5 SHOCKING Reasons Your Cat Won't Cuddle! How to Fix

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Cats Corner

Cats Corner

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@chrismorley3265 11 күн бұрын
My cat doesn't cuddle but he follows me pretty much whichever room I go into. Him wanting to be near me tells me how much he loves being in My presence. I don't need cuddles if he doesn't want to
@taracayir7093 10 күн бұрын
Mine is the same way. She has never liked cuddling, but follows me everywhere, her tail is always up, and always sleeps next to me. I think she doesn't like her fur messed up.
@leosunrising 10 күн бұрын
Exactly! Mine cuddles for 5 minutes after breakfast but is aloof most of the time. He’ll follow me room to room, likes tummy pets, very playful, smart, always near me laying on bed an arms length away. I know he loves me. Gives lots of licks as kisses. He’s a lover! That’s fine with me!❤❤
@just.call.me_ny 9 күн бұрын
My girl is exactly the same ❤
@XavierBonapart 8 күн бұрын
Same with my cat!! She is a spirited orange girl!
@colleenshaw9147 4 күн бұрын
My 3 older girls give my husband and I different types of affection. Everyone gets along greatly😊
@jesseostone386 9 күн бұрын
I had a cat like that once, a tuxedo that I found as a small kitten abandoned in a rural country cemetery. She was anxious and easily spooked her whole life, and never would cuddle with me or sleep on my lap, but just lay next to me when I was sitting on the couch. I was glad to give her a home for her whole life, and she gave me an appreciation of Tuxedos.
@springbird21 6 күн бұрын
I have a Tuxedo cat that adopted me... 😇 He is not cuddly & is exactly as you describe... he spooks at the slightest noise... he sleeps at the bottom of my bed... I love him so much!
@cathy1464 4 күн бұрын
My kitty boy never cuddles and that’s okay. He adopted me. He was homeless and came to my door crying to be fed. I’ve had him 6 years now and still no cuddles but… he sleeps right by my side every night. I am his human and I wouldn’t trade my Frankie kitty boy for anything in this world❣️He is my Lion King.💗🐾
@trae4529 11 күн бұрын
My tuxedo cat wandered into our lives as a tiny feral kitten who wanted a better life. (apparently😊) He’s never been super snuggly, and when he is, it’s on his terms. We just know that’s who he is and cherish those rare snuggle times.
@OGverminator 11 күн бұрын
Same here thing here. Caught a feral kitten. She's not a cuddle cat either. In just the past year she will climb on my lap while I am asleep, and sleep there too. She will not sleep on any other family member. I love her. I take what she has to offer when she offers it. 🐈‍⬛
@taramama6658 11 күн бұрын
100. I rescued both my girls together one is super super cuddly in my face showering me with kisses!! She sleeps on me for hours at a time at night. Her sister got the same love and she just isn’t as snuggly
@jocelynb8935 6 күн бұрын
I have 2 cats, Simba is clingy following me everywhere, sleeps next to me but doesn’t like being held. Luna is not clingy, more independent but every morning demands her pets and lets me hug her, then she’d rather just chill by herself. I don’t try to force their affection. I just respect and enjoy what affection they show in their own way. I love my fur babies.
@DMAC1301 12 күн бұрын
Some things are simply personality. Not all cats like to cuddle. This does not need to be fixed. Telling people this is strange
@nedanashu5025 11 күн бұрын
Exactly, mine is a ragdoll & isn’t super cuddly, but I told the breeder I wanted a more independent personality, because I go to work & I was afraid a too needy kitten would have been a problem, so she sleeps near me, se play, I pet her, but not a lap cat & that’s fine by me, why did I watch this, because I wanted to make sure I was doing thing correctly for my baby.
@kw1690 9 күн бұрын
My Siamese cat hates cuddling but will snuggle next to me when she wants to take a nap….
@bbeautifulporsche 9 күн бұрын
@jude8223 8 күн бұрын
I agree. Just like with people, you except their uniqueness and love them the way they want to loved. . . Not the way you want them to love you.
@melissadeloach8503 8 күн бұрын
​@@jude8223 Perfectly said ❤
@Cynthia-iz5qp 11 күн бұрын
I have a different viewpoint since adopting our feral British short hair cat who was feral past time to train, they said. Therefore, they had a hard placing her, several times brought back to the rescue center. Enter me who has never picked a cat. Cats always picked me. I waited 6 months. No cat. So I adopted Miss EliMae. I was told she was not adoptable, nice, cuddly & not so nice things. Nevertheless, I thought we would be a good fit. I was so right. Ten later, she is my love. But the first 6 months was rocky. I didn't see her. Oh she was in the home. I saw the water & food bowl & sandbox being used but never saw her or heard her just her bell I quickly put on. I decided she had a home. I have all the time for her to come to me when she was ready. She did. Baby steps by baby steps. Dental treats were our training tools. Very intelligent cat. Very loving. Very trainable. She snuggles with me at night and purrs, then turns her back to me in protective mode. When she looks at me & I slow blink she automatically calms down & purrs with slow blinks. She will jump on my lap and be brushed belly and all (trainable). I even trained her to go to our bedroom. Her safe room. Can't train her to love her claws clipped, though I still give her dental treats. She hates baths. I don't even try. I do use a boar brush, which she loves & cleans her fur, nice & silky. That is one of my latest research. I really feel sorry for those people who brought Miss EliMae back. The rescue center that I adopted her from were surprised when they called for a visit. But she was still not ready. So I told them anytime she is ready to meet her forever family, they are welcome to see our interaction. They understood if she kept hidden forever, it was still her home, her family. That's all anyone needs. To be loved.❤
@Cl4rendon 5 күн бұрын
Cats are characters, have personalities & Emotions - They`re no cuddly toys that are supposed to give affection on demand! People should respect that!
@nancysavard4322 10 күн бұрын
Many cats enjoy being on our lap, enjoy us petting them, they enjoy sleeping on us, but don't like it when we close our arms around them. It is what it is. I don't try to change them.
@MademoiselleRose40 6 күн бұрын
Same here. Mine loves me to death, I know it, but no cuddles, no kisses. She makes up for it in other ways. I don't make her do anything she doesn't want to.
@nangel270 11 күн бұрын
My cat was a stray and she loves me as a food dispenser haha. There is the odd “moment”. I’m ok with her terms.
@Anas-d4m8f 9 күн бұрын
Right there with you! Cats are just the best, aren't they? 🐱❤ Their quirky personalities and cuddly moments always brighten my day!
@kajira_aurora5809 10 күн бұрын
The problem is that people act as if cats are puppies. Cats are there own people they aren't mean't to be carried around and snuggled like dogs. I don't know why people have to force their cats to be something they are not. We have 6 cats and there is only 1 that likes to be held and loved on. We do not force that on the others. When they want to be loved on and be beside you they will come to you. I hate the misconceptions people have toward cats. Just let them be themselves. It doesn't bother me that I can't hold the other 5. I just love the fact they are in my life and I know they are safe from harm. When they are ready for affection they will let you know. Let them be❤
@annett9878 10 күн бұрын
So very true 😀 If you want a dog, get a dog. Cats are very different from dogs and each other. You disrespect them at your own peril. I have had many cats, snugglers and aloof ones. Presently an 8 year formidable lady from the shelter. We love each other to bits, but don't you try to force her. Great! I don't want to be pushed around either.
@monicachevalier2744 7 күн бұрын
Well said!
@John-tj4up 5 күн бұрын
My cats have always been rescued. All but one loved to cuddle and she was abused by a teenage girl when she was a tiny kitten. She never got over the abuse.
@CynthiaDellinger 15 күн бұрын
Thanks for your the information. It will help me deal with my cat that has all kinds of stres. An unsettled ways it came to me in my garden. I had nobody so I adopted her and she adopted me.
@ashleybrooks2574 11 күн бұрын
Ohhh! Is she your ESA therapy dog?
@Cynthia-iz5qp 11 күн бұрын
With stressed cats as well with humans patience & love take time & healing. My feral cat has taken 10 years to get where we're are. The first six months after adoption, i knew she was there because of the food, water & sandbox but besides that I did not. She was older when brought to the rescue center and she was brought back several times to the rescue center. Took time. But she is definitely my princess, no doubt. The families who brought her back did not know what a Dimond she became. Everyone loves her. Just needed love, family, & space to deal with her trauma the best way❤
@tonimadden6769 6 күн бұрын
I have cats that love cuddling. Some don't. Some just lie next to me where ever I am
@MicheleMaliano-t9c 10 күн бұрын
Yep, my black was in his mommy when she was trapped. Once born, he was kept for adoption. His mother’s fear and anxiety during the trapping may have had a lasting effect on him. He’s been with me for eight years and i still cannot pick him up. He does sit on my lap for a minute or two. My female was never handled by the humans in the house that she was born in. The had a huge german shepherd and she interacted with the dog the most. Consequently, she loved my big dog and not me.
@Positively46 10 күн бұрын
I have a male Nabulung and he is very reserved but is always within 3 feet of me. Will follow me up and down the stairs. He sleeps by my door every night, but won’t cuddle. He was a stray but is hurt when I’m gone a few days…just how he is.
@vincents9620 8 күн бұрын
they set the boundaries ,every cat is different cars have servants
@zandrarudo9920 8 күн бұрын
The only thing that worked for me was interactive play. My child is now five years old and I’ve had him on those three years. He looks like part ragdoll, but at least he gets along with my other cat. That’s all I can ask for
@MsLouisVee 4 күн бұрын
Just accept your cat the way he is.
@pippishortstocking7913 6 күн бұрын
I got my cat from someone who found him in someone's garage. We think it was one of those cases of the mama cat carrying him away from her litter. The person who found him couldn't find any neighbors who knew of a mama who had a new litter. He had just opened his eyes when I got him. So he's only ever known me. I held him a lot when he was little, and held him while I nursed him with orphan formula of course. I played with him a lot. Yet as he grew he became a cat who hates being held and only likes his head being petted. He gets bitey if I touch him anywhere else.
@mjc42701 4 күн бұрын
I have never had a kitty that I couldn't cuddle with or hold like a baby, I think it comes down to earning their trust and letting them come to you, grooming them, playing with them and of course feeding them.
@monicahocking1507 6 күн бұрын
My cat isn't cuddly st all but he likes to be brushed and sleeps with me, other then that. Nothing. I use to worry about it but now im just convinced thats his nature and he loves being alone. Very independent ❤
@RedactedATS 5 күн бұрын
My new cat will cuddle occasionally, but she follows me everywhere, adores playing with me and tolerates being picked up for a minute or two. She comes when called and greets me with huge love and purrs when i get home. She shows her comfort with me in other ways and as she gets older, i expect she'll start cuddling more. Right now the world is just too exciting !
@user-lx8ul6kl6o 8 күн бұрын
❤ very interesting ❤
@Animalfarm6cats 7 күн бұрын
I have a Siamese rag doll mixed since he was 7 days old. It took 5 of us to bottle feed and raise him. I pick him up and he makes an mmmmmmmmmmmmmm sound. He hates being picked up. Even when you go to pet him. He runs away. The only time he wants to protect me and receive pets is when I’m in the bathroom. My other 4 love to cuddle. My 6th one only lets me touch him is when he’s getting snackies. He really is very timid.
@Meraikie 14 күн бұрын
Wonderfully helpful! Thank you so much.🐱🐺😊💕💕💕
@MadHax-wt5tl 4 күн бұрын
My previous cat was a 15+ ex-stray when I adopted him, and was the cuddliest cat you ever met. He'd go out of his way for snugglies. My new cat, a 17 year old house cat, is very alofe, and prefures just to sleep next to me. I find it amusing that an independent stray and a life long indoor cat, have attitudes about cuddling that seemingly contradict their respective histories.
@annieobrien9783 8 күн бұрын
My cat wanted bigger thighs on me. He wouldn't sleep in my lap or my husbands's but would in our bigger friends'
@wombly5596 2 күн бұрын
Our cats cuddle to varying degrees. We let them be who they are, but if they show signs of previous bad experiences, we try to get them over that. We have a street cat right now who went from no contact to growling and purring at the same time when she is snuggled for short periods. She is slowly coming to enjoy the contact.
@biba350 5 күн бұрын
I'v 2 cats Black Shorthair male very affectionate loving cuddle cat A female mackerel Tabby miss independent if you pick her up or try to cuddle her she'll mews and will scratch if your not careful I thought it might be the bread I adore them both Thanks for video
@kinglinus3708 7 күн бұрын
Siamese tend like only one person unless brought up as a kitten
@ritalowrie1296 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info. I will now use these tips.
@catherinedunn-tj3jb 5 күн бұрын
I had a Russian Blue who would only cuddle with me once in a while but no one else in the family. I'm pretty sure he sought me out when he was dying, that day I was watching tv he jumped on my lap and meowed at me, I started to pet and scratch him behind his ears; he was there about 10mins before he passed. sad day for me
@CatsCorneryt1 5 күн бұрын
So sad😢
@Themas2 3 күн бұрын
@ruethais-williams1021 2 күн бұрын
Heartbreaking. 💔
@BAMtastico 12 күн бұрын
Haven't seen any videos on this topic for multi-cat homes. Last year I adopted two kittens, one male and two months later a female from my county shelter. The male was a stray with limited socialization, and the female was surrendered at four months of age by her family. The male cat is extremely sociable, follows me everywhere and cuddles at all times of day and night. The female is active and happy, with her tail always up and curled forward. She is very independent and does not like to cuddle or be carried. After several months she now lets me pet her head. Other than maybe an early bad experience with her previous family, how much impact may be from my other cat constantly marking me and close to m?. Could this be more of a territorial issue between them?
@Cynthia-iz5qp 11 күн бұрын
Absolutely not. The female is happy with her tail held high and curled. She will come around. I train my cats with dental treats. It does double duty. Clip nails = treats. Brush = treats. Train them to be in my lap or come to me or cone sleep with me = treats. Cats are real smart. Some may not want to. That's their personality. It may take six months. Baby steps & patience. Family life will be their tomorrow always.❤
@Teri11215 5 күн бұрын
I love my cat! He’s a British Shorthair, I would live it if he would cuddle with me, but I’m okay with him not cuddling too. He’s too cute, as are all cats, wot worry about one trait in them that they don’t have.
@lynettesmith6971 8 күн бұрын
My cat cuddles with me constantly, but won’t tolerate anyone else despite living with them now for 10 years?
@cristinitaandco 7 күн бұрын
Fixed?? But is their nature some are most towards cuddles most don’t ask or don’t feel like it’s needed but are loving in other ways
@MistyWard-l9n 10 күн бұрын
They will their just acting like they don't like it 😊 ❤
@anned372 10 күн бұрын
They’re cats
@dorisryanmobijohn2978 6 күн бұрын
Whenever I would come home I would pick up each of my 3 dogs and cuddle them. I tried to do it to my kitten but at 1st she wasn't having it so I left her alone After seeing the dogs doing it after awhile she started lining up and waiting for her turn.
@11AriseAndShine11 4 күн бұрын
Now do one in why some dogs don't cuddle.
@wallysworld3435 9 күн бұрын
My cat is not a cuddler but neither is she broken and in need of fixing. 👎👎👎👎
@cherylroberts-sq1dw 2 күн бұрын
Helpful 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤
@chris-_-3073 11 күн бұрын
Not all kitties are snugglers - don't provide false hope and have stupid people force this on their poor fuzz balls. - 👎
@CatsCorneryt1 11 күн бұрын
Watch the video Complete😊
@user-io9xc9hk6o 4 күн бұрын
Damn alittle harsh, chill out bro..hope u treat ur cat better
@avcat 3 күн бұрын
I suppose some cáts like humans are just quiet and shouldn't be overly analyzed.
@monicachevalier2744 7 күн бұрын
Please don't use hands or feet to play with a cat. This can lead to unwanted biting or attacking. Always use a toy to chase, bite, and catch. (Lasers are not recommended. They frustrate because the cat can't capture them).
@John-tj4up 5 күн бұрын
My cat loves my hands and feet!😊
@erikabee3498 11 күн бұрын
Yes you give a lot of wisdom for new cat owners. But almost all those KZbin video's are all the same. I wish there were some KZbin channels for mor experiënced catowners. Any suggestions?
@JacindaChamplin-dk4ey 5 сағат бұрын
Jacinda I think my cat cuddles and away she’ll cuddle with me at night when I first wake up and she always wants me to put her down below on her chair. She just never really wants to jump on my lap but if I pick her up and where are you like maybe once a week sure she’ll per my lap and if I put or a bit after I cut her toenails supra bedsheets she does you know what no she’s not as cuddly as most, but I think you’re wrong I think they do cuddle some.
@JoeyLegendd Күн бұрын
You change it by avoiding them instead. 💀
@sheilapassin7957 6 күн бұрын
I have a tuxedo cat I have to kiss him He does snuggle up to me.😅😅😅
@lonewolf277 10 күн бұрын
My cat Ms Rosie aka Fat Sexy Mama, hates being cuddled she is a not by birth feral independent that gets very high anxiety when you pet her and I had her from 3 months to 7yrs! She just gets very anxious when she gets petted now God fixed that gave me a 1/2 Maine Coon that loves too many cuddles! So my life is soooo kosher right now!
@zinncomicsandart8811 5 күн бұрын
what's the fix for cats who cuddle too much ? Like 24/7 ?
@TheChickadeeCrafts 4 күн бұрын
Do any of you have the experience of females being less cuddly than males?
@abigailsmith3328 11 күн бұрын
One of my cats has taken to urinating in boxes and containers. The litterbox is clean. Can't figure out why kittie does this. I can't leave boxes, bags or containers out anymore.
@levanahyll5884 11 күн бұрын
UTI. Take to vet. They feel pain upon urinating and think the box is causing the pain so they go in other places trying to get away from whatever is inflicting pain.
@alexgout5167 11 күн бұрын
It could be a UTI or it could be that the cat doesn't like the type of litter you have
@catdoctrigeek1464 10 күн бұрын
I’m a (mostly) cat doctor, and you describe a complex problem. Cats always have reasons for what they do. Territory feuding? Enough litter pans? One per cat plus one is recommended. Is the litter absorbent enough? Older cats produce more urine and they don’t like getting their feet wet. (If he still poops in the litterbox it’s a clue to this issue) Is the litterpan where there is unrestricted access? No narrow spots to allow ambush by other cats or dogs? Away from machinery that beeps or buzzes unexpectedly? Out of high traffic? Ruled out physical issues like cystitis or bladder infection? There are prescription foods that reduce bladder irritation. Litter pan issues are the most common cause for euthanasia. I have adopted more naughty cats than I can remember, and most of the time if you keep in mind that there is a reason and keep trying, the issue is solvable. I had to put a litter pan up on a shelf for my timid kitty, cats recognize victims by body language. (There is a drug that reduces social anxiety. ) And wait, There’s more. After fifty year in practice I still get fooled but just keep trying, (Think outside the box).
@abigailsmith3328 10 күн бұрын
@@catdoctrigeek1464 Thank you. She does use the litterbox regularly. However, if I leave a new box, tub or paper bag out, she'll use it as well as the letterbox. I think she gets upset with changes to the room.
@Khrystyna853 6 күн бұрын
​@@abigailsmith3328 I would still take her to get checked out because this is unusual behaviour. Anytime there is unusual behaviour with peeing, it is because they are trying to tell you something... ❤🐾💕
@fox39forever 6 күн бұрын
Why do Americans walk cats on leads? That is so cruel. Keeping them inside is even worse, of course, but the best thing to do is to let them wander off outside, ON THEIR OWN. They'll come back, obviously, as long as you have a cat-flap.
@brendamoon2660 2 күн бұрын
My cat like to lay on my feet and she loves pets but if I try to hold her she runs put of the room with her ears back
@gaylecheung3087 4 күн бұрын
My cat Hemmingway definitely not a lovely dovesy kitty…
@shelleywatson6228 6 күн бұрын
@camillamartz8179 7 күн бұрын
None of this apply to my cats. They are just independent.
@lindabishop3445 10 күн бұрын
Oh come on bro. You have spent way too much time to fix something that isn’t broken. I am an avid cat lover & appreciate all their personalities. You need to learn the same.
@fredvankempen2177 10 күн бұрын
Fix the (yellow) comments, folks.. too many zpeling er0rz.
@juansaladzar 15 күн бұрын
I was going to subscribe but I’m short on munny. I’m trying to save up for subscriptions brah
@anneendicott7954 12 күн бұрын
It's free
@juansaladzar 12 күн бұрын
@@anneendicott7954 Free what?
@piratepete842 7 күн бұрын
Buzzard breath..and not tuna breath
@user-yn4ru7ry4u 6 күн бұрын
My cats a fighter not a lover.
@John-tj4up 5 күн бұрын
My cat was a fighter because he was feral. Now he's the biggest lover and protector.
@SunnyMidnite221 16 күн бұрын
@craftbrewer5401 10 күн бұрын
I hate this rolling text that has become popular lately. It very annoying to look at.
@juansaladzar 15 күн бұрын
6:54 so you need to bribe your cat brah?
@markrunyon5524 14 күн бұрын
Whose brah?
@juansaladzar 13 күн бұрын
@@markrunyon5524 yours brah
@Khrystyna853 6 күн бұрын
EVERYONE bribes their cat, bruh...
@Attirbful 8 күн бұрын
“nagative” experiences? … Seriously?
@tobyfitzpatrick3914 17 күн бұрын
Why the apostrophe..?
@raven_ous2585 13 күн бұрын
Christ, bet you're fun to be around ! 😜
@tobyfitzpatrick3914 13 күн бұрын
@@raven_ous2585 I think it's _"your_ fun"...
@raven_ous2585 13 күн бұрын
@@tobyfitzpatrick3914 No it is most definitely You're. As in you are !!
@raven_ous2585 13 күн бұрын
@@tobyfitzpatrick3914 "Your fun" , suggests that fun belongs to you. I very much doubt that
@shelleykumru9841 5 күн бұрын
Spelling matters.
@NYKnitter 5 күн бұрын
Nagitive Expriences ? :) OOops ?
@davidrice6075 4 күн бұрын
@KeepDreamN. 7 күн бұрын
Blah blah blah. What a joke of a video
@CatsCorneryt1 7 күн бұрын
I appreciates your honest review
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