Probably getting all of this out of the way, you have vice city definitive edition, gta5 online, bully, manhunt 2 (I heard it's not on PS4 but it should be on PS5 though right?), and I guess even l.a. noire to get platinums on before gta6, also you should go for death stranding's plat before ds2. Also you should go for Castlevania Lords of Shadow, Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate HD, and Lords of Shadow 2, Mega Man, Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero / ZX, and Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collections, Angry Birds Trilogy (shhhhh don't tell shardyx I told you lol), and the PS3 Rio game (It's basically like Mario Party, but it's Rio and it has trophies) for platinum trophies, just some suggestions for more trophy vids.