3ABN's Danny Shelton: "I'm a Christian Nationalist"

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Spectrum Magazine

Spectrum Magazine

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In a meandering almost two hour 3ABN Live show in April 2024, Danny Shelton, his fourth wife Yvonne, and two staff prophetic interpreters discussed racism, slavery, abortion, transgender visibility.
After a preamble that focused on allegorical interpretations of Revelation 13, Danny Shelton, the founder of 3ABN, explained he was going to “throw a bunch [of thoughts] out” on political and prophetic topics. To accusations that he is a “nationalist,” he said twice: “I am.”
While expressing their nonpartisanship, the presenters cited many politically Right-wing talking points and said that those who talk about America’s history of slavery and current efforts to ameliorate racism “have no respect.” Danny Shelton said that he “just won’t vote for anybody who supports same-sex marriage and abortion.” They also stated that efforts to talk about race and transgender visibility are harmful to the nation of America and Christianity.

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@jeanclaude7018 4 ай бұрын
I find it tough to listen to Dan ever since I researched and found the ugly truth of what he did to Linda, and how she is STILL tracked, harassed, and gangstalked to this day, just as Danny promised she would be. Her book, Advetures in Forgiveness, tells the story in heartbreaking detail. Ive been through similar gaslighting and blacklisting in the SDA church I was baptized into and loved, and I can tell you Linda is telling the truth.
@Tropicalbliss45 3 ай бұрын
I stopped listening to 3ABN because of that same reason. He is evil! He is a serial adulterer who divorced Linda to marry his non-Adventist mistress, whom he has now divorced to marry his fourth wife. The hypocrisy is too much.
@pamholmes5397 2 ай бұрын
@Realgonza 4 ай бұрын
This guys sounds like Fox News
@naturalhealermom 4 ай бұрын
Yes, I want to be divided from this truncated, powerless perspective, Danny. We are drunk on Republican talking points here, brother. No prophetic critique. I laugh and cry all at once.
@rogermetzger7335 3 ай бұрын
I don't know about you but, sometimes, I laugh because (in the moment) it seems like to only alternative to screeming and tearing at my hair.
@linnettemcneal8788 3 ай бұрын
This country was not built on Christianity...stop the madness
@adrielisaacs9228 3 ай бұрын
It actually was, if you take into context the religion of the founding fathers - however, that is no excuse to embrace the extremist side of that. I am surprised to hear Danny say this, but not shocked. He has said things like this before, especially in his Campmeeting sermons.
@romandaigle455 3 ай бұрын
Right, it was built on freedom of religion.
@andrecalli4397 3 ай бұрын
​@@adrielisaacs9228most of the founding fathers were deists. Deists acknowledge that God exists but they do not follow Him. The founding Fathers were more concerned about political freedoms than spiritual matters.
@jeanclaude7018 3 ай бұрын
Even though many of the founders believed in God, and certainly Christian principles help form a solid nation in the beginning, it's clear that they wanted government to stay OUT of dictating religion to individuals . They wanted Republicanism and Protestantism, that is, a nation without a KING, and a church without a POPE. We are now returning to the very things they warned us of. Catholicism is gaining ground on every side, and the president is merely a puppet for the jesuit order. Might as well call him a king of the earth.
@jaredlhulum 3 ай бұрын
@@adrielisaacs9228 how could it have been built on christianity with slavery being its driving force? ppl who were also created in the image of God were treated and regarded less than human. that ain't christianity!
@JazzDigits 3 ай бұрын
This is what Ellen White wrote: "The two-horned beast appears in two phases,-with the gentleness of a lamb and the fierceness of the dragon. This has, to some extent, already been shown, in the inconsistency of sending forth to the world the doctrine of the equality of all men in respect to natural rights,-the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,-and UPHOLDING by LAW ALL the EVILS of AMERICAN SLAVERY. Also, by professing to grant the privilege to all to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences, and then persecuting the Baptists and Quakers for following their conscientious convictions. But this will be shown more fully in the future, when Congress shall be called upon to make laws concerning religion." -4SP 502.3. EGW 1884 This quote alone disproves the erroneous claims of Danny Shelton on this subject. What is he talking about?
@Rosie215nj 3 ай бұрын
Galatians 3:28 supports DEI - nationalist do not. Christianity is not divisive - nationalism is - believes own nation is better than others. The bible says whosoever. Biblical principles or nationalist agenda? Whose report will you believe?
@rogermetzger7335 3 ай бұрын
I suspect I wasn’t the only U.S. citizen whose initial response to the slogan “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (in the 1960s?) was positive. I wanted my country (United States) to pursue the “melting pot” ideal wherein the people from many cultures and ethnic groups contribute to the richness of our culture. I wanted people of a wide variety of opinions to be included in the national discussion about how to guarantee liberty, even for people with whom I disagreed and people whose lifestyles I didn’t approve. I agree that Galatians 3:28 means followers of Jesus (ideally) don’t exclude anyone from the Lord’s table based on social status, sex - or, we might add, ethnicity or national origin. Over time, however, the slogan has mutated into something else entirely. It is now being employed to describe a movement to promote numerous kinds of perversions. That is an entirely different thing than allowing people to live as they please. Neither of my parents were born in the United States. Before I was born in Iowa during WWII, however, both were United States citizens and had been celebrating Independence Day with their parents for some decades. I don’t know how my grandparents would have (or did) explain exactly WHAT they were celebrating but I was very much under the impression that what my parents were celebrating was not so much a place as an idea - the idea that we don’t need monarchs or aristocrats or clergy to tell us what to believe and what to do and not do. That idea helped to provide more liberty for more kinds of people than they had ever had anywhere on Earth before 1776. The 1689 Toleration Act of the British Parliament, for example, granted “freedom of worship” to nonconformists (i.e. baptists, and puritans/separatists/congregationalists). It permitted the nonconformists to organize and attend worship services other than those of the Church of England, subject to certain oaths of allegiance to the Crown. The Toleration Act didn’t, however, grant such freedom to adherents of the Roman Church or to unitarians and nonconformists were still prohibited from holding political offices. Is the United States better because of the idea we celebrate on Independence Day? I think it is accurate to say it once did. And the governments of several other countries have adopted some version of that same idea. Maybe the United States and other nations are still, in the twenty-first century, better to some degree than they would be if the British colonists in North America had never revolted against the crown. The sad truth is, in recent decades, legislators at every level of government seem intent on telling what to believe and what to do and not do. If the trend continues, both the liberty and the prosperity created by that idea will soon be lost. Is the United States “better” (or was it ever better) than other nations? That really is the wrong question, isn’t it? The question should be whether citizens of the United States live in the hope that citizens of other countries will adopt the idea we celebrate on Independence Day. I think Most U.S. citizens wanted that when I was a boy. Now I’m not so sure. What do you want? Do you want us to abandon that wonderful idea in the name of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? I hope not.
@beauty4ashes440 4 ай бұрын
While I am thankful for Christ’s birth and His resurrection, as an Adventist I still don’t understand why our churches participate in the pagan holidays. It’s disappointing to me because it’s in honor to the pagan deities no matter how we try to repackage it. It’s the world’s holiday to begin with so we really have no right to be upset about what they choose to do with it or on it.
@jeanclaude7018 4 ай бұрын
I've also not understood the insistence upon SDA schools participation in competitive, greco-roman SPORTS. Mrs White counsels that "competition is the spirit of Satan." Yet we have pastors bragging on Sabbath mornings that "we won the tournament," etc. Disgusting.
@adrielisaacs9228 3 ай бұрын
There is nothing Pagan about Easter or Christmas. They literally just acknowledge and celebrate Jesus' coming to earth, dying for our sins, and being resurrected. It's celebrated year round, but those specific times are just to focus on them.
@adrielisaacs9228 3 ай бұрын
​@jeanclaude7018 Sports teaches discipline and fitness, nothing is wrong with that at all. Healthy competition is a good thing. Ellen White's words shouldn't be taken TOO literally.
@jeanclaude7018 3 ай бұрын
@@adrielisaacs9228 No, you're "literally" lying. Christ-Mass and Ishtar/ Astarte "literally" were derived from PAGAN ceremonies that were "Christianized" by Constantine, who created a state church that would appeal to both camps. That's why it's called "baptized paganism. " Do you think it's raw coincidence that these "holidays" just happened to fall on the EXACT same days as their pagan counterparts? While we're at it, how about the 40 days of "lent" falling at the same exact time as the 40 days of Semiramis weeping for Tammuz " (Ezekiel 8). And in that vein, Semiramis herself was the original pagan "queen of heaven," so Constantine honored that concept by reassigning that role to "Mary." It's time to stop deluding yourself just to protect these sacred catholic cows. In vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of MEN.
@jeanclaude7018 3 ай бұрын
@@adrielisaacs9228 Stop using worldly "wisdom" to justify your love of worldly, pagan competitive sports. It's YOUR words that are not to be taken literally, NOT EGW. When EGW said that competition is the spirit of SATAN, that was literal. Sports teaches WINNING at all costs, glorifying self, and exalting yourself as better than another at their expense. These sports are Greco-Roman in origin, and were used as war preparation. Today they are the worthless idol of millions, who pathetically and vicariously derive some form of identity and belonging from them. Look how much sports stadiums resemble the Colossseum from which they were derived. These are all of the devil, snd yet your attempts to justify them as good for a Christian only serves to show how deeply you have at least one foot embedded in this awful, deceptive world. If you love this pagan, destructive activity, just admit it plainly, but don't try to baptize this paganism into God's kingdom. Fo you picture competition sports in heaven? How absurd. BTW, there's a good reason most of the major football teams are owned by filthy rich catholics, and often by Jesuits. Are you friends with the Jesuits like SDA apostate traitor Ganoune Diop? Sounds that way.
@anthonygreene4938 4 ай бұрын
I hear what you are saying. There are so many winds of doctrine , circulating around, these days. It is a call to people to know what they do believe. The counterfeit belief system that Gods enemy has invented... is so close to the actual truth, that many times people may not know the difference or remember that God is a very particular God. The plan of redemption that God conceived for fallen mankind...must be properly understood and embraced. That means that folks who want to make sure of their election and calling, as Gods word instructs us to do.... will come to the Lord and ask Him, (what will ye have me to do?) There are many of us , that are lingering in the valley of decision. We need a true "Elijah" spirited person to call us out, And say to us If Bail be god follow him, but if God be God then follow Him. I pray God will reach us all wherever we are, and prepare us to take this Gospel to the ends of the earth. Some of us may be called to lay down our lives for the truths sake. What a high calling that is. These things should not fill our hearts with fear , because if we can learn quickly what God has called us for, then the passion of our God will fill our hearts and minds, and if God has a soul somewhere that He wants you to call or visit, He will let you know , and The Holy Spirit will help you and direct you, Amen. The path to Gods Heaven...is very steep, and rocky. There are pitfalls close to this narrow path. We cannot afford to wander left or right. Remember On one side is the Grace ditch, and on the other side the works ditch. Grace and Works will stay together. Praise God for His Love and Care. God bless you all.
@linnettemcneal8788 Ай бұрын
No respect for Danny after watching this video.
@henrilathon4744 Ай бұрын
How are you qualified to speak about what Black people feel about America -"...,because of slavery all Black people feel that there's nothing good about America." I don't think you can speak for Black Adventist or non-Adventist. Who made you an authority on this subject?
@AFC-pf7ge 29 күн бұрын
every one talks about abortion but what about adultery?
@godschurch8332 3 ай бұрын
Read what Sister White prophesied of the SDA church in 1 Selected Messages pg 204-205 and you will see that just as in her earlier vision where she first saw SDA men she was familiar with surrounding the house when she looked again they were Catholic and she said the church of the pioneers whose foundation God Himself had laid, that our religion would be changed and books of a new order would be written and Gid would be removed etc. Sadly if you study the history you will see the truth that we were originally nontrinitarian and the pionees and the prophet all went to their graves as nontrinitarian. But Jesuits came into the church and in 1980 the church became, in the words of then president Neal C Wilson, " a truly Catholic organization.." with the Trinity becoming Fundamental belief #2. Research the Fundamental Principles of 1872 and 1889 and you will see a clear difference. Look at what the new organization has become: in bed with Rome and the state and other churches and doing abortions and selling out to big Pharma etc and a long list of other abominations....the remnant now are those who have been kicked out and have left for their Biblical stand for the truth not because they are self righteous but because they know that Christ is their Righteousness and that He is the literal only begotten Son of our Real Father God.
@jeanclaude7018 3 ай бұрын
Wow, 1980 is significant. Ex-jesuit priest Alberto Ribera said long ago that the jesuits would give a signal to the world when all Protestant denominations had been infiltrated. That signal was to be when an American president took his oath of office while facing an obelisk. For the first time in history, in 1980, Reagan was inaugurated facing the Washington Monument obelisk. Obviously, Wilson was in the know, and let us know without letting us know. Now we have Teddy giving his full approval to his helper Ganoune Diop, who's kissing the pope's feet, and has come back from Rome to tell us we're "closet terrorists " if we do what Mrs White says is job one for the SDA movement ,which of course is spreading the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd angels messages.
@jeanclaude7018 3 ай бұрын
You are correct. Just as Linda Shelton was smeared, falsely accused of adultery, forced out of 3abn, and is gangstalked and harassed to this day, thanks to Danny deploying horribly evil forces against her, so was I in 2020 falsely accused, hazed, and gangstalked out of the beloved church that brought me the truth thanks to hosting Doug Batchelor for 32 nights in 1993. I am all alone now and NO ONE in the church will admit what is going on, let alone help me. It's all a dark secret. I really relate to that vision of EGW where the ones she trusted suddenly became Catholic and turned on her like snakes. Never could have known when I accepted the truth that this same church could ever betray me so fully. I never hurt anyone there.
@IvanMartinez-ld5mx 4 ай бұрын
I believe God gave all nations a time to renounce paganism and accept the Creator. Egypt enslaved God's people. Babylon had Daniel for a witness. The Romans saw the ministry of God the Son. All nations had promise but all ultimately failed. Our pilgrim fathers was a great beginning . We are the only country that makes an avowal of faith on our currency " In God we trust " . But our ending will be total. We began as a place which afforded Freedom of Religion but today America wants Freedom ( from ) Religion. We forced God out of the schools, where prayer and the study of scripture was practiced. As a way to teach a moral path for our young. Those days are over. The stadiums , the theme parks, the cruise industry, the nightlife, the bars and clubs, all these are full to the brim and the churches are empty. As an SDA I know we are an sinful and immortal society per Paul speaking that they would be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Ichabod was said of Jerusalem and it can be said of America.
@jeanclaude7018 3 ай бұрын
Yes, they swung the pendulum to the wold, liberal left, but now, per the Hegelian dialectic, it's going to the far right. Fordham jesuit Trump says he will MAKE America pray again, Project 2025 endorses Sunday rest mandates, and of course the pope has Laudato Si up his sleeve, and recently met with CA Gov Gavin New-Scam to plan Sunday "environmental" Sabbath laws. The stage is set to use the liberal immorality to justify a return to the old catholic days of state-enforced religion and morality.
@jeanclaude7018 3 ай бұрын
Yes, we're headed the way of the Roman empire. All this fervor of conservatives believing that their mortal, Jesuit false saviour DT is capable or committed to "making America great again" is pathetic denial of the true state of things. God gave America MANY chances, but America is bent on sin, even while doing more evangelism than any other nation. People refuse to study and see that America must speak like a dragon and make an image to the first beast in the Vatican. "National APOSTASY shall be followed by national RUIN." It's the truth , even if it's negative. Maybe the time would be delayed if America repented like Nineveh, but that would be a miracle of epic proportions.
@clinthughes6560 3 ай бұрын
So you think it’s good idea to have official religious prayers in school. Does that include Islamic prayers, Hindu prayers and Satanist prayers also I mean aren’t we all tax payers.
@jeanclaude7018 3 ай бұрын
​@@clinthughes6560Honesty, part of the problem is PUBLIC SCHOOLS. "Free public education for all" is one of the ten planks of the Marxist Communist Manifesto. And that's how they run this "free" nation now." Schools are indoctrination centers. Private schools WITHOUT socialist government meddling are places where like-minded groups can focus on their beliefs freely.
@sandrakisling1305 3 ай бұрын
​@clinthughes6560 Why is it that in other countries, we're not allowed to have prayer of any kind, only their prayers of beliefs? For example you can't pray to the God you believe in Islamic countries, but here in the USA, we have to allow it why, when in the USA it's always been Christian prayers? Go to certain parts of the middle east you're not allowed to even say the name Jesus?
@pamholmes5397 3 ай бұрын
He’s always preaching extremist political views and ideology from the pulpit.
@johnakimlucien2140 3 ай бұрын
like what?
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