6 Things Passengers Do That Drive Amtrak Staff Crazy

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Grounded Life Travel

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@appledumpling4766 5 ай бұрын
I don’t think some passengers realize just how hard/heartbreaking the work can be for Amtrak staff. I’ve witnessed so many things. Verbal abuse from passengers, messy passengers elder passengers that are traveling alone (and often times shouldn’t be) expecting attendants to treat them like a personal nurse and the worst was seeing two male passengers traveling in the middle of the night with a young boy (about 4 years old). The men were physically and verbally abusing the child. The female attendant was trying to keep the child safe (and warm..the poor boy was barely dressed for it being Winter). The attendant suspected what I was suspecting, the child wasn’t theirs and potentially being a victim of human trafficking. That brave attendant calmly kept the child safe, alerted the Amtrak who in turn alerted police at the station the men were set to depart at. The attendant offered to carry the young boy off the train onto the station platform where police (discreetly) were waiting for the men and young boy. This was on the Coast Starlight coming into the Dunsmuir station in the middle of the night. That female Amtrak staffer went BEYOND what most people would do.
@lagautmd 5 ай бұрын
Send her a hero award.
@trishoconnor2169 5 ай бұрын
God bless that attendant!
@valeriecallaghan 5 ай бұрын
@@trishoconnor2169 My feelings exactly !
@catylynch7909 5 ай бұрын
Wow! That attendant deserves every merit that is possible, from AMTRAK, law enforcement ... and, possibly the parents of a child. I take the Coast Starlight between SF/Emeryville, and Seattle, every summer. I tip well on even the most UNEVENTFUL ride. That was service "above and beyond."
@_Zero_Signal_ 5 ай бұрын
Some Pass. just Don't Understand....They Do Their Best...(I've seen it).....I now have a Great RESPECT, for the Amtrak Staff!!!...
@bobhepburn2307 5 ай бұрын
Sneaking someone into the sleeper car is a form of stealing, but sleeper car passengers paid for their meals in the Dining Car. If they ate part of their meals in their room and took the leftovers to the observation car (where their teenager ate them), no one would notice. If they ask for a second dessert, that's another story
@jilloora 25 күн бұрын
Yeah. I wondered about that one. How does it increase prices? I haven't taken an amtrak before I thought if you're in a sleeper car, you get a meal in the dining room. It sounds like a set meal, so it's not like they would be getting extra food and costing amtrak more money for that meal. Seems like a great way to avoid wasting food if 2/3s is enough for them and they have someone else ready and willing to eat it.
@Sidicas 24 күн бұрын
@@jilloora Or what is being served is something the kids won't eat.
@badtvbad1 5 ай бұрын
I travelled coach so I didn't need anything form a car attendant, but the staff was pleasant. What really made me feel good was the conductor saying, with great sincerity, that he knows we have all kinds of options for travel and that he and the staff appreciated us choosing Amtrak. It was more than the usual spiel of 'Thank you for choosing Amtrak', he really meant it,
@jenniferlynn7998 5 ай бұрын
I think the biggest I've seen, is with the restrooms.. Passengers seem to always plug them up, piss on the floors in them, or throw tissue or toweling on the floor.. Passengers can be really dirty and nasty 🤢🤮
@bodaciousandunapologetic6209 5 ай бұрын
"I agree with you on this matter. That's why whenever I travel, I always pack some sanitizing wipes to clean everything, hand soap or a bar of soap to wash my hands, a roll of toilet paper, and some air freshener.
@randall8379 5 ай бұрын
All the more reason that every sleeping-cvar compartment should have its own toilet / sink
@schex9 5 ай бұрын
How about the staff CLEAN the restrooms during long stops?
@schex9 5 ай бұрын
The feeding 3 people with 2 meals makes sense to me because many people don't like to eat a very full meal on a moving vehicle due to nausea and heartburn.
@jenniferlynn7998 5 ай бұрын
@@schex9 What does this have to do with my comment??
@thomashughes_teh 5 ай бұрын
March 2024: A group of four women was seated all the way across the row ahead of me for 19 hours. They were all asleep when I boarded mid day. They were loud, cussy, messy, and inconsiderate. During the night they played videos without headphones, Played audible phone games, made and received phone calls, notifications were not muted. They were asked many times to be more thoughtful to those around them. Their response was to always be on the lookout for staff, but continue as usual. They ended their trip by dropping an empty drink bottle in the aisle next to me and spilling laundry detergent in the aisle. I couldn't tolerate the detergent's fragrance and had to flee the car before the building allergic reaction could fully manifest. The headache lingered for two more hours assuring I got less than half the sleep I desired.
@Amtrak.taz. 5 ай бұрын
I don't tolerate fragrances well. I would've had an instant migraine and probably puked on them. I had the instant migraine on a train when the conductor made me move from my assigned handicap seat to accommodate a man in a huge reclining wheel chair. Moved my upright rollator walker to where I could not access it without help and placed me next to someone that smelled like a ash tray. I got a migraine and nauseated. I puked in the aisle because I couldn't get to my walker. Part of the puke went in stinky ash trays bed on the floor behind my seat.
@katherinec2759 5 ай бұрын
Why were they even carrying laundry detergent to begin with? Also, ditto on the fragrance sensitivities. That headache would have wrecked the rest of my trip too.
@JanPeterson 3 ай бұрын
@@livinon-dime-n-a-prayer some people think that laundry detergent can mask the smell of drugs from drug sniffing dogs. They're wrong, though.
@wll7773 2 ай бұрын
Damn, they're rachet on the train😮,too! I was about to book a trip by train (my bucket list). Was nudged by the Jeb and Susan Brooks travels. I am afraid of flying. Staycation😅😅😅😅😅😅😅, watching your channel
@debikawaii 5 ай бұрын
A few months ago I was travelling coach out of Chicago. While waiting at Union Station a security team with a sniffer dog ID'd this man's bags and the team did a search. Apparently they must not have found anything because the man ended up in the same coach car I was in and he was going on about how they kept asking him if he had any marijuana and how he was gonna "sue the pants off of Amtrak" and whatnot. Well he eventually quieted down, but about an hour into the trip, lo and behold, I smelled weed. Not long after I went to the lounge car, where at the next stop I saw this man being escorted away from the train by Amtrak crew and local police. Kudos to the crew that day for dealing with the situation swiftly and discreetly. (Not sure how security in Chicago missed it though lol)
@Sundance56 5 ай бұрын
Empire Builder my wife and I being lite eaters always took food back to our sleepers, especially the desserts. Even shared our Blueberry Cheesecake with our attendant. Amtrak is so cool! Thanks, great video.
@SuperLemonAdam 4 ай бұрын
Had my first Amtrak sleeper experience in Feb. this year. You two were both a huge inspiration to go do a bucket-list type trip, alone, for the first time as well as being extremely helpful with all your tips etc.. I felt, and was, very prepared for all the little 'things' that happen in a sleeper! The second floor of the Metro Lounge in Chicago...that was awesome. So thank you for all the tips! I definitely noticed a few people who apparently just will not listen to simple directions. Like when there's an announcement of "please do not head downstairs to wait by the door just yet, we'll make another announcement..." and certain people are just immediately hanging out on the bottom step. Like "look, I'm not waiting by the door...so it's ok right?" No, you're IN THE WAY. That said, my trip was AMAZING. The crew, and you all have said this before, on the Southwest Chief are TOP notch. Absolutely amazing! My Texas Eagle journey was a little weird with the crew...they kind of always seemed to be difficult to find. Still, they were super nice and regardless of anything else, VERY professional. Gotta love it. But please...anyone going on a trip...when you use the toilet, please take GLT's advice and learn to use the trashcan properly. OOF!
@judyostrom8972 5 ай бұрын
The most annoying thing I encountered in coach was a lady talking on her phone for over an hour...and she was loud, ruined that part of trip!
@stephenkehl7158 5 ай бұрын
Try my seatmate talking on his phone for two hours to various family members from halfway around the world. It was 2pm-4pm for his family, but 2am-4am here. The train staff were no help. I got up to find the conductor, who just said “He’ll just shut up when I show up and go back to talking when I leave, so there’s no point.”
@77Keith 5 ай бұрын
I`ve got a great story for you! Years ago I roughed it and rode Coach from Chicago to Fort Worth Texas and the Cafe car was just ahead of where I sat, about 4 or 5 Hispanics were up ALL NIGHT carrying on laughing, aaaahahahahahaha! all damn night! Could not sleep a wink, wanted to tell them off in the morning but feared a fight would break out and I`d be off the train. After THAT, I booked a room since then.
@sbeckas 5 ай бұрын
@@77Keith so sorry that you had that experience and that the train staff did not help.
@OfficialAuntMoose 4 ай бұрын
I had that happen to me. I was riding up to see my aunt. This guy had just gotten out of the hospital for a seizure. He was trying to get home. I’ve taken this train a few times so I know the dead spots in cell service. This guy was trying to call his “girl”. I remember him going on and on “oh baby I love you so much I’m trying to get home.” It was creepy and I couldn’t wait to get off.
@this_jedi_crafts6626 5 ай бұрын
Great video and good to make current or future passengers aware of what "not to do." I took the Southwest Chief (last Dec) from Chicago to LA Union station and, while the staff was great, I felt bad for them in that people just didn't know how to communicate properly. One night I had to run down from the sleeper car to use the restrooms on that level and saw a pool of water coming from under the shower door, spanning from under the door, across the bottom of that level's floor! I got back to my room and let the attendant know. She was furious as (apparently) the shower had been "backed up" for the entire ride but people would just use it until it "almost over-flowed" and then didn't say a word?! Not cool - let your attendant KNOW if there are issues. The other issue the attendant (and dining car staff voiced) was that, after the first night "No one wanted to eat in the dining car because they don't want to TIP!" I told the attendant that I don't think that's entirely true or perhaps people don't know (if they don't educate themselves in-advance of travel) that you SHOULD tip. I also think it was an issue of me being on a car with a band of mutants - and I count myself as a mutant (so no shade here). But...the first night (being a single rider) I was placed at a table with two other men - one much older (and a lot of fun) the other was much younger and a really interesting guy. We managed to make conversation but there was an underlying tension you could feel/ sense. And, while no one was passive-aggressive (other than the old dude, when I told him I was excited to take a shower on a train for the first time - saying to me "YOU - how are you gonna fit in that tiny place at your size?" (laughing while he said it). It is what it is. I think older people (like kids) have zero filter and don't care what flies out of their mouth. I think the seating of random singles together discourages people from wanting to be in the dining car. I loved the trip for the isolation and ability to unplug. I can have a conversation with anyone, honestly but, when it feels like work, it doesn't feel like vacation. Keep the great content coming! Love you two (and your positive energy).
@raygunsforronnie847 5 ай бұрын
I'm a mostly solo traveler but dining car seating is one of the times I enjoy meeting new people. Until recently my train travel was at the end of Santa Fe passenger service and the early years of Amtrak. Some things haven't changed, a few have improved and most have slid downhill from the Santa Fe days. One of the things unchanged is that people new to long distance rail travel enter an unfamiliar world, most not knowing how it all works. Things like gratuities are similar to stationary hospitality. It's not uncommon for new travelers to not know that tipping servers for inclusive meal service is expected, and I'd bet the folks that don't tip sleeping car attendants also do not tip hotel housekeepers. All common things, why are they forgotten on rail? Oh, and the reason some old folks don't have filters - because they've figured out what's really important and what's window dressing. Others? I have no idea. You're on your own there. 😏
@susananderson618 5 ай бұрын
The world is simply out of control! People seem to have such a sense of entitlement and that the rules do not apply to them. I was raised differently. While this does not surprise me it continues to disappointment me that humans are behaving this way. Good video!
@johnschultz9023 5 ай бұрын
Hey Susan You're NOT alone in your thinking.
@ralphgould4291 5 ай бұрын
Great Video… thanks! We have seen all you said except for the food sharing to coach. We have experienced on a couple occasions “very strong” cooking odors coming from a bedroom…. Filling at least all the other bedrooms with their aromas of what they were eating. (It was not hamburgers or hot dogs.). Our sleeper car attendants have been very good with a few exceptions. On the sunset Limited we had great attendants and on the Empire Builder we had an exceptional attendant last year. But… the last trip we had on the Zephyr we had an attendant that loudly announced the rules after every stop. (You mentioned the call button) She actually announced after every stop, that during her “off” time she will not answer the call button. Also saying that during the night don’t bother using the call button that she would not answer, it was her off time, but instead we would have to go find the conductor in the diner or in the snack car.
@marysheeran519 5 ай бұрын
These people are insane!!! Geez, if somebody has a cooker next to me, I'll make some noise. The staff is always great, but they don't have it easy. Tip as well as you can!
@Judy-Flashphotography 5 ай бұрын
Lazy car attendants who disappear. Snack car people who will take lot of breaks and not be open. Last summer the coach attendant filled one coach car up and left the other one completely empty. The AC did not keep up with the 100 plus temperatures. We were coming from Portland to Minot ND. Coach attendant started to split up families of little Children involved. I finally went searching for the Conductor. Turns out she wanted everyone on the same car so she would have only 1 car to monitor. (GO FIGURE) Conductor was not happy. The other car never did have many in it the entire trip. Some passengers did sneak up to the next car. We had traveled that route many many times in the last 30 years. This was the absolute worst experience on the Empire Builder. When we reached our destination, it was a crew change and there were zero announcements made when arriving in Minot ND. The Sleeper Attendant told me the crew had disappeared to go to the motel as soon as the train stopped. Just horrible experience. We melted the entire trip and so did the rest of the passengers. WE got out and each stop and went to the observation car when there was room. In the middle of August it was very very hot.
@davidjackson7281 5 ай бұрын
Did you leave a tip?
@Judy-Flashphotography 5 ай бұрын
@@davidjackson7281 I will tip when the service is up to par. Hope that answers your question, David. I do not think I needed to answer that question, but I did. It is between her and I. I have no idea what kind of a day she was having, but she evidently was not having a good day. I did visit with her when we would stop to get a breath of fresh air and pick up passengers. At no time I show any disrespect for her. When she insisted on splitting up a single mother with 5 small children in the coach car, that was upsetting to everyone. There were 3 small children holding hands together in 3 seats and crying, with their mom 7-8 rows in front of them with the 2 other children. They knew ahead of time it was going to be a family of 6. Inexcusable
@elizaC3024 5 ай бұрын
Not having done an overnight train before, we got on the OBB from Venice to Vienna. 😮 The fact the the numbered cars aren't in order, and not understanding how to read the ticket to figure out car, and berth, as well as having under 10 minutes from the train arrival to its departure was a bit crazy. Running down a platform and trying to get help from anyone about locating our car 12 that was 29 cars away?!? Then getting on and not being able to pull out phone to check bunkette number, because of being pushed by families to move forward. Oh heaven forbid I try to step aside, into the doorway of a bunkette, to let them by, and get scolded, that is theirs, get out of there. When all I want is to find my own bunkette. And not speaking German, didn't help the matter. I agree with sit where assigned, you just got to find it.😅😅😅
@davidjackson7281 5 ай бұрын
Speaking Austrian? lol
@paulpetersen3764 5 ай бұрын
In Austria/Germany/Switzerland, on the departing platform is a sign titled "Wagenstandzeiger", usually near the middle of the platform. It lists the cars' order by number and the approximate position of each car. Starting out in Italy, it's very possible for confusion, but, hey, that's par for Italy, in my experience.
@elizaC3024 5 ай бұрын
@@paulpetersen3764 Throughout the remainder of our time in Austria, and Germany we had no other train issues. Just that overnight from Venice. And even the staff on the train, said that since they had just restarted that route,3 weeks before, after the pandemic that things were a little chaotic.
@nataliemkennedy_aboutthebooks 5 ай бұрын
A few things that drive me crazy that staff do. Staff doesn't help a person with their luggage when there is a huge gap from the platform to train. Staff ask when you want to eat you say 6:30 and he says 5:30. The attendant never checks on you. The attendant looking at you strange when you ask for another bottle of water on a 24 hour ride ; you only get one bottle per person.
@kathleenhudson8429 5 ай бұрын
That’s not usually true. I have ridden Amtrak trains several times a year for the past 30 plus years. (I am a senior woman.) With one exception, the attendants have offered to help with my luggage if the platform is on a different level than the train floor or if there is a gap-although I don’t usually need help. When I travel by sleeper, they always offer to take bags upstairs. They can’t do that for all coach passengers, since there are just too many passengers per car for them to take the time.
@nataliemkennedy_aboutthebooks 5 ай бұрын
@kathleenhudson8429 no worries. Everyone has a different experience. I just got back on Wednesday from Philly to Florida. Always ride sleeper and that is what I observed. I too am a senior. Peace be
@juliebedford454 5 ай бұрын
@nataliemkennedy_about the books - I would be interested in hearing more about your recent trip. I’m traveling sleeper car from Philly to FL in July. I’ve only ever done regional day trips in NY/NJ/PA and Via Rail regional in Canada. Thanks!
@valeriecallaghan 5 ай бұрын
@juliebedford454 I took the Silver Meteor a couple years ago in a sleeper car to Florida and it was awesome! So nice having your own space and the attendant was fantastic. I have taken several long distance trips in sleeper cars over the last 5 years and have enjoyed each trip
@nataliemkennedy_aboutthebooks 5 ай бұрын
@juliebedford454 you will enjoy. Save up for a sleeper a d rail away. Basically it depends ds if the car attendant is starting their shift 4 9n 4 off so they are fresh and willing, or this is the end of the shift when they are tired. Just depends. Overall, I love my rides 98% of the time. Happy railing!
@skeller61 5 ай бұрын
It’s good to know you shouldn’t take a hot water pot onboard, but I wouldn’t blame people who didn’t know that. A wok is more crazy, for sure. Also, the people who were saving part of their meal for their third (coach) passenger are obviously scrimping because they don’t have a lot of money. This might be the only way they could afford to travel. After all, they weren’t using extra resources (eating only 2/3 of their meals), so why does that bother anybody? From a couple KZbinrs that seemingly have a lot of money, based on all the videos you do, that one seems a little like class shaming to me. It’s not like they were sneaking food from an AYCE buffet to someone who didn’t pay for it. It’s more like a doggie bag. In my mind, being loud, causing extra, unnecessary work for attendants, or disruptions for other passengers (like sitting in the wrong seat) are problematic, for sure.
@lisasamuelson8774 5 ай бұрын
I am going on my solo train adventure starting tomorrow!! I appreciate all this tips on how not to drive the staff crazy!! Most of them I would never do anyway but it's good to know!! I am going on the Coast Starlight to Emeryville the on the California Zephyr to Chicago and then the Southwest Chief back to Riverside. Can't wait until 6:00am!!
@sbeckas 5 ай бұрын
Keep us posted on how it went. Also your hotel choices.
@yiffytimes 5 ай бұрын
I got #7 right here!!! Passengers clogging half the number of toilets, one even vomited in the sink. The staff had no choice but to lock them down. We went that way from Albuquerque to Chicago.
@runningslowman 5 ай бұрын
I wanted to go from Gastonia, NC to Anniston, AL and take my bicycle. Even though the website said bicycles were acceptable if they were a certain dimensions (presumably packed in a box), when I called Amtrak they said I could not get on in Gastonia with a bike because it was not a staffed station. So, I tried to go from Charlotte to Anniston. Charlotte apparently has staff to put the bike (not in a box) in the luggage car. But that didn't work either because there is no staff in Anniston to take the bike out of the luggage car. Apparently this applies to any checked luggage not just bicycles. On the light rail trains in Charlotte we just walk on and hang our bikes on the wall ourselves. Why can't Amtrak do this?
@barrysteinlage6888 5 ай бұрын
I'm new to train travel and was curious if there is a "no ride list" like the "No Fly list"on airlines?
@ecstasycalculus 5 ай бұрын
There sure is. During the pandemic conductors would often threaten lifetime banishment from Amtrak if they refused to wear a mask.
@georgemcdowell8302 5 ай бұрын
On full trains, Amtrak staff would tell passengers in the waiting areas & at embarkation that the train was sold out & if they came together to sit together. Single travelers would take up 2 seats anyway & wait to be confronted by an attendant. I've learned to book reservations in sleeper cars to avoid these situations. If my travel is during the day, the accommodation charge isn't as much as if it were at night. I'll pay the difference & avoid the crowds.
@martharetallick204 2 ай бұрын
I just got back from a trip from Tucson to Lordsburg, NM. Let me tell you, the Amtrak staff made that trip special. Although my return trp to Tucson was cancelled, most likely due to Hurricane Beryl, I want to take a longer trip next time.
@keithmcmanus2406 5 ай бұрын
Not having their ticket ready. Not just Amtrak, CR as well. You know they're coming. Have it out.
@randall8379 5 ай бұрын
Maybe if Amtrak didn't charge such ridiculous fares people wouldn't try these dumb tricks
@pollymarie39 5 ай бұрын
My daughter and I are going to be on Amtrak May 2nd. This will be our 5th time. Three trips we have had horrible trips so hoping this one will be better. Thanks for some good tips!
@KG-oe8oo 4 ай бұрын
I have one for you - I was hanging out in the dining car eating lunch. At the next booth, a woman was CUTTING HER HUSBAND"S HAIR IN THE BOOTH! I told her, you do know that people EAT here, right? She tried to tell me that the light was better there. I told her it was still sup unsanitary to cut someone's hair in the dining car. I'm not usually one to speak up but I definitely told the staff about that one. GROSS!
@kristiswa 4 ай бұрын
Whaaaa???? That's insane!
@richway7977 5 ай бұрын
I must be missing something - I don't understand the issue with the people taking portions of their meals back to the person in coach. They paid to receive 2 meals, they were served 2 meals - aren't they entitled to eat less than they were served, and do whatever they see fit with said leftovers, including giving them to another passenger in their group? If it was an "all-you-can-eat" buffet situation, I would agree with you 100%, but in this case, I'm not understanding the problem. Thanks.
@tubers8444 4 ай бұрын
No- the food you take back smells up the car Have some manners
@deesalkelly3069 5 ай бұрын
just shared this to a FB group called Amtrak Fans - so no deep fryers or a self tapping keg?????
@dzymslizzy3641 4 ай бұрын
People can be so crude and disrespectful. I don't get it. It doesn't take extra effort to be kind and tidy. I've never been able to take a real train trip, though I'd love to. I've only been on out-and-back historic excursion trains, so I find your channel interesting and informative, in case I ever do get to take that vacation trip! 🙂
@arfriedman4577 4 ай бұрын
In 1990 i took Amtrack from Philadelphia to penn Station. It was a normal ride from what i recall. It was a weekday. I was a teen
@ednapuckett1042 5 ай бұрын
Have yet to ride Amtrak. Looking forward to a trip this year. I’ll share any funny stories.
@denisebrown1678 5 ай бұрын
WTH?? 😂 I was cracking up listening to you guys recall these incidents. I haven’t experienced traveling on Amtrack, but when I do, I’ll definitely watch for these selfish and inconsiderate passenger behaviors.
@scottstinson1322 5 ай бұрын
I would love to know what you guys do for a living with so much travel
@loopbraider 5 ай бұрын
They tell all about it on their youtube finance channel! I forget what it's called, but maybe "Grounded Life Finances"
@bevcrabtree6519 5 ай бұрын
being a FIRST time traveler ...upcoming ... i cant eat just anything so can i take a small cooler in my bedroom? and can the attendants get me ICE for the cooler when mine melts?
@chrisdobrowolski2783 5 ай бұрын
Yes you can do that, just don’t bring anything that has to be warmed up or cooked since almost always passengers do not have access to ovens or a microwave.
@fw7993 5 ай бұрын
Good luck. Some attendants will not respond to any request. Hopefully, you will get a good attendant.
@loopbraider 5 ай бұрын
It's fine to bring food but there's not much room in a roomette to put stuff so nothing big. I doubt there is ice available for passengers, but I once noticed a pile of ice cubes had been emptied into the sink at the end of the passageway in the roomette car (upper floor), so I have no idea where those ice cubes came from - if a passenger dumped them there or the attendant. Usually I travel coach, and I always bring a bag-cooler of food items, you don't always feel like eating the stuff in the cafe car. No ice in it that would melt and drip through, but I try to start out my trip with cold stuff in there and maybe a frozen item or two. The best place to store a food bag in coach is up top in the overhead, that seems to be where the cooled air circulates. Down by your feet is where heated air comes in.
@OfficialAuntMoose 4 ай бұрын
A guy I knew used to be a conductor for Amtrak. It took a physical assault for him to finally leave. It’s crazy what other people think is ok. I am miss goodie two shoes. I could never.
@OfficialAuntMoose 4 ай бұрын
I do have to say thanks to the car attendant my first trip by myself. I get motion sickness and did think the train would affect me? Wow how stupid was I. I clogged the sink and was so scared to tell him but I did and he fixed it no problem. I felt horrible for messing it up but he didn’t make be feel worse or make me feel like I got in trouble for it. I now have patches and none drowsy Dramamine so that definitely helps.
@katherinedraus9211 5 ай бұрын
I took the Coast Starlight from Boston to Chicago. At one point during the night, several men got on board and one guy looked at me and said “you’re in my seat.” I said, no, I’ve been in the same seat since Boston. One of his buddies says, she’s right, she in seat 21 and you’re in 22. He look embarrassed but only sat down. I was “okay, no worries,” and just curled up and went back to sleep.
@rachelolvera9435 4 ай бұрын
I didn’t know about the sleeper two max. So they can’t go in and talk while the trip or it’s only the sleeping situation?
@kathycazenave7434 5 ай бұрын
I flew and had a short layover in fort lauderdale , so I decided to use the restroom.I have never seen a more filthy restroom. Toilets had not been flushed and I swear there was an entire roll of toilet paper strewn all over the floor. Trash cans were overflowing and used paper towels were just left on the counter (used).
@TheMrPeteChannel 5 ай бұрын
For a second i thought that pillow was the Stars & Bars.
@fw7993 5 ай бұрын
With all the train travel you have experienced, I bet you have had some bad attendants too. My husband and I have been on a fraction of trains compared to you guys and we have experienced terrible service from some of the attendants. On one trip in particular, before we got close to our destination, the attendant came to our room to take out the pillow cases and the blanket I was using to keep warm. I was shocked. Needless to say, she did not receive a tip at the end of our trip. Another trip, I asked for a diet coke and the attendant told me everything was locked up so go to the cafe and pay for it. No tip for him either. Geez. I'd love to see a video on what you have experienced personally with bad attendants.
@cinemagirl4907 5 ай бұрын
oh! I always bring a collapsable portable tea kettle! Hmmm....I've always shown the attendant and they don't say anything. I'll ask before I use it next time.
@SWiseman 5 ай бұрын
I agree. I'm bringing my collapsible tea kettle. Not a hassle at all.
@juliebedford454 5 ай бұрын
@cinema4907 - Not to be rude, but can I ask why you would bring a kettle, when the attendant could bring you hot water?
@cinemagirl5225 5 ай бұрын
@@juliebedford454 not rude at all. I always take it on the road anyway for hotel rooms but I have it in the train for two reasons. First, I tend to wake up very early or sometimes stay up late and I respect that attendants sleep too. But also I started doing it during Covid bc I’m a cancer survivor who at times is quite immunocompromised and some attendants refused to wear masks when coming to my room so it was to take care of myself
@juliebedford454 5 ай бұрын
@cinemagirl - That makes perfect sense. I hope you are doing well 😊❤️‍🩹
@loopbraider 5 ай бұрын
@@juliebedford454 The roomette attendent is not always around/ available. If you are in coach, getting hot water requires a trip down to the observation car, then down the stairs to stand in sometimes a long slow line in the cafe compartment - IF it happens to be open and not during one of the cafe car attendent's hour-long meal breaks - and then you get the hot water in a small cup and have to carry all the way back to your seat. It might not even be hot enough or enough liquid for your thermos cup of tea or instant noodles. I have used a collapsible kettle safely on several trips, I don't fill it all the way, only the amount I need, unplug it right afterward, only use it if I am sitting at a window seat right by the outlets, either by myself or next to someone I am comfortable enough with to ask if they mind. Not on the aisle. They sell cup o'soups in the cafe car but not necessarily the vegetarian ones I want and they can run out of any item on a long trip. I got the idea of the collapsible kettle from a fellow traveler who used his right on the cafe-style tables up in the observation car and said no attendant had ever bothered him about it! I would NOT use a wok, that is way beyond heating water! The kettle is hot on the inside of the bottom/ base after heating water, but just warm, not hot on the outside of the base. I leave it sitting empty a few minutes until the inside cools off before putting it away.
@SHYsArt 5 ай бұрын
lol, people are puzzling. hugs
@truettrusler1485 4 ай бұрын
WOK,are you talking about-haha
@KarolaTea 4 ай бұрын
If someone's paying for 2 meals, 2 beds and one regular seat, and they get 2 meals, 2 beds and one regular seat, how does that make prices go up for other people? I can get the difficulty of keeping track of which passengers are where if people are rotating, but if people are happy to share a meal (maybe they're just not very hungry) that shouldn't be an issue really? Met a train attendant who was rather annoyed by impatient passengers. Not really a train specific thing I guess, waiting your turn is just a general politeness thing.
@SweetNeoCon407 5 ай бұрын
Question. Let's say my wife and I are traveling coach with no assigned seats. Do you just pick whatever is available? What if we decide to get off the train during one of the extended break station stops. Are the seats we were sitting in up for grabs again? I have never ridden Amtrak but am curious.
@rhondaw7792 4 ай бұрын
You can get assigned seats when you buy your tickets you just tell them you are traveling together and are a couple. Your seat is yours for the duration of the trip no one can take your seat.
@malindaallinson5749 4 ай бұрын
Is there a Wi-Fi on the trains?
@sbeckas 5 ай бұрын
Staff assigning coach seats is unfair. As a solo female traveler over the age of 75 pairing me a seat mate from morning on one day to the next morning is unfair when some passengers had no one next to them for the entire time. Sleeping next to a stranger in one seat is an awful experience.
@cocostrayer6667 3 ай бұрын
Then reserve a sleeper if you are worried about sitting next to someone. Or buy two Coach tickets.
@mysteryrgo 5 ай бұрын
Love all of your videos. As far as the food sharing goes, what are these people even thinking?? Imagine sitting in first or business class on a plane. You eat half your meal. Ok no biggie. Maybe the person isn't terribly hungry or didn't like the meal. Happens all the time. But now that person puts the other half on a container, walks back to coach (economy) and hands off the food. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! That's not how it works. And the same idea of rotation, NO you can't sit in business for half the flight and swap off the seat. Yet some have actually tried!! No clue what's in these peoples heads but it doesn't work like that. Never has, never will. Thanks for another great vid. Safe travels!!!
@dawnmoriarty9347 5 ай бұрын
If I couldn't finish a meal, I would maybe consider saving it as a snack for myself for later. I think that's different to "economising" on meal tickets
@mysteryrgo 5 ай бұрын
@@dawnmoriarty9347 oh MOST definitely!! This is 100% acceptable. Saving some for later, especially if you forget to get snack before you board. No worse than going out to a diner and bringing some home.
@suewolf3279 5 ай бұрын
How can prices go up when you're still only feeding two people?
@garychristison763 5 ай бұрын
That part needs more explanation. I haven't been on Amtrak yet. If it's all you can eat, I can see where it's unethical but if it's fixed servings, taking a doggie bag or in this case, a buddy bag doesn't seem wrong.
@suewolf3279 5 ай бұрын
@@garychristison763 oh it's definitely a fixed meal . No such thing as a buffet or all you can eat on Amtrak
@ytcommentor 5 ай бұрын
The third person isn't paying for a meal taking away potential profit.
@CaesarDarias 5 ай бұрын
Why doesn’t Amtrak make an announcement as people are boarding at each stop? “Welcome aboard Amtrak travelers. We have an important announcement. Please remember that you are required to sit in your assigned seats. Any empty seat will likely be filled at the next stop. Thank you and enjoy the ride.”
@munimathbypeterfelton6251 5 ай бұрын
Conductors make announcements politely reminding passengers to keep their baggage off the seat next to them in case a boarding passenger is assigned that seat. Otherwise, they don’t enforce the rule of keeping the seat free and clear altogether.
@barbaraurban9824 5 ай бұрын
I've heard that annoucement plenty of times Also pleas about not putting paper towels in the John
@charlotteryner6583 4 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, you can't fix stupid!
@Carniekelly 5 ай бұрын
@c.d.porter9366 5 ай бұрын
Amtrak focussing on the car will never get increased ridership as effectively as getting the time right. Long delays arent acceptable , minutes are barely reasonable for most travelers.
@himuahmed4741 5 ай бұрын
Let me tell you about something or someone who isn't very STRANGE to these things.
@robertsletten7466 5 ай бұрын
I've been traveling Amtrak on the empire builder between Lacrosse Wisconsin and Pasco Washington for about 14 years.... I have probably made no less than 10 round trips... I find it most of your staff pet peeves, could all be simply solved by them putting forth a little bit more effort in communicating with their passengers.... Car attendance are generally pretty friendly for what you see of them... Conductors on the other hand seem aloof and arrogant... It would seem to me that it should be the conductors or the car attendance job to make sure that the seat for the next coming passenger is open and available by talking to the passenger already sitting in the pair... Not just by sending someone up to confront someone else... As for the sharing of food they paid for it they can do what they want with it... Frankly for what people put up with on Amtrak... Old trains, on freight tracks, waiting for freight trains, and given as little information as possible by staff... It's a fair value until you start buying sleeper cars...
@lindamcneil711 5 ай бұрын
We have had so,e really great service with Amtrak… the only thing I have see. Was another staff, dinner staff, who humiliated a woman who was celiac after the staff assured her she would be able to eat her meal. The scene was horrible. The rest of the staff noted it and really worked with that poor woman. So for the mast part, that was the worst I saw in Amtrak.
@miragexl007 5 ай бұрын
The sharing the meal with the third person isn't costing them money... It's still just two meals paid four through your sleeper. I used To think of bringing two small daughters on... In a roomette. But knew they wouldn't care for that so didn't but I don't see a problem if you can do it.. And then just buy them next to meals. I see the point of all this stuff. Except for the sharing of your meal with a third person in coach, if you don't eat it all. Not being wasteful for one thing,
@mistiinseattle 5 ай бұрын
Except they are probably ordering more for the meal than they would have actually eaten.
@tubers8444 4 ай бұрын
You’re completely clueless
@Homer500 3 ай бұрын
Your older videos used to be very scenic. I now understand why you are recording from your motel room. Amtrak windows are too dirty.
@Stormbrise 5 ай бұрын
As an neurodiverse person, there were two seats empty on a train until the second to last stop for me. I have just gotten off a full plane in the middle seat and I was overwhelmed, and barely functioning. I am sorry, but I sat in the two seats, and then when the person came on, I went to the dining car until I got to my location. Asking me to sit at a window seat with someone in the aisle was beyond me. This conductor was in no way accommodating, instead he sat up in the front of the car flirting with a girl who was not interested in him instead of doing his job. So, I happen to disagree. he could have rearranged the seats for my disability but he was in fact too busy and was an arse to me.
@sswan9689 5 ай бұрын
Riding in coach cars, I CANNOT stand when people hold a whole conversation and act like they are in their own little world or they are at home. And the cussing & swearing you hear. SMH!!
@lordw9609 4 ай бұрын
Here we go again... more pet peeves from these people they're complaining about others. If staff don't control their train, post signs, have clear policies, there's going to be confusion. This is on Amtrak not the passengers.
@jones203 5 ай бұрын
I violated #1 a few years in Business Class. It was a limited stop run, my stop was next. They had everybody crammed up front, with plenty of empty seats in the rear. The attendant came in and harshly told me she had a group coming in and to move. I complied, but no group came in. Then two conductors came in and searched my bag, while she kept asking me "who was that woman who saw you off." It was a tense trip. I think it was retaliation because i was on a free ticket from a previous bad trip (complaining in a letter).
@RepublicanJesusthe2nd 5 ай бұрын
People are assholes. It shouldn't take a massive imagination to figure out how to behave in public no less a Amtrak train!
@VAHelix 4 ай бұрын
Amtrak doesn't mind you bringing food on board, so do so and pack a meal. Yes, they paid for the meals, but decorum and etiquette are a thing. Your meals are included, but you wouldn't think it okay for someone to eat with their hands. You could, but it wouldn't be a pleasant sight.
@munimathbypeterfelton6251 5 ай бұрын
Geeze, anyone who brings their own personal cooker onboard a sleeping car is the most entitled SOB! Amtrak provides all of its meals to sleeping car passengers FREE OF CHARGE and the dining car menus have become much more receptive to people’s allergies, gluten-free diets, low-fat content, etc. And besides, you’re traveling! Trying new/other food is part of the experience! Unless you are staying at an Airbnb in which case you are welcome to cook your own meals.
@patcheslee7317 4 ай бұрын
Trains with flex dining can't have meals altered. Not all the food is free and only includes breakfast, lunch, dinner. If someone wants something else they have to purchase. I'd been told to bring a travel kettle for hot water because the dining car isn't always open.
@phskin 5 ай бұрын
Sounds as if if all of these are subsets of an entitled citizenry today having no empathy toward fellow passengers and staff. The attitude permeates most areas of our lives these days. Folks don't mind ruining situations for other to either simply 'get theirs' or get something for nothing. Eventually, AMTRAK will be required to employ Rail Marshalls meaning the cost will go up - all to protect everyone.
@boyziggy 4 ай бұрын
Omg really? They’re not even Amtrak employees and they’re making it their business who I invite into my own roomette and who I share my dinner with? I love riding Amtrak because it allows me to stay well clear of intrusive creeps like this! People who pretend to know what’s best for others rarely actually do. It’s a disease being so obsessed with how strangers behave. I’m disgusted by these people. People should learn to mind their own damn business!
@RadioRich100 5 ай бұрын
Plenty of oreo cookies on those trains? I wonder what his mother thinks?
@sukarichristian9039 5 ай бұрын
Maybe not drive the staff crazy but, for sure drive me crazy: a person talking overly loud (and maybe using foul language), on the phone.
@ecstasycalculus 5 ай бұрын
And then those who play music or videos off their phone without headphones...........what makes you think that's okay?
@pheorat9439 5 ай бұрын
People that use the speakerphone feature is my pet peeve. Too many people out there think that they have to share their telephone conversation with the rest of the world.
@scrappytracy5557 5 ай бұрын
That is a huge reason why I get a room whenever possible. Some people have no idea of courtesy to other passengers.
@na195097 5 ай бұрын
I always try to sit in the Quiet car. Loud talking and crazy children are the worst.
@sunandsage 4 ай бұрын
I confess One of the Times I was on a train that I was seated next to somebody And we weren't being vulgar or anything but we were shooting the breeze till late at night. He was drinking a little bit but I wasn't. Neither one of us was really watching the time and I suddenly looked around and noticed everybody was trying to sleep. OOOPS! I just told the guy everybody's trying to sleep and we need to shut up for the night and he was cool about it and I apologized profusely to the other passengers that were anywhere near us. I think that's the worst thing I've done on a train.
@carolanncoursey26 5 ай бұрын
When I was five years old my Grandmother and I took the train from Detroit to Los Angeles in 1952 and my most vivid memory was having French Toast for breakfast after using a “finger bowl to wash my hands with the help of the porter! That started my love for train travel that has continued to my taking my children on several trips!!
@barbhawkinson659 5 ай бұрын
Reminds me of my first train ride in the early 60s when my aunt took my sister and I from Seattle to Chicago. I was 4 and the thing I remember was her little bag that had bananas and Hershey bars in it 😊 I love trains to this day.
@aaronhill443 5 ай бұрын
My grandmother took me on my first train ride when I was 3 back in 1982 from Cleveland to Seattle. One of the best trips of my life. It took 20 years for me to get on another one, but since then I have taken Amtrak about 40 times as well as 2 European trains. My mother used to mention how back in the 50s and 60s, my grandmother would take her and my uncle as they were the only two kids born at the time from Cleveland back to Alabama.
@squalli1297 5 ай бұрын
Things have changed since the '50's when travelers were respectful & had manners. Today there's more emphasis on safety than service.
@elaineburnett5230 2 ай бұрын
I rode the train with my Grandma...she had a picnic basket for us to have fried chicken and potato salad...I was about 9..I loved trains after that.😊
@cogitoergopun1406 4 ай бұрын
Leaving children unattended in the family bedroom. I was in a roomette next to the family bedroom. The two adult women left their four children (age range about 4 to 12) alone. The children were screaming, throwing things and literally bouncing off the walls- they were literally out of control. I asked the sleeping car attendant if she could do something about the noise and when she found the women drinking in the cafe car, she told them to go back to the family room and control their children. The women came back, loudly berated the kids for getting the moms in trouble, told them to behave and went back to the cafe car for more drinks. Five minutes later, the kids were back at it. This cycle repeated twice more. Finally, the car attendant got the conductor who a) told them that I was being relocated to an upstairs roomette and the one I had been in was out of service and they were being charged for it and b) if they refused to pay for the out of service roomette OR there were any complaints from other passengers, the group would be thrown off the train. The car attendant later told me the women were drunk, belligerent, uncooperative and the family bedroom had been trashed; the group was removed from the train at a small town stop in the middle of the night.
@elaineburnett5230 2 ай бұрын
Wow that was a lesson.
@NancyTarquinio 5 ай бұрын
Entitled passengers yelling at the staff.
@mholtebeck 5 ай бұрын
I've never once thought "Gee, the attendant doesn't have much to do." I'm always amazed how much they do.
@audrarichards103 5 ай бұрын
The restrooms can get bad. I usually carry cleaning supplies
@inaclowder9240 5 ай бұрын
You guys are such great role models for good behavior that I thought of you when I took a trip to Montreal. As you have noted before, the bathroom in coach was a bit messy with used towels on the floor and the trash bin overflowing. I took it upon myself to pick it all up and jam it well down into the trashcan. My experience on trains is the mess tends to snowball. A towel tossed into the sink clogs the drain. The next person uses the sink and it fills up and sloshes over the rim and onto the floor. Then the floor becomes muddy, and the cuff of your pants picks up that mud and you can't wash your hands. And so it goes. So, thanks for reminding everyone to do their bit to make the ride nicer for every rider and for every staff member. It makes a difference. We need the reminder to initiate the change we'd like to see.
@joepavia4205 5 ай бұрын
My favorite incident involved a southbound trip on the Coast Starlight. During the night, one passenger decided the seat wasn't comfortable enough, and chose to sleep in the aisle! The staff stood around him at three am trying to wake him up. You have to admire them for what they deal with.
@katherinec2759 5 ай бұрын
In fairness, I have spent a night on the coach floor also. But I used the area in front of our seats (we had seats at the front of the coach, so there was more room), and I was doing it because I had a fussy 9 month old who didn't want to fall asleep in the seat. Still, in some ways it was more comfortable than the seat.
@youtubeuser5424 5 ай бұрын
People these days are such entitled, rude, pieces of shit, that care about no one but themselves, and have zero common sense or common courtesy for anything or anyone. at some point just because your parents didn’t teach you any of that as a human adult that’s no longer an excuse.
@juliebedford454 5 ай бұрын
Yes 100% agree
@midlifetravelers6151 5 ай бұрын
I watched to make sure I wasn't doing anything to annoy staff. Whew! I'm off the hook. I have had nothing but great attendants and staff. A few years ago, I was coming back on the Empire Builder from MT to Chicago, and the train was 24 hours late. I spent, unplanned, Christmas day and evening on the train. The staff was so accommodating, they were even giving free food away to coach riders. I'll ride again in a heartbeat. Thanks for your posts. They have been so helpful.
@stephenkehl7158 5 ай бұрын
I think the free food if the train is X hours late is standard policy. Last summer, I had two different trains that were both coincidentally seven hours late. I got complimentary stew on one and continental breakfast fare on the other.
@midlifetravelers6151 5 ай бұрын
@@stephenkehl7158 I'll take it!! Lol. Best.
@simonagree4070 5 ай бұрын
Wow, I've never done any of that stuff on a train. Pro tip #1: If the train is delayed, you are not the only one being delayed -- so is everybody on the crew. Pro tip #2: If the crew can detect smoking in your room, they can certainly detect cooking. Pro tip #3: One of the single most important things to bring is a thermos -- you don't have to constantly bother the staff for coffee or tea. I recommend a wide mouth bottle for ice, too.
@venusfly1323 5 ай бұрын
I seen a man raise hell getting on the train because the Conductor made him pay for another ticket. Then he was touching a little girl inappropately. The crew called the Sheriff and the took him off the train.
@passionbow1 5 ай бұрын
I liked this one ...took my first Trip from Cleveland to Lancaster last year ...thinking of doing another one soon 😊❤ Some people really need this ..following the rules written or unwritten just not thier thing . Have a little class people ..🌼 golden rule
@SuperDave30 5 ай бұрын
Someone try to cook their own food on a train? That’s crazy same time it’s beyond prohibited 🚫🤦🏽‍♂️
@flysolo100 5 ай бұрын
#1 is disturbing. So many people so afraid of one another that they can’t just say, “Hey there, sorry to bother you, and maybe I’m wrong, but is this my seat or yours?” Then show the person your friggin ticket, like you need their help. Non confrontational, but effective. Strange world.
@thatrandomguy8124 4 ай бұрын
I don't think its afraid so much as lack of caring enough when there's a good seat right behind and/or not wanting to trouble the staff to deal with it when they can take this perfectly good seat and bother nobody.
@snowangelnc 4 ай бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. I can understand maybe one or two people that are too timid to point out the seat assignment on their ticket, but the entire train car? Then there's the idea that they can solve it by taking another empty seat. What exactly do they think is going to happen when the person assigned to that seat shows up? Can these people not think more than one step ahead of what's right in front of them?
@lelandrogers1078 5 ай бұрын
Sadly, too many people view staff as servants. I've ridden 5 different Amtrak trains and the staff every time was wonderful. Did have one grumpy conductor on the City of New Orleans, but not really a problem. One trip to Chicago I sat next to a woman who said she was very uncomfortable sitting next to an older man so I swapped seats with my daughter.
@scottfw7169 5 ай бұрын
Guess he might have been grumpy from having to keep track of the other two conductors and those twenty five sacks of mail.
@jerseypup 5 ай бұрын
I have no problem speaking up if someone is in the assigned seat I paid good money for, and I don't need the conductor unless they refuse to move. It's called having a conversation, more people should get their heads out of their phones and learn it.
@catreader9733 5 ай бұрын
@jerseypup, I like your viewpoint; but apparently you have not yet met a belligerent, combative person, who goes into his overblown response on first contact, before a conversation can even be started. Too many of them out there. They're frightening and even dangerous, so I look and listen for cues, before I initiate the polite, civil overture to open the conversation.
@timbacchus 5 ай бұрын
What I want to know is who's Teddybear is that in back?
@PiggyPat 5 ай бұрын
Most of it is just rude people. My big "I can't believe you did that" thing is people who rest there dirty, nasty shoes on the seat opposite. Can the attendants or conductors kick the people off the train?
@randall8379 5 ай бұрын
They put their feet on the wall in the Sightseer Car!
@munimathbypeterfelton6251 5 ай бұрын
Attendants and conductors can only kick people off the train if passengers of sorts are violating the noise ordinance onboard, are verbally abusive to their fellow riders and train staff, ignore the rules of etiquette after being asked to abide by them multiple times, or if they otherwise prove a threat to the safety and well being to everyone and everything on the train in any way whatsoever. Unfortunately, unsanitary passengers are not asked to clean up their act at all.
@suewolf3279 5 ай бұрын
Bring an oven mitt with you and you can place your curling iron or straightening iron inside it so it won't burn or melt something else in your room or your suitcase
@phronsiekeys 5 ай бұрын
Maybe you should do one of these for things that staff do that drive passengers crazy! I'll start 1.Conductors and car attendants who disappear except for when they are onboarding and collecting tickets, especially the ones who don't bother to come through and tell you the exit car when you're getting off the train in the middle of the night 2. Staff who don't enforce rules (like no vaping) because they just can't be bothered or want to avoid conflict 3. Staff who don't seem to notice that the PA system in a car doesn't work so passengers can't hear the announcements 4. Conductors who walk thru the cars with their VERY loud walkie-talkies turned on, even in the middle of the night
@deesalkelly3069 5 ай бұрын
well the $$ I saved on tipping - I now can spend on myself.....winner winner
@jamesthompson3099 5 ай бұрын
Amen. I'll add that to my list above.
@miragexl007 5 ай бұрын
Lol. I agree.
@davidjackson7281 5 ай бұрын
Get real. That's ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with vaping, ever.
@fw7993 5 ай бұрын
.....and there is so much more. So glad you commented. You would think it would be easier for the attendants to be pleasant and helpful. My husband and I are generous tippers when we receive the basic service.
@thetrainhopper8992 5 ай бұрын
I was talking with our Sleeping Car Attendant and they like low maintenance passengers, but not so low maintenance they think you died. Our Attendant had someone who literally went into their room and she didn’t see him again until he got off the train. They want to know you’re doing alright, but kind of go with their flow. So if they’re going to dinner, it’s ok if you’re not ready for bed. We were thanked for that. Since she could take her dinner and know at least 1 room didn’t need help.
@bobbaker2414 4 ай бұрын
former OBS employee when I was an SCA my policy was simple if your door was open I would stop and chat for about 30 seconds If the door was closed I would continue my trek throughout the sleeper car ease peasy
@draggonsgate 5 ай бұрын
After my first long trip, where I saw the hat the car attendants do, I have a set proceedure now. I let them know that once my room is set for sleeping, leave it. I'm more of a couch flopper than chair sitter anyways, so it's more comfortable for me, and no, I will make my own bed, thank you. Being a smoker, I also set my alarm for late night smoke stops instead of having to have the attendant wake me up. It might be small, but it's one less thing they are asked to do. And for the love of all things holy, tip your attendant! Especially if you request "extra"...
@misdesixtysix8255 5 ай бұрын
I'll be taking my first train trip in sleeper car, how much do I tip and to whom. Naperville to Newton
@kathleenhudson8429 5 ай бұрын
@@misdesixtysix8255if I am in a sleeper car, I usually tip $5 per day. (I give it to them as I disembark, not each day.) I don’t always tip coach attendants unless they did something extra for me. That is the policy I was taught a longtime ago.
@loopbraider 5 ай бұрын
@@misdesixtysix8255 Allie and Rob have a video on that if you search on their channel. I don't know how far apart those stations are but for only one person for one night I would think $5 or $10 would be plenty (?) depending on how far you went/ how much they did - brought meals or not etc. Double for two people. It's your attendant that you tip, there's only one per car and they will be right there when you are gettting off, that's the time to give a tip.They definitely work for it, bringing food al the way from the dining car, keeping the bathroom clean, dealing with bedding and with bags, letting you know when meals are, when to get off etc etc.
@GaryWard-b8d 5 ай бұрын
I really enjoy your channel.
@CheMechanical 5 ай бұрын
Good information, thanks. The only thing I disagree with is that two people eating 2/3 of meal each technically does not increase the cost of the food for others unless you’re thinking of it in terms of lost revenue from them buying their own meal at the café.
@snowangelnc 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. It would make sense if people were feeding an extra person from an all you can eat buffet, but when it's a set meal why would anybody care? It's not as if they could take the rest back to the kitchen if a person doesn't finish it. Would they complain if a person doesn't happen to finish the food and they leave the leftovers to be thrown away instead?
@the-chameleon 3 ай бұрын
@@snowangelnc I think they're paid by Amtrak to discourage this
@Campnkel 5 ай бұрын
Don’t show up early for dinning car reservations , wait until your time is called!
@sugarcookiecube 5 ай бұрын
Love your insights about Amtrak train travel. However, I am rethinking that bucket list train trip. 🤔
@Gh0stRider 4 ай бұрын
Dealing with those who talk loudly/on their phones in the Quiet Car! Also, those who watch videos with no ear buds.
@nncadi1 5 ай бұрын
Unsavory? No that’s tacky.
@haroldmakara7178 5 ай бұрын
I hate when people sitting in coach keep their feet out in the isle.
@janewillard3794 5 ай бұрын
Decades ago there was a book written by an Amtrak attendant of many years experience that encouraged the rotating through of a 3rd person.
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