en dyes 全翻唱歌曲 in his hue.全翻唱歌曲 increases its brilliance in his voice. His original songs and 翻唱歌曲 are so precious to me. It's invaluable. en is an outstanding singer.His soft and gentle voice touches deep parts of my heart. I have a lump in my throat when I listening beautiful lyrics in en's voice. His falsetto voice(I'm not sure) is so attractive. I feel it's his greatest feature. His voice is incomparable. I usually visit his douyin for 直播, but in most cases miss out. I wish I could resist douyin😔I've catched his 直播 only twice. I couldn't stop shivering all over at 1st time. “it's en!!!!! his voice!!!!! he is here!!!!! my special person!!!!!” I miss en's 直播 and sometimes tears well up in my eyes🥲 I never give up! I will visit his douyin over and over again everyday! I need his voice in real-time! I long for en. Dearest en : 我好想你♡🙂♡ 你是我的太陽♡ Dear 4K music : u can delete this message cuz not about this song and ur an administrator in here. I apologise u🥺