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In today's video we are trying a new series for the channel. Our 5 Tips series will focus on ways to improve your settlement building skills using techniques that helped construct many of the settlements showcased on this channel.

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@Theegreygaming Жыл бұрын
OK, let's clear the air on using the weapons trick to expand build limits. Misuse does not equal exploit. If you drive a car, you're not supposed to exceed the speed limit on the road you're traversing. It is, however quite easy to do so, just use the accelerator excessively, and the brakes insufficiently. No exploit required. Now if you discovered that turning the radio on and off 3 times while holding down the door lock button disables all the EPA emissions control stuff that makes your Prius get an extra 50 HP, that is an exploit, you're exploiting vulnerabilities in the code to make it do something it was never intended to do. We aren't breaking the games code here, we're using an intentionally programmed element of the workshop, in a manner that may be unsafe.
@ghosty5478 Жыл бұрын
i am very new to fallout four, any tips for power lines and stuff?
@Theegreygaming Жыл бұрын
I have a commonwealth contractor video on doors and powered doors where I do a bit of work with electrical runs, but do yet have a guide just on electricity, I should probably work on that.
@glbj67 Жыл бұрын
​@@ghosty5478 Check out Skooled Zone. Entire coursework for building
@Rabijeel 10 ай бұрын
Here some important addendums still seemingly noone gets: *WARNING* Exeeding the Building Limit that Way as told is destabilizing the Game a lot - mostly, it will affect the Game by removinbg "temporarily" Entities - as stored Goods are, that can get "forgotten" by the Game. So do not store your irreplacable or expensive Stuff in a Settlement you exeed that Way. Put your Stuff away elsewhere - preferred in the Diamond City Home, the only one where I never had something gone missing. Have a outside Wall that blocks line of sight inside. The Aggro System will have the Attackers run around ouside and force them to choose the designated Entrance you guard. Create a chokepoint. And have a Guard assinged there, as Thoose attackers tend to focus on the Guards that can take a lot more than the Turrets while Turrets deal a lot more Damage - this especially is a thing on surviuval. Have your Defenses inwards, protected from outside fire. Only have punctuated Defenses outside you are willing to constantly repair. Some Settlements have the Problem of havin their Spawnpoints for Raids beeing inside of them. It is a good idea, even if a bit of a hassle when fasttravel, to remove all Spawnpoints (the Doormats) first before doing anything. I prefer the Wooden prebuild 3-wall-Boxes as "Walls" as there is no real advantage concrete or Metal had above it aside looks - for the price of a lot more "object cost" both in terms of Limit as in rendering. This also grants you with a simple solution for a "Settler Home", just placing a front Wall, a Bed and a Door on it. Also, you can create with that "Floor" Thing "Bunk Beds", allow to squeeze in more BEd in less Space - very practical in Hangmans Alley and such Locations. (Put a fundamented Floortile down elevated, put 2 small floors on it, then remove the floortile and put a real Floor down, place the Beds and done, a Bunkbed build to the respective Wall. Keep in mind, Beds need only count as acessible, not be acessible for the stupid AI pathing.) Attacks occur more likeley when having more value in the Workbench (the Target of an Attack) and as less the Settlement is defended. So clean it out regulary when not wanting to drown in raids and store exess stuff in Boxes beneath it. Careful - displayed Weapons can be stolen. Powerarmor with a Fusion Core in it can and will be be used - and then left where the Attack ends, mostly misplacing it. ALWAYS remove the Cores and store them seperatly and not in the Workbench - as Settlers have Acess to the Workbench. Again - Settlers HAVE ACESS to the Workbench but not the other Containers - so things can get "taken" from it, even though it rareley happens, I literally seen it happen whilst an attack. Farmer took my Upgraded Combat Rifle from it, entered the Power Armor beneath that Bench which had no Core - but he brought it also from the Bench that lacked one afterwards and was found in his Inventory as that Rifle - and engaged the attacking Enemys. Again: Put your Stuff away elsewhere - preferred in the Diamond City Home - AND NOT THE WORKBENCH!
@Limrasson 10 ай бұрын
It is 100% an exploit. It doesn't feel like something any half competent dev would leave in accidentally, but it's still an exploit, if it wasn't then there would be no build limit to begin with. (Which is how it should be)
@ZeusTheIrritable Жыл бұрын
The scrapping and settlement building is the precise reason why 4 is my favorite Fallout. There is something very zen about clearing out a building and loading yourself and a purpose built robot down with as much junk as you can carry, then brining back and building something cool in your settlement.
@seanrichardson266 Жыл бұрын
@ajez597 Жыл бұрын
I love my Trashbin of Death!
@isaacweierke6806 Жыл бұрын
Looting simulator
@bearrett50kal17 Жыл бұрын
They messed a lot up but they also got a lot right, I spent an irresponsible amount of time clearing, building, scrapping and rebuilding settlements. My proudest creation was when I figured out how to fix the Castle, it had well over 300 defense of turrets, and 20+ settlers all with fully upgraded gear so when the Institute attacked they got mowed down so fast I could barely help.
@ZeusTheIrritable Жыл бұрын
@@bearrett50kal17 Nice!
@narkciso8171 2 жыл бұрын
You don’t nerd to scrap weapons to reduce the settlement size. Just drop a bunch of them on the floor, go into workshop mode but instead of scraping just store them in the workbench. It has the same effect but you still have all the guns to do this over and over again.
@somebloke3869 Жыл бұрын
But just scrap the pipe weapons. All the steel and screws etc is handy for those huge buildings you want to build.
@theekim6625 Жыл бұрын
@@somebloke3869 but if you don't scrap, you can reuse to lower build
@somebloke3869 Жыл бұрын
@@theekim6625 I have a dedicated container in each of my settlements full of pipe weapons. I have no need to reuse such an abounded resource.
@theekim6625 Жыл бұрын
If you are building at beginning of game, it is a good tip.
@Calabresa022 Жыл бұрын
or just use mods to increase the building limit :P
@Nathan35077 Жыл бұрын
A tip that I didn’t realize is that you DO NOT need a farm and water source at every single settlement. If you have your settlements linked via supply chains, they will share resources. For example. If you have 1 settlement producing 100 food and 100 water, it can feed 100 people, across as many settlements as you want. Have 10 settlements with 10 people each, only one settlement producing all the food and water, and they will be fine! Your analytics of those settlements might be in red, but they’re actually completely fine. Same with manually depositing food and water into a workbench. It’ll feed them. The red on the analytics means that settlement doesn’t produce enough to provide for themselves. But if they’re being provided for by someone else, that’s still okay! And won’t change the happiness any differently than if they were the ones producing. It can be really useful so every settlement isn’t exactly the same.. have a couple farms, a couple that are markets, etc. instead of every settlement basically being a little of everything. Edit: correction: the analytics actually won’t be red if they’re being supplied with enough food! It’ll show 0, because they’re not producing any, but it won’t be red unless they’re not being properly provided. Sometimes I’ll show red when you first make the supply line, but exiting build mode and entering again will reset it if that happens.
@Nathan35077 Жыл бұрын
Actually if it wasn’t for Nuka world DLC I probably never would have known. That, and the tips I saw on KZbin of how to get the 100 happiness achievement using 1 settler
@gavinshirley Жыл бұрын
I still build something because I can't stand seeing something in the red
@Nathan35077 Жыл бұрын
@@gavinshirley I do too, mostly. It depends on my playthrough. I think for building settlements as nicely and uniquely as possible it’s great. Instead of them all being basically the same thing. Have one be a farm, one produce water, one a manufacturing plant, one a retirement home for elderly settlers (usually the slog), a central trading hub, etc. it really makes for an interesting playthrough. You should try it atleast once! Each settlement can have its own theme! They don’t all need to be marketplaces, farms, etc. all in one. Each one will have something to make it special. Gives you reasons to visit each one as well!
@gavinshirley Жыл бұрын
@@Nathan35077 just shows if fallout were real all the chaos would come to a end and a world would be built again.
@amandarose4469 Жыл бұрын
My fave is if you store mods in a workshop they are available to use in any settlement. My least fave is that production machines will not access the workshop inventory, that just sux.
@amandarose4469 Жыл бұрын
My current trick is have very limited recruitment settlements, where you send all the gear you can. Then every so often you pop by, equip settlers and send them where you need them. Also use Robots on trade routes, that way they patrol the wasteland. Nothing better then starting a fight and a robot rolls into play and starts kicking arse.
@molealto Жыл бұрын
Yep. I have a hub structure exactly like this - typically Egret, the Castle, the Lighthouse and Starlight are the only settlements with radio beacons.
@molealto Жыл бұрын
You know bots lower average happiness right? That's why all my bots are based in Graygarden.
@amandarose4469 Жыл бұрын
@@molealto yes, I have transport hub towns, they tend not to be the populated ones, often they have no one living there but robots.
@redbanana6841 Жыл бұрын
Genius!! Thank you!
@CreidDesmodus Жыл бұрын
an exploit for dealing with the (red) cant place here annoyance is to place a simple mat or rug anywhere on the ground then place desired object on mat/rug. moving the mat will drag most objects placed on top along with it and the game only recognizes you moving that mat so you can clip most objects into whatever then scrap the mat when you're satisfied. this is particularly helpful with powered objects that can be limited by wires.
@chrise1491 Жыл бұрын
Its how i spam tickets for the Nuka Arcade. Build 6 basketball hoop games, use mats to line up all the hoops into a single hole, and spam squat a ball thru it. Make 6k+ tickets every 90 seconds
@FattHoLLiday 2 жыл бұрын
Gamma gun gives you the most bang for your buck when you scrap weapons. Something to do with polygons or something. Another thing I’d suggest is keep the builds small. I found my building improved and looked better when I scaled down the builds.
@normanmccollum6082 Жыл бұрын
Something annoying I found about gamma guns is that settlers LOVE THEM! It seemed to be one of the first things that'd get nicked from the inventory when we get attacked and one of the settlers wants a better weapon. Bloody thieves; I issue them firearms to use but they go and steal stuff that I have tucked away! I've since installed a mod that allows me to make doors and containers inaccessible, or basically locked with me being the only one that can access them. As such, I build a tall white locker at basically every settlement in which I store weapons and ammunition to keep grubby-handed settlers from taking a stack of weapons and every single round of ammunition available for that weapon. They're ISSUED firearms/weapons, and are generally given enough ammo to fill that firearm/weapon plus enough for one full reload even though that's unnecessary; just one round will give that settler infinite ammo. Also I normally don't use the word 'weapon,' but well... I don't really think laser or plasma or harpoon or gamma guns can be called 'firearms.' Anyhow, highly advise settlement builders to get that locking mod, plus a scrapping machine mod to save you from pulling your hair out at constantly scrapping a ring of junk around you that you remove from your inventory, and also SPECIFICALLY for settlement builders, the 'place everywhere mod.' UNBELIEVABLY helpful, you can manually raise or lower pieces incrementally, as well as shift them in any of the 4 axis. Left, right, forward, backward, either in relation to the direction you're looking or in relation to perhaps ACTUAL north/south/east/west directions. You can also shrink things, enlarge things, and turn off physics in case you want to put down plates and utensils and globes or whatever that clumsy settlers or stray explosions could mess with but you want to keep them there nice and neat. Oh and you can also get a mod that turns off the settlement building limit, or at least increases it, potentially as much as 10x or 20x or something. FREEDOM! Oh yeah and for scavenging stations, there's a mathematical equation like 100+(15 times the number of settlers) or something, so IF that is correct (which it might not be, I don't remember and this is spitballing), a settlement with 10 settlers, it's 100+150=250 for the scrap limit, which includes any junk that might be in the settlement inventory. An unemployed settler will find 1 piece of junk per day, and a settler assigned to a scavenging station will find 2. So, it seems, scavenging stations are most useful in locations with LOTS of settlers so that the limit is high, but is only useful if you really use up scrap/junk as much as possible. One thing you could do, though it would deprive resources from other settlements that may be connected to the one you're in, is to remove all the scrap/junk from the settlement's inventory and put it in a container so that the settlers can see that the inventory is empty and so if you have 5 scavenging stations active, they'll be gathering about 10 pieces of junk and/or scrap per day :) I also personally tend to give scavengers some pretty good armor and weapons, since they always wander around a bunch. I think it's useful to have lots of well-armed settlers sprinkled about the settlement so that if there's an attack, it's likely that the invaders will face some resistance before they can get close to the core of the settlement where potentially destroyable things may be such as generators. Other settlers will run to the action, and so we may be able to establish a front to keep the invaders from penetrating particularly far into our base.
@mikitz Жыл бұрын
@@normanmccollum6082 Simple solution: don't keep weapon-specific ammo there (i.e. gamma rounds).
@normanmccollum6082 Жыл бұрын
@@mikitz In survival mode, which is the only mode I play, ammo has weight. I cannot physically carry ALL ammunition I EVER pick up, in fact missiles weigh around 7 weight and mini nukes are something like 12 weight. Plus in survival difficulty you can't carry as much as in other difficulty settings, pretty sure it's difficult to get a character build that actually STARTS OUT with 100 weight. Pretty sure every time I start, I can only carry less than 100 weight, possibly even less than 80, but I generally have strength at something like 5 or 6 probably. Hmm, I could be wrong; FO4 with survival difficulty diminishes the base carry weight from 200 on normal mode down to 75, and I THINK I recall that each point to strength increases carry weight by maybe 5 points? If so... huh, maybe I generally start with 4 strength and so my carry capacity is basically 95. It really accentuates a major benefit to power armor, perhaps even THE major benefit to power armor. Not so much the armor itself, but it dramatically increases your strength which increases carry capacity and also if you modify the legs you can increase carry capacity by like 50 or 100. Helps the player to actually be able to carry heavy weaponry as well as the heavy ammo that goes with it. Mods fix so many issues, and in survival difficulty that ability to lock containers really helps. No more need to worry about greedy settlers stealing weapons and vast amounts of ammo :)
@enchantedbananas 9 ай бұрын
Lol I thought I came up with the idea of "Heavy" scavengers. I usually have one guard (typically I choose one of my useless followers) deck them out with OP weaponry and give them the 3 posts they can guard. Then I build at least 2 scavenging stations with ridiculously OP frankenbuilt scavvers. Usually I promote the stronger scavver to a provisioner and the weaker one can be guard if I have to take my follower somewhere. I role play as a purified water monopolist (too bad I can't kill the water merchant in Diamond City,) and so my the core of my settlements is always a bar emporium with a ridiculously OP bartender wearing ballistic weave vest and slacks lol.
@chromeboi9 Жыл бұрын
01:45 Dialogue here says 'Scrap' to reduce build limit. Have to recommend 'Store' instead. This has the same effect,with the added advantage of being able to recover the stored items and reuse/recycle them. IE Use the same weapons to perform the glitch multiple times. Can be tedious,but an economical use of resources. Also be diligent finding weapons that have 'clipped' into the ground when you dump multiple items from inventory in one hit. Credit to others who have explained this in comments already,but wanted to expand on it. 😇
@someguy9293 Жыл бұрын
I hate pipe guns. But you just gave me a reason to keep rather then scrap them.
@Jaydot34. 5 ай бұрын
Coming from someone that recently as in last Saturday started playing Fallout 4 or any Fallout game ever the settlement building part of the game blows my mind I last night figured out how to use the generator, connectors wiring them up and making the lights work inside the homes along with growing food and supplying water for the settlements, thats amazing wtf have I never played this game before? 😂 I’m so addicted to Fallout 4 right now, I also love exploring the baron wasteland (amazing world btw) finding new places to explore this game is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 the showing actually exceeded my expectations and for me personally Fallout is the best video game tv adaptation I have ever seen.
@jefferickson5833 Жыл бұрын
I really liked the game when it came out. Now, after 200+ Mods installed, I absolutely love it.
@wmpstevens Жыл бұрын
Gamma guns are the best bang for your Buck when it comes to settlement size reduction. The gamma gun in Cabot house respawn (along with the rest of the contents of Cabot house) super often. Collect 15, rename in groups of 5 so you can drop them all fast and it’ll take 2-3 rounds tops to drop your settlement size from full to empty. I generally side with children of atom, but if you don’t, you can get a bunch of gamma guns from them.
@JadeDude1973 11 ай бұрын
How do you side with the Children? Aren't most of them hostile by default?
@uni4rm Жыл бұрын
What annoys me about FO4 objects is often the developers place items under the ground, road, or partially destroyed buildings you are trying to work with. These objects add to the filled in bar of your build budget but they are not removable without mods. Sanctuary has trash and leaf piles UNDER the road and some houses.
@MaryJane-tp3qd 10 ай бұрын
I built an open area for it that they can walk through, it’s a compromise for sure but it’s one of my favorites:)
@mitchellvetter7719 8 ай бұрын
just open console and type in “disable” and then click the object you want to remove and hit enter and it’ll disappear. Not sure how to do on console tho
@derekwhidden9730 6 ай бұрын
This might have been mentioned before, but I'm releasing it, jic. By weight, the thing that reduces the settlement size meter the most is weapons mods, not weapons. You can easily carry a hundred of those things. Also you need the ones that look like a small box of parts. And you don't have to scrap them. An option appears when you select the item to just return it to your workshop. So really easy to rinse and repeat and build some wicked settlements.
@GRen1990 5 ай бұрын
Tip 1: you don't need to actually scrap your weapons, instead just put them into workshop inventory by TAB.
@geraldlamb9587 Жыл бұрын
Because gamma guns are so great for lowering a settlement's build limit gauge, I actually have come to measure settlement sizes based on the number of gamma guns it takes to take a settlement from "full" to "empty." Spectacle Island, for instance, takes 160 gamma guns to reset the build limit from full. The Nuka World Red Rocket takes 80 gamma guns. Vault 88 takes 240 gamma guns. Most other settlements, with a few exceptions, take anywhere from 20 to 40 gamma guns.
@barrymantelli8011 8 ай бұрын
Congratulations on the channel growth! Listening in 2024 you said if we can get to a 1000 subs and by my count, you've got almost 40,000 subs! 🎉
@petergianakopoulos4926 4 ай бұрын
@ammoboots9050 6 ай бұрын
I have 600+ hours in F4 since first release and had no idea about scrapping guns to increase settlement size! Game changing!
@IAmAnEvilTaco Жыл бұрын
I'm a simple man. I see a youtuber cover fallout and I subscribe. I must have at least 2000 hours of just building things in this game.
@Lunar_Knight_93 2 жыл бұрын
I Would appreciate a tier list for build locations. Also great video as always.
@normanmccollum6082 Жыл бұрын
My favourite tends to be County Crossings :) I just seem to always deck that place out with a nice big multi-story sky scraper suspended way off the ground on the southern portion of the settlement, and the divot in the dirt underneath tends to be the place with workbenches and stores. Then, at the northern, NE, and eastern outskirts of the settlement, I set up various traps. One for a deathclaw, a yao guai, a brahmin, and a mirelurk. Oh but Starlight Drive-in tends to be my best spot for setting up an actual arena, in which I tend to release a brahmin before then releasing an enemy to kill it so as to obtain brahmin flesh and brahmin meat. I also like to put up a stuffed head of animals that attack the settlement, and then put on the date it occurred (my date, not the in-game date I don't think, unless I do both) underneath with numbers/letters. With new dates added every time a fresh attack occurs. I'm curious about experimenting with gunner traps... I mean, it's a 500-cap investment to capture a gunner, but for one I quite like the Military uniforms they sometimes wear which is what I dress up my Vault 88 guards with to make it seem more professional, but also more importantly they often have good weapons. Is the investment always a net-loss, is it MOSTLY a net-loss, or can you sometimes get missile launchers? A missile launcher is apparently worth 314 caps, a full set of standard combat armor is worth 185 caps. Missiles are 25 caps a piece. Though keep in mind, the BEST possible prices at stores is a 20% mark-up so 500 caps worth of goods at a merchant is AT BEST 600 caps to buy, and it's a 20% loss at the least to sell it all so you can sell 500 caps worth of goods for 400 caps. Doesn't seem likely to have a good return on investment unless perhaps it's REALLY late-game and you have a very high level, assuming that higher level means gunners are more likely to spawn with high-quality kit. So yeah... might not actually start experimenting with gunner cages until like level 50+, unless I waste money on it early on just to see if any good equipment spawns on him or her or if it's always basic stuff because I'm only like level 10 or 15. Higher level PROBABLY means a better return on investment, I presume. Also, how do you put a price on XP? Because that's a valuable element of capturing/killing gunners too. Oh and if you like cages, a pretty decent way to farm caps over time is to keep killing death claws, store the hands/meat, and you can sell those when you've amassed a good quantity, but don't sell the meat raw. It's more valuable when cooked, and cooking it also gives you a decent bit of XP since you get more XP by cooking rare/valuable meat as opposed to something like radroach meat (which I never eat, gross), mongrel dog meat (that's a very common food item for me), or something like that. DAMN do I love FO4! There's a lot of haters, I get it, and that is TOTALLY okay, but I just can't get ENOUGH of FO4!!! Can't wait to upgrade my computer so as to play FO4 VR!!!
@SmallSpoonBrigade Жыл бұрын
There's a few that seem to be borderline unusable like the castle, airport settlement and Mechanists lair where nobody seems to move, even though there's supplies, a beacon and the appropriate stuff. Hangman's Alley is also pretty tightly contained by the buildings around it. It definitely would be nice to know about some of that stuff ahead of time, but in the worst cases, you won't even be allowed to build some of the essentials.
@SmallSpoonBrigade Жыл бұрын
@@normanmccollum6082 I probably wouldn't have made the drive in my main settlement if I had waited a bit. Mostly due to that radioactive puddle in the middle that makes it a pain to do anything near.
@adamcole123 Жыл бұрын
@Chris L you can scrap the radioactive barrels in workshop mode, turning it into a safe source of water 😁 You'll take some radiation damage, but nothing some radaway can't fix !
@klmbo-ge2xs Жыл бұрын
@@normanmccollum6082 I've been playing it so much as of late, been going through all my settlements and giving them structure and depth. I also have a jet empire that I must continue building!
@bossshun9 Жыл бұрын
Good thing I didn't overdo the settlement building and left most of all buildings two stories tall. I did learn from this video. Thanks.
@redbanana6841 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Over 100 hours in and I didn't know most of this.
@fangorn23 8 ай бұрын
omfg thank you for that first tip. I recently jumped back into fallout 4 and for some reason the castle has an incredibly small build limit this time around. like barely enough to put beds in most of the empty slots in the established building along with a chair and a box for their stuff and some lights + generator. I dunno if its my new laptop thats simply not as beefy as the old now dead one or if its just a random bug. I swear on my first playthru I at least had enough build space to plant a bar and grill outside in the courtyard for traders and a single house in the courtyard with crops. this helps so much
@rambutan3655 Жыл бұрын
For scrapping weapons or items to get additional building limitation, it is much more easy to put wires in the workshop. This will allow you continue in building pov. Just take note that you will need to select the item you want to place before putting the wires in the workshop so they can be place immediately. No need to go back in and out of the workshop just to get your items, just use conduits and wires for additional settlement building. Edit: i have not seen anyone pointed it out yet, and I just discover it by accident. Hope it helps
@RGOdenJr 2 ай бұрын
Abernathy farm near big red truck stop is one of the highest ceilings in the whole game. Don't have to worry about clipping when your 20 stories in the air. Biggest thing for me is keeping the temp (build bar) low enough to do what I want.
@The_One_Over_There Жыл бұрын
Nice handy video, I've played Fallout 4 a few times, But never really got into the settlement building. I haven't played for a pretty long while now and it has been starting to itch a little, Been playing around with ideas and things i would like to try and figure out when it comes down to building settlements. So i'll be using some of these tricks to see what i can do with them 👍
@cainaoliveira789 6 ай бұрын
man, scrap everything and place everywhere MODs by themselves does SO MUCH it's incredible PS: yiu pointing out the "go high" to build far away from vegetation, etc....is so simple and makes me wanna start planning all over again
@ETHRON1 Жыл бұрын
Ok the floor on building fence corners just made my day...have played it since it came out and always fought with that one.
@Jgordo111jdg 9 ай бұрын
I love it . Been on Skyrim but just recently starting playing this game and IMMEDIATELY bought all of the DLC . So excited to start my journey !
@prestongarvey3715 3 ай бұрын
Thank you general I’ll keep marking the settlements on your map
@1Adrenis1 Жыл бұрын
That one about the build limit, i didnt know about that, it is soooo useful thank you so much for that one.
@Bludobi9001 6 ай бұрын
"Love me sum settlements!" ~ Preston Garvey
@GymJAM117 Жыл бұрын
5:57 I always put about 35 beds stacked up on top of each other in the one house next to the workshop in the sanctuary and that pretty much does the trick but that is only for sanctuary 😂
@horrorchicken4851 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for these tips! Btw, the scrap/store process to free up room works with other items too, not just guns. I generally use larger items, because tiny ones tend to get lost (also, I thought it was a number of items thing, not a number of pixels thing, my bad lol). Have you done a video on, or have any tips for, getting 100% happiness in a settlement? I play on ps4, and am kind of a trophy hunter, and that is the one that remains elusive 😂
@Theegreygaming Жыл бұрын
I'm actually in development on happiness right now, it'll be a few weeks before it's up, but it's on the way.
@taylordiamond Жыл бұрын
Scrap That Settlement mod is your friend. Being able to build my settlement without unmovable garbage everywhere was a huge blessing!
@solardare8719 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome vid as always look forward to this channel blowing up. Keep at it!
@illwindbl0ws 7 ай бұрын
Probably worth mentioning that while concrete appears to be the most solid building material it is actually bugged and will sometimes not count as a roof. So if aiming for high happiness settlements you should probably build with something else; at least for where you keep your settlers’ beds.
@Ibetalkinvidyagames 8 ай бұрын
The debris is realistic up to the point where you realize that in real life, you would have cleaned it up, and the people of the common wealth just dont.
@jed-henrywitkowski6470 9 ай бұрын
"more hours logged, than with my previous employer". I can definitely relate!
@AintNoWayDante1509 Жыл бұрын
Hi, this helped me a bunch so thanks for making this video. You’ve earned a sub.
@dangerousdru Жыл бұрын
Don't just scrap. If you press scrap then slide over to store, both the scrap and store menus will pop up, make sure you're holding store down then confirm both. Congrats you just scrapped the weapon and simultaneously stored it in your workbench. You can also use this glitch with junk and basically double the amount you have. I went to like 3 settlements in total and was able to find at least one of every junk item type. After that just do the duplication glitch until you have like 10s of thousands of everything and your set for life.
@petervalovic5504 Жыл бұрын
Well it doesn't work on ps4 unfortunately!
@dangerousdru Жыл бұрын
@@petervalovic5504 except it does. I literally only play this game on PS4. That's why I specifically used the word slide. It always works. My buddy who also plays on PS4 is the one who showed me this trick. It definitely does.
@petervalovic5504 Жыл бұрын
@@dangerousdru please explain what do you mean by slide .I don't use mods and have been playing only vanilla for about 7 years on and off thank you
@dangerousdru Жыл бұрын
@@petervalovic5504 press scrap (square) then move you're finger over to the scrap (circle) button and hold it down. If you do it right, you will have both menus pop up. Keep holding down circle then press x. That should either scrap or junk the item a d you should have the other menu stay up as well. The only way to really describe it is a slide honestly. Just a quick drag from pressing square to pressing and holding circle. I hope this helps. It seems dumb and very tedious at first but once you get it it's so simple. Good luck my friend. May your builds be neverending and glorious
@petervalovic5504 Жыл бұрын
@@dangerousdru thank you my friend for your explanation I will try again in vault 88 . May your settlements prosper . By the way do you like building vault 88 ? Iike the place I cleared it of all the vermin and blocked the two secret doors also dropped a few mines and nuka just to be sure but the gunners arsoholes somehow got in .what is opinion. Nice talking to you bye I hope to hear from!
@davequaschnick2559 Жыл бұрын
SIX: Learn the settlement spawn locations. For yourself, for those enemy attacks, and while not spawns per say, learn those entry points for traveling traders and your own provisioners. I could go on for hours about this. But this real concern is *drum roll* that hit to your frame rates traffic jams can cause, or a spawned enemy in your previously built Cait love nest *cough cough *redheads.....My latest example was an Alpha Deathclaw stalking around my Longfellow settlement. I fted in and there she was in the dark acting like a late night Walmart shopper.
@dubuyajay9964 4 ай бұрын
"People of Walmart." 🤯😵‍💫😵😂🤣
@BlakeCerisano Жыл бұрын
Two things: 1. Your first point IS and exploit, even thought you said you wouldn't use exploits. Also it can cause issues with your game because the limits are there for a reason and if you overdo them it can cause game instability. 2. You don't have to scrap or even store item you drop, if you "Store" a wire it will do the same thing, and then you can just put the wire back afterwards.
@phildicks4721 Жыл бұрын
I don't really consider the Workshop scrap/store weapons an exploit. Technically it is, but it really can be tedious to overuse. For some areas just moving the build bar down where you can at least get enough food, beds, water, defense, and happiness is really all you need. I basically play the game to explore, so I'm not really building elaborate settlements. Some all I do is add defenses, and some extra crops and water for those already living there and don't bother adding any more settlers(like at the Slog, Abernathy Farms, Country Crossing, ect)
@sneezyfido Жыл бұрын
I am mostly similar, but for that reason.. I make Sanctuary a water generator and Abernathy a large scale farm. And from there onward any new settlement gets fed just by linking them up. It also makes defense requirements everywhere else fairly light.
@Calabresa022 Жыл бұрын
There's a wonderful mod called Scrap Everything for those playing on PC that allows us to... well, scrap everything, including bushes, grasses, trash, debris, even entire pre-made houses, roads, walkways. Although I only use it to remove bushes and vines, so it doesnt clip through my floors.
@mtammocan8314 Жыл бұрын
Mods like that are cell breakers and lead to corrupted save files, so be careful as to how much scrapping you do. I used to use Scrap That Settlement, and also tried Scrap The Commonwealth until I figured out what was happening to my saves.
@Calabresa022 Жыл бұрын
@@mtammocan8314 I've used Scrap Everything for some time now, and never had any issues. Althouth I just use it to remove some debris,grasses and bushes on a few main settlements.
@obiwankenny1966 Жыл бұрын
OMG, dude, line up the ribs on your floor tiles. 4:09 had me screaming at my screen. Anyway some nice tips.
@tylerriojas6250 Жыл бұрын
Heard about that building meter increase on another vid... confirmed here. This changes everything
@wise--men 10 ай бұрын
Thank you very much! From Brazil.
@datahopa Жыл бұрын
After thousands of hours in FO4 and a few PC rigs I can tell everyone that the AMD 5800x3D CPU enables the construction of very large settlements without them massive frame drops. CPU cache is king in this game, an average GPU is all that's needed.
@requiem4ameme929 Жыл бұрын
I have OCD so naturally I love and hate games like Minecraft, No mans Sky and F4. They tap into my inherent desire get things just right but the game limitations often frustrate me. Thanks for the help bc my fragile sanity needs all it can get 😂. Also I fckn love F4!
@sir_christmas_leopold_duckson 5 ай бұрын
I think I've put more hours into FO4 at this point than every other game I've played in my life combined. I got immediately addicted to the settlement building.
@Furykidxxx 7 ай бұрын
People 15, food 18, water 40.. power 200!.... DEFENSE 532!!!! what is happening in that settlement??? 🤣🤣🤣 Are those 15 most important people left on the planet?!
@DirtyMarauder 5 ай бұрын
It's a prison to keep prestion Garvy
@snowflakemelter7171 3 ай бұрын
It's a settlement where settlers can join but never leave 😂
@TheCatIsAMonster 3 ай бұрын
And yet Marcy long will keep on being a spiteful person.
@Knowledgeable5 3 ай бұрын
There’s mini nuke mines
@ryanwood9313 3 ай бұрын
I've accidentally done this before I was placing turrets evenly around my settlement and ended up with like 500 defense it was a lot of turrets, but still not impossible 42 heavy laser turrets will get you 504 defense as each has a defense of 12 and it only takes 84 power to keep them on *edit math was wrong
@aarachus Жыл бұрын
I Love Fallout 4
@nickcross2684 Жыл бұрын
The wall/floor thing was huge for me. Thanks
@michaelfellabaum8022 Жыл бұрын
The build size cheat/ glitch works if you store the items as well. I use weapons to drop and i store them to be sold later not scrapped.
@brycesdad27 Жыл бұрын
Great advice! Thank you
@chromeboi9 Жыл бұрын
Instead of losing a settler when you set up a Provisioner,build a heavily armed/armored robot and assign it to the supply line. Means you don't lose happiness. [%0.01] 😏 And added bonus of 37,almost indestructible,tanks roaming the 'wealth. These will generally take on anything that spawns in their way. Game gives you XP for their kills. Am a long time player,once saw 5 working together to 'neutralise' a pod of mutants. Recommend re-name with Settlement name,so you can tell them apart ; and/or number. Credit to Oxhorn for the original idea. Ox rocks!
@thaliazelmer2327 Жыл бұрын
Hard to do early game though as building robots requires lots of resources, yes? And fair way into quest lines? I too am a long time player (since it released; but haven't done a playthrough in some time).
@walterjunior6813 4 ай бұрын
I wish we could scrap/delete the grass too 😢
@mauriciobentz 3 ай бұрын
You can,, there's a mod for that
@Anders1236 Жыл бұрын
Excellent! 🌟
@Stayfoxxxy Жыл бұрын
I’ve been playing for years and this video made me feel like a grade A noob lmao thank you!!
@petergianakopoulos4926 4 ай бұрын
You should be ashamed
@Stayfoxxxy 4 ай бұрын
@@petergianakopoulos4926 bruh that was 8 months ago, I’m a god in my settlements now
@Stayfoxxxy 4 ай бұрын
@@petergianakopoulos4926 also, ya mama.
@williamwinder3466 Жыл бұрын
The half length stairs from the settlement workshop DLC are your friend. As well as the concrete walls.
@commentandlikedistributor 2 ай бұрын
never played with mods but all the DLCs were 100% worth it for me
@gabrielpagliarin6045 Жыл бұрын
your writing is very good! new sub =D
@jaqua7732 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I'm new to the game I've only been playing it for about a month, and when I first discovered that settlement building I was like 😮 lol.
@James-_Bond. Жыл бұрын
The music got me nostalgic about fallout 3
@ethan6437 9 ай бұрын
I haven’t watched a fallout 4 building tips video in years
@LozzaTurbo 5 ай бұрын
Good tips. I'll stick to mods to overcome these short falls however. Ya end up with better settlements.
@ViolentPayload Жыл бұрын
Just started a new playthru to build bases. I’d love to see a “hunting lodge” out on the island or the swamps with the giant crabs.
@idesofmars Ай бұрын
Are those concrete structures like the walls with windows native to the base game or is it some kind of DLC?
@deonmurphy6383 11 ай бұрын
The “solid” block floors aren’t. What I mean is attackers walk right into them, so I end up creating basements as you suggested to be able to get in and deal with them
@rubenverheij4770 Жыл бұрын
::::::::::: Funny, I did same like u did. Place bed + suitcase like u did, at 5:58. Or is this done in real life too? I did, bcause it felt right that way to do. :) Thanks for sharing your vid.
@isturbo1984 3 ай бұрын
"Mind your own GODDAMN BUSINESS, Surges!"
@harryseaward3190 Жыл бұрын
"Without the need for mods, console commands or exploits" Immediately explains the exploit to scrap/store items to increase the build limit
@danpinkerton92 10 ай бұрын
Does having weapons and armor and food stored in your workbench count as stored space in your settlement?
@the_beastxi8755 4 ай бұрын
How do u adjust flooring height im on ps5 it doesn't have any option to raise or decrease height it only let's me rotate that's it
@holyashbringer9923 Жыл бұрын
I tried my hand on the massive ship UNSC Infinity, It didn’t look good but I was still happy with it but the frame rate was so bad, I couldn’t even play the game. Lesson learned, don’t make anything too big
@YTeradicant 10 ай бұрын
Where did u get carpeted flooring
@__BLXCKOUT__ 4 ай бұрын
Quick question, how are you building with concrete parts? Is that a Mod or can it be unlocked in Vanilla?
@KrotowX Жыл бұрын
I guess that settlement building in F4 is most annoying thing in this game for many. I'm not an exclusion. Would like to spend more time in missions instead of pampering settlers and thinking where to put beds for newcomers in small settlements. Unfortunately F4 have no template settlements. Nor possibility to level ground in settlements with uneven surface. Even from realistic standpoint I don't see why 6-10 people with shovels wouldn't do that in few days. Also why it isn't possible to scrap cars and trees partially standing out of settlement area - those often eat precious squares and would be used for raw materials as well. Just ran out of wood (!) on building 2-story house in Abernathy Farm for incoming dozen people beds. But that is nothing - ran out of concrete even earlier. With that got curious why developers didn't made bulk junk and unused weapon and armor scrapping. I have a ton of random junk and collected weapons and armor. And would like to spare a hour of clicking while scrapping all acquired stuff piece by piece.
@ancientgamer3645 Жыл бұрын
Here is another handy trip for protected water that will not get destroyed. Find a very flat area. Build a floor area then put up walls and roof. Remove the floors and one wall. Place a bunch of small hand pumps on the exposed ground. Replace the wall. The pumps are now out of sight and will not be attacked. This technique is usable in most locations. Thanks for sharing!
@KrotowX Жыл бұрын
I guess that similar approach works for protecting anything from built tech (except turrets and traps, obviously). Enclose precious tech behind closed wall around and done.
@yippykayakotherbuckets8870 6 ай бұрын
I have issues with Tato not repairing at Abernathy Farm. I clean out every workshop except Sanctuary, which acts as the main supply line to other settlements. I use the Vault-Tec ghoul because he's bloody annoying. More so his Brahmin that gets trapped and risks Bull-In-a-China-shop'ing my decor.
@DOSsector 4 ай бұрын
Main tip: use building mods. Scrap everything mod, for example
@rosslambda9613 Жыл бұрын
would be cool if 4 factions could build bases be it on ground or sub level bases
@donaldpaulson3920 Жыл бұрын
Great vid. Where was the highest build location?
@pascall0 Жыл бұрын
To an extent: Those who play Fallout 4 to build shit are the same as those who play The Sims to build houses: Equally valid and a fun way to spend your free time :) ....mad respect to those building in F4 tho, given its construction system can be *ass*
@nathangregory_ 3 ай бұрын
Question. I have yet to have the option to build concrete anything. At what point in the game do I acquire that feature?
@Theegreygaming 3 ай бұрын
the instant you install the wasteland workshop DLC.
@nathangregory_ 3 ай бұрын
@@Theegreygaming Guess, I won't be using concrete settlements.
@lauren17h Жыл бұрын
How do you get concrete building options in the Workshop?
@Theegreygaming Жыл бұрын
I believe it was added in the wasteland workshop DLC.
@VenomDragon4769 Жыл бұрын
More tips and tricks please!!!! Maybe even how you put stuff on it's side like chairs and stuff like some builds have. Please for the PS4 users?
@Theegreygaming Жыл бұрын
furniture items cannot be flipped onto their sides without the use of mods. at least not that I'm aware of.
@VenomDragon4769 Жыл бұрын
@@Theegreygaming damn...but Bethesda can??? That's terrible...terrible game design...and plot...
@Theegreygaming Жыл бұрын
I get why they limited what went into the workshop but it is frustrating to not have access to all the things that exist in the game's engine.
@VenomDragon4769 Жыл бұрын
@@Theegreygaming yes that's y I use uso
@jonathanpilcher337 Жыл бұрын
Idk uso always seemed super unnecessary to me, just seems to overcomplicate everything
@voidfb6170 2 жыл бұрын
Most underrated fallout KZbinr fr
@ej732 Жыл бұрын
400+ hours in F4 and just learned yesterday I could scrap weapons for junk.
@Sallibotz Жыл бұрын
You sound like the lockpicking lawyer.
@BroJustNo. 8 ай бұрын
Still love this game
@rw8762 4 ай бұрын
War never changes
@Gar441 4 ай бұрын
I have just about 2000 hours in the game and a HUGE chunk is settlement building. That being said I have never heard someone refer to the Game as “F4”
@grumpy_gnome813 Жыл бұрын
Is there a work around for owned beds yet? Like the Slog settlement?
@Theegreygaming Жыл бұрын
what do you mean by work-around?
@grumpy_gnome813 Жыл бұрын
@@Theegreygaming remove, or hide the beds they are a eye sore
@grumpy_gnome813 Жыл бұрын
@@Theegreygaming I walled of that area just so I don’t have to see them being I can’t remove them
@Theegreygaming Жыл бұрын
@@grumpy_gnome813 without mods, the only other option is console commands. a lot of times I'll create a hotel of sorts, repurposing the ratty old furniture into a guest quarters of sorts, where "visitors" would have access to comfortable (by wasteland standards) accomodations, meanwhile my settlers are all sleeping in new construction, blanketed vault-tec beds and the like.
@energy8025 Жыл бұрын
If Scrap Everything mod won't delete the item (like the couple beds in the Slog). Open the console, click on the item, then type "disable" Sometimes disable won't work for whatever reason so you can use "markfordelete 1" , travel away then come back and it should be gone.
@jak356 2 жыл бұрын
Make a vid on powered doors and ways to get Doors to close behind settlers?
@DatAlien Жыл бұрын
Worst part about the system is that basically all walls and roofs besides the concrete ones are basically a collection of holes. I want to feel like Im actually building something that keeps the elements out. Also not being able to really fit the parts provided with the premade structures provided by the game.
@douglastaylor2621 9 ай бұрын
you can put sleeping bags under most beds
@amjaz 5 ай бұрын
are the carpetted floors modded?
@DjBattlemaster2022 4 ай бұрын
How can I go into creative mode and Playstation?
@RoanShip 3 ай бұрын
@johnmazzoni487 4 ай бұрын
Can you build settlements without joining the minutemen? Preston Garvey got on my nerves during my other play throughs. I want to build sanctuary
@Theegreygaming 4 ай бұрын
yes you can build settlements without ever going to the museum of freedom in Concord.
@johnmazzoni487 4 ай бұрын
@@Theegreygaming Cool!! How so? I’ve played through twice but unfortunately joined the minutemen both times.
@Theegreygaming 4 ай бұрын
@@johnmazzoni487 just don't finish "when freedom calls" you can build settlements but there's no preston or radio freedom to assign the radiant quests.
@johnmazzoni487 4 ай бұрын
@@Theegreygaming Thanks. I finished my second play through a while ago and since have wandered around aimlessly playing Terminator givin how leveled up I am. Plus forgot what missions are what
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