2:20 嘗試翻譯,有錯請糾正 上帝不公=god is unfair 四代同堂=A family which has son, father, grandfather and grandest father(不知道可不可以這樣用) 三人行必有我師焉=Going on a trip with others, there must some people who I can learn from it. 為什麼老是你=Why always is you 下面站起來了=Erection(Pocky) 佛跳牆=Fuotiaoqian(這是菜名,翻不出來) 我愛你不是開玩笑=I love you with no joking 日本和牛=Wagyu(印象中應該是這樣) 皆大歡喜=Everybody is happy 臘腸狗=Dachshund dog 逆風高飛=Flying high and against to the wind 開門見山=Straight to the point 人山人海=Veny many people 蔡英文=Caiinwen