6/11 REBIRTH: If there is no self, then who or what is being reborn? by Khenpo Jorden

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International Buddhist Academy IBA

International Buddhist Academy IBA

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Interview to Khenpo Ngawang Jorden PHD, Principal of International Buddhist Academy Kathmandu (IBA).
On the Way, Talks abut the Buddhist Path series.
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@stephendowney7315 2 жыл бұрын
The Buddha said “Oh, Bhikshu, every moment you are born, decay, and die.” Every moment the illusion of the separate self is reincarnated.
@evoo6 2 жыл бұрын
this is good one. thanks for sharing :)
@waldwassermann 2 жыл бұрын
Yes; that sounds more correct.
@zahiromare 2 жыл бұрын
We need non literal interpretation here!
@jimlyon7276 2 жыл бұрын
@ stephen downey - REINCARNATION - From a modern scientific viewpoint billions of our cells change every day ! With regards to our complete body that takes 7-10 years to change !
@waldwassermann 2 жыл бұрын
Most Excellent.
@ianoian1 Жыл бұрын
I'm a lifelong Buddhist. If there is one aspect of the teachings that have confused me so much, it is the idea of non-self. Anyway, I saw a video recently by Ajahn Somano who was asked the question where/what is the self? He replied that he'd been searching for a self to actually find out if there was one, and commenting, "Because there was never anybody here in the first place!"
@farmerjohn6526 Жыл бұрын
Nah, the self or identity is constantly changing there fore there is no (permanent) self. Like the river, never being the same river. There is no reincarnation either, so don't worry about that either.
@OspreyFlyer Жыл бұрын
I've mostly come to that conclusion at this last stage of my life. What's left is programming from birth. People are running on automatic.
@wordscapes5690 Жыл бұрын
@@farmerjohn6526 How can you just declare that there is no reincarnation. You do not know - and neither do I.
@farmerjohn6526 Жыл бұрын
@@wordscapes5690 I suppose I am being arrogant to make such a claim. I don't see any point in the idea of Reincarnation, and I don't see any real evidence to support it. I think it gives people either fear or hope for their future life, something similar to Christian hope of a good after life, or fear of the bad after life. Both do not contribute to a person in the here and now, dealing with their need for happiness and living correctly today. The other down side is when folks come along and claim to be the reincarnated Buddha or whatever they claim. There is not way to prove it or not as you say.
@wordscapes5690 Жыл бұрын
@@farmerjohn6526 There is a very strict process to the reincarnation selection of bodhisattvas. People do not just declare themselves buddhas. Besides, that is only one branch of Buddhism. It is not necessary to believe in reincarnation to practice Buddhist meditation. However, once you practice it correctly, you very often (but certainly not always) begin to reach certain conclusions from your experiences while meditating. If you are practicing meditation to "escape" reincarnation or to "gain" a better birth, there is simply no way you will achieve either of those goals, as they involve desire and "clutching" - so to suggest that people behave well, or believe in reincarnation in order to get a better birth, is a contradiction.
@stargazeronesixseven 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed! Only our Consciousness infused with our Karma ( Good or Bad ) travel to our next lives ... That's why All Buddhas & Mahabodhisattvas taught us to Cleanse our Mind & Practice Good Karma & Stay Away from Committing Bad Karma , so we will have a Good Rebirth & Transformation in our Next Life! 🙏 Thank You So Much His Holiness for this Valuable Teaching! 🙏 NÅMÖ ÅMÏTÅBHÅ BÜDDHÅ 🙏 ÖM MÅNÏ PÅDMÈ HÜM 🕯🌷🌿🌍💖🕊
@anestos2180 Жыл бұрын
there is no next life, only life. there isn't even "YOU" to begin with.
@IndraBahiaMusic 2 жыл бұрын
The basic teachings of Sanatana Dharma ("Hinduismus") is that the spirit soul (aka consciousness) is different from the body. The body is gross material energy and the mind, the ego and the intelligence are made from subtle material energy. But either are not us. We falsely misidentify with these things. We are spirit souls. Getting free from this entangling material energy and misidentification means liberation. Unfortunately we are so engrossed in material energy in this world that we don't even know our true self (spirit). That's why there is racism, sexism, etc. People don't know that they are spirit souls. They think they are the body and the mind. If you would like clear information without speculation please read Srila Prabhupada's books. It changed my life and it will probably change yours also :) Bless you all xoxo
@TheGreeny38 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this explanation. Loving kindness to you.
@TonyTony-je8tc 2 жыл бұрын
Is it in English ?
@t0xcn253 2 жыл бұрын
@@TonyTony-je8tc yes, most of Prabhupada's works are available in English, as the founder of ISKCON he spent much of his life in the West and specifically in America spreading the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and of Sri Caitanya in particular. I would recommend finding any translation of the Gita you can and reading that first, since Prabhupada in his translation adds a great deal of explanatory material that might be difficult or distracting for your initial reading of the text. Best of luck my friend.
@t0xcn253 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 Love is Krishna, Krishna is Shiva, Shiva is nothing.
@zlatomirravic3780 6 ай бұрын
No dogma. One has to know onees, thus will know for self. ❤
@ssake1_IAL_Research 2 жыл бұрын
You might as well ask who is born. The ultimate sense cannot be applied to the practical sense. In the ultimate sense, there is Self, but no self. In the usual or practical sense, there is rebirth of the individual. You can't use the ultimate teaching to negate rebirth in the usual sense--I think this is what is called a "category error."
@sivagurupathamvadivelu680 7 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@JesseNickelltheFourth 2 жыл бұрын
@johnnymentero6313 2 жыл бұрын
What continues to exist, and reencarnates, is the unit of awareness which is aware to be aware. The identity which is the individual. Which is = YOU. It carries with it the all the memories which is what the mind is composed of, hence, the mind. Including somatics, which sometimes manifest as pain -for exa.mple- or some other "abnormal condition" with "no knowable source"
@bladvagsrgyallo2053 2 жыл бұрын
You is relative, no you 😀
@DanielMByron 2 жыл бұрын
This presentation doesn’t resist analysis, so would be seen as empty on the ultimate. Also, amongst the dhatu’s there is no “you” within that bundle. There may be a mind, and if you’re suggesting the mind (or the reflexive awareness you’ve suggested) is the you/self, then you’d also have to find out how that can be so if the mind is subject to impermanence as well. A lot of Buddhists would agree with you on this, but that you’d need to qualify it as impermanent and empty of self
@johnnymentero6313 2 жыл бұрын
@@DanielMByron What you're talking about, is speculation, personal considerations, and beliefs. What I'm talking about is first hand knowledge. Which is first hand experience in leaving the body. You can (if you want) refer to ndes, or similar of which there are countless testimonies all over the world. And I clearly stated the difference between the mind, and the self. And there's no such a thing as "impermanence of the mind" The being carries it's memories (the "storage unit" of those memories is what we call "the mind) with it from life to life. And it can access it by itself, or with help.
@DanielMByron 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnnymentero6313 great to hear about first hand experience. Think you might be mistaking me a little: most Buddhists would agree that the mind dhatu, and the storehouse consciousness (alayavijnana) is what you’re speaking of: the subtle level of mind that can be experienced at death, and at certain levels of practice. Buddhists, including those accomplished ones with similar experiences to what you’re saying just say the word “self” isn’t accurate. If in the moment of the NDE you could introspect to find the original source or essence of the mind, you would (with the right conditions) recognise that is empty of nature, yet still appears. Since there’s no essence, there’s no core/self to it, you’re free of grasping towards it which would keep you bound
@johnnymentero6313 2 жыл бұрын
@@DanielMByron I consider that speculation, and mental gymnastics. In my experience, the mind is the storage place of memories, which includes thoughts, thought processing, understanding, comprehension, learnings, and so on. As you may realize, this includes the processing and understanding of the subject at hand. NONE of this is the "self" the self is what carries all of that in, or as "a tools box" it uses to interact in different levels with the physical Universe. The "self" is capable of *experiencing" and *causing* and it goes about it by *using all the tools* it has in its mind consciously, and/or unconsciously.
@rogerszeto8419 2 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly
@NullStaticVoid Жыл бұрын
I have previous lives whose experiences I remember, but only slightly. It's all very mundane. I don't have past lives of being a prince or a space alien that I recall. I remember being an ant, and how proud we were of working together. Was a young girl in Haiti. I don't think I lived very long there because there are no memories of her being older. There are a few others as well. It's funny because this was part of what led me to Buddhism. I needed answers to the questions these memories present. But most of the answers I find in Buddhism do not address this, but they answer other things. In the long run I find that I can't hold any kind of hate in my heart for other people or even other species. I'm pretty sure I have been all these types of people and animals at some point in the past or the future.
@JuanGarcia-wo3ok 2 жыл бұрын
Now every minute there is more human on the planet. Where do all those new souls come from?
@valfosco 2 жыл бұрын
There are no souls
@JuanGarcia-wo3ok 2 жыл бұрын
@@valfosco Well whatever we suppose to incarnate into.
@AverageBuddhist88 4 ай бұрын
Devas, spirits, etc. Humans and animals aren't the only beings in this world.
@kassyapasaikkiya464 2 жыл бұрын
Well very confusing; just to deny existence of Soul they come up with consciousness as the mode of reincarnation but based on Hindu karmic philosophy;
@johnphillips8288 3 жыл бұрын
Great informative video thanks 👍
@emmacavalier 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t agree with reincarnation and past lives. Spirituality, it doesn’t provide any benefit to me and it doesn’t fit my world view. But i can appreciate how it can help others try to make sense of the world.
@masonart4950 2 жыл бұрын
All sciences, all religions, all faiths, all psychedelic experiences are trying to tell the same story. Look for the similarities and you build a better picture.
@naturalisted1714 2 жыл бұрын
Look into Generic Subjective Continuity.
@FromPlanetZX Жыл бұрын
clearly he himsself is confused. Just Theoritical rivalries of different sects.
@janamejayan3342 2 жыл бұрын
There is self but it is neither born nor reborn.
@Chris-op7yt 2 жыл бұрын
bs is being reborn
@marinvucic8499 2 жыл бұрын
TRINITY who is the elder Father or Son ?? SURNAME as Reincarnation? THE TRINITY AND THE STAR OF DAVID Man was created in the image of God in a male-female (pictorial) relationship, which is the image of Love that is not without fruit but the Fullness of the Spirit (the Absolute as perfect fullness). Spirit is the dignity of the relationship of the invisible INTIME of the two as the Trinity (there is 2 = 3)! because Love is always the fullness and gives flow - the child and the fullness of equals in the image of an isosceles triangle in short - the image of the Family! When someone CURSES your father or mother, you react spontaneously because it stems from your Unique connection as Dignity and Identity. That is why Marriage is a sacrament. Namely, a man cannot have two fathers or two mothers. God in creation paints his image below: the image of the isosceles triangle that makes the Covenant with the lower image of the isosceles triangle-sign of the EQUAL who thus form the Hexagon - the Star of David. The meaning of this soteriological meaning is fulfilled by Jesus, who says of himself in Revelation: I am the shining star Danica, the Outgrowth of David! And that is the real meaning of the STAR OF DAVID, and not some magical esoteric one that serves those to satanize, for example, the Jews. The Latin passage for Danica is Lucifer, who as such entered the liturgy (Good Friday) and has nothing to do with Satan (Lucife). He uniquely refers to Christ who is the true light of the world as opposed to the light of the fallen angels and the Fallen Light Bearer of Satan. However, later this translation (Danica = Lucifer) was used for the Fallen Lightbearer Satan as Lucifer, ie more precisely "Fallen Lucifer" "= Fallen Lightbearer. The Lightbearer is different from the Fallen Light Bearer or Danica and Pala Danica! However, the illiterate and malicious are abusing this by satanizing the Catholic Church, which according to them celebrates Lucifer on Good Friday. Opponents (illiterate and malicious) of the Church find their "evidence" even in the Cathedrals that have stone demons on their walls, so the cathedrals are demonized and Catholics are portrayed as Satanists. which once dominated the outer space depicted by the stone edifice of the cathedral while inside the cathedral space is the Altar where the Victorious Demon Christ is celebrated! This is clearly described, for example, in Colossians 2:15: "He disarms the rulers and authorities and exposes them publicly to the mockery, leading them in the victorious veil defeated with him. Thus, it is a CARICATURE of petrified, disgraced and disabled demons. Who is the older FATHER OR SON ?? in man, father and mother and child are at the same time the same kind-nature but at the same time different !! With God who is ETERNAL there is no chronology, there is no elder, because He is the One who is as the Father is always the same and has never been someone's son! but there is no Father forever without a Son forever! The Father is the Father through the Son and vice versa. God is a NAME and not a name - plural or surname! That is why we are baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Isaiah 6 declares that the Name of God is constantly consecrated three times in the heavenly liturgy! Jesus therefore says: I am in the Father and the Father is in me and we are completely one within which the Holy Spirit comes out equally in the name of Elohim Which in Hebrew means ECHAD i.e. One in Oneness (and in fact the Triune God). And Muslims sense this as (TAWHID - Tšād) in Arabic translation means: One of ... and the Qur'an knows God as a being of communication. So, when you congratulate a child on his birthday, let him congratulate you on becoming a parent !! Who is FIRST ?? Father or Son ??? The Father is the First but the first as the Father but there is no Father without the Son and therefore the Son is the FIRST but as the First Son, ie the only Only Begotten and not created and always because everything the Father has the Son they are completely one deity of the same nature as One God and at the same time different but in unity and equal and different. The Father has always been the Father and has never been someone's Son and the Father has always been through the Son. Also the Son is always the same and always because he has the Father always! And when it is claimed that the Father is the only True God, then the Son is also the only true God. if the Father is the First and the Last then the Son says the same in Revelation: I am the First and the Last .... This is difficult to understand if we look at Jesus from the perception of his "earthly mission" because during that mission Jesus was then ) as a servant of Yahweh because he renounced his equality with God to take the human body, but after the Sacrifice on the cross as reconciliation and eternal covenant Jesus enters heaven into his original state of equals but now with the resurrected human body which he made immortal. Let us remember that after the resurrection Jesus passes through closed doors and is in several places at once, etc., so that it confuses those who tried to chronologically record this appearance of a new reality of the relationship between the resurrected body and the divine in the unbreakable Eternal Covenant and state. In that sense, the meaning of God is NAME and not surname !! and that NAME in a unique way if the NAME that is constantly HOLY THREE TIMES in the heavenly liturgy! (Isaiah 6) Holy! Holy, Holy !!!!! That is why we are baptized in the NAME as in Im
@AverageBuddhist88 4 ай бұрын
Lord Buddha is King, look into reincarnation evidence by Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker
@tombombadyl4535 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing is reborn.
@btdu2789 2 жыл бұрын
There is no rebirth, this one life is all we have.
@FragranceView 2 жыл бұрын
You say it like you know what happens after death, but in reality, you have no direct experience that you remember of death. So answering it as an absolute is ridiculous, the best you can say is you don't know.
@raduaurelian 2 жыл бұрын
@@FragranceView hov can ve say ve don't knov if ve don't knov that ve don't knov. Vhat it is, is regardless of our knoving or unknoving.
@evoo6 2 жыл бұрын
LOL So what is after death?
@btdu2789 2 жыл бұрын
@@FragranceView - You don't know there's life after death either; therefore, it is based on individual's faith and beliefs.
@btdu2789 2 жыл бұрын
@@FragranceView -But you talk like you know, and I talk like I believe. That's right, you don't know what you don't know, and you don't know that I could be right, and there's only eternal heaven or hell after death. You could lose your fortune gambling and start over again, but I dare not gamble with eternal life or hell after death, for I know not what I don't know and only know that it's eternal. I don't believe in soul recycling because at the beginning of time, the first soul of life came from somewhere and now the earth is lots more populated. There's no logic in that. Who designate for souls to recycle? We know it's not Buddha and he never claimed to be, but if you say God then bingo, the bible talks about heaven and hell.
@crimsonhermit Жыл бұрын
We are from the same source, we share the same essence, we aren’t separate from each other, we share the same soul. Life is hilarious from this adjusted point of view. I’m explaining all of this to us, but we already know all about it. Buddhism is beautiful but totally unnecessary. Just relax… can’t get any of it wrong because we are just characters in the story of life. Just loving and torturing ourselves for some stupid reason. Thanks for the video baldy. 😂
@Enoch9500bc 2 жыл бұрын
Wave on the ocean, even when it hits the shore it's still part of the same ocean. Nothing ever changed what was real. Only concepts change.
@MikeTooleK9S 2 жыл бұрын
basically child murder
@mcpucho 2 жыл бұрын
Anthropocentric POV. Change is the only constant and is completely independent of human consciousness.
@BlackSkyZ2 2 жыл бұрын
@@Enoch9500bc “truth” is a path-less land
@justinrozario2003 2 жыл бұрын
Literally Advaita Vedanta of hinduism
@parmar__12 2 жыл бұрын
@@BlackSkyZ2 truth is all there is There is no way to truth
@objektiv_subjektiv 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@SithSolomon Жыл бұрын
Vedanta was correct. Just accept it and move on.
@manaspratimdas707 3 ай бұрын
I guess tbh it was just a simplified version of Buddhism if you don't want to scratch your mind by digging deeper.
@Eternal00211 23 күн бұрын
​@@manaspratimdas707no never, it existed way before buddha himself in the upanishads.
@manaspratimdas707 23 күн бұрын
@@Eternal00211 Upanishads were written during and after Gautam Buddha so there is no chance that Vedanta existed before Buddha.
@mallurajesh1828 27 күн бұрын
Brother is little out of context as per buddhism philosphy. Its more aligned to hindu and other religions philosphy of soul and spirit and god. Buddhism is much simple and deeper. Buddha talked of the matter forming up human body having being gone through numerous transformations. Its like we eat meat, the day before it was a walking chicken. The matter taking different forms is being spoken. Its governed by laws of nature and no supreme superhuman called God. Buddha main focus was to end human suffering through mind which due to fear of unknown makes the collected matter(body) to suffer in its existence. Body is just manifestation of Cosmic energy. Thats why even Einstein while correlating mass and energy referred to Buddhism as Atheism. Namo buddha🙏
@awaystayleft Жыл бұрын
very wrong。 Then the Blessed One addressed a certain bhikkhu thus: “Come, bhikkhu, tell the bhikkhu Sāti, son of a fisherman, in my name that the Teacher calls him.”-“Yes, venerable sir,” he replied, and he went to the bhikkhu Sāti and told him: “The Teacher calls you, friend Sāti.” “Yes, friend,” he replied, and he went to the Blessed One, and after paying homage to him, sat down at one side. The Blessed One then asked him: “Sāti, is it true that the following pernicious view has arisen in you: ‘As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One, it is this same consciousness that runs and wanders through the round of rebirths, not another’?” “Exactly so, venerable sir. As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One, it is this same consciousness that runs and wanders through the round of rebirths, not another.” “What is that consciousness, Sāti?” “Venerable sir, it is that which speaks and feels and experiences here and there the result of good and bad actions.” “Misguided man, to whom have you ever known me to teach the Dhamma in that way? Misguided man, have I not stated in many ways consciousness to be dependently arisen, since without a condition there is no origination of consciousness? But you, misguided man, have misrepresented us by your wrong grasp and injured yourself and stored up much demerit; for this will lead to your harm and suffering for a long time.” by Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta-Bhikkhu Bodhi
@gra6649 2 жыл бұрын
In other words, if my understanding is correct, as long as one sees ones selves as an unique and a separate individual one keeps coming back. That would probably be the discriminating mind. Karma has a lot to do with that. Through meditation, and introspection over countless lifetimes that vision of one's self will dissolve. Kind of like an iceberg in the ocean. As Buddha implied in the Diamond Sutra, we all get there in the end.
@thenowchurch6419 2 жыл бұрын
I believe one can still see one's self as unique but not ultimately separate. Variety is the spice of Experience.
@Enoch9500bc 2 жыл бұрын
It's all an illusion. It's a concept. Who sees the one seeing? That one is already free. :)
@xirogs 2 жыл бұрын
The illusion is thinking we actually ever left O.O because where exactly are we to begin with?
@gra6649 2 жыл бұрын
@@xirogs 0.0 is a concept. And this to is a concept. One has to not look beyond, one must look before. Before what? Before anything that can be conceived of by mind.
@bedokgentler 2 жыл бұрын
One keeps coming back not just because one sees oneself as a self, but one comes back cos based on the self, one has desires, clinging, attachment ... setting the wheels of Dependent Origination countless times each day
@JuanPreciado87 10 ай бұрын
I think that the self in Advaita Vedanta for example is ultimately the same that no self in Budddhism
@Orion225 4 күн бұрын
Yes. Had India accepted Buddha, he would've been regarded a vedic sage.
@chasestefanson8501 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know why people here are so hateful commenting on this video. What this monk has said is correct from the point of Buddhist philosophy if you're familiar with it. I believe this channel is for those who are genuinely studying Buddhism, not those who come here to spit condescending speech. Dear admin, please delete all the irrelevant and hate comments. With Metta 🙏
@chasestefanson8501 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 I clearly didn't say all opposing comments here are hateful, please reread my comment. It's freedom of speech to speak whatever you want, but it is also the right for the content owner to decide what speeches are allowed in their platform
@OfficialGOD Жыл бұрын
Cannot believe you discard atman but believe something continues
@rahul45897 Жыл бұрын
You have zero understanding of atman
@harshagrawal2851 Жыл бұрын
Desire, habits and fear continues . Atman or brahman is only one, different body doesn't contain different Atman.
@rahul45897 Жыл бұрын
@@harshagrawal2851 you are mistaking atman with paramatman
@harshagrawal2851 Жыл бұрын
@@rahul45897 According to the theories given by realised beings that's what liberation is , when you got to know your true nature that you are brahman or paramatma, you get liberation from Maya(illusion) or dwaita (duality). If you say atma and paramatma is different then it's dwaita or maya .
@Enlightenedlikebuddha Жыл бұрын
⁠@@harshagrawal2851Buddha did believe in a soul which is not permanent and not mine or an individual soul. Otherwise we would get too attached to our personal soul and would try to preserve it at any cost. But he said Atma or soul is more like a process or continuation of Chetnas or consciousness. But when you achieve Nirvana that process of soul or consciousness transforms. So when we are reborn a similar atma or consciousness is born but not the exact one like before. It’s like the flame of candle is not continuous but a series of wax drops but not exactly of the identical type but similar. Listen to Dr Sinha’s explanation.
@SithSolomon Жыл бұрын
It’s because. There is a soul. That’s It.
@dreamias6846 Жыл бұрын
These all believe but Buddha never talked about Aatma (soul)nor rebirth and no god. His whole focus is on self awakening knowing you self and and world and how to get away from all kinds suffering and attachment And make man Nobel, moral and ethical and full of humanity
@Eternal00211 23 күн бұрын
Bruh NO, he kept quiet on the god thing, he didnt reject god. He made a path in which there wont be need of external entity called god.
@debrak3594 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Venerable Khenpo Ngawang!--I will sit with this explanation
@johnhw6068 2 жыл бұрын
Rebirth: The inner wheel we endlessly peddle as we move from one desire, one hate, one grief ..one thaught.etc etc etc... to the next. Dependent Origination it's called, and it's what MY Buddha meant by "rebirth." We have many thousands of daily rebirths" that guarantee a powerful freedom.
@guitarvorous 2 жыл бұрын
What? English please
@johnhw6068 2 жыл бұрын
@@guitarvorous ???? Perhaps you should think as you read...or learn to read English
@guitarvorous 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnhw6068 people will believe anything as long as it gives them peace of mind. Regardless of being true or not. You cant proof what was before life and after death so you can go believe anything. People are so full of shit. From oblivion we come to oblivion we go, apparantly.
@johnhw6068 2 жыл бұрын
​@@guitarvorous You cant proof what was before life and after death so you can go believe anything.?? Without evidence, I'm unable to believe anything. I admire Buddhism because it's a PHILOSOPHY/PSYCHOLOGY that doesn't demand faith.
@stewbeef8808 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnhw6068 This is not a very compassionate response.
@anthonyfd100 2 жыл бұрын
Isn't the hope that we continue in some form after our body dies rooted in ego? It seems that when people have a truly spiritual experience they are not conscious of a "self", but of a greater existence, a oneness of all. We are all part of this amazing Life. We are like waves on the ocean. Each wave eventually breaks on the shore and disappears, but the ocean remains. The key, it seems to me, is to identify with and revere Life, rather than oneself.
@mbaker9861 Жыл бұрын
My understanding, that's buddhist's ultimate goal to attain liberation...from illusion of "self".
@kevtherev8194 2 жыл бұрын
SUMMARY: he doesn”t know !!
@shubhamkumar-nw1ui 2 жыл бұрын
No one knows...other than the Buddhas themselves....u can explain in silly words but to "know" is different
@akitodaisuke6532 10 ай бұрын
Buddhas has said that the soul exist Buddhas also has said that soul don't exist - nagarjuna
@Eternal00211 23 күн бұрын
And this is just a contradictory statement and nothing else.
@bimallimboo13 4 ай бұрын
Buddhist believe in reincarnation but not soul? I think buddist believe in soul but not as which is permanent like said nothing is permanent, soul is consciousness and process.
@Bigdawgs17 2 ай бұрын
Neobuddhists😂 doesn't believe in both of them
@Eternal00211 23 күн бұрын
​@@Bigdawgs17😂😂 true af these bhimtes are materialists and lustful
@hotuish 11 ай бұрын
And in my Zen school we talk about Amala Vijnana or Pure consciousness sometimes called “Clear Light” that goes on a very long time but is not impermanent because nothing is. It can just conceptually seem impermanent due to how long it is considered to go on for.
@KevinSolway 7 ай бұрын
Such a consciousness can also seem to go on for a very long time, but in reality it can only last for a second.
@arindamghatak Ай бұрын
4:21 onwards....Very similar to Vedanta / Upanishads. Those imprints (wasanas) are our tendencies that form our personality (karana sharira), which is the result of our past karma. The consequences of our past karma (prarabhda) also carry forward to the next life as do our karma sanchita (the proverbial piggy bank of paap (bad karma) and punya (good karma)).
@KevinSolway 8 ай бұрын
There's no evidence that mind survives the death of the body. It's like a candle that is extinguished. There is no "container" which contains the imprints of our karma. The imprints of our karma and the fruit of our karma spread everywhere, and is not contained. And it is not channeled to some other particular individual when our body dies.
@jozefbania 2 жыл бұрын
if the wrong information will be going around in circles the process will never stop mind is one but wrong views are plenty
@Kamabushi999 Ай бұрын
The best I would guess Is consciousness or life energy. Whatever it is that keeps you being. But i dont think anyone knows. Even if there are multiple lives what does it matter If you can’t remember cuz there is no continuity. Consciousness is like water in a steam locomotive It spent as steam it goes back to the sky falls as rain and it is used again in another steam driven machine. Locomotive, submarine etc Those machines are all the Water’s lives but would it know if water was sentient? it matters not there are many lives but this one is the only one you have as yourself thats it. Dont be like me… enjoy it Without hurting anyone
@Arjun-lg9fm 2 жыл бұрын
I think this can comprehensively be answered by someone who has real understanding of all schools of Indian Philosophy, since this question was at heart of debates back in the day between various schools. Proponents on all sides have tackled this question in different ways, prominent would be Vedanta and Buddhism. While Vedanta admits "Atman" as subtle body being reborn, Buddhists call it mere consciousness and negate it.
@Arjun-lg9fm 2 жыл бұрын
@Vajrapani Soul is an extension of ego?, what philosophy is that. Osho is no authority on any school whatsoever.
@Arjun-lg9fm 2 жыл бұрын
@Vajrapani your statement reflects your mind, you've learnt from KZbin and hence Osho to you is an authority. Authority is someone who is master in his own field, what does Osho believe in. He talked about everything but in the end he negated everything, best you can argue is he believed in nihilism or sunyavada but far from an authority.
@Arjun-lg9fm 2 жыл бұрын
@Vajrapani get hold of yourself, you're seething in your comment. What is Osho philosophy and how is it different from any of philosophies which existed before him. Sunyavada is translated as nihilism, don't compare Western definition cause that won't change the concept that sunyavada is. You won't get away by acting confused and lost neither.
@Arjun-lg9fm 2 жыл бұрын
@Vajrapani all you have in your defence is "you're new to philosophy" you aren't bringing anything substantial to the table. Just a bunch of KZbin wisdom is all. Read up a bit more before you engage in a discussion. Eastern or western concepts don't always have an equivalent in the other.
@Arjun-lg9fm 2 жыл бұрын
@Vajrapani OOPS you started it read the comments again, and you're mirroring your psyche cause you got no arguments, whatever happened to Osho I wonder. Did I ever say I'm supporting any philosophy? and again you come here with you're seething mind pressing the issue. That's indicator of YT mind cause you attention span is just few seconds.
@neomagnon 5 ай бұрын
The inner self, the real ego, the "I", the lifeforce, the one who has awareness, is the eternal, undying spirit soul. It is covered by the subtle mind and the gross physical body. The mind takes shape according to the consciousness, attachments, desires, karmic reactions - human, animal, plant of the spirit soul, like a mold of a sculpture fitting perfectly. It is the unchanging spirit soul (still covered by the mind) that transmigrate or reincarnates. The physical body assumes the shape of the mind complete with sets of eyes, nose, tongue, ears, etc. The bee, butterfly, hummingbird tongues loves nectar, the fly's or pigs tongues loves stool/feces. Maggots, vultures love rotten carcass. Herbivores loves, grass, leaves, fruits. Gender dysphoria is too much attachment to a particular sex. Too much attachment to flying, swimming, sex, pets, etc., Nature will provide bodies suitable to those desires. Of all these changes (body, mind, experiences, consciousness), endless reincarnation, the spirit soul remains constant, unchanging, undying.
@SithSolomon Жыл бұрын
The question is . If we where not meant to be separate entities why did we incarnate in the first place. This is the question. Where do ghost come from? Where do spirits come from? The soul has been seen with MRI and things of that nature . What is that? When people die and they say they saw their body and came back , what is that? If there is no Soul . Why is this even a thing . This is a sorry excuse of not knowing
@dennisdolan7250 Ай бұрын
Whatever takes the consequences of one life into another is the self. You can call it by another name but what’s the difference? It’s me. It’s my reward or punishment 🤷‍♂️
@SaintShieldWolf 2 жыл бұрын
I can only say my own thoughts on the matter. In my view rebirth is reappearance of intelligence. Us personally may not rebirth but intelligence, conciousness of mind will reappear somewhere again in the Universe. Comprehension on the scope of the Universe may already appear elsewhere. In my views, rebirth is not of the self but of the kind.
@howardstrauss5337 2 жыл бұрын
You can also choose silence.
@friendsnote.1013 3 ай бұрын
Why must there different schools? Obviously there’re conflicting opinions and opinions, which should not be? Hence, there’re divisions and may not help …. 🙏🙏🙏
@JJ-nh3hr 3 жыл бұрын
but then the store consciousness is permanent, so there is a soul and therefore there is a permanent self ..... can you explain It better?
@ichabodcrane2162 3 жыл бұрын
Nirvana end the cycle
@buddhistphilosopher800 3 жыл бұрын
Alaya vijñana *is not a "soul",* it isn't a substance neither posses identity, it is only the substratum where all karmical imprints are stored. That conscience is not permanent neither. AV It's not even the fundamental nature of sentient beings, that is *Thatagatagarba.*
@rohlay00 3 жыл бұрын
@@buddhistphilosopher800 so the buddhist believe in a kind of soul that is susceptible to change and is always transforming...? And is eternal? I dont understand why there must be a substrate that continues. The self is a phenomenon emergent from causes and conditions (inhabiting a body, mind and interacting in an enviroment), therefore being inherently empty. I understand the idea of no-self and may have experienced glimpses of it in deep states of meditation. But I dont understand why buddhist are advocates of rebirth. It's a claim with no proof. Karma and rebirth are probably the most superstitious claims of buddhism but actually can "make sense". Karma explains causality in the universe and rebirth explains how something comes from nothing, because it comes from something.
@buddhistphilosopher800 3 жыл бұрын
@@rohlay00 I cannot answer you at once, for some reason youtube erase my coment again and again. I tried to splitted in two and it was erased again. Now I splitted in three.
@buddhistphilosopher800 3 жыл бұрын
@@rohlay00 Substrate consciousness is not a "type of soul." The notion of soul is accompanied by the idea of ​​substantiality, independence, and permanence. Alaya-vijñana lacks these three characteristics. The self is not a phenomenon, it is a delusion, a mirage, a deceive of the mind itself due to the psychic process of identification with the body, thoughts, emotions, and the apparent integrity in an individual that these phenomena seem to have. There is not and will never be a "self".
@Buddhismhelps 3 ай бұрын
This notion of rebirth is not an effective explanation, but simply a reference to old concepts and the reinforcement that “its accepted” by all schools, with further reference to a mysterious higher level of consciousness above the 6th. The reality is no one really knows, so make the best of your life you can by practicing the Buddhist core concepts and helping others. If there is a rebirth, so be it.
@sonhuanson Жыл бұрын
It does not seem inappropriate to me to speak of DNA as a material support for the store of karma. We always talk about life, we mean human life (things of the ego), life is much bigger than us and karma encompasses all existences. DNA is a container and does not contain a being either, since it can be realized or not. Is my dna mine? The DNA of a cat is not used to make a horse, nor is the DNA of a human being used to make a bird. But the DNA contains all the traces and information to make any of the existences born from the womb, from an egg, etc... It is the closest thing to a warehouse. Maybe then they didn't have the accuracy that we have now (as in astronomy or biology for example) to describe things and still their level of definition is amazing. Think big.
@SezzzSimon 2 жыл бұрын
Mind is the karma container until the seeds it holds are burned in the fire of infinity. What is left is truth.
@anthonybrown1417 4 ай бұрын
​@AverageBuddhist88 yes to rebirth, no to reincarnation... rebith happens moment to moment, not only at the end of life.. this is dependent origination
@shahshahalam-h7e Жыл бұрын
@tomappletree8086 2 жыл бұрын
How wise can a buddhist monk with bleached teeth be?
@nxu5107 8 ай бұрын
May blessing and merit be upon you reverend Sir. Thank you.
@OliverKoenig 2 жыл бұрын
To answer the question: It is a stream of consciousness that is reborn. That stream does have a temporary illusion of self. It is a temporary phenomenon. It does not have a real self, only an illusion, a temporary one, and a very short one, for that matter. It is like physical life, but one level higher, one level of many. But as physical life, it also ends and transcends into the next level. It all ends at the last level. Ultimately, there is only Brahman, and the cycle of night and day. Brahman does not have a self as such, although it might be considered to be the one and only self, but it does not have any notion of self, although it does create beings out of itself, which do have a notion of self.
@yuewenb 2 жыл бұрын
The eternal what some call God was alone or one and desired to be many..... in order to enjoy the delight of self discovery as God ascended back to itself through the successive stages of evolution.
@lostsoul1342 2 жыл бұрын
This makes more sense. Can you speak more on this?
@lostsoul1342 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 Yeah, you have all the answers Mr. Master keeper of all secrets and knowledge.
@yuewenb 2 жыл бұрын
@@lostsoul1342 Hi Bobby. More important than opinions or philosophy is direct perception. When most look at things, they look with there egoic mind identity made up of all your experiences of this life time, a few have access to other lifetimes. All the pains and pleasures. But since they have not experienced everything, their knowledge will not be whole. The egoic mind categorizes, judges, brings in duality, causes our suffering and separates us from each other, God and direct perception. When you react with let's say anger, lust or whatever, that is your egoic mind. But in reality, we are not this body or egoic mind, just connected with them for this life. To realize your true self or spiritual nature is the exact reverse process of creation. That's were meditation comes in. Your spiritual self is supposed to be in charge working thru your mind body, not the ego running it most of the time. To understand this better, I will copy what I just responded to someone. "We all want to be happy. If you get attached to anything that changes, you invite suffering unto yourself. What in the external world, including egoic mind identity does not change!? Thats the beauty of detachment you spoke about, and not relying on externals for happiness. You see the dead end of such a thing, for what it is. The egoic mind is what categorizes, judges, brings in duality, causes our suffering and separates us not only from each other, God within and direct perception. The ego cannot control the ego, but it can be observed thru the higher non dual self. Like observing something for the 1st time, so no judgements or experience, so no time. How I one day realized this. I found myself in one of my greatest depressions of my life, but being a meditator and often focusing on my 3rd eye and or 7th charkra, I found that part of me was just observing this without emotion, and I realized that it was my judgements and comparisons of my life now (death in family, health problem, and money) to what it was in happier times that was causing my depression! That realization along with knowing it was not helping the situation caused my depression to instantly leave, replaced with peace. I thanked God for this realization and instantly I felt great love and bliss in my heart area and beyond which then shot up to the top of my head and beyond. I also noticed my mind has been a lot more silent since then. It's the space in between thoughts many artists get inspiration or others intuition. We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness." Sorry I did not answer what you wanted, but I felt this more important for now.
@lostsoul1342 2 жыл бұрын
@@yuewenb Direct perception! Inner gnosis! Yes. Namaste!
@lostsoul1342 2 жыл бұрын
@@yuewenb thank you for taking time to respond. Your words are very true. Many will never come to these realizations. Always look within. I'm glad that you are able to find peace inside of you for me become too late. I am too far into the darkness.
@cybercuichi 2 жыл бұрын
This place is a wasp nest, of controversy, every one arguing, so much for enlightenment, rather achieve peace within, and let each one figure his way to it, there's many ways to cook food, and get nourishment.
@silentrotation6541 2 жыл бұрын
When you wake up the next day there is still the mind in its absolute purity which reflects all these memories and appearances, and there is still the ignorance which does not recognize this pure mind but thinks of the memories and thoughts as coming from a real absolute self. It is the same when this body dies, this pure buddha-nature mind carries its ignorance of itself along and this is what propels the mind into its next life. When this mind has finally recognized its own nature completely then it becomes a buddha, and then it no longer is propelled into another life, then it can choose to be born in a body anywhere in the universe in order to lead other minds to liberation from this ignorance. Happy first day of Saga Dawa: the birth, enlightenment, and passing of the Shakyamuni Buddha! May we all become buddhas by realizing our own buddha-nature.
@silentrotation6541 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 When your mind finally wakes up it sees that there is nothing to be seen. That is purity.
@silentrotation6541 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 Seeing that the solid self-image is a construction made out of parts of the mind, seeing this not as mere intellectual knowing but as actual experience. Seeing the mind as empty clear appearances without a separate observer and an observed. That leads to partial waking up.
@jpope125 2 жыл бұрын
​@@heinmolenaar6750 practice!
@silentrotation6541 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 That's an interesting and good observation.
@carlodefalco7930 10 ай бұрын
I like Buddhist concepts .. but … That’s silly 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
@mujaku 2 жыл бұрын
Consciousness in Sanskrit is vijñāna. It means literally in two parts (vi) knowing (jñāna) or you could even say dichotomous knowing. Always beings are divided, that is, perceiver and perceiving. Bodhi transcends perceiver and perceiving therefore it transcends consciousness and rebirth. When a man and a woman cohabitate and the woman conceives there are three elements: the male chromosome, the female chromosome, and consciousness. Consciousness-to-be-reborn is like a radio signal that is picked up by the new DNA which contains a fractal antenna. Your a human body is like an avatar in a video game it is not the player but a simulacrum of the player.
@wordscapes5690 Жыл бұрын
Where did you get this information? Sounds very thumb-sucked to me. Sorry to be offensive.
@yoeyyoey8937 11 ай бұрын
So there is discrete consciousness but you are not that?
@Xanaduum 8 ай бұрын
Don't know where you got the second half of that.
@spiritualanarchist8162 2 жыл бұрын
I still don't understand the difference between these 'minds' versus the concept of a soul . If you read the Bardo thodol it's the 'person ' who encounters all these beings and goes trough all the experiences. The personal 'me' is constructed by the brain, so one could argue it's the part that dies when the brain dies.
@spiritualanarchist8162 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 You project things i never said . I'm not talking about god, I'm just using the soul as a metaphysical concept. I'm also not saying the brain creates consciousness. The brain is what creates the ego out of past experiences and future expectations, feelings, thoughts, etc .We can proof that trough neurology. . 'The mind creates the personal identity , thus the ego . The mind is not consciousness. We can't find the mind in the brain trough neuroscience. And consciousness is that what's aware of the mind . It's not the mind .
@spiritualanarchist8162 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 Using all caps doesn't make it more true. You can repeat the same Buddhist theories, but i know them inside out. That's not what i'm questioning. It's about the confusion around terminology . 'Mind ', Ego , etc are subjective concepts . We only truly know we are conscience. That's a mystery for Western science. We do know that there are Genetic influences .neurological influences, trauma etc that create a personality. Karma is a theological concept. That's fine, but where is Karma 'stored' ? One can't just say 'the mind 'reincarnates. What 'mind' ?
@evoo6 2 жыл бұрын
soul = spirit
@thomastmc 2 жыл бұрын
The more sure one is of their answer to such a question, the less they understand.
@jakescorpion1 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would be wise and according to Buddhism to stop projecting to what we cannot possibly know... Nobody alive knows for sure
@DanielMByron 2 жыл бұрын
This is the philosophical tradition of Mahayana Buddhism, it has its own methods of pramana/logic to ascertain what is knowable.
@masonart4950 2 жыл бұрын
I believe this knowledge comes from Near death experiences and psychedelics. Ego deaths. You're able to tune into your true nature far more easily when your materialist story is put to sleep.
@lentilbonanza4163 2 жыл бұрын
We can gleam things from at least knowing what the mind is in relation to the body. We can't know everything about other lives but the answer to "what is the mind" might give us a ballpark.
@seamlessyorkshiredales Жыл бұрын
How can you speak for everyone?
@sebee555 Жыл бұрын
Pretty presumptuous of you haha. Then bother same logic should be the same for all religious traditions right?
@rahulshekhar3961 2 жыл бұрын
I guess he also doesnt know... Same old complicated terms.... If there is no self then whose imprints
@AverageBuddhist88 4 ай бұрын
Karma is the one that creates imprints. These imprints constantly change, so can't be a self
@Eternal00211 23 күн бұрын
​@@AverageBuddhist88but that karma is associated with WHOM? And what happens at nirvana?
@TitoTimTravels 2 жыл бұрын
So he talks in circles for 5 minutes because he cannot say the word "soul"? Hmm... very informative. 😎
@DanielMByron 2 жыл бұрын
Because it’s more subtle than that: all things are impermanent, the dhatu’s are impermanent, mind is one of those dhatu’s. To describe the mind as the soul would be incorrect as all things are impermanent, and this mind doesn’t withstand ultimately analysis (it’s empty of a nature/self). If you associate too strongly with this, it will cause grasping and thus suffering. A good reason to avoid that word
@howthebookgotitstitle593 Жыл бұрын
The answer imho is that there is no self - but neither is there any reincarnation.
@knabbob 2 жыл бұрын
the Buddha him self said he would never return - i don't think so this is a Hindu idea - Blessings
@johnmartin5240 2 жыл бұрын
@Savvy1235 3 ай бұрын
Need debate with Buddhist philosophers
@1Infeqaul1 2 жыл бұрын
I never dream of the past, I dream only of the future. For the past is gone. But,One can never even exist, if there wasn't anyone before them.
@1Infeqaul1 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 Because you are so grounded, you wouldn't even know what any reality is. present or future. You think you are an animal? If the future has no reality, then what are you experienceing right now? Are you not the future of your Grand parents? You must be very young.
@ShaolinKungFuBR Жыл бұрын
some say Alaya Vijnana is the consciousness of the being, others says its the consciousness of the universe...someone could tell me what or where exactly is the Alaya Vijnana (being or universe)? thanks
@Xanaduum 8 ай бұрын
The early teachings of the Buddha were grounded in cause and effect. That's what karma/Vipakka is. Rebirth beyond life-spans isn't logical unless there is a cause and effect connection, without a cause and effect connection there is no ehipassiko, and therefore you can't see it and you can't prove it. Rebirth from one-moment to the next within one's lifetime in a kind of ship of Theseus fashion is directly experienceable. Consciousness goes on after your death in a very obvious way, it goes on in those that are still living. Like steam or flames go on somewhere in the world, after one instance of it goes out. One instance of steam/fire is actually made of many smaller instances and operations, so that's not so different from when it occurs in a different location. The same is rather similar with consciousness.
@Fantastics_Beats 2 жыл бұрын
I am very confused,😨😰. J krishnmurti says. I am the world.world is not different from me.. my suffering is not my suffering. Suffering is all mankind suffering. There is no individual entity. There is no self. Self is illusion. So how to take rebirth without no self. Because self is illusion . I am world. World is me. There is no permanent entity. Suppose i have permanent ego. Ego take rebirth. But i am not different from you. And you are not different from me. We are same counsinesness (mind). Buddha also say there is no self. 1.Without self is rebirth is not possible? 2.how will rebirth take place without self?
@karanagrawal8499 2 жыл бұрын
There is vast stream resorvior of vulgarity (of human existence ) that stream manifest .that manifestation say I'm this body this form such name and so on which is self with it's psychic tendencies etc .
@karanagrawal8499 2 жыл бұрын
By living the way mostly all human being live that way one add volume to stream great resorvior of vulgarity . Which is great ignorance ,suffering,conflict ,ugliness
@Migouelin 2 жыл бұрын
Krishnamurti is very, very close to the Buddha's Dharma. Self is only an illusion if you don't see it as a simple tool, just something usefull to see by yourself and not blindly beleiving someone else teaching. "There is no permanent entity ... permanent ego".
@fcmiller3 4 ай бұрын
All anyone can say is; Don’t Know
@matthewtaylordeoppressolib7141 2 жыл бұрын
How does anyone know what happens after death?
@AverageBuddhist88 4 ай бұрын
Look into reincarnation evidence, by Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker.
@c.a.t.732 Жыл бұрын
How can there be consciousness once the brain ceases to function at death?
@Ananya-lq9vq Жыл бұрын
Good question. Science only digs into things which can be proven by the five senses. Science has own its limits.
@KenChan-d2k 6 ай бұрын
Control of rebirth will be a wonderful thing. Rebirth to a good-looking, smart, healthy, and long-living person. Then rebirth to animal. Then rebirth to anything free to choose. What an adventure and exploration. I predict in the near future Mind Uploading will be the controlled rebirth. No born, no death, just keep rebirthing to different sentient beings of different experiences.
@_xBrokenxDreamsx_ 9 ай бұрын
the buddha was very clear that enlightenment/emancipation meant liberation of the Soul/Self. to liberate the Self one must cease the cycle of rebirth (the Self being born into another self/individual empirical consciousness).. the Self turns away from objective rebirth and towards undisturbed subjectivity.
@toad4ever103 2 жыл бұрын
Are there no new souls being created?
@KevinFitzMauriceEverett Жыл бұрын
Anatta is a complicated, confusing, and difficult teaching of Buddha because Buddha never discovered the true self. Buddha did discover a lot about what the self was not. When Buddha talked about what the self is not, he was clear and not confusing because he understood what he was saying. “Everything that can be said can be said clearly.” -Ludwig Wittgenstein “If you cannot explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” -Albert Einstein
@2010RSHACKS 2 жыл бұрын
If you achieve liberation how would that work? Wouldn’t you still be reborn since all is one? How can awareness be liberated and reborn at the same time?
@FragranceView 2 жыл бұрын
You can only be re born if you have a mind, it's the mind that is born again. A Jnani who has become liberated has no mind left, so can not take another birth. The entire universe, including heavens and hells are all illusion / dream like. When you wake up from the dream, you realise nothing ever existed, you were and always will be that formless infinite deathless Self. The illusion of form is ignorance in Maya.
@SithSolomon Жыл бұрын
@@FragranceView The mind is not the consciousness in itself.
@ozgursenturk11-11 2 жыл бұрын
There is no time. All is happening now. No coming, no going...there is no one to come nor nowhere to go! Its all an illusion. Every millisecond is a new "big bang" 😍❤🙏
@ozgursenturk11-11 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 there is no others! And it's not "my reality" it's truth🙏
@ozgursenturk11-11 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 I have experienced it by myself and I found out that whoever experienced it says the same truth because there is only one truth so I don't believe it I know it🙏
@ozgursenturk11-11 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 I have been living in the present/eternal now for over fourty two years? Is there a any other "time" that we can exist other than present?
@ozgursenturk11-11 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 I was never born and will never die! I'm not my self conciousness! I'm an eternal being experiencing life in this body at this moment of eternity. I AM undefinable, unborn, indestructible... whatever "you" say about "me" it's not me! I'm beyond the mind, body and consciousness. I'm in everything but nothing is me! I'm everywhere but can't be found anywhere🙏😍
@ozgursenturk11-11 2 жыл бұрын
@@heinmolenaar6750 I wrote all the books ever been written👍
@davidschultz7282 2 жыл бұрын
" The Precious Human Birth is extremely rare, while Hell beings for instance, are said to be numerous as Atoms, Yidaks as the sands of the Ganges, Animals as snowflakes, and Gods of the higher realms as stars in the night sky, those having the Precious Human birth are said to be as rare as daytime stars." -- From the book : Kalu Rinpoche " The Dharma"
@richevandroo5041 2 жыл бұрын
Read this... Read it again and took it in... Wow... This really like, wow. So does this quote mean, that human birth (where we all are now) is an even higher form of re-birth than gods / heaven etc? Where do we go from a human life if it is at the top? Or am i confused? Thank you.
@simbot4123 2 жыл бұрын
Your comment is woo-woo talk. Do you also believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and Unicorns?
@richevandroo5041 2 жыл бұрын
@@simbot4123 if this was to me, no i dont. However i certainly believe in "other things" and for a few years have taken a real interest in what happens after death. Strange comment to make really haha. As in, why on earth did you click on / watch this video when you clearly find it a load of rubbish? KZbin is a very strange place!
@bladvagsrgyallo2053 2 жыл бұрын
@@richevandroo5041 please read kunzang lama-i zjal lung ( words of my perfect teacher is the english translation) human life is indeed valued very highly, thats why it is considered non-virtuous to commit s elf harm. Gods abide in blissfullness so they feel no need to practice the dharma untill it's too late. Rest of the beings are in too much suffering and obscurations to comprehend the dharma, humans have the right conditions to practice the dharma if one is fortunate to come accross it, hence the human form is considered supreme in the sense that we have the karmic conditions to be able to practice the path of the supreme buddha sakyamuni. 🙏🏼
@bladvagsrgyallo2053 2 жыл бұрын
@@simbot4123 mahayana buddhism is for the altruist not so much for cynics. There are inferential reasoning for all of this, people would believe in UFOs then they'd refute when someone actually says it out loud just for argument's sake while knowing the infinite possibilities that space holds. That's ignorance. Maybe you're an atheist, which is the starting point of basic buddhism.
@anthonygenovese5338 Жыл бұрын
Good question. No Buddhist can answear it, because he never taught such a thing.Calling yourself a Buddhist instead of what you are, atheists , is self deceptive and dishonest.
@AverageBuddhist88 4 ай бұрын
What? How is he an atheist? All forms of a Buddhism believe in gods and spirits and all that. So we are NOT atheists. You are wrong
@AverageBuddhist88 4 ай бұрын
What? Please explain? How is he an atheist? All forms of a Buddhism believe in gods and spirits and all that. So we are NOT atheists. You are wrong.
@Eternal00211 23 күн бұрын
​@@AverageBuddhist88who isnt atheist? Are "YOU" referring to "yourself"?
@wonji5385 Жыл бұрын
if the consciousness is rebirthed. then why self and no self debate. according to trika shaivism philosophy " Chaitanyam atma" . which means consciousness is self. what is the difference then?
@anonymousanonymous2319 2 жыл бұрын
Hindu here but I love Buddhism ❤️
@Aldarinn Жыл бұрын
Labels don't matter, but I may convert from Hinduism to Buddhism.
@anonymousanonymous2319 Жыл бұрын
@@Aldarinn it's the same thing tbh
@chathurakapuge 9 ай бұрын
​@@anonymousanonymous2319No,its core principles different & ultimate target is not the same.
@anonymousanonymous2319 9 ай бұрын
@@chathurakapuge Moksha/Nirvana, Brahman/Sunyata, Dukka, Karma, Dharma ETC.
@AverageBuddhist88 4 ай бұрын
@@anonymousanonymous2319Nah they are quite different when it comes to actual philosophy, but similar on the surface.
@happyslug Жыл бұрын
Energy is neither created nor destroyed but transforms. Basic physics. The “self” is but a thought; the conscious energy that animated our body (that which allowed for our brain to think the thought “self”) continues on.
@shahalamkhansamol6733 Жыл бұрын
Moitry Buddha I m SAKHAN. Approved by angel and text. But why no body know it? I should start a website soon
@brainsaladsurgery4594 2 жыл бұрын
if there is a Self, then there's an ego, is one of the four fallacious notions, if there's an ego there is an attachment and discrimination (I, you, we and them). Sunyata, from interdependent origin all things arise and pass away, including the Self (ego) Self-less. Our perception is very limited our Karma does not allow us to understand or even visualized with a conceptual mind. The answer is within, through intense concentration and Meditation can be visualize. OM Bohdisattva
@brainsaladsurgery4594 2 жыл бұрын
@Pine Joi I truly hope that some day you achieve inner peace, it is not important which vehicle you use, all the Wisdom of the Universe is within, try to find it when the is right. Thanks for the comment, I do respect your opinion. Peace Earth Brother
@brainsaladsurgery4594 2 жыл бұрын
@Pine Joi Aloha again, I live in the Hawai'i Nation is 4:10 am, I just finished with the mental training, I'll be glad to satisfy your curiosity at a later time, in the mean time please visualize Sunyata you'll be able to answer the question if not I'll be glad to clarify it, please do not attach to concepts, have a mind free of obstacles. Aloha Aina
@evoo6 2 жыл бұрын
@brainsaladsurgery4594 2 жыл бұрын
@@evoo6 Aloha, greetings from the Halema'uma'u crater, Peace. Mrs/Mr; Blue. Malama 'Aina
@bobaldo2339 2 жыл бұрын
You are correct. Just as a man dying of thirst cannot quench that thirst with the word "water", a man truly seeking awakening cannot find it in concepts. The many different teachings, different methods, used in the many different sorts of Buddhism - all the various sorts of upaya - are merely fingers pointing at the moon. An inward nonverbal awakening is the goal.
@dwarkarudradev5144 2 жыл бұрын
There is only one consciousness!! Everything is in that consciousness!! We call it Brahman!!! Its not by intellectual reasoning that you can search for it!! Why? because it is already here and its you!! You are already liberated!! No need to search!! Stop searching and confused yourself with your body!! Only you have to discard your ego!!!! The sky for you will be completely clear without any cloud!! You can see yourself as brighter as the sun!!
@Samana358 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Bhanteji, yes it's mind only which is capable of traveling from one life to another because it is non physical and illusory which is created in us for temperory protective measures of self, but because of delusion we think it is real. We hold on to the matters of mind, thereby pushing it to our next existence.❤❤❤ ❤..
@davidmooten6646 Жыл бұрын
its through the step of uniting the head with the heart..the surrender of the head to the heart that opens the path to enlightenment and if you didnt develope this state during life it will certainly not exist after death....a new incarnation will come with a new head to try again...wil it claim the crown or sacrifice itself willingly for this birth ?
@thomasschwarz1973 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. ....but there probably is some connection of your body to your origination or "rebirth". Just imagine, in the Bardo of becoming, your mother was fertilized and the genome of your father merged with the egg in your mother, you subtle most level of mind was probably in those genes, which probably has infinite complexity on infinite decreasing scales/size/space as well as infinite time/causation
@onghock377 7 ай бұрын
Excellent. Short and to the point. In the Abidharma texts, it is mentioned the Alaya or Eighth Consciousness as the Store Consciousness, much like the storage of a computer drive whereby under certain conditions like when we input a specific keystroke, a part of the computer drive or data is accessed and so in the next life certain parts of the Alaya Consciousness will ripen when meet with conditions
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