3 Reasons Public Sector Employees are Killing the Economy

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As unemployment stubbornly sticks near 10 percent and any sort of economic recovery seems a long way off, think about this: The one part of the economy that's going gangbusters is government work. Indeed, since the Great Recession started in December 2007, over 8 million jobs have been lost in the private sector while the public sector has added at least 100,000 positions.
It's time to recognize that public-sector employment is killing the economy for at least three reasons:
1. They cost too much. As USA Today recently noted, federal employees make on average almost $8,000 more than their private-sector counterparts. When you add in benefits, the gap spreads to about $30,000. State and local government workers make around the same as private-sector counterparts, but their health and retirement packages mean they make significantly more in the end.
2. We can't fire them. The private sector has shed positions in response to slackening demand and the economic downturn. That sort of adjustment is painful but necessary, as it allows the economy to adjust to changing circumstances and workers and employers to move into new activities. Because it is guaranteed certain amounts of tax revenue and has a non-market mind-set, the public sector is largely insulated from such forces and keeps or even adds workers despite changed conditions. The result? We keep paying for things that we don't use, need, or want.
3. They create a permanent lobby for expanded government and higher taxes. Look at California, where teacher unions have spent over $211 million dollars on elections in the past decade. One result is that 40 percent of California's budget must be spent on education, regardless of the number and needs of students. Over the last 10 years, taxpayer contributions to public-sector pension funds has increased by 2000 percent!
Such sort of tax-based gladhanding is just getting started.
For the first time in history, the number of public-sector union employees is greater than those in the private sector, so expect to see even more lobbying for the sorts of mandatory raises and permanent job security that most of us can only dream of.
Because the public sector gets its pay and benefits from tax dollars and public debt, every thing it gets means there's less for the rest of us to save, invest, or pay workers with.
With the federal government and most states already neck-deep in red ink, it's time to cut public-sector pay and payrolls and return more money to the private sector. That will help spur the sort of investment and innovation that will get the economy moving and end the recession far faster than paying more and more money to government workers.
"3 Reasons Public-Sector Employees Are Killing The Economy" is produced by Meredith Bragg and Nick Gillespie, who also hosts.
Approximately 3 minutes. Got to reason.tv for iPod, HD, and audio versions.
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@goPistons06 14 жыл бұрын
the problem seems to be same everywhere- public sector employees (bureaucrats, politicians, teachers) manipulate laws to grant themselves priviliges, at the expense of the taxpayer. i live in chile and it's exactly what is happening.
@freddykrueger5503 10 жыл бұрын
A pay raise for a public sector worker is a pay cut for a private sector worker.
@coopsnz1 7 жыл бұрын
@kipter 6 жыл бұрын
Public sector workers shouldn't be allowed to unionize
@prankmonkey650 3 жыл бұрын
@crescentprincekronos2518 3 жыл бұрын
@@prankmonkey650 because they are artificially increasing their pay, thus bankrupting the government, also they are killing competition.
@prankmonkey650 3 жыл бұрын
@@crescentprincekronos2518 wrong.
@crescentprincekronos2518 3 жыл бұрын
@@prankmonkey650 you're wrong
@joshuawadsworth6417 Жыл бұрын
Nor should the unions be able to donate to politicians.
@joshmaeder8897 6 жыл бұрын
Bastiat was right. Public sector is the broken window of the broken window fallacy.
@Dpaladinx 14 жыл бұрын
First of all, you really can't get rid of the public sector completely, since there are parts where you need the public (law enforcement and firefighting. Although those are handled in state level). However, you can expand the private sector in some areas such as businesses by lowering deficits. It's all about balance. I believe too much government spending can be as bad as having private sector control everything like law enforcement.
@billj3494 3 жыл бұрын
It’s 10 years later and it’s still true but worse. I know a police Lieutenant that lives in Los Angeles county. His pay and benefits last year were $400,000. This is one Lieutenant, there are thousands of lieutenants throughout LA city and LA County. In California our property tax has an increase of 2% a year. This increase was placed into law in 1976 through proposition 13. Government workers are getting much larger pay and benefit packages beyond 2%. They are constantly attacking proposition 13. Different counties implement supplemental property taxes, when a new development is built. Those of you in Los Angeles county know them as Mellow Roos. This is a property tax scam they say the money goes for new schools that’s BS it’s going for salary pension and benefit increases. In my city I’ve had three new fire stations built on the same stretch of road within 3 miles of each other. I’ve seen more fire stations built in the last 10 years than I have seen schools built. There needs to be another proposition 13 tax revolt that puts a cap on salary and pension of government workers. Government workers should only be able to earn a 30 year pension if they want to work beyond that it will be for pay and medical benefits only.
@nomooon Жыл бұрын
public union is actually public enemy.
@orangedac 14 жыл бұрын
Its all about passing on the bill to suckers down the line. 72% of private sector workers have no pension but are forced to pay for gold plated public sector pensions. Worse yet, if the public sector pension plan makes bad investment bets, govt raids the private worker to pay for those 'shortfalls'. Its time to call it what it is - a racket.
@selfishcapitalist3523 3 жыл бұрын
Even FDR was against public-sector unions.
@imallpissedoff 11 жыл бұрын
"public sector union employees is a minor part of the problem." How can that be? New York, California, Wisconsin, all technically bankrupted by public unions. That's what the whole Scott Walker battle was about.
@SuperJBird 14 жыл бұрын
Your average lib would consider this a good progress report.
@davidelias1 11 жыл бұрын
I once dated a girl, who worked for the VA. Her salary for processing paperwork and checking the paperwork of 3 others was $96,000. She was in the process of doing a very short computer training session. Once it was completed, she would then enter the results of her team at the end of the day, instead of passing it to an admin. Her raise for this nominal task was $8,000. It seems odd that the VA always needs money for vets, yet someone could make 6 figures for processing.
@tristanc5937 Жыл бұрын
That’s not every federal employee. I make 38k for processing usda employees across the country.
@GoSuDiCuLouS1337 14 жыл бұрын
8 million jobs lost in private vs 100 thousand jobs gained in public, yup we definitely should let big business pay less tax so they can employ more people who get less rather then tax big business so that people can actually get what they need, health care a house a car food clothes, the only reason why 8 million jobs in the private sector are gone is because big business doesn't want to pay tax on their employees
@Thomas1701E 2 жыл бұрын
It's the rediculous pension entitlements that are killing us. I spoke with a 15 and 20 year (two public sector jobs) retired public sector employee. He was proud of the fact - at 58 years old - that he was receiving 2 pension checks. I looked at him as someone who is sucking off the breast of the municipality. Oh yeah, he has his massive IRA too. How can we pay people money not to work for 30 years after retirement? I told him that there's a plan to end public sector entitlements, to phase them out. Of course, there's no such thing, but his blood ran cold as I was attempting to convince him of the plan.
@Megabyxos 14 жыл бұрын
Back in my alma mater state of Nebraska, the state government is required in their constitution to balance the budget. That's right, not a cent of deficit! And while I haven't checked for a while, I know that Omaha for a time had the best employment in the country and has remained close to the top throughout the recession. I wish Oregon, where I currently live, would do the same; Portland has consistently been on the bottom ten for unemployment.
@nemo227 3 жыл бұрын
It might not be as bad if the educator actually educated people. However, I know MANY teachers, and most are pretty damn good but perhaps a third are worth only about one tenth of the amount they're paid.
@Pyrrhic. 11 жыл бұрын
The government pays federal workers through taxation. If the government is running huge deficits and needs to cut wages, i think federal workers are fair game. If you do not like your job, quit and go into the private sector. In this economic times, there are plenty of people who would gladly take those federal jobs.
@ReturnOfTheJ.D. 13 жыл бұрын
Makes sense because the Public Sector employees aren't using their extra money to create jobs as much as private sector people would be. So it's valuable money that could have boosted the economy in the right hands, being given to those who have the lowest chance of doing so.
@vinnyfaxx9267 4 жыл бұрын
Not all public sector employees are useless. A few are competent and actually care about the work they do. In my experience though, at least 50% are completely inept.. Several so much so that your average house plant contributes more to society. At least they give off oxygen...
@SeekingSanctity 12 жыл бұрын
Don't forget that CEO's are heavily protected by government policy too. Any good Libertarian is against them. Most of us are also not out to get union workers. We're out to get the policy makers who give union employees unsustainable promises.
@joshbv7087 3 жыл бұрын
Public Sector workers are paid too much and get way too many benefits in Canada. It is probably a bigger problem in Canada than in America.
@ThunderAppeal 14 жыл бұрын
Dont forget that these public employees will also receive a healthy pension with benefits too. How will an economy be able to sustain itself when the biggest employer is government, federal, state, local. By raising taxes and passing legislation to curb business expansion because it will encroach on government territory. Dont steal, the government doesnt like competition.
@CasualMisinformationSpreader 14 жыл бұрын
Now workers in private sector need to work double hard to afford public sector. You get less money, less benefit, pay more taxes on just about everything you do or buy, but at least your counterpart in public sector will be better off. Just like God intended.
@TheHigherVoltage 14 жыл бұрын
All this time I thought it was the multi-million dollar bonuses corporate boards of directors give themselves every quarter for shipping jobs overseas to slave labor markets, the massive bailout spending that went mostly into their pockets as well, the bloated government pay-back spending to campaign contributors and point-blank nepotism, and of course the $200 million per DAY spent in Iraq. What little did I know...
@johngleue 3 жыл бұрын
Background music couldn't be more distracting
@ColdHighway7 14 жыл бұрын
The public sector should never been unionized. There is no point to it.
@libertyfizz 14 жыл бұрын
Now the best and brightest aspire to get a government job. The pay is better, less work, less accountability and much better benefits. I have worked in both. I wasn't politically connected so I ended up in one of those few gov. jobs where you end up doing a heavy lifting. While politically connected cronies sat around in pointless meetings. When I went to the private sector it was a breath of fresh air and I didn't feel like I was the mule until April 15th.
@pillznarRy 11 жыл бұрын
This is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!
@djkou51 14 жыл бұрын
I agree some Unions are bad -but at times a necessary evil to battle greedy corporations.If corporations could police themselves an treat their employees fairly, there would nt be a need for unions.I know a particular company whose profits over the past 4yrs has increased each year but still cut the employees pay by 10% and lower contributions to 401k. Please do not bring up the recession, for it has not impacted this company. I repeat they have profit 4 yrs. - increasing each yr.
@Derekwwest 14 жыл бұрын
@BillPigg I agree with everything you just said and more. I don't know what first inspired my hatred of unions, maybe it was watching them take break after break while collecting 30/hr for 3 days to clean a 200 sq ft carpet while I slaved away at my private sector job providing valuable IT help to people who walked on that carpet and were inconvenienced by them taking so long. Or maybe it was watching public and private sector unions destroy my home town of Pittsburgh. In not realy sure?
@RuflessRecords 14 жыл бұрын
@RuflessRecords this is probably true, at least one time here locally when an issue was up for debate about giving criminals the right to vote (bad idea) they polled a local prison, and although said they wouldn't vote, of those who did, none said they'd vote Republican there was like 16 who said Demo...they know which party is usually more friendly to criminals
@akeakami2 13 жыл бұрын
i respectfully disagree....i think some of your facts are off.
@Watchman2012 14 жыл бұрын
How many DOT workers does it take to fill in an expansion crack? Apparently in my state it must take at least 8. 4 guys standing around leaning on shiny shovels (seriously, how do they get them that clean?) 2 guys sitting in one of the four dump-trucks that are on site. 1 guy (the foreman?) whose fat-ass is oozing up over the concrete divider he's leaning against. And the last guy to fill in the crack. This is no exaggeration. I witnessed this myself. It's important work these guys do.
@22popuser 13 жыл бұрын
WHO IS REASON TV? The online video project of the Reason Foundation Reason FdtnTrustees include David H. Koch, Koch Industries, NY 2008, Forbes -Koch is the second largest privately held company in the United States (after Cargill) annual revenue $98 Koch Is in 60 countries including China, and contributed $43,000 to Gov. Walker’s campaign’!
@shampoovta 14 жыл бұрын
But there's more! Liberals (which I am one) have made it impossible for industry to establish it's self in my sleepy little California Art Community. End result is you have to work for local, state and federal government. Until we legalize weed any way... Dear God:? I say the government pays me to live and work here. It's crazy.
@shekharkumar7578 5 жыл бұрын
Indian is an very good example of this.
@Bear5177 14 жыл бұрын
You mentioned that public-sector union employees greater than private sector. Are you referrring to private sector union employees? Isn't it possible that private sector unions have simply lost a lot of membership due to reduced bargaining ability from federal legislation? Also, how will states supposedly raise pay and benefits with major budget cuts? My state has already lost public workers due to budget cuts. Taxes are rising because of lost of income tax, not because of raising wages.
@Bear5177 14 жыл бұрын
In reference to your info in the side: 1. If health packages are significantly higher for state employees, couldn't that simply be the result of lowered health packages for private sector employees due to increasing health care costs? 2. I'm not sure about fed workers but I am state employee and I'm defintely expendable. State budget cuts have already shown many employees this reality. I do not have a guaranteed job security simply because I'm a state employee.
@Bear5177 14 жыл бұрын
Ok. A gain of 100k jobs is minimal to a loss of 8 million so I'm not sure what the significance is there. I'm not sure about the fed employee wages vs private wages but, having worked both private and state, I can assure you that state employee wages do not compete with private sector wages. As far as teacher wages, they have remained stagnant and diverse where I'm from, which by the way are state employees not federal. This video seems like an ad for the privatization of everything.
@ghuegel 14 жыл бұрын
@torak101 - the problem with gov't vs. private "investment" in workers is that private companies, aside from lobbying the gov't for unearned profits, must make something that people want in order to pay its workers. The gov't only needs to take more tax dollars or borrow more money. So while the private sector's imperative is to produce goods, the gov't's imperative is to pay higher salaries and earn political capital. High salaries with no need for productivity... it's a recipe for disaster.
@MrPatbradley22 12 жыл бұрын
what your describing is capitalism but the idea of 10,000 people in your community owning equal shares of a local small business is unrealistic there would be too much conflict in how to run it and who wants to own an percentage that small. if it were too happen no one would have enough interest in making the business run right and it would be horribly inefficient and probably crash and burn. 10,000 people is more realistic when talking about a large company. so yes i wouldn't contribute.
@MrPatbradley22 12 жыл бұрын
the public sector union's are the boss they can can just refuse to work unless we give them what they want. So who has more power voters or unions? I'll say the unions because as long as they have collective bargaining rights they can do as they please. Also if shell and exxon were publicly owned it would be a freaking disaster just look at how efficiently any state owned oil company is run. i.e saudi aramco
@FreezeGopher1 12 жыл бұрын
Does anyone else find it amusing that to criticize a billionaire in the financial services industry is class warfare (even though these folks are at the center of our current economic catastrophe) but, we can criticize the heck out of our neighbors who are school teachers, fire fighters, doctors, lawyers, research scientists, meteorologists etc? Is this not truly class warfare? Why do we allow people like this to make claims that are false and more importantly are not in our best interest?
@FreezeGopher1 12 жыл бұрын
Federal employees do, as an average, make a decent living, that's not because they have found some evil way to gouge private sector labor. It is simply a result of lower skilled government jobs being outsourced to private companies. Those that remain include a far larger percentage of employees with advanced degrees. Simply put the government employs a larger percentage of PhDs than does the private sector. People with advanced degrees make more money.
@rmcdaniel423 12 жыл бұрын
@Blunder1248 If you favor retaining high taxes to pay off the bullshit spending that someone else did without my consent, you will not have my support. Feel free to mail in whatever voluntary contributions you wish, above and beyond your calculated tax burden. Be the martyr who takes it up the rump if you wish, but please leave me and my hard earned income out of it. Would you actually do that? Would you personally pay more in taxes than asked, in order to pay off govt debts?
@jackpontiac52 12 жыл бұрын
Private sector wages have not kept up! In 1982 we were wiring an Airport Expansion at Edmonton International Airport. IBEW wage at the time was around $15/hr. The DOT, Department Of Transport was paying around $10/hr, the going rate at the time for a Government Electrician. I know, because I inquired about a job there! Drive from Edmonton to Nisku 5 days a week for $10/hr? Not Likely! Seems the shoe is on the other foot now! The DOT ended up privatizing the Airports anyway!
@CobinRain 13 жыл бұрын
@shamgar001 I understand you. I have also seen militant unions making ever increasingly bizarre demands. But at the end of the day, the price of freedom must be that as a society we have to carry that and that can involve strikes. The ability of workers to negotiate salaries and benefits and to strike lie at the heart of a modern civil society. Look at the countries where they cant; it isnt company youd want to be in. My point is that the Military-industrial complex is the real welfare queen
@shamgar001 13 жыл бұрын
@CobinRain I think everyone here is opposed to foreign aid and our constant warfare. The problem is not that public sector employees have decent salaries. The problem is that we're allowing the employees themselves to decide what "decent" is. They can demand whatever they want, and the rest of us have to pay for it, with practically no check or balance. If a corporation could just arbitrarily raise prices and the government required you to buy it, would you object?
@criticalsection 13 жыл бұрын
@printo69 It's not "chicken or the egg" at all. It looks like industry is refusing to take on the risk of borrowing money to grow in the hopes that demand catches up. Why would an otherwise healthy business take on more debt and increase their expenses if consumers aren't spending? If that's happening, I'm not seeing it. Right now it's government taking on the risks involved in turning around the economy. Consumers want industry to take on the risk. It should be consumers who take on the risk.
@ametora1231 13 жыл бұрын
@printo69 if spending money increases demand, thus fueling business growth, then why not print up a million dollars for everybody? They will certainly spend it, thus increasing demand and fueling business growth like you say. You can call it economic stimulus lol. Based on the principles of spending money = economic growth, stimuli should work to jump start the economy, right? How come they dont work then?
@ametora1231 13 жыл бұрын
@criticalsection those statements are true that businesses are successful because of consumerism. Interest rates are for more important than just buying big ticket items though. Business loans allow businesses to start, businesses to grow, research and development. This is like arguing over which came first, the chicken or the egg. You cannot have income unless you are employed by a business. Almost all businesses start because they take out business loans.
@criticalsection 13 жыл бұрын
@printo69 You can't have savings without income. Income comes from spending. Savings don't just happen. Employee income is a business expense. Business income is a consumer expense. Interest rates are important because it makes money cheaper to go by big ticket items like homes, cars, etc. Business don't hire unless there's an increase in demand. An increase in demand comes from spending.
@ametora1231 13 жыл бұрын
@criticalsection spending money does not fuel economic growth and prosperity. Thats a Keynesian approach to economics. If simply spending money worked, why not give every American a check for a million dollars & let them run amok at the stores? Savings creates economic growth because it naturally lowers interest rates thus fueling research, development, production, and business expansion without creating a boom-bust cycle. The Fed artificially manipulates rates causing boom-bust cycles.
@BenkaiDebussy 13 жыл бұрын
@Pomiferous You are aware that government spending is more efficient, dollar for dollar, than tax cuts as a form of economic stimulus, right? It's not a matter of opinion; this has been studied - by a Republican economist! - and food stamps were #1, followed by things like unemployment. It's not hard to understand why - the money is spent almost immediately, AND it's spent in poor communities, helping local businesses and the people who run them. Tax cuts aren't reinvested at such a high rate.
@BenkaiDebussy 13 жыл бұрын
@ejdf870 Also notice how these people are ignoring the bankers who were paid billions of dollars in government money. Their argument? They had a contract to make that money! But apparently the contract teachers, etc agreed to - to have part of their paycheck withheld, invested, and returned as a pension - isn't worth upholding. The hypocrisy is outstanding. Also ignored is the hundreds of billions paid out to other banks that didn't need to be bailed out.
@klissattack 13 жыл бұрын
simple facts, the arguement of we pay taxes so we pay there wages is silly. everyone pays taxes, including the public sector employees. also school, firefighters, police officers, the post office. these are all neccesities of our life and community. they deserve to be treated better because of what they r doing for everyone. thats not to belittle the private sector because they are important to. Im just saying that understand how important each is to making everything work.
@TWBiker 14 жыл бұрын
@ajd1211 You're referencing 1990 numbers on the 11%. Public sector is compensated more than public for the same jobs. If you had to meet a bottom line, you'd understand that working overtime is cheaper than getting another person. I left a government job because I saw the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money and the apathy of government workers on meeting budgetary restrictions. It may not be much, but at least I took a step to correct this travesty. I don't expect you to,
@mueygringo 14 жыл бұрын
Why do Government employees have unions? Aren't the politicians looking out for the good of the people. Obama , Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Frank, Hilda Solis. these people would never allow any Government Employee to be underpaid or mistreated. So, why do we need Unions Representing Government employees. These Employees must pay dues. Those dues pay for political campaigns. This is really difficult to figure out.
@priorzola 14 жыл бұрын
@LibertyEnfolds, you'll never free yourself unless you stop being a mouthpiece for corporate interest. Sorry, we tried it your way. We de-regulated, imposed trickle down economics, gave all kinds of free money and tax cuts to big business and STILL the average American relied more on CREDIT than on REAL WAGES (which have stagnated). And since Americans are relying on BANKS (and credit) to supplement their declining wages, then CENTRAL BANKING will continue to be a bigger problem.
@RuflessRecords 14 жыл бұрын
@RuflessRecords so okay that explains why many Southern red states get more in handouts than they pay in, they have the largest black Democrat populations, and the Democrats have gotten a high % of blacks on welfare, what about other states though like red S. Dakota that have get more in handouts than they pay in?...66.6% of welfare recipients in SD are Native Americans (majority vote Democrat)
@RuflessRecords 14 жыл бұрын
@priorzola just be proud of the fact that your party has the claim on welfare hogs and stop this bogus attempt to dump off black people that you suddenly don't want when it comes to the welfare debate as being part of the "red states". Unfortunately, due to your party's policies, the black community has the highest per capita welfare rate by far, and states with large % blacks rank high.
@priorzola 14 жыл бұрын
@aj294, sorry but people with a decent wage tends to pay a decent tax rate. In red states, where salaries tend to be less and unions nearly non-existent, they have terrible tax revenues and often have to supplement their falling revenues with money from wealthier blue states (and they still end up at the bottom for most quality of life indicators). Simple math, pay people less, have less taxes.
@priorzola 14 жыл бұрын
@LibertyEnfolds, if you have a problem with central banking then you should have a problem with the party that most encourages an economy where people live off credit instead of real wages. Ever since the GOP introduced trickle down economics, the average Americans wages have gone down while their reliance on credit has gone up. Maybe if "private" companies paid people a living wage, they wouldn't have to live off that credit.
@priorzola 14 жыл бұрын
@capitalismforever, yea, GOD FORBID people actually get paid a decent liveable wage to work. Sorry tool, multi-billion dollar companies who receive free govt handouts and give their CEOs outrageous bonuses that then don't filter that wealth down to their workers don't get to complain when their greed causes recessions. It's not a coincident that since unions have been in decline so have middle class wages.
@bobschniel 14 жыл бұрын
@1Guitarslayer Even with a majority it is hard to bypass a governor veto. While a majority of voters tend to vote for democrats there is still a sizable republican presence in the state, making it nearly impossible for democrats to override a veto or pass a new tax (2/3 required to pass). Republicans can stagnate and political progress the democrats attempt as long as they don't have that 2/3
@agroundhere 14 жыл бұрын
Well, if the goal is to create new jobs public sector jobs would be among the easiest and quickest. Plus you control the type, allowing for long term jobs with benefits. That is the goal, after all. And what is wrong with paying people well? To complain about over paying people just look to Wall Street and the upper income groups. If anyone is overpaid relative to their contribution - those are the ones. Remember, they're not producing anything except more money - for themselves.
@jx14aby 14 жыл бұрын
@kindweed The money wasted on the "war on drugs" is absolutely laughable. Today, I saw a guy getting held on a bench warrant because he hadn't completed his drug class after his arrest and conviction for possession of cocaine. So much time and money spent on bullshit. And when the defendants want a trial, taxpaying citizens have to take three or four days off work to hear the case. What a waste.
@biped19 14 жыл бұрын
There is a lot of truth in this video, but there is the idiotic and dangerous assumption that the wholesome & idealistic "private sector" invests in the nation. This sounds more like quacademic trickle down economics. The only way this reinvestment would work now in fascist America is if corporations themselves were NOT part of government. The little guy business owner/ entrepreneur does not really exist anymore. So, where does that leave us? Let the system collapse.
@Xceles618 14 жыл бұрын
The requirements for public sector workers are usually higher than the private sector in income size comparison....for example the teachers make a flat rate that goes up every year if they are in the union...this in turn puts the squeeze on younger teachers trying to get the full benifits they deserve and makes it harder to eliminate teachers who are not qualified...problem is we can't fire teachers right now because we are already in an education quagmire.
@libertyfizz 14 жыл бұрын
Now the best and brightest aspire to get a government job. The pay is better, less work, less accountability and much better benefits. I have worked in both. I wasn't politically connected so I ended up in one of those few gov. jobs where you end up doing a heavy lifting. While politically connected cronies sat around in pointless meetings. When I went to the private sector it was a breath of fresh air and I didn't feel like I was the mule until April 15th.
@terpis 14 жыл бұрын
@shampoovta "of which I am one"? Suuuure ya are. Lemme offer an alt poss: "industry" (whatever that hyper-generic term is supposed to mean) won't have a lot to gain from locating in 'sleepy little CA art communities' relative to larger, denser, better infrastruc'd, more robustly tax-based locales, which will also tend to have less tuned-in (i.e. accountablility-demanding) citizens. If you choose to live/work apart fr the people/jobs...don't blame gummint.
@danno321s 14 жыл бұрын
The measuring stick of unemployment has changed over time. Official U levels can be found by googling "Unemployment Table A-15". If the long-term discouraged workers are added back that were defined away back in 1994 we are at about 20-21% unemployment; google "Alternate Unemployment Charts". Thankfully we are more productive compared to the 1930's when unemployment peaked at 25%.
@chiefparenting 14 жыл бұрын
Public sector adversely affecting the economy? Go figure!! Our government is growing out of control...and taking our kids' future with that growth. If youre worried about our childrens future and are concerned about the future of American Free Enterprise, I ask that you view and pass along Chief Parentings entry into the US Chambers I am Free Enterprise video contest (via our channel name link above).
@Tidoublemy 14 жыл бұрын
@Bear5177 "Also, how will states supposedly raise pay and benefits with major budget cuts?" True... the state probably won't (and shouldn't) raise public workers wages with the all too elusive budget cuts. What it will do is raise PRIVATE workers wages due to less onerous taxation and more freedom for business competition and growth. What most lib's fail to realize is that the lazy, inefficient, insulated public workers are employed at the AT THE PRIVATE WORKERS' EXPENSE via taxation.
@MrPatbradley22 12 жыл бұрын
saudi aramco is not a private enterprise it is a state-owned enterprise. Your saying saudi aramco is privately owned is a total falsehood. Look at union contributions to the political left and the members of unions overwhelmingly vote for the leftist parties. Then once in power the politicians give the union members amazing pensions and benefits. One hand shakes the other.
@criticalsection 13 жыл бұрын
@jm04206 Is the employee of a "private enterprise" that's working on a government contract funded by public money part of the "productive class" or are they an "inefficient public employee"? How about people working in industries receiving government subsidies? How about companies receiving bailout money?
@georgeflanigan 14 жыл бұрын
@bttalbot I am a public employee, and I compare wages vs. private sector employees. My brother is also a public sector employee and makes less than $1500 a month. Most teachers don't make more than $35,000 a year. Plus, if the public knew how much waste actually occurs in state and fed. gov't, the public would throw out every person in elected office.
@RuflessRecords 14 жыл бұрын
@RuflessRecords by the way, unfortunately the Democrats have also been winning the Hispanic vote by 2/3 - 60% something around there, and they're getting Hispanics hooked on handouts too, Hispanics are passing blacks & whites in handouts in many states, they're #1 in welfare handouts in Cali 41.9%, Colorado 41.4%, Connecticut 39.8%, NM 56.8%, Texas 46.6%, almost #1 in NY
@RuflessRecords 14 жыл бұрын
@priorzola the Gop red states in the south have higher welfare rates because of your high black Democrat populations in those states. You guys think you can hook minorities on welfare programs, then pass off them as "red staters" when it comes time to apportion blame. Don't think so. States like Mississippi are red, but have huge black Democrat populations and welfare.
@priorzola 14 жыл бұрын
@quizerry, it's paid for by ALL TAXABLE income (including the public workers). Sorry but the states in the South (who have the fewest union members) simply have the lowest tax revenue in this country and still rely on free handouts from the federal govt to make up for the shortfall. Where do you think that money comes from? Blue States.
@priorzola 14 жыл бұрын
@pantera1012000, sorry tool but the biggest rise in wealth for the avg American just happened to coincide with the rise in union membership in this country and when union membership began to stagnate so did Middle Class wages. Not a coincidence. So when and how did you learn to advocate against your own economic interest and buy into tired and failed neocon talking points?
@RuflessRecords 14 жыл бұрын
We need a govt that directly fluctuates their spending with tax revenues. When the average American's income is down, govt should be cut. Liberals say we have to even increase govt more in down times, but this basically means we never make a net cut ever. The huge handout programs would still exist but should have smaller handouts in down times.
@shalcall 14 жыл бұрын
@RealityVersusEgo once again we hear this completely asinine argument that poor people purchasing homes they couldn't afford brought down our economy. Give me a fucking break. Try to be honest with yourself, do some research into our current recession, learn a little economics and then give an honest thought about why we are where we are.
@monicapttrsn 14 жыл бұрын
Folks, we made a mistake having this many gov't jobs. I'll be kind. People want financial security and low-stress work. That is not terrible. So a system was created to feed off of the taxpayers, and it was assumed tax money was guaranteed. But as we can all see, taxes revenue is not guaranteed. The juice in the lemon dried up.
@MrPatbradley22 12 жыл бұрын
who are these private hands that own saudi armaco I can't find any hint of that anywhere. If the public sector is so efficient then why isn't cuba or north korea thriving? why haven't all communist countries thrived? and also are you admitting that unions have too much influence?
@itssoEC 14 жыл бұрын
@mothermugger - If you are working for a business and the govt takes MORE of their money, do you think you'll get a raise? No, you may lose your job. Well that's what happens in order for the govt to higher more employees. Government jobs don't create anything, just burden.
@mzzh 14 жыл бұрын
I teach for LAUSD and we lost teachers last year and are losing 3 or 4 more this year. we are losing 5 days at end of year (furloughs) and are facing a possible 12% pay cut. you really painted a phony picture. education is suffering greatly during this private sector caused recession.
@Bear5177 14 жыл бұрын
@TheHigherVoltage Indeed. It's interesting that those multi-million dollar bonuses weren't used for something more productive. Say for something like, passing on those earnings to its employees or even customers. Who would've thought that corporate greed was supposed to be so good for America? ;-)
@terpis 14 жыл бұрын
@ReginaldL Well, some more than others, definitely. You tell me--is there another 'public intellectual' like Gillespie out there who feels compelled to dress up like a village person all the time? It's a lame, ridiculous gimmick (not unlike libertarianism itself). And so I ridicule.
@shalcall 14 жыл бұрын
@godmals Smhutson ignores the many California public workers who had to take pension cuts due to the mismanagement of their pension funds that they paid into for 30 years or more.
@HayateAzekura 13 жыл бұрын
There shouldn't even be unions when it comes to public sector. I don't want my taxes to pay for for their benefits. Call me selfish or whatever. I don't care about your kids, your family, your lifestyle. I only care about me and my family.
@jx14aby 14 жыл бұрын
@BloodiCheeseCake I'm all in favor of cutting government spending and workers but it was the banks that made all those foolish loans that the government then decided to bail out that tanked our economy. Government employees are the least of the problem.
@RuflessRecords 14 жыл бұрын
@RuflessRecords Obviously none of this means that most minorities are on welfare, it just means that of those who are on welfare, a majority of those people are minorities, and unfortunately most minorities vote Democrat.
@Jubes123 14 жыл бұрын
Public sector jobs are a broken window fallacy. The capital (physical and financial) must come from some where to support and create gov jobs. It comes at a cost to the productive part of the economy: the private sector.
@Marqus33308 14 жыл бұрын
Interesting comments, but the Public Sector rules, and there is nothing....absolutely nothing....that is going to change that fact. So all this rant is but a waste of time and breath.
@terpis 14 жыл бұрын
@ForTehNguyen Enron, Arthur Anderson, Worldcom, Boeing, KBR, Citigroup, AIG, Goldman...Walmart, Taco Bell, signholding 'spinjas', Payday Lenders... The 'golden goose'. Right.
@peopleofthecircle 11 жыл бұрын
Gov worker don't call the shot, government does. Self protection of worker rights is what it is, not about screwing anyone. I hate the Right wing spin.
@Blunder1248 12 жыл бұрын
I don't get the video? Cut the tax paid to the public sector and give it to the private sector! Wouldn't it be better to cut and pay off some depts.
@anthonysears871 6 жыл бұрын
Take away pensions and benefits for public sector employees/freeloaders and balance the budget.
@EconCat88 13 жыл бұрын
I think maybe the public sector union folks should ask the tooth fairy to help keep afloat their dreamland pensions.
@agroundhere 14 жыл бұрын
@quizerry Of course. As is the military - now there's some waste for you, police, public works, govt agencies, etc. But stating that those aren't jobs and don't contribute to the economy is nonsense. Indeed SS payments are a great stabilizing force in the economy. And if you don't think govt jobs don't matter talk to anyone near a military base or in the civic works industry, education or research industries. These people are our neighbors, not our enemies.
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