Hey thanks for the quality info I'm going to be building a 16 valve for my ae86. I went with supertech 11:1 pistons and poncams
@4AGEEDGarage4 жыл бұрын
Welcome. Nice that should go well in the ae86
@СергейМусин-л8ы4 жыл бұрын
very very cool you build 4age
@4AGEEDGarage4 жыл бұрын
Thanks 😊
@nizmiadil95073 ай бұрын
Brother im from sri lanka , i need a idea from you, i have carina Gt car comes with 4 age 20 valve silver top engine. Car have a problem with high rpm in idling. Cold start 2000 and when its become warm rpm will be 1500. But when im disconnect AICV SENSOR cupler rpm will become normal.
@marlborobunnie Жыл бұрын
where did you get the engine manual ?
@4AGEEDGarage Жыл бұрын
Hey, I have a Haynes Toyota Corolla manual with 4age engine and also a factory Toyota one on my computer. If your a member of my 4AGE~4AGZE~4AGTE ( english) page on Facebook, search the files part of the Facebook page and I have uploaded the manuals on there also which you can download
@mrwetwild69304 ай бұрын
What’s your facebook account name bro ?? I’m trying to get a manual to help with my build
@valterbeicinha96336 ай бұрын
how did you got the interior bottom part of the engine cleaned?
@4AGEEDGarage6 ай бұрын
Hi, are you talking about the sump/oil pan? I scrubbed it out by hand with a brush with degreaser, then flushed out with brake cleaner to remove the residue. Engine block was acid dipped when machine work was done. Hope that helps
@mtaufanrp26 Жыл бұрын
What pistons did you use? Sorry I can’t hear you clearly.
@4AGEEDGarage Жыл бұрын
Hey, OEM .5 oversized 20v Blacktop pistons from MRP
@erwinschmied Жыл бұрын
did the machine shop have a torque plate?
@4AGEEDGarage Жыл бұрын
Torque plate to do what?
@erwinschmied Жыл бұрын
@@4AGEEDGarage when they were honing the cylinders
@4AGEEDGarage Жыл бұрын
@@erwinschmied I don't know their process. I took it to a well known professional machine shop in town near my work so they would have used the correct procedures as they do this every day for many different engine configurations.
@MultiDasitha3 жыл бұрын
This is very usefull. thank you very much for your videos!
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
Your welcome
@balfourrankine723 жыл бұрын
I'm in Canada I am trying to find my chrome shop for my 20 20 valve 4AGE blacktop crankshafts I love this video send me a link where I could get this
@James_Maguire3 жыл бұрын
Hey just a quick question. Do you think I would need forged rods with 12.5:1 compression 4age 20v silvertop
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
Hey James, probably would be fine but I'd do a little more research. Ideally with that high compression the engine would benefit from having lighter/stronger rods I would imagine.
@deanarmst74492 жыл бұрын
how easy should my engine be able to turn with just the crank and the pistons installed? also how much noise should it make?
@4AGEEDGarage2 жыл бұрын
Should be a medium about of resistance due to the weight of everything but not hard. Shouldn't be much noise at all besides piston rings going up the bore. Best not to rotate it too much though
@rankinezack63863 жыл бұрын
Where did you get the crankshaft to buy I need a 4age 20v blacktop crankshaft
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
It is my original crankshaft I sent to machine shop.
@rankinezack63863 жыл бұрын
@@4AGEEDGarage 👍
@wannabecarguy2 жыл бұрын
I work with the silvertop. Aren't the the crankshafts similar? The 16v had a larger journal variant which was used in the 20v silver and black?
@erwinschmied Жыл бұрын
@@4AGEEDGaragewhat did you have the machine shop do plus was it necessary?
@4AGEEDGarage Жыл бұрын
@@erwinschmied I had the bores the block and head acid dipped, frost plugs removed, bores .5 oversized and honed, crank journals polished, bottom end assembly balanced (crank, pulleys, flywheel and clutch plate), journals measured, ring gaps for pistons, block and head skimmed, valve seats re cut on exhaust ports and valves machined the suit, think that is about it. Just over $1200 NZD
@ericohman3 жыл бұрын
Do you use regular 2 component single stage car paint on the block? Does it handle temp?
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
Just normal car paint can be used, paint I used was g30 black which is an industrial strength satin black. Just ensure a good etch primer is used. Block is still looking good
@fodenpetersen88293 жыл бұрын
If you don't mind me asking what did it cost to build this motor including the head?
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
Yeah thats fine. The whole job including parts, machining, buying the tools and accessories for head porting cost just over $5100 NZD plus my time. So I would hate to imagine the costs if a shop was to do the same thing. There are things I could have done cheaper like silvertop rods, oem headstuds, reuse oil pump but wanted to do it once and do it right.
@cravendelossantos2 жыл бұрын
bro, can you reply back the part number of NPR piston rings please? Thanks!
@4AGEEDGarage2 жыл бұрын
Don't have the number handy sorry and didn't take photos. This is the link for them and where I got mine from. They came with the pistons. www.mrpltd.co.nz/product/4age-20v-piston-rings/
@cravendelossantos2 жыл бұрын
@@4AGEEDGarage many thanks :)
@anthonywendt58344 жыл бұрын
whats that ornge thing inside the oil pump inlet? assembly lube?
@4AGEEDGarage4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, its when its pulled appart by SQ Engineering to do the internal porting, they pack with assembly lube to protect it for first initial start up.
@anthonywendt58344 жыл бұрын
@@4AGEEDGarage oh nice. I got nervous for ya thought it looked like a paper towel or something.
@decmac36984 жыл бұрын
Hi just wondering what manual you have
@4AGEEDGarage4 жыл бұрын
Hey, I was using a Haynes AE92 corolla manual for a few things and a Toyota factory manual for 20v Blacktop. Here is the main engine section of the manual I used which I uploaded to my 4age page a while back. Hopefully it works for you as you can download it as a pdf. m.facebook.com/groups/170268589651195/permalink/832975336713847/
@BurtonDynamics3 жыл бұрын
What pistons did you use
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
OEM 11:1 compression .5 oversized pistons sourced from MRP
@anonamouz10063 жыл бұрын
Where are you located mate? And who did your reconditioning/tuning?
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks for the comment. I'm located in Tauranga, New Zealand. I used a local engine reconditioning shop to do my machine work and balancing. Still stock ecu so no tuning required.
@derwhalfisch3 жыл бұрын
Where in NZ are you, mate? Who was your engine machinist? Love your presentation, very slick and to the point.
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
Hey mate, sorry I was away road tripping on holiday when you commented. Thanks! I'm located in Tauranga, how about yourself?
@derwhalfisch3 жыл бұрын
@@4AGEEDGarage I'm in Auckland. I'm tossing up swapping a blacktop into my FX-GT vs taking it off the road for longer and just doing up its existing bigport. I'm feeling really torn haha
@4AGEEDGarage3 жыл бұрын
@@derwhalfisch haha I know how you feel. I was in the same situation when my bigport spun a bearing. I looked at rebuilding the bigport but there wasn't going to be any powergains as such without spending more money beyond just a straight rebuild, sooo I opted for the blacktop because I thought for the same price as rebuilding the bigport, I could have a blacktop which has more power and itbs stock, however i still had to rebuild the blacktop in the end. Definitely love it now after alot of money spent. Hardest thing is finding a good condition blacktop without high km
@25kmgb2 жыл бұрын
@balfourrankine723 жыл бұрын
I like this video
@balfourrankine723 жыл бұрын
Can someone help me to get a blacktop crankshaft for a 4AGE please