Hyde is so adorable. Wish i got what the questions where.
@ohheyitsgrace944 жыл бұрын
Here you go. 1. Where do you look at when you meet someone for the first time? - Nose hair 😂 2. What food are you looking forward to eat on the tour? - crayfish 3. (Your) charming point - (my) dick 4. If you can be a high school girl for a day (what would you do?) - rub 😂 5. The 5th song you will play on the last day of Vamps live 2014-2015? - I haven't done it. 6. What was the first song that you can play? - Motley Crue / looks that kill 7. An event that shocked you - there are three holes (yup that's what he actually said, go figure 😜) 8. Please read this sentence quickly three times "Chizuchou de chejudou sagashi" (search for Jeju island in the atlas) 9. The venue where you want to hold a live one day - 10. What do you wish for when you see a shooting star? - sex sex 11. Do you use emoji? - yes i do 12. A gesture from the opposite sex that excites you - tongue piercing 13. What is one thing you want the member to fix? - nothing 14. Your appearance you going to sleep - Good pajamas 15. Title of the first song you wrote - Night of the living dead 16. The thing that you don't lose to anyone - what is it? sex probably? 😜 17. The thing that you won't forget until you die - 18. Give me your sexy face when you catch/found someone you like - (kiss)
@VickiFrancesca583 жыл бұрын
I’ve been watching a lot of HYDE’s interviews for the past 5 weeks and it’s starting to dawn on me the he’s a pervert, an adorably cute pervert 🤣