タイムスタンプ / timestamp 00:01:14 開始 / start └ 00:01:22 いつもの口上 / usual speech ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ~ 7 days to die ~ 00:02:23 合流出来てないみこめっと / micomet, who hasn't been able to join us yet └ 00:03:33 これは何をするゲームですか? / What is this game about? 00:07:10 22時(夜)になりました / It's 22:00 (night)! ├ 00:10:15 ゾンビに追いかけられるみこち / Miko is being chased by zombies └ 00:11:35 すいちゃんの暴言タイム / Sui-chan's rant time 00:14:55 4時(朝)になりました / It's 4:00 in the morning. 00:15:06 すいちゃんと合流! / Miko meet up with Sui-chan! └ 00:22:54 こっちの世界線は胸が大きい?すいちゃん └ Does Sui-chan have large breasts in this world line? 00:25:36 支援物資を取りに行く / Micomet goes to get relief supplies. ├ 00:27:38 パット入り・・・? / Padded...? └ 00:27:55 F [1回目] / F [1st time] 00:29:41 テント見つけたので暴言タイム / Micomet found a tent, so it's rant time ├ 00:30:50 【悲鳴】きゃぁっ!? / [Screams] ├ 00:34:12 最近イキり散らかすようになったみこち / Miko's been on a rant lately └ 00:37:34 のび太!? / Nobita!? 00:38:27 2日目の夜 / Night of Day 2 ├ 00:39:08 F [2回目] / F [2nd time] └ 00:41:00 すいちゃんに確信を突かれるみこち / Mikoti is convinced by Sui-chan 00:46:19 3日目の朝 / Morning of the third day ├ 00:49:46 マネちゃん!? / Mane-chan!? ├ 00:56:32 F [3回目] / [3rd time] ├ 00:57:04 F [4回目] / [4th time] └ 00:57:50 F [5回目] / [5th time] 01:00:06 パット入り・・・? / Padded in...? └ 01:04:14 でじるの缶詰!(※出汁:ダシです)/ Canned Dejiru! (*Dashi: soup stock.) 01:09:52 3日目の夜 / Night of Day 3 01:17:39 4日目の朝 / Morning of the fourth day ├ 01:18:58 すいちゃん最後の言葉あるぅ? / Do you have any last words, Sui-chan? ├ 01:20:03 トレーダーハウスに向かう / Head for the trader house └ 01:23:06 最近雪山行ってないよねって話 └ Talk about how we haven't said anything about snow mountains lately 01:23:50 トレーダーハウス到着 / Arriving at the Trader House └ 01:25:13 倉庫を見せてもらえるか(※在庫:ざいこです) 01:27:44 拠点決定 / Decide on a base 01:35:09 町を探索したい / Want to explore the town └ 01:37:38 町探索開始 / Start exploring the town 01:41:21 4日目の夜 / Night of Day 4 └ 01:41:36 F [6回目] / F [6th time] 01:49:06 5日目の朝 / Morning of Day 5 ├ 01:49:24 トレイダーのクエストをする / Do the Trader's Quest ├ 01:55:40 日寄ってるやついるぅ!? / Who's stopping by for the day? └ 01:59:12 ちんつうざいって、ことぉ!? / I mean painkillers! 02:04:34 マシンガンを手に入れたみこち / Mikotchi gets his hands on a machine gun └ 02:09:29 F [7回目] / F [7th time] 02:12:38 5日目の夜 / Night of Day 5 └ 02:20:18 F [8回目] / F [8th time] 02:20:43 6日目の朝 / Morning of Day 6 ├ 02:24:05 何かを食べてるみこち / Miko eating something └ 02:33:19 F [9回目] / F [9th time] 02:36:58 7日目の準備をする / Getting ready for day 7 02:43:58 6日目の夜 / Night of Day 6 02:51:53 7日目の朝! / Morning of Day 7! ├ 02:52:30 すいちゃん言い残したことあるぅ? / Sui-chan, is there anything left to say? ├ 02:59:06 すいちゃん博士 / Dr. Sui-chan └ 03:02:50 F [10回目] / F [10th time] 03:15:24 7日目の夜開始 / Night of Day 7 └ 03:20:50 フォード終了! / Ford's done! 03:23:17 8日目の朝 / Morning of Day 8 03:23:25 みこち燃える / Miko burns 03:24:15 ED ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー いつも、いいねやコメントを有難うございます / Thank you for all the goodies and comments. ご活用頂けてたら幸いです / I hope you find it useful. ※ご意見、ご要望はTwitterにお願いします / If you have any comments or requests, please leave them on Twitter
ビジネスフレンドしか勝たん❗ >3:22:10 *They were happy and all but then the chat told them that the level was lowered cuz they Rip a lot MiComet : ..Well...now now~.. おつみこめっと~
I just give idea about GTA5 Online Hololive RP server, because i saw many have GTA 5 streaming I se own gta RP own server, special RP, you add building you want some place, make same as GTA O , buy and sell own property, and can roleplay job, own house or shop, the original elemant can wabt still or not is up own GM self
@プルりん-o8m Жыл бұрын
@あかり-r4l Жыл бұрын
@gaki08 Жыл бұрын
@sugar85833 Жыл бұрын
@SOU_GETU1205 Жыл бұрын
@ぴかちゅう-l2s Жыл бұрын
@akiyas69643 жыл бұрын
@dsdsdsd76673 жыл бұрын
d===( ̄▽ ̄*)b 顶
@加藤和良-b6c2 жыл бұрын
@animebaka20103 жыл бұрын
@デレステの民3 жыл бұрын
@exceedgod3 жыл бұрын
Scream Collab. So few viewers. It's already canned. Gen 0
@exceedgod3 жыл бұрын
It's like trying to find a scene for yourself. Size list of Gen2's favorite seniors EN doesn't even have a name for himself in it, which is funny. Who is going to like someone who is not full and can't speak clearly? act immature