1. Take a deep breath (看開一點)2.Long term view(career.marriage.investment ….etc) ,多學習多問,為什麼比自己成功的人會成功3.Quality over quantity 4.時間is the most valuable thing,把時間花在值得的人事物上 。以上整理重點,喜歡Mike&Nancy 很誠懇、智慧的無私分享,即將邁入30的我,非常認同😀
我很喜歡第一個take a deep breath,20代的我往往會很恐慌很多事情,把事情想得很嚴重,當然跟個性也有關西,到了現在30代,真的會覺得以前的自己太害怕很多事情,其實生活可以更好,不用一直很焦慮,30代的生活我真的覺得比20好很多 我想這也是很多時候把問題跟大10歲的人詢問意見,通常都會得到這有沒什麼的回答,也真的10年過後說不定不用10年,就可以理解好像這的又沒什麼,尤其人際問題之類的~
I think Mike’s voice is a lil soft. I’m not good at reading Chinese subtitles. 🤭 great advice you both have here! Always looking forward to your content ❤️
Thank you for this video. I was feeling very down today. Exactly thinking about being in my 30s; the ups-and-downs. But after listening to what you guys have to share, I feel a sense of relief. Quality people, slowing down & take a deep breath, long-term goal, health, and not wasting time. I appreciate that a lot :) Thank you!