急急急!Sos! ccp military police attacked the Chinese University of Hong Kong to control the Hong Kong Internet Center, please spread quickly. Helping the international community to support Hong Kong people in defending the freedom of Hong Kong Internet positions......!!!!
@老九-i3u5 жыл бұрын
美美的我只能為你們納喊了,我也有無力感。fight for freedom,stand with HK’s young people,we never give up.
Ming Tomorrow 胡耀邦在毛泽东去世后,参观了毛泽东的“菊花书屋”。他看到满屋子的书里没有一本马列著作,全是一些宫廷争斗的历史书籍。他感叹的说:说搞共产主义,结果被骗了几十年。老百姓如果知道我们的历史,一定会造我们的反!现在,历史真像正一点一点的披露出来。江老师就以《历史的今天》使我们了解了很多历史的真相。正常思维的人都会在这些历史故事中了解真像。当然那些不愿意正视历史的人,就让他们继续睡吧,贻害的是他们的子孙。
@XD-zo9vo5 жыл бұрын
@@民公-v8wwho the fuck give a shit to a system that doesn't work until there is a AI that is absolutely fair(which by the way may result in some futuristic film where the robots are trying to kill the humans)