Thanks for the rip! I think cut autos of Ruth and Wagner have been ripped out of 2024 blasters. I've noticed that Topps has been loading blasters over the past year. Autos were coming out like crazy for the Bowman U Chrome Football blasters and someone palled the Caitlin Clark super refractor out of a blaster Bowman U Basketball. I love hobby box rips when I can afford it, but Topps has done a nice job roping folks in with hot blasters too.
@ColemanCovers9 ай бұрын
I just found a Mega Box at my local target, it was the only one on the shelf and it says that they don't carry them in store so I got it and pulled a Colton Cowser Megastars Green Parallel /99
@wittybanter9610 ай бұрын
I opened 9 blasters and was very underwhelmed. Still got a nice Trout HFA though, but like 95% of it was just base inserts
@ChrisC167710 ай бұрын
Blasters have been brutal.
@packcrackers238010 ай бұрын
These blaster videos I’ve watched from multiple subscribers make me want to shy away from blasters with the seasonal gimmick stuff. It just seems dumb to me. But anyway thanks for sharing. Your channel is always informative.
@UpNorthCollectors10 ай бұрын
I hear you, they don’t seem to be as good as hangers or monster/ mega boxes and the spring parallels are a try but no one is jumping up and down for them lol
@jamesreynolds967310 ай бұрын
Hmm..let's see here..🤔 3 blasters at 25 each (assuming you got them at Walmart) is 75 bucks. Plus tax is 81 dollars. You might have pulled half of that in value. Assuming you could sell them all. How much could you sell them for at card store or a show? If they even take them you might get 10, 20 bucks.
@UpNorthCollectors10 ай бұрын
Truth lol but I got more value/parallels than most hobby boxes that sell for $90