielle1 Ай бұрын
Another good tip I think should be shared: Sell everything to the Mayor! He will always have thousands of dollars do you never have to worry about him not being able to purchase your crops
@cozy.ladybug 3 ай бұрын
I have just been gifting everyone the cherries I steal from Bayley farm. They always seem to like the gift and its easy to get.
@TheAcornLady 4 ай бұрын
Hutton liked the jam I made from cherries...
@marybethmayfair3434 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing this video! i was really struggling in this game.
@paigegguy 4 ай бұрын
I thought it was bad that they removed animals having gender because people got confused why they couldn't breed same sex animals but...if we're eating cakes with death in the name, I guess it's needed.
@genderdystopia019 Ай бұрын
For a non-tips and tricks person, you did fantastic!
@KitamariePlays 3 ай бұрын
Incredible, fantastic, 10/10 life and game experience-changing tips! :D I'm going to have a way easier time in Plum Grove now, thanks!!
@Nuller_Manden 4 ай бұрын
All of this sounds like very logical things and pretty easy IF you think about it and it sounds to be more of a realistic approach in terms of the gameplay (hardest things sounds to be managing your day and actually being bothered to read stuff then any of the mentioned tips) 🤷
@cottagematchafairy 4 ай бұрын
@sanjiro8126 3 ай бұрын
jajaja the cake at the wedding ☠☠☠
@jesussaves3346 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips I just bought this game
@vegassims7 3 ай бұрын
Great help.. thanks for this.
@FryingMike 3 ай бұрын
? Make all the drying racks, dry all the wild fruit $$$$$ mine the mine, go deeper! more $$$$ Buy bricks, bake your own bricks, $$$$$ My farm makes no money, I tried to harvest a huge hay field and the smith died so new new scyth for weeks when mine broke. Is not bad
@jennabishop1600 4 ай бұрын
Is this coming to the switch?
@kellytownsend8116 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips. I purchased the game. Not sure I will play it before controller support releases
@lordkira7799 Ай бұрын
u should add tips = instead of eating the raw fish to fullfill our hunger, sell the fish to some villager, buy some good food. if u win on fishing competition, u will get a godly tier fishing rod that wont break for a hundred of uses. u can increase ur fishing skill , buy some bait, and sell everything from it. i got 700-1500 only selling couple of eels.
@Ivle711 4 ай бұрын
yeah, i didnt think much of the disease, all of my vilplager died, just a few survivors
@Jaszzzzzzz 4 ай бұрын
I adopted a kid he grew up and had a kid and for some reason it says my grand baby is my brother
@Katie-kt9db 4 ай бұрын
@adminjamie Ай бұрын
i wish the game for nintendo switch intresting gameplay looks like paper mario with stardrew valley
@BiaNca-kk2oz 2 ай бұрын
You are funny 😂😂😂😂 tysm for the tips.
@letterstofutureus 3 ай бұрын
I will now pause this video and search up the video where she "may or may not" have killed off a villager
@letterstofutureus 3 ай бұрын
FOUND IT! About 40:00min in to her 2nd playthrough video kzbin.info/www/bejne/aJ_Wp6CupMmAhJY
@HarambetheWhite 4 ай бұрын
I would say if the game keeps getting support and updates...I think it could overtake Stardew....
@blackbeautysister3 3 ай бұрын
Please don't accept all quests, because if they time out after you said you'd do it, it will lower the villages friendliness with you. Instead, look at the rewards. If you need to buy Sarah Edwards three bread but she only gives you one cup of tea in reward, IGNORE that quest entirely. (I don't know if clicking reject lowers their opinion of you or not)
@ElixaRose 4 ай бұрын
Lmao so that was Martha??? 😂😂😂
@AnnieOakleavesAdventures 4 ай бұрын
The game has been out a week. What makes anyone an "expert" to be giving out "25 tips" after a week? LMAO. As far as I'm concerned everyone playing a new game that's only been out a week is a BEGINNER and isn't qualified to be giving tips to anyone. I really hate these clickbait videos.
@howtobesuitcase2758 4 ай бұрын
You can learn about a game in a week lol. And most of these are learned from mistakes from being a beginner
@Yanadis 4 ай бұрын
I've learned a of from these type of videos so far and many people gained their experience playing demo (or maybe they had earlier access to full release version)
@Lyra7745 4 ай бұрын
Then skip them instead of posting such a Karen comment
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