5 neck knives and the pros/cons of carrying

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Forest Adventures with Scott

Forest Adventures with Scott

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@eriktaylor5704 7 күн бұрын
I’m picking up what you are putting down. I’m a big fan of neck knives. I carry them all year round. I wade fish in Missouri’s rivers and neck carry makes sense. The CRKT Biwa, CRKT SPEW, and Boker Nessmi Pro are my top choices depending on the task. I make my own lanyards to extend the grip since I have XL hands.
@dennisk.6388 10 күн бұрын
I carry a neck knife around my neck. Usually, as you said, in colder months when I’m layered up.
@forestadventureswithscott8777 10 күн бұрын
@@dennisk.6388 just good to have a fixed blade on you in case the folder fails!
@EvilKeith 10 күн бұрын
I have many "neck knives" which to me are just smallish blades which I love. I never wear them as such for safety considerations. ie choking. I never found them that comfortable or that convenient. I also never found a good neck lanyard that I felt did a good job of neck retention/break away retention. (possible exception: stainless ball, dog tag chains) at work I often carried one in controlled situations. but never in the woods or on the street. primarily front horizontal carry or on the pack like yours... or in it. not being a huge fan of winter... I usually just carry something huge that dangles out and away from my coat. and small knives usually require I remove gloves anyway which at that point I try to avoid.
@forestadventureswithscott8777 10 күн бұрын
@@EvilKeith all good points. I do prefer using a bigger blade but a small knife for a short outing seems to work pretty good for me. If I'm just going for a hike and may need to open a bag of food it's a perfect solution. Cheers
@tylertapp131 7 күн бұрын
Good stuff, i have the eldris, the spew and the minimalist out of this list, all good little knives. The eldris is by far my favorite out of those, ive actually skinned and quarted up to deer with mine. Another great option is the Le Duck, its been vetted for me and has also skinned and quarted up to deer and seems to hold up pretty well. For me, neck knives, depending on blade style dictates how ill carry and when. Defensive blades, tip up, woods knives tip down.
@forestadventureswithscott8777 7 күн бұрын
@@tylertapp131 interesting. I’ve seen a lot of woodsmen carry tip down. What are the advantages?
@tylertapp131 7 күн бұрын
@forestadventureswithscott8777 just more secure and can ride a touch higher to stay out of the way. Not as fast to get out but for what we're usin it for, it doesnt need to be the fastest deployed.
@forestadventureswithscott8777 7 күн бұрын
@@tylertapp131 makes sense. If I’m just out practicing bushcraft I guess it doesn’t matter how fast I can deploy it. I’m gonna try it out.
@tylertapp131 7 күн бұрын
@forestadventureswithscott8777 Good stuff, it bein a little higher up helps, when kneeling and other things. Keeps it from movin around so much, I dont typically carry a defensive blade in the woods because I'm doin things that require different blade types. But I carry a firearm anytime I'm in the woods so thats why it doesn't bother me to have defensive blades while out. God bless bud from ole Carolina.
@toto29er 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video…. I really like my Esee Izula II. I never wear a neck knife, maybe I will try it out sometime. I have a Joker Erizo, a Cudeman Sanabria Mini, and an Esee CR 4.5… I will keep them all… The only issue with my Izula is when I want to use it for food prep etc , I have a little concern with the coating but nevertheless I have use for food prep. If I live or travel to winter places I will probably be carrying a neck knife, the Izula II would be a great choice. I have a question, I live overseas therefore it is very difficult to get knives down here… the sheath of my Izula is not hold the knife anymore is there anything I can do in order to fix it, at least while I manage to buy a new sheath? Regards, Fran
@forestadventureswithscott8777 7 күн бұрын
@@toto29er take a hair dryer and get the sheath hot where it’s pliable. Place the knife in the sheath and then the sheath in a vice and leave it for a few hours. It’s worked for me.
@toto29er 7 күн бұрын
@@forestadventureswithscott8777 Thanks for your prompt answer!
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