Not gunna lie but since I’ve been living to drill I think the coldest line I’ve ever heard was ( I’ll even drill his kids ) cold 🥶🥶
@808Efe11 ай бұрын
"I ain't no rapper, I'm a driller that raps, there's a different meanin'" 🥶
@andrewsamson960311 ай бұрын
@@808Efe the other bit I liked was was when he started popping off I’ve done it with axe done it with a ramz 🥶
@LloydyBoii11 ай бұрын
When he list what he used and where. Thats the best feom all the plugged in imo@andrewsamson9603
@LloydyBoii11 ай бұрын
This is brazzy. Original was 🔥. But you done well here. +1 sub
@808Efe11 ай бұрын
thanks bro i liked original but i dont think it was enough
@LloydyBoii11 ай бұрын
@808Efe it wasn't cb type of beat. Same as SJ's but you got a good one here. Gunna be walking ya channel on me amp soon .glad to stumble across this page.
@AlexanderMatos-cc6fi8 ай бұрын
Need more cb stop geefing the the idiots the goid beat give cb