開始關注你們也快要半年了,老實說吸引我第一眼的是外表🥴,但是真正讓我入坑的原因是,讓我感到新奇的創作題材,令我想要學習的談吐跟台風,還有由內到外散發出來的氣質,在我低 潮落魄的階段,我認識了你們,你們的影片和直播帶給了我,許多好的想法與動力,我在夢想版寫到,希望有一天靠著自己的努力,我可以跟你們站上一樣的舞台,藉由自己的努力影響其他人,帶給他人勇氣與快樂。 跟你們一樣強,甚至超越你們,超越卡卡姐姐😎啊哈,但是現在要不斷的的努力,充實自己,才能有機會實現我的夢想,很高興也非常榮幸在16歲,這個老大不小的年紀,能夠認識你們,原本困惑的未來,似乎逐漸有了方向,謝謝卡貝姐姐😆,謝謝你們! my idol🤩你們真的是太棒了😢😭
The world would be sadder place with out our world class super couple to brighten our lives. They are so beautiful and uplifting, they always make us feel good with their wonderful attitudes and smiles. The love between them is so strong it makes you think that love does exist in this crazy world. May your channel and life always grow so you can continue making the world a better place.
thank you always for giving time to us bagels , teaching us,we always learn something new and for sharing your relationship with us love and always support you no matter what cacabella 😘😘😘💕💕💕