Here's my English translation of the lyrics! 2代目閻魔 The Second Enma* 0:18 大変だ!先代閻魔が消えちゃった お陀仏っていうか 遂に嫌んなって どっか行っちゃった ごった返す亡者 現場は大混乱 可及的速やかに何とかしなくちゃ Oh no! The previous Enma disappeared He kicked the bucket, or rather, he finally got sick of it and went off somewhere The dead are all in confusion The place was in utter chaos Something had to be done, and soon 0:32 何となく選ばれた 天下のピンチヒッター 獄卒ん中じゃ正義感持って 働いていたが 当然経験ない完全デスクワーク 引き継ぎ資料もないまま ただ ジャッジ×3 And somehow I was chosen to be a pinch hitter for the whole world As one of hell’s tormenting devils, I had worked with a sense of justice But I had absolutely no experience in desk work, and with no handover documents, all I did was just Judge x3 0:46 一生の種類が多すぎて モノサシじゃ罪とか測れない どうせ自分の秤次第なら 量刑は世の為改め 我が為誰の為? あ~めんどい! There are too many kinds of lives You can’t measure sins with a ruler If it’s up to me to weigh the scales, I’ll amend the sentences for society’s sake For my sake, for who’s sake? Ahhh, what a pain 1:03 配慮が足んないから罰 他人を裏切ったから罰 齟齬を生んだから罰 誰もかれも 前科ウン犯 足を引っ張ったから罰 嘘をついたから罰 なんか気に食わないから 罰罰罰! You were too thoughtless, so punishment You betrayed others, so punishment You sowed discord, so punishment Everyone’s got previous offenses You held others back, so punishment You lied, so punishment I just kinda don’t like your vibes, So punishment, punishment, punishment! 1:17 だんだん混乱するジャスティス 理想とはどこにあるのか 思考を誤魔化すように 煮えたぎる銅を飲まされた さんざっぱら Justice slowly descends into chaos Where are our ideals As if to try and mislead me I was made to drink boiling copper** How terrible 1:45 いくら裁こうが 減らない大渋滞 たまに引っこ抜いた舌が躍って 取っ散らかった 数行に収まった 人生の歴史が ベルトコンベアーで今日も運ばれてる The traffic jam won’t clear no matter how many I pass judgement on Sometimes the tongues I’ve cut out*** jump around and scatter Today, yet another person’s life story that is fit into just a few lines is carried by the conveyor belt 1:59 清くありきれなくて 疲れきった魂は 鏡に映った真っ赤な顔に そっくりだった 至上の私であろうとした結果 誰もが模倣犯で誰もが ジャッジ×3 The tired souls, which could not stay pure looked exactly like the red face that was reflected in the mirror The result of trying to be supreme Everyone is a copycat criminal, everyone will Judge x3 2:13 掬いきれないものだらけ オタオタしてひたすら空回り 落とした咎こそが 生きた証拠なら 全力で受け止めるだけ! It’s filled to the brim with people that can’t be saved They’re in a panic, just going in circles If even atoned sins become living proof Then I just need to take it all on with everything I have! 2:28 反感買ったから罰 欲がはみ出てるから罰 弱音吐いたから罰 いっせーので 前科ウン犯 うだうだやかましいから罰 見栄を切ったから罰 次に期待したいから 罰罰罰! You antagonized others, so punishment Your greed is showing, so punishment You’re complaining, so punishment On the count of three, previous offense You talk too much and you’re annoying, so punishment You’re a show-off, so punishment I’m looking forward to the next one, So punishment, punishment, punishment! 2:41 際限ない罪人よ 愛してる! 過ちは理想のカケラ セットドリンクを飲み干し 今日も元気に 我こそが 2代目閻魔 Oh endless sinners, I love you! Mistakes are the broken shards of ideals I drink down the beverage that came with the meal It’s another cheerful day for me, the Second Enma 2:57 …とか意気込んで調子こきすぎた 落としに落として 八大地獄もキャパオーバー 双方からの苦情が ヒートアップして 後釜の判断で裁かれた タッタ …and that’s how I became so enthusiastic I got cocky The droppings kept dropping down and all Eight Great Hells reached overcapacity The complaints from both sides heated up and my successor passed judgement on me Tap tap *Enma is the Buddhist god of hell **As Enma is in charge of punishing sinners, he also has committed a sin by punishing others. His punishment for this sin is to drink boiling copper three times a day (this is why his face is red, it's hot!) ***It is said that Enma will cut out the tongues of liars as punishment Any corrections/improvements are welcome!
@darkdwarf007Ай бұрын
thank you so much! I wish you a very good day!
@harmonia_XA27 күн бұрын
すごく良い翻訳です! 「タッタ」を「Tap tap」に訳すのセンスある! Your translation is very nice! “Tap tap” is tasteful.
@joshval674527 күн бұрын
@grafeugenius23 күн бұрын
and at the end she become too obsessed and work too well that all hell become too full (isn't that skill issue from their part then?) and they appointed a new enma XD
@nosrah966017 күн бұрын
Incredible work! Thank you so much for putting in the effort to make this!
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)