Oh my goodness, that negative number is a credit to you. That is no misunderstanding. That means you really need some knowledge of debit and credit. No one in US will ask such incompetent question as to why my balance is in a credit position. Dear me.
You are not quite right from your professional perspective! China's artificial intelligence is indeed lagging behind the United States for reasons that everyone knows. But China's penetration rate of artificial intelligence in industrial production is far higher than that of the United States. I think the development of artificial intelligence essentially needs to improve production and provide more convenience to ordinary people. This is meaningful.
Everything in China is constantly improving and progressing, while in the United States, many things are regressing! Especially the environment, infrastructure, prices, safety...
@@ttsf321 這是下面一位網友的回答,請參照: @xiaonantongxie 2 days ago 我来告诉你区别。中国的这些年轻的90后员工,他们是读了十多年书,读了本科,经过了非常激烈的竞争或者家族关系,才能到银行、移动运营商等的窗口岗位来服务你。而你在美国线下门店的窗口岗位遇到的工作人员,他有可能就是个初中毕业文化,有的人甚至可能还有犯罪记录。但是中国的那些年轻员工,他们所拿到的薪水,可能连你在美国遇到的员工薪水的五分之一都不到。 在中国,学历贬值和过剩已经太普遍了,而且在中国的整个社会来讲,分配制度普遍还停留在封建社会的水平,你在中国体验到的一切便利,恰恰是最底层人群的低人权所带来的(虽然这些最底层人群在你看来生机勃勃并接受过良好的教育,素质很高)。 而在美国,虽然你吐槽墨西哥小哥可能业务不熟,素质不高,但就是这样一个素质不高、没什么文化的人,他的收入却可以让他体面地活下去,甚至可能还要养家。这个墨西哥小哥可能刚来美国拿到绿卡没几年,可能英语都说不利索。 这还是在上海。。。假如到别的城市去,名牌本科生有可能去送外卖跑网约车,而硕士、博士有可能去干城管拿3000人民币月薪,为的是一个体制内的铁饭碗。