呢個世界係公平,你睇多啲癌症相關資訊,你自然知道癌症其實係你就你,唔會因為你健康嘅飲食而不搵你,因為我哋身體咁多細胞,出錯係好正常,冇徵狀係普遍癌症嘅病徵,例如肺癌,因為我哋肺裏面冇乜神經細胞,癌細胞來臨不會即時有反應,所以通常發現都係會係末期。 睇多啲癌症資訊,就唔會講why me , 倒轉頭你會講Why not me
“Sorry” wasn’t the right word of choice. Not that Clark’s will to be sick. It should be “Thank you”.
@elau37422 жыл бұрын
He said sorry to his wife because he didn’t let her tell anyone about his sickness when he discovered about the symptoms and she had to swallow everything in silence. Clark felt he owned her an apology.