7 Boss Fights You Could Accidentally Make Even Harder

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Final Fantasy Union

Final Fantasy Union

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@KaminoNeko Жыл бұрын
The most memorable 'make this harder through stupidity' moment for me is the first time I played the original game. I didn't realize you could visit Bahamut and have your classes upgraded, so I did the final dungeon with a fighter, thief, black mage, and white mage. I did eventually take down Garland, but there was a lot more 'fail, grind, retry' than there should have been.
@dungeonscrew491 Жыл бұрын
My favorite example of this is definitely Ozma in FFIX. Equipping things that made you resistant to certain damage types would make him not use moves that use those damage types...meaning if you decided to become resistant to his main damage types, he'd start using doomsday frequently, which even at level 99, has a chance to automatically kill anyone
@DMaster8686 Жыл бұрын
Also unless you do the sidequest you basically can't even touch it
@badassoverlordzetta Жыл бұрын
You can go immune to doomsday with dark absorb. The danger is that ozma stops using doomsday and spams Meteor instead lol. Similarly, leaving one character vulnerable to Lvl 5 Death and one character vulnerable to lvl 4 Holy significantly weakens the boss.
@felipebisi4145 Жыл бұрын
Same can be done with Zodiark on ffxii
@callmeshaggy5166 Жыл бұрын
Ozma's gimmick is that it reads your party, and also uses 1 of any of its I think 8 moves at any time.
@Veladus Жыл бұрын
I hate Ozma so much. He's pure RNG. You can go in with the perfect setup and strategy, and if the RNG decides he's going to school you with his most powerful attacks, YOU. ARE. FUCKED. You can go in totally winging it with a party that shouldn't be able to lace his boots, and if the RNG decides he's going to suck then you're going to own him. He's the only superboss in the franchise like this.
@tommyfraz. Жыл бұрын
Honorable mention to boss fights with party members you ignored for most of the game 😂
@XxXAlexAutopsyXxX 8 ай бұрын
FFX Khimari for sure
@johnvendettiri 6 ай бұрын
THIS!!! hahaa
@arutirauland Жыл бұрын
For Final Fantasy IX, I was thinking about Ozma who would be immune to melee attacks and absorb dark if you haven't done the friendly enemy sidequest, or would stop using elemental attacks if the entire party absorbed those elements. Or Valia Pira who can get weakened by collecting bloodstones. Or Kuja who is a joke if you can absorb lightning, but starts spamming Flare Star if the entire party has Reflect. I didn't even know about Soulcage going on a rampage if you hit it with fire, that's kinda cool.
@tellumyort Жыл бұрын
I think an honorable mention is the 1v1 fight with Wiegraf in FFT. My very first playthrough I was more fascinated with the generic character job classes and did not focus on Ramza except for story battles where he was mandatory. Before fighting Wiegraf there is a normal battle outside the castle and a subsequent save before being forced to the 1v1, where you can change classes and equipment but no longer do random encounters. So if Ramza is under leveled, and you only have the 1 save file directly before Wiegraf, it is possible to have a game killing situation where Ramza is not strong enough to beat Wiegraf by himself and there is no way to make Ramza stronger, and the only option is to start a new game.
@Turkeybatr Жыл бұрын
I had to cheat tactics to beat it lol.
@seand7042 Жыл бұрын
​@@Turkeybatrhow did you cheat?
@ethanstates884 Жыл бұрын
@@seand7042have ramza be a monk or be a squire with monk abilities. Have him just yell and accumulate until he has 50 speed and 50 attack. Use chakra to heal while wiegraf goes after you, and then when maxed out, take him down. The stats transfer to the zodiac boss too, so ramza can easily 1-2 shot the zodiac boss with it.
@seand7042 Жыл бұрын
@@ethanstates884 oh you mean in game exploits yeah monk breaks the game the longer a fight goes on
@The_Ragman Жыл бұрын
Hell, the rooftop after this is just as nightmarish if you're unprepared
@DavidRYates-tk2tq 10 ай бұрын
Bizarro Sephiroth also has hidden mechanics which have something to do with amount of turns Jenova takes during her final fight which make the fight harder by making you use multiple parties instead of just one.
@SchlossRitter Жыл бұрын
Zodiark from XII came to mind on reading this video title. If you equip everyone with Dark absorbing equipment then it spams Darkja. The damage is of course absorbed, but the attack has a secondary effect of highly accurate instant death. Also, like many bosses, Zodiark begins battle with some buffs, but there's a trigger in its combat script triggered by using Dispel. Late in the fight besides when it always uses Paling to become immune to physical damage for some time, which has a very short window when it expires before it's activated again, if you've used Dispel then it also uses Magick Barrier to also become immune to magic.
@ademasdanjuro Жыл бұрын
Holy!, that explains why I never beat him when I was a kid, then when I was a teen, I did all of those things, so that’s why he oneshooted my party… interesting
@dirrdevil 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, Zodiark is made much easier by just blitzing him. Shell, Bubble, Haste, and Berserk with a few Holy Weapons. Its HP is nothing.
@Gh0stChannel Жыл бұрын
FFIII is the only real and nearly impossible challenge that can also make you lose a lot of time since there is no save point in the last dungeon originally. Even if Sephirot and Ultimacia get boosted if you are maxed, you are too strong at that point to even care, and they can still go down pretty easily.
@TheBlackSeraph Жыл бұрын
Having beat the DS and Famicom versions previously (back when the only way you could play FF3 was by fan translated ROM), I didn't think much of the CoD fight. Recently picked up the PSP version, and oh boy did I feel the pain of effectively doing two dungeons back to back, take out all dark crystal bosses, only to die on the final boss.
@Nazuiko Жыл бұрын
Right. KotR does something like 130,000 damage if you have enough stats to hit 9999 on each hit right? So 80K hp means nothing
@Jester_Jean Жыл бұрын
yeah I always fight Ulti at 100, more fun that way
@kerjectroter3761 11 ай бұрын
All 7 of the bosses listed on this video, I made the boss battle not by accident but on purpose. I really like a good challenge for theses games to be a more enjoyable and memorable experience. I still remember fighting the Omega weapon in FF8, I accidentally made it easier by using Selfie the end. I was lucky, that time that was in 2013.
@noyoucantnoicantnowecantsostop Жыл бұрын
Idk if it counts, but in FFIV (3D remake, PC version at least) there's a certain element that heals Scarmiglione and i HAD NOT noticed it and was starting to get suspicious that this fight took longer even for it to be low-level mages-friendly. The damage & heal text color in this game is hella dangerously similar with dark red-brown & dark green, I'm glad that in any other version or continuation it's fixed.
@michealforguson5317 13 күн бұрын
As I recall, the rematch with the Four Archfiends inside of The Giant of Babel, they can absorb the Light Element, making Holy a useless endeavor and a waste of MP.
@rustycalloway1814 Жыл бұрын
My favorite example of accidentally making boss fights harder is from FFX. If you leveled up Kimari before his solo fight against the other two Rhonso they leveled with him. Honestly, I maxed him completely out along with the rest of the characters and that one fight took almost 4 hours to complete.
@Mavuika_Gyaru Жыл бұрын
Exactly why I only level up Kimari for steal then I never touch him 😅
@dirrdevil 7 ай бұрын
Never had that issue myself. Most people complain about neglecting Kimahri and the fight being hard for that reason. I usually make my Kimahri a general grabbag, get Steal and Use, pick up some other abilities on the way to Auron's Sphere Grid, Lancet every Fiend I encounter first. But then again, Seymour Flux at Gagazet was always easy for me too. People struggle with this, but when I get to the Calm Lands, this is where I really start the post-game grind and tasks to make the party tough.
@rustycalloway1814 7 ай бұрын
@dirrdevil it wasn't necessarily a hard fight it took forever due to them each having more hp than most of the creatures of the monster maker (can't remember it's official name right now)
@karasutsuki1733 Жыл бұрын
I was hoping the Desert Palace in FF9 was gonna get mentioned, the mechanic with the boss getting weaker the more items u find was awesome, but if u happen to not find a lot of them, the boss isnt weakened much
@ThundagaT2 Жыл бұрын
Surprised you didnt mention the mechanic in Ultimecia's fight where your characters get absorbed into time if you dont revive them fast enough. Do this enough times and you can be left with two or just one character left. On top of the fact that if you take too long in the phases after the first, she starts blowing away your magic stocks, if she happens to pick a spell that was critical to your build such as HP, Attack, or Spirit, then you may end up being screwed
@SomewhatSlightlyBored Жыл бұрын
the first time i fought her i was down to just squall in a never ending loop of attack and recover each turn, this lasted nearly an hour after she drew the ultima magic i had junctioned to my strength. eventually i just got bored and decided to chance a limit break over a recover and it beat her.
@mesothelimoa341 Жыл бұрын
​@SomewhatSlightlyBored I was left with Rinoa on critical health so I kept spamming limit break, fortunately she kept using the one that made her invincible followed by her more damaging ones and refreshed he invincibility whenever it wore off. It was a long and tedious process but I got there in the end.
@Treafa7 Жыл бұрын
What a great list! I didnt know about most if these. I am surprised FFX wasnt included. Powering up Yuna makes the fights against the Aeons much much harder.
@ShenMerrick Жыл бұрын
Indeed, topping out Yuna with max stats makes them rather vicious.
@NutInMyCrosshair Жыл бұрын
I haven't finished the video yet, but same with khimari, the stronger he is, the stronger the other 2 ronso are too
@notmousse Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's a win button for most of the game, so they had to give it to you in the end.
@dethkruzer Жыл бұрын
I mean, by the point you fight them, you're under a constantly renewing auto-life. So while yes, they might be made more powerful, it would ultimately just take more time to bear.
@ShenMerrick Жыл бұрын
@@dethkruzer True, and I remember thinking that was super lame for the ending. Basically might have well has made it a cutscene if you are going to make it impossible to fail.
@juancarloang Жыл бұрын
My personal entry to this list would be the Riovanes Castle rooftop fight in FF Tactics. Depending on the jobs or characters you have available, the character you're supposed to protect may go charging towards the enemies, who just happen to have touch-of-death attacks. You can get a game over screen without even getting a turn.
@matthewlandoll7812 Жыл бұрын
I hate when that happens. But if you place the same units in different spots when preparing for battle, it affects the AI and what choices it makes. Did the battle with the same team in a different formation, had Rafa get killed before I took a turn the first try, then they left her alone the second try.
@giannis8568 Жыл бұрын
Sephiroth's final form can also be more powerful than he already is, if the player is unaware that he has to use the ''De-Barrier'' materia to lower-up his defence towards magic, since if he doesn't use it, Sephiroth will receive less damage during the fight!
@StarfieldDisarray Жыл бұрын
In the SNES version of FF4 enemy speed is calculated relative to Cecil's, this means that if you have a very high level Cecil then the already fast Zeromus would feel *even faster* making the fight considerably more overwhelming.
@RedSpade37 10 ай бұрын
This is especially egregious in certain romhacks of FF4 (such as FF4: Ultima Edition), so much so that if Cecil's speed stat reaches too high, certain bonus boss fights become impossible. On the other hand, equipping Cecil with special speed-lowering equipment makes these bosses much easier. It's a night-and-day difference. I couldn't believe it, especially since FF4 is a game I've played numerous times over the years, yet never knew about the speed stat situation, until I played Ultima Edition last year. Wild stuff haha
@AubreyTheKing Жыл бұрын
It's small details like this is why I love the Final Fantasy games!!! Great video you guys!!!
@matthewlandoll7812 Жыл бұрын
I recently did a job challenge run of FF7 where I restricted each character to only certain materia and equipment relating to a particular job. I fought Sephiroth at L99, and to my surprise, I actually lost because he was hitting like a truck and I was barely damaging him. I had to go back in and actually strategize what to do with my party in order to win. It was rather fun.
@steveoconnivo9666 10 ай бұрын
I kind of always play ff7 with role restrictions 😅 I've always leaned wayyyy more into roleplay than min/maxing so I don't usually end up with the strongest versions of characters. But I don't mind lololol
@theuncannyalex 10 ай бұрын
the two that spring to mind for me are Evrae and the Rhonso Twins vs. Kimhari, both from FFX. if you've not been building all of the characters then you can really easily be punished by both
@TheMegaPingasMobile Ай бұрын
Ronso twins scale on kimahris level. The fight is actually easier if you don't level him up at all
@andrewheitz2328 Жыл бұрын
Thought for sure yunalesca would make the list, if you thought it was a goof idea to clense zombie off your party, but I guess that doesn't so much as make the fight more difficult, as it does end it very suddenly lol.
@Knuckx117 6 ай бұрын
yeah, I wouldn't really call that 'making the fight more difficult', but more of a 'gotcha' moment.
@All_I_can_say_is_Wow Жыл бұрын
Biran and Yenke scale with Kimahri in certain aspects. I only learned this on ps2 with gameshark...To be honest it wasn't super hard but it made for a very epic battle. Especially if the circumstances around that battle hit hard for you personally. Edit: also especially if you've been walking through easily with cheat codes until this point 😅
@thechevyreverend Жыл бұрын
I remember that as a kid, my fight was literally more like a war of attrition at that point. It was one of the reasons I stopped cheating in games for a number of years - old habits die hard, haha.
@Turkeybatr Жыл бұрын
I never used kimahroi on my first play. I managed to beat them. However I only used tidus Auron and Yuna (and a freshly leveled kimahri). Got wiped at spectral keeper
@All_I_can_say_is_Wow Жыл бұрын
@@thechevyreverend I know what you mean but to be honest I really enjoyed that battle. That's why I still remember it
@Hushoo Жыл бұрын
FF8 also has an arguably harder fight if you're going through the game casually for the first time and ignorant of the level scaling mechanics. By not reading a certain "Timber Maniacs" in Shumi Village, a dream sequence fight against a Ruby Dragon in disk 3 becomes much harder as it allows the monster to use its "Breath" attack. The thing is programmed to only use this attack at higher levels and only if there are 3 active party members.
@prismdrone3475 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to FF7 i didn't bothered with grinding to level 99 but i did bother into source farming and duping them for max stats.
@zorohibiki Жыл бұрын
aeronite from lightning returns is also a boss that can be made harder if it is guided to a chaos infusion
@mattsully2238 Жыл бұрын
Ff7re i had elemental lightning on my regular attack during hellhouse. That made everything so... so much harder than it needed to be
@saltyk9869 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, after that first run, I've learned to put Elemental in my armor with either fire or Lightning to reduce damage instead.
@mattsully2238 Жыл бұрын
@@saltyk9869 I'm glad I wasn't the only one
@lordsnia2152 Жыл бұрын
same here............
@Voldrim359 11 ай бұрын
Did you guys had trouble? I just had the 4 elements so i can stagger faster and Focus Thrust the heck out of him
@masteroflight7296 Жыл бұрын
in lightning returns on Day 7 or later the Noel boss can also be made stronger and turn into Noel Kreiss + the final boss Bhunivelze can be Bhunivelze+ but only in new game +
@qxz9p Жыл бұрын
I had no idea about the air buster. I chose the M unit because I didn’t know what any of those things would do :(
@paulhiggins6433 8 ай бұрын
When I saw the thumbnail, Soul Cage was the first thing that popped to mind for me. I remember the first time I played FF9 and got to him. I didn't know Phoenix downs would work, and assumed he was weak against fire. Boy was in for a surprise. He wrecked me. Took me forever to figure out how to beat him the first time. But that'll always stick out in my mind as one of my favorite bosses because of how he reacted to the player's actions. And I just found out from this video that using ice on him would put the fires out. I didn't know that before! Honestly, I think that including Cloud of Darkness, Air Buster (FF7R), and something like Ozma shouldn't be considered as the player has to actively weaken them. For CoD and Ozma, weakening them are technically side quests. Skipping the tasks to weaken them is completely possible. For CoD, the four boss fights are optional though highly recommended. For Ozma, doing the friendly monster quest is potentially missable if you aren't careful. And with the FF7R Air Buster, you can literally choose to do nothing and fight it at full strength. Fighting something at it's base power instead of weakening them shouldn't be considered for the purposes of this list, but it could be a good topic for it's own video.
@tomfrost6049 10 ай бұрын
I had no idea I made every single boss battle more difficult for myself with the one exception being the Air Buster in FF7remake. I stole EVERY damn AI unit possible lmao i wanted a dumb machine and wondered why the fight was so easy.
@samuelspencer2078 Жыл бұрын
I have played 7 many times and choose to fight Safer Sephiroth in his hardest form. My first time through I did every thing right and was disappointed when the fight seemed so easy.
@WombatMan64 Жыл бұрын
I was really expecting to see Materia Keeper (FF7) on this list. If you'd collected Vincent by this point, and didn't realise that A: his level 1 limit break, once activated, simply continues to deal massive fire damage each time his turn came around, with no way to end this without dying; and B: Fire heals Materia Keeper. Yeah. That killed me back when I first played it. Fortunately there's a save point just before the fight, so I was able to change up my party and try again; much easier without Vincent.
@RogueSeraph Жыл бұрын
That happened to me when I was a kid but as soon as I saw him heal Materia Keeper with his beast flare, I immediately killed him to revert him back to normal.
@ayakotami3318 Жыл бұрын
Happened to me too. Oops. 😅
@KrowsGraveyard Жыл бұрын
In FFII Dawn of Souls, I removed all of the spells from the powerful mage at the beginning of the game, and in the post game when he returned, I had to fight solo with him without his spells because of my decision lol.
@kikook222 11 ай бұрын
I beat Airbuster in FF7 in like 20 seconds. I did my limit breaking on his back and then hit him in the back when he countered Cloud and he died.
@NuevaBestia Жыл бұрын
Damn remember when Hironobu Sakaguchi's true boss fight was doubling their initial print run of Final Fantasy I from 200,000 copies to 400,000 copies? Remember when he went as far as showing his work to other companies to convince Masafumi Miyamoto and the others in order to do extra damage? If Sakaguchi didnt win that boss fight, we might not have had any of the bosses in this video.
@iLuminarious Жыл бұрын
Yuuuuup! I was one of those players that lvl'd all party members to 99 on ff7 and was left scratching my head on why he was still a challenge. Had no idea about the alterations until years later.
@RockerDanM Жыл бұрын
I ended up with the Knights for Safer Sephiroth, lit the Soul Cage on fire, and was in the high 70s when fighting Ultimecia. The only one of the fights I remember being a nailbiter was UItimecia where I was lucky enough to have Selphie get The End while she was the last remaining party member.
@sinned6us Жыл бұрын
Same with me when first played ff8
@Turkeybatr Жыл бұрын
That's actually incredible lol
@TheBlackSeraph Жыл бұрын
What makes FF8's levelling system more devious is that the level cap is 100, meaning that any max level character basically HAS to junction 100 Death spells to protect against Lv.5 Death (used by Omega Weapon).
@DarkFrozenDepths Жыл бұрын
Not talking about a Final Fantasy game, but I've seen that happen in a few role playing games. One of note is Wild Arms 5 where on a 2nd playthrough, having characters at a high enough level will make the final boss have basically stats that push it into the 2nd highest HP pool of any enemy party. Stuff like that is uncommon, but still more common than you'd think.
@geofff.3343 Жыл бұрын
I feel so proud. I beat Ultamecia with all level 100 party members. Basically I saved every invincibility granting item, stocked everyone but Squall with aurora and had Squall go to town when he got in the fight with Lionheart over and over again.
@Malacite Жыл бұрын
Surprised Ozma wasn't included - he actually has 2 dickish things he can do. The first is if you equip a bunch of immunities to the status effects he can inflict, it will make his AI cast direct damage spells more frequently instead. The second is using Quina's Magic Hammer - while on paper it's a good idea, in practice what ends up happening is he starts stealing the party's MP to recover. One last thing I wanna add is levelling up in FF6 - grinding for XP before getting Espers (especially the later ones) can actively make the rest of the game MUCH harder as you will have missed out on significant stat increases.
@veghesther3204 Жыл бұрын
Not really even in the PIXEL remaster I got the first espers like at lv 50 to lv 60 and still did 9999 per Ultima spell on ALL But Cyan at lv 99 so FF6 is still a joke.
@Malacite Жыл бұрын
@@veghesther3204 how TF did you hit 50 that early into the game? More importantly WHY ?
@Voldrim359 11 ай бұрын
@@Malacite Grinding can do wonders
@AlexOvTheAbyss Жыл бұрын
I feel like Supernova is FF7 is mostly iconic for how long it takes lol
@MasterAngelification Жыл бұрын
Definitely the tree boss from FFIX! I never realized the difficulty spike was because of the fire magic despite playing the game multiple times.😂
@hedges1001 Жыл бұрын
I always liked that you can kill him using life and landing any other attack
@Godoflegos Жыл бұрын
For me, it was made worse by the fact that I didn't fully understand how the skill system worked, and by the time I had, it was no longer possible to get equipment that taught "Scan"
@Eternalwarpuppy Жыл бұрын
I wonder how many people accidentally met the conditions to remove Indalicio's limiter in Star Ocean 2. Doing so changes him from a battle that is challenging if you are around level 90 to a battle that expects you to be maxed out at level 255 to even have a chance.
@PyrenKir Жыл бұрын
we'll find out rather soon with the remaster now won't we?
@Tocat-l4r Жыл бұрын
I can't even focus on the video with those great FF arrangements on piano
@spacepan Жыл бұрын
I had no idea that Sephiroth got stronger if you used Knights of the Round. That's goofy
@Bravale Жыл бұрын
As a kid playing FF8 back in 2002(I was 10), I noticed that enemy levels were always the average of my 3 party members. My favorite characters were Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine and they were maxed at 100 but the other 3 were level 50. Well Kid me, challenged Omega Weapon and lost numerous times and then eventually beat it with my maxed team. Later I revisited the game later in high school and it dawned on me, I beat Omega Weapon at Max! I could have used Quistis and Zell at level 50 with my 100 Squall and beat it with much ease! What the heck!?? Anyway, well personal achievement to know that 10-year old me beat Omega Weapon with maxed 100 characters.
@Kartissa 6 ай бұрын
Omega Weapon is always level 100 in FF8 in the original PlayStation version.
@Bravale 6 ай бұрын
@@Kartissa I never knew that trivia. Thank you, I looked it up. I am just recounting from my memory
@seanrhodes8817 Жыл бұрын
The thing about Final Fantasy VIII, though, is that good junctioning almost makes the level scaling obsolete. I've always found it kind of silly to say, "Final Fantasy VIII gets harder as you level because the enemies level up with you..." when your level is actually quite insignificant in the long run. Final Fantasy VIII's core engagement is the junction system, and once you learn it well, you can actually make Final Fantasy VIII among the easiest Final Fantasy gaming experiences out there. This means as you junction and level up, your enemies have to level up... to keep up with YOU, not the other way around. You're too strong, so the enemies need a boost to have a fighting chance against YOU. They may become "stronger" but rarely--VERY RARELY--are they actually becoming harder. Final Fantasy VIII is extremely straightforward in this regard. Your level matters so little in the game that each level only requires 1000 EXP to level up because there isn't much that leveling does for you in the game. They want you to junction. If you junction well to HP, Str, Def, and Spr, then Ultimecia is merely an enemy that has a lot of HP, but hardly any devastating attacks. Ultimecia gets stronger... but not really that much "harder." In fact, most players likely won't even notice a difference. This is doubled by the fact that you can far more easily manipulate your stats even at level up by equipping abilities that'll give you certain stat bonuses. I was hoping to learn of another way for Ultimecia to gain strength, but it's kind of cop out to continuously say, "the enemies leveling up with you in Final Fantasy VIII makes the game harder!" That's simply not true. What makes the game harder is failing to understand and/or make effective use of the junction system. That will trip players up far more than the enemies leveling up with them. All of this is compounded more by the fact that Final Fantasy VIII's limit break system allows access to limit breaks when HP is low, with no gauge or anything to monitor it (or just casting Aura). Once down to around 30% HP, you start getting limit breaks, and it's not hard to have someone's HP hover there. The point is that making Final Fantasy VIII takes time because it's one of the games in the series that gives you far more tools than you actually need to be nothing short of a beast to your enemies. Including the Final Boss.
@DarkFrozenDepths Жыл бұрын
Yeah, FF8 was the one exception to the "enemies getting harder if you're too strong" rule. Square wanted to try something different at the time honestly. It's just that a lot didn't take the time to figure stuff out.
@vashuchiha117 Жыл бұрын
Add devour and you can max out most stats as well. Or exploiting the time you have control of Siefer to power level at Dollet to get higher level magic early game.
@dannystuivenberg1195 Жыл бұрын
When reading the title of this video I immediately had to think of Wendigo from FFX. It's accompanied by 2 Guado guards, and if you have the bright idea to kill them first in order to focus on the Wendigo, they cast Protect and Shell on it before going down. Wendigo is already pretty powerful in its own right, but now you have a beefed up behemoth to take down
@RoySamuelClark Жыл бұрын
Jeez, I remember fighting the Cloud of Darkness on my DS and getting annihilated so hard that I started to call her the Cloud of Dankness from then on
@veghesther3204 Жыл бұрын
the DS/PSP remake even the NORMAL final dungeon enemies are brutal at least in the PIXEL remaster the CoD only attacks ONCE a turn even if it still Spams Particle beam BUT on the PIXEL remaster all 6 games have Auto Saving/Quick saving which in FF3 is a blessing.
@RoySamuelClark Жыл бұрын
@@veghesther3204 very true! That place messes you up. I am unfamiliar with the pixel remaster, but that does sound like a godsend
@manuelito1233 10 ай бұрын
I was young when i faced against the soul cage, i fucking got hard stuck fighhting against it that i stopped playing lmao Needless to say, i fought it another day when i was older, finally beat it and the game was great the rest of the way
@DC-FGC Жыл бұрын
The only one from this list I did was Atlas in XIII-2. I noticed at one point that you could try to fight him without triggering that one mechanism, but that he was pretty much undefeatable if you do so the first time through. So I went back after powering up some more and beat him pretty easily, getting the Paradox ending. I actually got a lot of Paradox endings, and eventually beat the game. The one thing I never figured out was how to actually fight in that arena place you can fly to pretty early on. Anytime I went there, there was nothing to do, but I read on forums where people were fighting in it. I got frustrated, move on to other games, and never bothered figuring it out.
@devilbringer1102 18 күн бұрын
The arena was a dlc
@DC-FGC 18 күн бұрын
@@devilbringer1102 Oh, gross. It really shouldn't have been so prominently featured in the main story then. What a tease.
@devilbringer1102 18 күн бұрын
@@DC-FGC The arena is only featured for like 5 minutes in the story
@vashuchiha117 Жыл бұрын
In Resident Evil 5 Lost in nightmares, you lose all your weapons as Chris in Jill in the Spencer mansion. Just before you fight Wesker you are supposed to pick up a handgun that you can't accidentally miss. Since some games had scripting to always makes sure you have what's needed in a boss battle no matter what I thought that this might do that so me and my friend ignore picking up the handguns. On the hardest difficulty in the game where 1 hit takes you into dying mode with less than a second of a window for your partner to heal you. We spent nearly four hours fighting him as the checkpoint starts at the fight so we couldn't go back for the handguns unless we restart the whole mission, that we'd been at all night by that point just to get to the fight. We only had knives and reaction commands as a way to fight a the superhuman close combat Wesker on the hardest difficulty.
@BabusGameRoom Жыл бұрын
I used a gameshark on my first go at FF7. I used an experience multiplier, and got my characters to level 99 very early on. I never found KotR, but the buffs to Safer Sephiroth are the reason why I never beat FF7 as a kid.
@chaoticcrazy Жыл бұрын
This is awesome.. the last time I played FF7 OG, I had 4 characters at lvl 99, and had Knights of the round at Max LVL, plus 2 mimic materia at max level, I didn't even realize he was harder, I just had the max level KotR used, then spammed mimic by the other 2 lol
@ryanchurchill5081 Жыл бұрын
I had tifa be surprised and fast kotr from master summon materia then a limit break killed him.
@TheDarkFuryKnight Жыл бұрын
Actually hoped to see that horse transformer from ff13, it felt impossible to fight against, I haven't played the game since a long while so I can't say if it was an age thing
@SaveriaLP Жыл бұрын
In ff8 the machanics of ultimecias castle should be mentioned as well. Because they could make the fights significantly harder the fewer seals have been broken and therefore more options are locked out
@VinlandicSoul Жыл бұрын
Damn I forgot about being able to buff Safer Sephiroth via Jenova; I should try that. I recently did a playthrough and I nuked him with Tifa’s limit breaks with Yuffie’s Doom of the Living to round it out
@sethyuikora2 Жыл бұрын
I remember not being aware of Emerald Weapon's scaling mechanic for Airetam Storm for a literal year. Because you obviously want to go in with as many materia as you can fit on your character right? I just had no idea how to avoid or reduce the 9999 damage burst consistently. I found out that he dealt a multiplier of 1111 * (the number of materia equipped on the character) and beat him within 2 tries. I had been farming the submarine enemies for stat-boosting items and AP for an uncomfortable amount of time.
@Black217 Жыл бұрын
Just starting the video. Hoping to see the final Jenova/Sephiroth battle on here from the OG FFVII.
@davids2977 Жыл бұрын
My first play through of FFVIII was in 2002 or 3. I jumped in, learned how to junction and went in a grinding spree per the JRPG norm. If I recall correctly it took me three weeks and a broken controller or two to beat Omega and Ultimacia. I’d get so pissed off at it that I’d rather do homework for college than play the game. But I finally did it, with maxed out characters and general luck. Lol
@danjbundrick 21 күн бұрын
The fact that sephiroth already gets stronger in his cannon appearance based on the strength of the party, it's crazy to me that he can literally be beaten in one hit in Crisis Core.
@RealNikoPlush Жыл бұрын
Oh, the FF7 State of Play description is used
@wanaan Жыл бұрын
I want all of these contents with FF adjacent games included! Like Bravely, etc.
@MrEvilbyte Жыл бұрын
Golem (and the Golem Twins) from Chrono Trigger definitely count. It starts off using it's physical damage moveset. Where it alternates between using an attack which halves your current HP, and an attack which will flat out one shot you. The trick is that using an elemental magic spell will change it's moveset to that element. The elemental magic movesets are WAY less dangerous. And that's without using tricks like forcing it to use elements you're protected against. Or alternating different elements to reset it's ATB bar, so it rarely even attacks.
@codyholley Жыл бұрын
Chrono trigger isn't ff so no it doesn't count....
@Khalith Жыл бұрын
Even with her scaling, ultemicia isn’t that tough because of how broken the combat system is. Aura and the Zell combo was my go to back in the day. It didn’t matter what boss you fought.
@fluffybacon Жыл бұрын
The scaling was only a problem for peoplethat didn't know the game. If you didn'tknow that 95% of your strength cames from junctioning then you'd assume your character strength came from levels like all the previous games. As such you'd end up at high level but super weak and essentially just spamming your GFs for damage.
@Hero-of-Midgar Жыл бұрын
Guard Scorpion in FF7, because of the mistranslation asking you to attack when its tail is up, missing the words DO NOT in front of attack 😂. Also Jenova Life could count, very difficult if you hadnt grinded a bit, unless you equip the Water Ring on someone which makes it essentially unfailable.
@DJackson747 Жыл бұрын
Huh didn't know or notice that sepiroth got buffs for doing certain things, considering I went out of the way to to max the party's levels/stats they still chew through his hp pool like nothing
@whitethunder9064 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for telling me how to beat Soulcage and what NOT to do! I'm about to start a Final Fantasy 9 run, and I don't want to accidentally make the game hard.
@Bulbonius Жыл бұрын
I never use phoenix downs/life/elixirs on undead bosses because it feels cheap. Theyere usually some of the strongest boases at their stage in the game. I will totally use cure though.
@Mastabacc Жыл бұрын
8:30 No wonder why he felt harder than I'd imagine. All my characters were max lvl, max stats all summons everything. I made sure I did everything I wanted to do before beating the game.
@noobdude5933 Жыл бұрын
All FF13LR chapter bosses power up after a certain amount of days, even the final boss powers up if you unlock the hidden bonus day. (if i recall right)
@fernandozavaletabustos205 Жыл бұрын
Wow this is is a very interesting list!!
@glennbriggs6490 Жыл бұрын
"enemies lv as you do". The way to counter this was to keep your lvs low, UNTIL your GFs unlocked abilities like str bonus, mag bonus etc. Etc. This way, along with other methods as well, you could boost stats to 255 and thus not need to rely on the junction systems. Furthermore, you could erase lesser GF abilities once you'd learnt their higher tiers. This helps empower you even further, making being lv 100 a beneficial boon. One last handy tip for final fantasy 8, squall has 255% hit naturally, meaning blind status junction & hit junctions are pointless for him.
@Kartissa 6 ай бұрын
I give Squall hit junctions for completeness, and for the few times you shift to Laguna, who doesn't have 255% hit.
@groudonvert7286 Жыл бұрын
I would add Bhunivelze+ to the list.
@RPsj Жыл бұрын
Actually almost every boss in LR has an upgraded form, except for Caius, which is so badass he does not need an upgrade 😂
@groudonvert7286 Жыл бұрын
@@RPsj Well Bhunivelze+ is much harder than the normal form.
@RPsj Жыл бұрын
@@groudonvert7286 I know, I even intend to replay the game on hard mode someday just to face him, I wish every final fantasy had the means to upgrade the final bosses, it would make the experience even better
@gargervon8697 Жыл бұрын
I immediately thought of Valia Pira from FF9, with the Bloodstones, when I saw the title. I never tried to fight Cloud of Darkness without the Warriors of the Dark. Is that even possible to win? XD
@regenbogenvoorkelly Жыл бұрын
Ultimecia was a breeze at level 99. Even Omega was doable. The fights that i still have nightmares about regarding FFVIII battles, were the ones with the Malboro Tentacles. Of course i tried to junction all the status weaknesses, but that wasn't foolproof against a lvl 100 Malboro. it mostly came down to praying Odin would show up and straight up kill the beast, because i had about a 30% chance of winning the encounter, and i needed its items for Quistis' ultimate weapon.
@saltyk9869 Жыл бұрын
And Doomtrain. Can't forget Doomtrain.
@soultpp Жыл бұрын
You know, I honestly don't remember those pesky tobacco plants as being that hard. Annoying sure, but as long as my party was immune to berserk/confusion/petrify and maybe sleep, I don't recall it as being that terrible. Besides, if all you wanted was the tentacles and you were already LV100 yourself, a single Lv Down would cut the cigarette breathed shrub down to Lv 50 and still have it dropping it's best drops. But of course all this is knowledge you may or may not have had at the time since it's kind of in retrospect, so perhaps that's why you struggled more? Or maybe I'm forgetting something about the fights after all these years. That's definitely possible with my aging brain. 😅
@SteveRudzinski Жыл бұрын
Didn't Safet Sephiroth ALSO get more HP every time you killed Bizarro Sephiroth's head? Or did I make that up?
@ayakotami3318 Жыл бұрын
It's reduced actually by 100 HP. BUT if you defeat JENOVA Synthesis with Knights of the Round he gets an extra 80,000 HP.
@paulbolger6218 Жыл бұрын
FFX and Yu Yevon using your own Aeons on you? The stronger your aeons, the harder the fight!
@Veladus Жыл бұрын
No? It's purely a story battle. You have perm. reraise. The only possible way to lose that battle is if you get petrify, and the enemies don't do it so you'd have to do it to yourself. Braska's Final Aeon is the final boss, everything after is just an interactable cutscene.
@Mavuika_Gyaru Жыл бұрын
​@@Veladuseven against the aeons? I thought only against Yu Yevon you get infinite raise?
@TheMegaPingasMobile Ай бұрын
What... yu yevon is not even a fight
@jackylee5850 Жыл бұрын
Are we forgetting about Yiazmat, and how it can hit your team with reflectga then proceeds to bounce a renew spell off them to fully heal itself, essentially resetting the fight Or something basic like equipping more materia makes Emerald weapon hit significantly harder with Air Tam Storm, have 9 or more and it's instant death
@demonkingt Жыл бұрын
both bizzaro and safer sephiroth get bonuses based on your stats. bizarro gets similiar boosts based on stuff such kotr versus jenova beforehand.
@georgehouliaras7239 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of bosses. Chaos! Let's mug him.
@blindaim Жыл бұрын
I levelled my characters to max 100 in FF8 without knowing enemies scaled together. Just played normally and I don't feel any boss is very hard except Omega weapon. Just need to spam more Hero Potion and a bit of luck with Omega weapon.
@FalloutJack 10 ай бұрын
Ah yeah, umm, I did set off the tree, yeah. I still won, but I really should've seen coming that I'd set fire the battleground I'm standing on, and that that would be harmful to me. Cloud of Darkness' method of defeat is, by the by, also the way things were done in Xenogears against Deus. By removing Deus' four functioning parts, you remove one of his abilities and a chunk of his HP. People still took on Deus at full strength, and probably did same the Cloud of Darkness, but I am basically saying Square sometimes reuses certain methods of play. Safer Sephiroth can be annihilated before he goes Super Nova if Cloud, Barret, and Cid unleash Level-4 Limit Breaks at least once. This was done with everybody at the max level, and the Knights of the Round bit wouldn't make any difference when you consider just how much Omnislash, Catastrophe, and Highwind hit when your characters are truly strong. FF8's entire system was a mistake. I went through that whole entire game, and I didn't like a single thing about it. It was just a bad game.
@MidnightWonko Жыл бұрын
I intentionally leveled to 100 on all characters in FFVIII, and still Ultimecia was something of a pushover. I knew well about enemy scaling with party level, but clever stat junctioning overweighed that.
@RinJackson Жыл бұрын
First thing that came to my mind wasn't from a Final Fantasy game, but from Star Ocean 2
@DOC_951 Жыл бұрын
My answer was the FF7 weapon when you try to fight it without the breathing apparatus
@celestialstar6450 Жыл бұрын
Emerald Weapon - brutal even with the ability to breathe underwater
@veghesther3204 Жыл бұрын
it takes 25 minutes MINIMUM to KoTR its 1 million HP so you MUST remove its timer.
@WombatMan64 Жыл бұрын
@@veghesther3204 Mug glitch allows you to kill him pretty quick. I've seen it done but not done it myself, so can't tell you exactly how it works.
@Zhortac Жыл бұрын
The boss of the Fanatics Tower in FF6 can fit here. Depending on your magic grind, he can be not to hard, or so hard you might as well bend over and die. And the only cheese strat that works is berserking him, but he also phsyicallt hits pretty hard, even if it makes the fight super easy. But imagine playing it back in the day, no real internet, so no way of really knowing
@srhg6300 Жыл бұрын
i beat the damn thing back in the day by casting rasp over and over. my plan was that he'd have no mp left to cast ultima, but it turned out that getting him to 0 mp killed him directly.
@Zhortac Жыл бұрын
@@srhg6300 probably where they got the idea for the second fight with the Zombie Dragon in FF6A, where it wouldn't die until it had 0 mp
@LordPegasusBudda Жыл бұрын
lightning returns had a glitch when I played it that on the 2+ playthrough the final boss was hard difficulty regardless as to my settings
@gqphoenixclops3056 Жыл бұрын
I firmly believe Cid from FF13 should've been insanely more difficult rather than a Status Ailment machine.
@m1ss1ngxn0 11 ай бұрын
forgot if you level to 99 and run into a group of red chocobos in FFT - literal boss fight
@hemrainsford6920 Жыл бұрын
I had no idea there was a device to weaken Atlas in FFXIII-2... 😅 So I beat him at full power.. It was fun though!
@dragonprinceHP Жыл бұрын
I was waiting on the Ultimecia fight mentioned as so many people I see level up in FF8 and I'm like NO you're just making it hard on yourself lol
@TheBlackSeraph Жыл бұрын
Although not the hardest boss fight in FF history, Final Fantasy X's Yu Yevon definitely deserves an honourable mention. In the final fight, you summon every Aeon you have in order for Yu Yevon to possess them and you then kill them to force Yu Yevon out in the open. This means that getting any of the game's optional Aeons prolongs the final battle and forces you to fight against stronger Aeons.
@Squall0506 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but you have permanent auto life so it's not actually harder just more time consuming On a side note YuYevon is vulnerable to zombie strike so you can actually kill him in 2 moves, zombie strike then toss a phoenix down at him
@TheMegaPingasMobile Ай бұрын
??? You can't even lose that "fight", only difficult part of it is not falling asleep
@doujin2610 Жыл бұрын
Surprised not to see FF7's Ancient Temple wall guardian boss in there. I had to reset my very first walk through because I managed to get to it at too low a level to possibly beat it. Made the mistake to use you the save point provided before you go into the fight: at that point, you only have access to the save point room - which is enemy-less, meaning you have no possibility to level up in order to make the boss defeatable. Nightmare.
@callmeshaggy5166 Жыл бұрын
You can fight in the room you fought the Red Dragon, the 6 o'clock room where one of the clock hands is fixed.
@corran1189 Жыл бұрын
I had that problem in the beginning too on my first playthrough
@iaxdy9822 Жыл бұрын
Damn I've played FF9 so many times since it released and I never even knew Soulcage cast a spell called fire blades.
@Metalhead8489 Жыл бұрын
in FF8 if you keep the magic lamp and not use it until you are high level you will face a very powerful Diablos that will kick your butt. i accidentaly did that when i first played the game as a kid because i didn't know that enemies scale with your level
@veghesther3204 Жыл бұрын
Not really I used it at lvs over 30+ Drew Flare/Holy off of it and when BLINDED most of its physical hits will always miss and its Gravija spell can never kill you so with 1 HP left Gravija doesn't do any damage.
@Metalhead8489 Жыл бұрын
@@veghesther3204 he had questionmarks as level and health when i scaned him, he was max level probably. He 1 hit killed me with his swipe attack, keep in mind i was a kid around 10-11 i didnt know much about the game.
@spydermag5644 Жыл бұрын
Soulcage… I just accidentally beat this boss without even trying. Vivi took the first hit and was almost dead. I had Dagger case Cura on him while he had reflect ring on him. Soulcage died instantly. 😂
@Phatboino1 Жыл бұрын
6:33 a 900% stagger point ouch
@HildagardeGaming Жыл бұрын
I can add a couple to this list that caught me completely off guard when I played. In Final Fantasy 2, when fighting The Emperor at the end of the game, I thought it would be a good idea to use Osmose on him in an attempt to remove some of his magic based weaponry. It worked, however The Emperor was also equipped with Blood Weapons and proceeded to start one shotting party members while healing more HP than I could strip away. FFV superboss Omega was also one that could be made tougher based on builds. Omega's coding had Counters built in based on each Attack it received, either hitting with Rocket Punch to cut HP in half and inflict confuse, or using Circle to erase a party member from existence. One of the optimal boss killing builds, utilizing Ninja Dual Wield and Hunter X-Fight or Rapid Fire, would result in Omega countering Eight times per use of this setup, guaranteeing him to start erasing party members.
@beechteeth Жыл бұрын
I remember running into Omega like this for the first time and feeling like a fool.
@neobullseye1 Жыл бұрын
That first part is actually a really good strategy. You just have to make sure to also cast Blink on your own party with a good enough Evasion%. This will cause the Emperor to only be able to use physical moves, but miss with every single punch :D .
@HildagardeGaming Жыл бұрын
@@neobullseye1 Fair, but imagine the surprise when Osmose works, but not expecting his clapback XD
@HildagardeGaming Жыл бұрын
@@beechteeth Same! I ended up Powering up Bartz with Chemist Mix before having him go in for a Bolt3 Infused X-Attack after using the Kiss of Blessing bug to Berserk Omega.
@BryGuyJohn Жыл бұрын
Is that Cloud of Darkness fight technically possible? Like as a challenge boss?
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