平常心 is like what they say 'doing is not doing' (做而不做). That means you can do your usual work but 心里不留痕迹, which we also call 不着相不执着。Because if we 执着then we will create and become dependent on the 五蕴六根, that way we will corrupt our 自行/空性 and turn it into 梦幻泡影(色相). This gave rise to the saying 空即是色 色即是空 or 空有不二; because 色 or 相 is created from 空性 the same way a gold necklace (相/色) is created from gold bullion (空性)。 Anyway, 不留痕迹 is very difficult to do, you have to be like 六祖慧能 (本来无一物何处惹尘埃), otherwise we will have to be like 神秀 who diligently clean his 明镜台 (心)。
Buddhism is a from of philosophy, not religion. There is no conflict for a Christian to study Buddhism, Sagkaymoni is a person not God.
@papaul85664 жыл бұрын
十誡之首誡,誡命中之誡命: 欽崇一天主(神)在萬有之上.
@chloelovescats14 жыл бұрын
hello, 陶先生,請問禪幾時產生?同佛教嘅關係是怎樣?
@cwhxhd59374 жыл бұрын
@wuwuyang4 жыл бұрын
@wateezit4 жыл бұрын
Actually i am very curious about this, many commentary seem to suggest that Hinduism is at odds with Buddhism, but in many Buddhist sutras we can see that each time the Buddha give a sermon, the 大梵天 (Hindu Heaven?) will come to support. So instead i think it is human who are at odds with one another.