Рет қаралды 49
Dr. Maaike Vercauteren obtained her Master Degree in Biology (Ghent University). She continued her scientific career as a PhD student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine focusing on the etiology of skin ulcerations in flatfish in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. Currently, she works as a postdoc focusing on the environmental and human health effects of microplastic pollution. Within her PhD project, she developed an innovative alternative method to study pathogen-host interactions in skin diseases. This could be a promising tool providing a valuable alternative for in vivo experiments using skin of marine fish.
Ingrid Vernemmen graduated as a veterinarian at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University, Belgium in 2019. Subsequently she joined the Equine Cardioteam, where she conducts her PhD research on the use of echocardiography in electrophysiological and interventional procedures in horses, funded by the Research Foundation of Flanders (FWO). In addition, she participates in clinical activities concerning the diagnosis and treatment of horses with cardiac disease. Her main interests are echocardiography, electrophysiology and interventional cardiology.
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