Death Magic Made Manifest! - Old Dominion Lore

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@vitogunnhilder 2 жыл бұрын
So a cool Lore reference: Obviously, the Old Dominion references Rome. But the best thing about it are the references also to three of Rome’s biggest shifts: there was the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, and finally the Byzantine Empire. While Hazlia’s Dominion was never really an Empire (it was led by Hazlia and the Caelesors, which are like Holy Caesars, I guess), around the start of the Golden Age to the actual Fall were like the Roman Empire times - an unstoppable force of Conquest with several devastating defeats, like the Four Lost Legions in Mannheim. The Roman Republic period of Hazlia’s Dominion is the same as the years before the Golden Age, when the tribes were still in the process of being assimilated by word or by sword. Finally, the Byzantine Empire, which is pretty much Rome somehow making it to Rounds 10, 11, and 12 in a grueling boxing match, is the Old Dominion as of now, like a memory of the past that simply won’t die. This ties to the Bone Golems thing because I think that they’re a new innovation of warfare by the Archimandrites and maybe Strategoi. Rome, as a culture and concept, stayed alive for so long for good reason: they were stubborn enough to innovate and adapt for their survival. Like during the OD Civil War, and mirroring the game on the board itself, they must have realized that even cracking a Regiment of Legionnaires takes too long cuz they don’t take Resolve Tests, and so the leaders turned the catapult’s ammunitions into more effective Shock Troops themselves. And I like to imagine that the reason why Kataphraktoi are arguably inferior to any of the Hundred Kingdom cavalry is because the Strategoi innovated by placing Light Cavalrymen with extra layers of armor on heavily-barded horses, and are basically telling them to fight as they usually would - it’s like telling a crossbowman to man a ballista and expect expert results.
@matthewgilliland6864 Жыл бұрын
They remind me of Dreadnoughts in Appearance, Shape and Size.
@henri877 2 жыл бұрын
Need more Conquest lore! Getting into this game slowly myself, got the Old Dominion starter a while ago.
@daveawesomesauce772 2 жыл бұрын
Can I get a “ROCK AND STONE!”
@hennerz23 Жыл бұрын
@Kittenmarines Жыл бұрын
I just wanna see what Vince Venturella could do with a fallen divinity model. Is that too much to ask? Lol
@augustinelim1985 Жыл бұрын
From what I can tell from the limited lore, Hazlia was struck down but did not die as he was immortal. But he was so close to death that when he cried out for whatever power to aid in his revenge against the Sorcerer Kings, Death itself answered, and Hazlia would use all his remaining divine might to carve his way into Death's prison, much like how the Dweghom had carved their way into War's prison.
@BeastnBrushes 2 жыл бұрын
Love this unit. Already built one and added of bunch of moroi/kheres bits to make them look even more wicked xD Thanks for making these videos Doug, it's what got me into conquest in the first place and I'm having a blast
@mauithemallking7171 6 ай бұрын
In the Old Dominion, they bring the HOME to the front
@tomsutton2042 Жыл бұрын
I believe Hazlia's fall site has a Flame that burns continuously, and that's what infects the areas around Capitas with the ungods power. Kind of like an ongoing nuclear melt down vs one big bomb
@ianhunter1599 2 жыл бұрын
Could you poison a water supply or move enough material to a location and sort of poison it like dropping a bunch of radioactive material some place.
@boardcontrol 2 жыл бұрын
@sandpirate1662 2 жыл бұрын
Love the conquest lore!
@danielhya7295 2 жыл бұрын
Love the lore ones
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